Has Bernie Betrayed The Movement? Not If You Were Listening Closely
Many Bernie Sanders supporters are feeling that Bernie Sanders has betrayed his movement and this political moment. I think this sense of betrayal is a fundamental misreading of what Bernie Sanders has said for the past 15 months as well as misunderstanding what it means to be a civilly engaged.
I expected the Bernie Sanders endorsement coming because he repeatedly told us he would do it. Rather than be despondent, I’m filled with a righteous anger and I’m ready to be politically engaged in a way that I have never been before. And here is why: the issues (climate change, criminal justice reform, sensible anti-war foreign policy, stopping TPP, banning fracking, Medicare-for-all, a liveable wage, and free public education) are too important to give up now. Further, the revelations of #DNCLeaks show a monstrous miscarriage of democratic principles and undermining of the democratic process. The Democratic establishment colluded with the Democratic National Convention, state parties, and the mainstream press to sabotage the Bernie Sanders campaign. ( This video below does a great job of summarizing at high level what the DNC leaks reveal ).
As such the American people were robbed of the opportunity of having a free and fair election. There is very good evidence that there has been extensive voter suppression and election fraud in such a magnitude that it changed the reported outcome of this primary. This Democratic primary season was a selection of Hillary Clinton and not an election. If this revelation had happened in any other country the primary results would be invalid and the United Nations and the Carter Center would be calling for new Democratic primary elections.
So given the monstrous nature of what has been revealed why am I not feeling betrayed by Bernie Sanders? Because I have seen his commitment, service and dedication to working families over the years. Bernie’s track record tells us what we need to know. Bernie fights for his principles. But if he doesn’t win-he is pragmatic and tries for the best deal for the American people. For example, he has been a vocal proponent for Medicare-for-all and the public option but when Obama’s health care reforms settled into the Affordable Care Act- Bernie fought for millions of dollars to fund health centers for poor people. It’s that pragmatism that is how Bernie became the Amendment King.
The other reason that I am not feeling betrayed is that Bernie has repeated his theory of political change many times. From his first speech announcing his candidacy in July 2015 he said :
Today, with your support and the support of millions of people throughout this country, we begin a political revolution to transform our country economically, politically, socially and environmentally… Now is the time for millions of working families to come together, to revitalize American democracy, to end the collapse of the American middle class and to make certain that our children and grandchildren are able to enjoy a quality of life that brings them health, prosperity, security and joy – and that once again makes the United States the leader in the world in the fight for economic and social justice, for environmental sanity and for a world of peace…. Here is my promise to you for this campaign. Not only will I fight to protect the working families of this country, but we’re going to build a movement of millions of Americans who are prepared to stand up and fight back.
Bernie Sanders has framed political change in a particular way. He made a deliberate choice to place the term political before revolution which implies the stakes in a political revolution are not life and death. Further, Bernie Sanders was very clear that the political revolution rests on millions of people standing up and fighting back. And that social movements bubbling from the grassroots and the priorities of working families should drive the political revolution.
I think Cornel West has further built on this idea of political change with the idea of an inside-outside strategy that he articulated in this Platform Committee discussion (starts at 01:07:48)
The genius of the campaign led by my dear brother Bernie Sanders is the highlight of a moral and spiritual awakening in a democracy owing its decline to big money. We must both applaud the coming together, but at the same time we have got to keep the focus on the gap between declaration and execution. [applause] >> It is a beautiful thing to be able to come together and put it on paper, but I want to see the practice. That is exactly why no matter how much noise you make, it is not about the noise. It is about your integrity, honesty, longevity, and what that means then is that we still have to have an inside-outside strategy, a movement in the streets willing to go to jail, then we bring the pressure down on the inside to create space for those of us who are elected with integrity.
If our nation is in crisis that can only be solved by a political revolution then we must acknowledge our complicity in allowing our democracy to degenerate. Why did we subvert our logic and always think that Bernie would come to the rescue with a plan that was yet to unfold or that Bernie was playing super secret chess to win the nomination?
Bernie wasn’t playing a secret chess game. The signs were there that he intended to endorse Hillary Clinton even with her disastrous record. In Dr West’s articulation of an inside-outside strategy then Bernie is our man on the inside. Listen very carefully to what Dr West says about inside-outside strategy- it’s the mass movements in the street that make space for the person on the inside to execute the changes we are clamoring for. We need to realize we betrayed ourselves by subverting our will to another politician we wanted to save us- when really we are partners together in the political revolution.
Many Bernie Sanders supporters on social media are very angry because they feel that Bernie Sanders has not defended his supporters or their democratic rights to a free and fair election. While some may acknowledge his speaking out about voter suppression they may feel justifiably upset that he did not go further to address evidence of election fraud. Some supporters speculate that perhaps the safety of Sanders’ family has been threatened or that his political aspirations were threatened by Chuck Schumer and thus Bernie capitulated and “sold out” his movement. They point to Bernie’s use of the term revolution and suggest that if he is indeed a revolutionary then he should be willing to risk life, limb or career for the revolution.
