Need a break from the coronation? Remember Bryan Pagliano?
Since there is little reason to continue watching the coronation and as we await the next release of DNC election emails from Wikileaks, courtesy of the Russian Cyber News Network, here's something to keep you occupied for a few minutes!
The Missing Man at the Center of Hillary Clinton’s Email Scandal
Of all the characters in the political drama of Hillary Clinton’s private email server, none has been more mysterious—and potentially more important—than a 40-year-old technology specialist named Bryan Pagliano.Pagliano didn’t just set up the now infamous “homebrew” server in the basement of Clinton’s New York home, which she used for official business while serving as secretary of state. Pagliano has been the former secretary’s go-to IT guy for the past several years. He’s also the only person in the entire investigation of Clinton’s email who got an immunity deal, protecting him from possible criminal prosecution. That was Pagliano’s demand for telling FBI investigators about Clinton’s unorthodox system—a system that he apparently knows more about than anyone else.
Yes, I know this is from The Daily Beast, but where can you find news these days? Sure can't find any from the MSM sites. This article is the most in depth piece written to date on Bryan Pagliano. It literally leaves no stone unturned and the longer term implications for Hillary Clinton will be interesting to watch as they unfold.
It paid off. After speaking to him last December, FBI investigators trying to reconstruct Clinton’s system—and determine whether it broke any laws—had a better sense of its complexity. As it turns out, there was more than one server, and Clinton used multiple devices. When the email story broke last year, Clinton said she used a private server for “convenience,” so that she wouldn’t have to carry different devices for her personal and private accounts.
I've followed the Hillary Clinton email and scandal server with passion and have read everything I can find. I've always contended that Bryan Pagliano has all details and the FBI felt that way too. After all, they gave him immunity! When that happened, I truly believed that Hillary was guilty. The FBI agreed! I thought for certain she would be indicted. The FBI disagreed with me! But she isn't out of the woods yet.
As Clinton prepares to accept her party’s nomination for president in Philadelphia this week, the email scandal still haunts her. She’s the subject of two congressional investigations. The State Department is conducting an internal inquiry into how Clinton and her aides handled classified information. And a federal judge in Washington is weighing whether Clinton should be deposed under oath by a conservative watchdog group that has been one of the Clinton family’s tireless political foes.
It was at that moment, that it became clear to me why Bryan Pagliano was given immunity. I had suspected it prior to the FBI giving Hillary a pass, but after that travesty of justice, I was certain. Bryan Pagliano was given immunity because they wanted to keep him quiet and immunity gave him a reason to repeatedly claim the 5th. To date, he has not given testimony or spoken a word to the press. That may well change in the future.
But Pagliano has remained almost entirely silent in the face of his inquisitors. He has rebuffed congressional requests. When he was ordered to give a deposition to the conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch, he declined to answer every question posed to him, invoking his Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate himself 125 times. The only statement he has given on the record was to the FBI, which has never released a transcript of the interview.
There has not been a great deal written about Pagliano's position at the State Department. He was pulling a salary of $140,000 a year but apparently people at the State Department didn't know what he did.
What exactly Pagliano did at the department, however, wasn’t clear to his bosses. And later, they would question whether his employment arrangement was above board. That’s because while earning that hefty salary as a State Department employee, Pagliano was also being paid to perform “technology services for the Clinton family,” Hillary Clinton’s lawyer told the State Department inspector general (PDF), which issued a blistering report in May on Clinton’s unorthodox use of a private email server—the one Pagliano installed and maintained for her while she was the secretary.
I'm not certain, but I think I'm seeing a pattern here. Pagliano gets hired by Clinton at DOS while he works for Clinton on her email server. Huma Abedin has a nice job at State while working for the Clinton Foundation. There is a pattern! Anyone need a job on a nuclear committee? But I degress.
One of things that has always bothered me is where are the emails to and from Bryan Pagliano? The RNC has wanted those emails and filed a FOIA lawsuit to obtain them. The state department originally said there aren't any. Then one was found wishing Clinton a Happy Birthday. Then the State Department said yes there are potentially thousands but it will take us approximately 104 years to find and release them. No, I'm not making this up!
In searching for emails like that, the State Department told a federal judge that it came up with approximately 392,000 documents totaling about 627,200 pages that were “potentially responsive” to the RNC’s request. So massive was the record, the department claimed, it would take 104 years to go through it and determine which emails were really ones to or from Pagliano.
Of course, the RNC didn't buy that story and kept pushing.
But then, just this month, State came back with new information. Somehow, it had managed to narrow down that giant universe of emails to just 1,300 that were either to or from Pagliano or “cc’d” to him. The department was now confident that it could locate Pagliano’s emails and turn them over to the RNC.
It looks like we are eventually going to see some of those emails and I'm sure some of those are likely to open another can of worms for the Queen. The RNC inquiries continue and they are now using the word "cover up".
