Love in the age of bullshit
It can be so hard to get people to think beyond the surface. Who can blame them? I mean who has the time?
As just one example, people keep admonishing me about 'wasting' my vote by voting for Jill Stein. She can't possibly win, right?
If you confuse cultural clichés for your own thoughts, are you really thinking? How much of the bullshit we are constantly fed should we believe uncritically? It pays to question things in the bullshit festival our culture has become. With propaganda raised to an art form and a corporate mass media that has wormed its way into our shared consciousness, you can't go wrong questioning things and questioning them deeply. In our profoundly sick society, liars are well paid and truth tellers shunned, if not killed or hunted to the ends of the earth. This whole society is full of shit. The conventional wisdom is almost always wrong...and it gets shoveled at us 24/7. It's easy to see how so many people end up swallowing it.
We must stomp out terrorism (as opposed to co-opting it and ceasing to create the conditions for it)
We must make war on the world (as opposed to leading it to peace)
We HAVE to vote for Hillary (as opposed to doing something useful and morally defensible)
No vote is ever wasted – not if it's counted. And certainly not if it's honestly counted. Because then it will be recorded and can be referred back to. It is a matter of the historical record and will say something to future generations (assuming there will be future generations who care about history). The point is, it says something.
I know that's not as sexy as having a person who claims to be on your side in the seat of power, having 'your team' in control, but dissent matters too. Especially when people are being slaughtered all over the world, including in the streets and jails of America because of OUR status quo.
Elections in a democracy are not equivalent to sporting events, not a game, not a horse race. You don't have to be on the winning team for your vote to count. Not in a real democracy anyway. If you vote, it counts. Or should.
If enough people had been allowed to vote for Bernie unobstructed and if the votes had been honestly counted, he'd have whupped all comers and been elected president. Anyone who doubts that is just wrong. They may or may not be fools or liars, but they are definitely wrong.
But I digress.
Many of my fellow Berners are joining me in voting for Jill Stein, not necessarily because we think she can win, but because we mean to cast a vote that doesn't make us hate ourselves, a vote that sits well with the values and integrity of the Sanders movement at its best. And because, win or lose, our votes will boost the viability of the Green Party, hopefully bringing it from the fringes of American political life into being a real contender, allowing us to finally break out of this two-party prison.
It's an error to think of a president as the government. Presidents are only a small part of the government. They are powerful but their power is limited. What's important about presidents is whose interests they truly represent, who they take their orders from (and it ain't us, we are merely pandered to, manipulated and lied to).
In the USA, both teams report to the same oligarchs. We just tried to change that. We failed. Or more accurately, we let them cheat us out of it.
Our shitty electoral process has degenerated in the present round to a debauched circus that would shame the WWE. Not only is it kabuki, but it's the worst kabuki ever. A glorious reality-tv spectacle staged for the rubes. Trump's the villain of course, but it's all bullshit.
At this point, helping establish a desperately needed third party is more important than which asshole gets to screw America and the world for the next four years.
Peace and love, y'all.

i'm getting the same thing
the slight variation in that theme said to me is that i'm wasting my vote if i don't vote for Clinton. i simply respond that my vote is my vote. people can vote for Clinton if they want to but don't be telling me how i should vote. their opinion should stop somewhere between their brain and their lips.
i don't know quite yet what my next steps are going to be. the election is still months away. i'm waiting to see what Sanders' next move is going to be and if it will pertain to this election. meanwhile, i would like to elevate third party candidates to the debate stage in 2016 but i don't know how to go about that. if it's a matter of polls, i have never once been polled for an election in all the years i've been voting.
I am on a regular survey group and I will guarantee you
that your vote and mine are the same there, so don't feel like you are not represented. Plus, I will listen to the rhythms here with folk I appreciate and reflect that in further poll responses. Call me your poll rep!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
A poster by Vinh Hay
Found at Revolutionaries for Bernie Sanders
From the Light House.
I love it!
If it's available for sale, no monies can be stolen by Clinton?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Welcome Back!
Joining everyone else in saying we missed you very much! Hope all is well with you. We're all still out here in the liberal internet universe, just in different places than before.
"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, take their money and then vote against them you've got no business being in Congress."