But again I think this is a misreading of our respective roles in the political revolution. If Bernie wasn’t doing enough for the political revolution then where were we? Bernie was clear on needing millions of people to help him push a progressive agenda. Were we protesting against election fraud and voter suppression? Did we stand up and fight back in a way that was equivalent to how much we have been wronged? There is no reason to be upset once we deeply understand the shift in responsibility an inside-outside strategy requires. This a powerful lesson and we should learn from it with clear eyes. If we want our man Bernie to stay on inside the halls of power, then we have to take our roles on the outside seriously and use being outsiders fully to advance a progressive agenda.
No revolution has ever been easy. I have met revolutionaries, who secured independence from England, France and Portugal. These freedom fighters were jailed, tortured, lost jobs, lost family members and suffered for their principles and for freedom and social justice. Bernie has shown us that he can only go so far and should only go so far if he wants to remain our man on the inside. To be an inside man, he has to make the deals to allow him to be an effective player in Washington. The revolutionaries (who will suffer with blood, sweat and tears if necessary) need to take it outside to the streets and show the power of the people. And that’s why I’m ready for grass roots mobilization and true left party building outside the Democratic Party.
We must become the screaming, angry masses that make the establishment afraid. Our person on the inside can then say to the establishment "These people outside are angry and are coming for you. Wouldn’t you rather deal with me and enact these common sense policies I have been asking for? Otherwise, they will be over the walls in a minute and asking for your head".
We need to continue to protest peacefully and show the Democrats that we don’t care who Bernie endorses when our democracy has been stolen from us. The will of the people is for true left policies that are good for the planet and for working people. Those delegates need to be scared and hear clearly that Democrats will lose with Hillary Clinton. They need to see we won’t be herded anymore and that there are consequences to stealing our votes, our voices and that we refuse to fall in line. We need to organize to protect the vote in every precinct across this country. We need to shut down Philly and cities across the country. Every Clinton campaign event must be shut down from here to November and we need to organize for the Greens. That will open up space for the Green Party as well as for reformers inside the Democratic Party. With a true left grass roots mobilization, we can be that outside force in the streets demanding radical change to the more conciliatory role of the inside player. We can be the ones to open a space for Brand New Congress, Bernie Delegates Network and others who seek to reform the Democratic Party from the inside. This is just the beginning of the revolution. But revolution isn’t for the faint of heart. Revolutions don’t happen waiting for someone else to be a leader and come up with a plan or by sitting on your couch or behind the computer screen. We need to stand up and fight for our rights, take it to the streets and not let up until we win. Are you ready?
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---The Political Revolutionary's Toolbook

(No subject)
---The Political Revolutionary's Toolbook
Yesssss!!!!! Thank you!
Yesssss!!!!! Thank you!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Shared to Clinton email Investigation Timeline
more eyes.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I realize he was going to
I realize he was going to endorse her, but I thought he was holding out to get more agreements on appointments, and the platform just isn't all that convincing. That necessitated that the his supporters do the job. It is painful to watch him pushing on them rather than the dnc itself. It is painful to watch him capitulating on election fraud and telling his supporters they must too.
Anyway, my second option was always Stein. I was always skeptical, though I revelled in his successes. I do wish Bernie well however.
Moderation: please avoid ALL CAPS (shouting) titles. Thanks. n/t
Thanks, LL. What is that about, I wonder? EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Its Fixed Now
Original poster here: Actually no shouting was intended. I was writing the piece and wrote my section heading in caps and just transferred to the post when I was publishing without thinking. As to the all caps when quoting West the verbatim transcript on CSPAN was all in caps and I just cut and pasted. I didnt realize it would be such a Thing and would prevent people from hearing the sentiment expressed. So noted.
---The Political Revolutionary's Toolbook
I like the shouting title
This is a "shout it from the rooftops" type message. A call to action.
This is the message we need. Not grumble grumble complain complain blah blah blah stuff. We need to be refocused.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
It’s still very bad manners though
Who doesn’t have a message that they think everyone needs? It’s a kind of aggression. “Me, me, me, listen to ME” — we saw that the other day.
Besides, the ugliness, both typographical and emotional, continues to disfigure the lefthand column every time someone comments.
For those of us who can't read caps lock
because it makes head hurt. Here they are in sentence case:
Use the exclamation mark for the exclaiming parts. Or not. Discworld on Multiple exclamation marks in case you think that helps, it doesn't.
I still read the essay thanks for writing it. The shouting does make my head hurt though.
As to the all caps when quoting West the verbatim transcript on CSPAN was all in caps and I just cut and pasted. I didnt realize it would be such a Thing and would prevent people from hearing the sentiment expressed. So noted. Its fixed now thanks to you since I couldnt find the change case in Word.
---The Political Revolutionary's Toolbook
Now it's time to move on. Thanks.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Manners vs Message
Which is more important?
Normally we stay away from all caps. But now?
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
The Russians did it!
The message doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is... SQUIRREL!
(And pay no attention to the content of those leaked DNC emails, or the fact that their security was so shitty that not only could hackers walk right into their system in broad daylight, but stay for over a year. Evil Putin is rearing his ugly head over Alaska and ISIS is hiding under your bed. We're all going to die, I tell you! DIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!)