I'm still in a state of disbelief that the DNC was foolish enough to select Hillary as their nominee. The investigations, the accusations, the innuendo and the hearings are going to follow her all the way to election day and if by some miracle she prevails there, will follow all the way into her presidency.
This is a very long article. There is so much more, but I'm pushing fair use as it is. I urge anyone who is interested in Bryan Pagliano to read the whole article. We'll be hearing a lot more about him in the future!

Oh, I saw this today!
I sent it to Alligator Ed. So glad you wrote it up. LOTS of good info I'd never seen before.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Yes, it is definitely the most in depth article...
I've seen about Pagliano. At some point, I think he is going to be forced to talk. The Judicial Watch judge forced him to give a copy of his immunity agreement to the court. I am not a lawyer, but I do sometimes play one on the internet, and I imagine that depending on the arrangements of the immunity agreement he might be able to be held in contempt of court for not testifying. Time will tell!!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
On a side note,
it is not Bidden that they will be HRC's replacement. It is Kerry. I have been thinking this ever since the news came out that the State Department was doing an investigation on the emails, and especially after the first report.
The State Dept. needs to hire some people who know what they are doing. Or they could just ask Pagliano for his emails.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Pagliano isn't going to talk...
until he's possibly facing jail time for remaining quiet. I suspect the republicans house committee won't rest until they hear his story. If I were Pagliano, I wouldn't be getting on any small airplanes.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
It going to hit the fan again after the convention and someone is going to turn it to high.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
The FBI gave him immunity in their investigation,
the immunity wouldn't carry over to other investigations, including Judicial Watch. He has to plead the fifth in these actions, unless somehow he was granted immunity by these other entities, something Judicial Watch couldn't do, but the House probably could.
I'm not a lawyer, but I did spend a night in a Holiday Inn, although it was years ago!
That's the traditional motivation.
Everything seems to be topsy-turvey now.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Two sets of cases we're talking about (and then some)
Pagliano has an immunity deal with the FBI, so he HAS talked to them. In fact you'll see in this piece that only reason they were able to do much of anything with the servers was b/c they had him to assist (although it seems it did not help them nearly as much as they had hoped in terms of getting access to what was scrubbed...).
The Judicial Watch cases and the Republicans calling him in are, of course, outside of and unrelated the FBI deal. He only has certain protections from the deal he has with the FBI, so if he testifies in these other venues and happens to say something outside of the area for which he is protected, the FBI is free to nail him for THAT. Hence he's been taking the 5th for everything outside of the talking he's been doing to the FBI to keep his sorry ass covered in stripes.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Thanks MsGriin
It's the very fact that he was given limited immunity that has tied his tongue. Had he been given complete immunity, he could say whatever he wanted and they couldn't touch him. That is how they have him on a leash and keep him quiet. If he strays too far, they yank the leash and indict him. And based on what we already know, they have a few avenues they could pursue. I didn't make that point clearly and appreciate you filling in the details!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Once you answer a question, you can't then take the
5th on anything that relates to that question. I worked with government lawyers for a while, and that's what I understood them to say. Still, with immunity what he says shouldn't work against him, unless there's something in the agreement that limits the immunity. He just may be trying to protect his former boss.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I want to know what happened to Gucifer 1.0,
who was extradited to the US presumably to testify in some action. He seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth. Guess they don't want him talking to anyone about anything. Hope he is still able to talk.
There was a rumor last week that he was missing from his cell
reported in several places, but it was retracted. That's all I've seen.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I hadn't even seen that..................not good n/t
"that the DNC was foolish enough to select Hillary"
The DNC has long been the Clinton family's private doormat. I would say "servile" in this case rather than "foolish."
And the government is their private piggy bank.
She paid this man $140,000 from government funds to do her private work. Someone seems to be trying to find out how much the Clintons paid him. Probably nothing. Why spend their own money when it's so easy to just dip into the government till. Add theft to all the other crimes.
The things that have happened thus far
just since Monday doesn't engender disbelief for me as much as it engenders consternation, if not outright fear:
That they nominated her anyway, and have proceeded apace with flat-out lying in our faces about things like "unity", siccing late-night talk show dickwads to shame us (see Seth Myers, the Sarah Silverman of Late Night), tells me they believe she's already won the GE.
And why would they believe that?
These people have to be stopped. They are far, far scarier to me than either Trump or the Tea Party nutcase that's his VP pick. Still voting Green, because I'm done voting out of fear. All these assholes will reap what they sow--initially, to me, it almost looks like they could end up turning us into a larger version of South Africa.
Why? These people are above the law...
(And, honestly, who's going to hold them accountable? Despite all the sturm and drang coming from Republican'ts, at the end of the day they all work for the same billionaires...)
I want my two dollars!
Most of us would like a long needle to pop that bubble
surrounding Her Heinous. I do think she is delusional, as is her husband. Hey, it's worked for them this far! Unfortunately now she has her armed guards surrounding that bubble.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.