#CornelWest #FeelTheBern

Has Bernie Betrayed The Movement? Not If You Were Listening Closely

Many Bernie Sanders supporters are feeling that Bernie Sanders has betrayed his movement and this political moment. I think this sense of betrayal is a fundamental misreading of what Bernie Sanders has said for the past 15 months as well as misunderstanding what it means to be a civilly engaged.

Qualitative Difference

I believe we should write a lot about all of Bernie's DNC picks, as I want to know more about all of them.

Here's something from Cornel West to give a taste of his brilliance. I, for one, am very interested in what he will say at the Convention. I can learn a lot from him, and from the other choices Bernie made. I don't even want to mention the other names because I'll get sidetracked in awe over them.