The OP is correct. Anybody who's paid attention knows that Senator Sanders had no intention of playing spoiler to the Democratic nominee, even if that person was Secretary Clinton. It is specifically (as he explicitly stated) why he ran as a Democrat. So we all hoped for real change this time and got stuck, yet again, with the Lesser of Two Evils or voting third party. Just like every other election in my friggin' lifetime. Am I happy about that? Hell no! So I will continue fighting on, just as I always have, keeping the dream in sight while realizing it may never be realized in my lifetime.
For those who plan to join the Green Party or start a new one from scratch, I wish you luck. Your courage is far greater than mine, given the fact that a third party has become a major party only twice in American history, the last time being 160 years ago. If you make it we'll not only have a better world for your efforts, you'll get to tell me that you told me so. I look forward to both...
I want my two dollars!
Bernie believes he can rescue the Democratic Party
Most of us here disagree. Maybe Bernie is deluded by his lengthy time fighting establishment Dems. Bernie is not the Lone Ranger in earnestly hoping the Dems will wake up and smell the coffee.
Maybe Bernie is still grappling with a belief in the promise of American democracy. I dunno. Maybe Bernie also needs a wake up call to just how pissed off we really are. Maybe he's simply reached the limit of his endurance. Riding the tiger ain't as easy as it looks.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
"But now?" If not now...
I won't be reading many more bad-mannered messages because they make my head hurt. Thanks. lol when I hit Save there will be more shouting in Recent Comments, at least spare the Subject line.
inside/outside strategy
Let's all do what we can in the way we think is most effective. That means we will employ many strategies.
My thinking always ends up with a corrupt media that distracts, distorts, and deceives. It's hard to effect wide spread change without a voice. Marches, protests, even proof positive corruption does make the news - it's Russia!
As always we'll keep on keeping on.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The inside strategy is what prevents the outside strategy
from working. The Democratic party is an appendage, a tool of the oligarchy. It is where movements are sent to die, where activists are forced to seek alms for the poor instead of major systemic reforms. Bernie Sanders has hurt whatever movement there is by endorsing and fraternizing with the enemy. West is wrong, Chomsky is wrong, the more and better democrats thing is fool's gold. This representative system is not democracy and working within it only serves to perpetuate it.
Further, Sen. Sanders' remaining credibility is damaged by...
consorting with that corruption. When you condone corruption or illegality, you own it. Bernie now owns it big time, by endorsing, even nominating that corruption. Just like BHO owns the illegality of the Bush administration by ignoring and thus becoming complicit with, and thence continuing their war crimes (albeit he probably didn't continue 'torturing some folks.')
The spirit of party serves to enfeeble the Public Administration,
agitates with Jealousies and false alarms, and opens the door to corruption,
which finds access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.
George Washington
Credibility damaged yes. What else is possible from the inside?
I totally see where you are coming from and I wholeheartedly agree that his credibility is damaged with the base. But what else do you think he could do if he wanted to stay on the inside as we created the space for Bernie to execute on a progressive agenda?
Of course I wanted him to say buzz off to Democrats but that's the type of confrontation of activists. Bernie is not and hasnt been an activist for 30+ years. I would have liked to have him preserve credibility which he could have done by calling out election fraud or waiting until the contested convention to endorse. But from news reports it sounds like Bernie was threatened with not being able to speak at the convention, losing his Committee Chair-ships and having all Democrats vote against whatever legislation he sponsored in the future. If I were him and committed to fighting on for another day I'm not sure that I would act differently than Bernie has. I'm guessing to avoid that threat from Democrats and to preserve his standing in the Senate he had to agree to deliver his voters by a full throated endorsement .
To me it points out that Im not really an inside strategy kind of person. I hope folks learn from this moment because we participated in this too. We didnt have the mass demonstrations or create the space for him to behave differently. I also think in June he should have had community conversations with his supporters to listen to the grassroots and maybe feelings from Berners would be different.
---The Political Revolutionary's Toolbook
He could do nothing else from the inside...
But he never was on the "inside", up until a year ago, being an independent - yah, yah, he caucused with the D's, but he was only peripherally part of the D-establishment.
What should he have done?
Monday night:
"My Friends, I have a short but important message.
In this upcoming election, I will be supporting a woman candidate.
I know she believes in all of the progressive ideals in which I believe.
Further, I know she will work to have these progressive goals implemented,
and I know that she will have my support, and that of those millions around the country that were supporting me,
And established this strong and growing Political Revolution to bring vitally needed change to America.
And so now, I would like you all to stand with me here, and show your support,
For the next President of these Untied States,
The first Woman President of these United States,
Dr. Jill Stein!"
The spirit of party serves to enfeeble the Public Administration,
agitates with Jealousies and false alarms, and opens the door to corruption,
which finds access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.
George Washington
After which he would be frog-marched down the aisle
and booted out of the convention - probably literally.
At which point he might as well immediately resign from the Senate and let the chips fall where they may.
A Samson might have done just that, but he's only a Sanders.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.