I have missed your voice
It is so comforting to see a new post by you. You were my favorite diarist at Kos.
I really missed your work when you stopped posting.
I have pretty much stopped going there - esp. now that they have officially endorsed Clinton.
I visit here and the Progressive Wing and the Reddits often.
Please keep posting here and in those other venues.
Thank you, Bless you and Stay strong.
Welcome, OPOL!
Just wanted to add my voice to say you've been SO missed!
Blessings upon you and yours! I hope to see you here more and more!
Good to "see" you again, among us kindred spirits.
Very nice work here OPOL!
Very nice work here OPOL! Good to see it here! Thank you!
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Word got around
That you were posting here, so I had to come by and see for myself. You were one of the few bright spots at TOP. And now that you're here, it's beginning to feel like home again
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Dear OPOL,
Dear OPOL,
with so many wishing you healing and health, you must be certain of achieving it, so that you can forever continue nailing it to the freaking wall!
And I know you're right because I so totally agree with you!
And thank you especially for challenging people to challenge in turn the ideas they've absorbed through a cultural matrix consisting heavily of propaganda.
Especially now, when so many still seem to be trapped in the two-party trade-off boxed-off scam...
One big boom for each corporate-owned party, which we must not let drag us all off into the hell they're creating.
John Lee Hooker - Boom Boom
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
quote attributed to noam chomsky is incorrect.
it was gore vidal who said it.
Q: Talk about the role of the opposition party, the Democrats.
Vidal: It isn’t an opposition party. I have been saying for the last thousand years that the United States has only one party—the property party. It’s the party of big corporations, the party of money. It has two right wings; one is Democrat and the other is Republican.
great piece, opol
OPOL!!!!!!! So good to see
OPOL!!!!!!! So good to see you posting, brother. With you 100%. #JillNotHill
Missed you, BIG TIME!
Welcome back!
I can not begin to share with you how much I missed you
every photo, every word. Thank you.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Hated having to sign into FB to read your postings...
Btw the news that you are back has excited people over at LDs blog and those that don't regularly visit here are asking that you consider cross posting there too.
Orwell was an optimist
Please let me join the chorus welcoming you back!
Have missed, missed missed you so much!
((((( OPOL )))))
Overwhelming Love and Appreciation
Thanks for mentioning that you were moving to C99% in one of your essays at TOP. If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't be here now. Your essays are always thought-provoking and heartfelt. Ditto your use of images and videos. Hope to see many more of your essays in the future.
Peace, OPOL!
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I haven't read enough to believe "stolen"
What we know is that there were a bunch of shenanigans. We know that few or no courts or election boards were interested in following up on that. We know that the poll results were "adjusted". We know that there are suspicious irregularities defined by brand of voting machine. That is a WHOLE TON of smoke. But it is not fire. What I want is an actual investigation but I'm unsure who could do it.
In addition, per ElectionJustice, the UPPER bound could have swung the election. That doesn't mean she wouldn't have won anyway. Had they said lower bound that would be different.
It all reeks, of course. And to me the damning evidence is in the lack of follow-up. Either way, I've known for a while elections in the US were rigged. Why else would we adamantly refuse UN election monitors?
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
You're here! I stayed at TOP to cover a little of your back as long as I could. Sorry I couldn't take it longer. I'm healing.
great essay and truths OPOL
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
So I'm not the only one who
So I'm not the only one who feels we're living in the Twilight Zone, wondering why people are just going on like nothing happened at all. I can even hear Rod's voice asking the rhetorical question...and...crickets. I make light of it, but I'm angry and frustrated and pissed off at the world. Sorry ;(
Comparing the stealing of the primaries compared to stealing my car...hell, they want a high-end sound system (paid for by me), they want my effing best music, they want me to give them directions to the nearest Democratic-crowning service, all while I'm in the back seat, blind-folded and gagged.
I considered not voting at all, but I think I will cast my vote for Jill. Neve hill. I voted for Nader in 2000 and have been blamed for 16 years. But I can look at myself in the mirror and I can rest my head at night.
Thanks OPOL. Good energy sent your way!
In life, as in dance, grace glides on blistered feet. ~Alice Abrams