Bernie Your Speech Tonight Needs to Reclaim Democracy
Submitted by capforfun on Mon, 07/25/2016 - 6:36am
This email scandal about the DNC is only going to get worse and Bernie you can in no way, shape or form stand on the podium tonight and endorse Hillary. She and the entire DNC are perpetrating a fraud on the American people and once you hug her from the stage you will be covered head to toe in Clinton Goo, like so many others. Just asked Comey & Lynch, both of whom have destroyed their reputations, which they took a lifetime to build up.
How long does anyone think it is going got take the Republicans to intertwine "Crooked Hillary" with the "Crooked Democratic Party"? The only hope for our country is for Bernie, from the stage tonight to renounce Hillary and throw his hat in the ring for the nomination.

Bernie the Bulldog or Bernie the Meek
Big choice for Bernie!
You can make a case that he will go either way. On one hand he has been consistent in fighting the Clinton machine and clearly making the point that Hillary represents the Establishment not the people. Has he thus embraced the financial elite and abandoned us? Or is he trying to save us from the orange comb-over character? If that's true then it is the worst case of hold your nose and vote for the lesser of the two evils that I have ever seen? And which is the lesser of two evils?
On the other hand Bernie has survived by being acceptable to the Democrat Party. He has run as an independent, but has always caucused with the Dems, and they have not raised strong objections to his political ambitions, except when he finally challenged the Queen. Clearly the carrot of staying relevant in the Senate has been used to castrate him.
The Clintons have ruined so many reputations, Comey and Lynch being two of the latest. Bernie has achieved the impossible, a principled player in today's politics. That's one major reason that so many new people have become politically aware. If he does not fight for his right to the Party then his reputation is forever tarnished. In the end he will have done what every other politician does, cave to power over principle.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
I agree with everything you say except part of this:
They have indeed ruined many reputations, but imho, Comey and Lynch and others are responsible for their own reputation.
Don't believe everything you think.
Actually, Bernie's using this
Actually, Bernie's using this as an opportunity to make various important points, if you look at what he actually says and implies.
Why do you think Hillary looks as though she'd sunk her fangs into something which disagreed with her whenever Bernie talks?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Unfortunately you are right
Our country owes a debt of gratitude to Bernie, he has started a revolution but it is not done yet and he needs to restate his claim on the nomination tonight or risk ruining all he has built
He already gave his word, he will stand by it.
As for the Democrats, fuck them, they built this.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
He also gave his word to fight for us to the convention
He already broke that.
Page jumped, didn't mean to
Page jumped, didn't mean to rec this comment claiming that Bernie broke 'his word to fight for us to the convention', with which I strongly disagree.
Bernie had to 'endorse' Hillary in order to not to be stripped of his delegate power and to make it to the convention. He kept his promises as best as he could and is using it to keep his message in the public eye and to fight for the people as best as he can.
He knows damn well that most of his supporters are too well informed and will never support Hillary and her corporate crew - but he doesn't want people conned into voting for the other evil either, something which seems to be suggested here a lot by various people.
If people were aware of his history, character and how Bernie operates, there'd be none of this 'Bernie threw us under the bus' nonsense cycling round from the corporate media/PR. And if there was a better awareness of the monsters he's fighting, the incredible odds involved, the walk-way of eggshells and set pitfalls he traverses, you'd realize that there is no-one better able to do this and survive, by taking the higher, more strategic route less travelled by those previous to him.
Vote against both evils, and for the common good!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
His word was offered based on a lie
as such he has no obligation to honor it
I'm Expecting A Repeat Of His Hellery Endorsement Speech
and a bunch of rah-rah about how his campaign has moved the dem party to 'the most progressive platform' eva.
Well despite all of Hellery's Lies about taking on Bernie's progressive causes, the Dem party is still corrupt.
I effectively moved on to the Green Party after NY primary. Tonight all the Bernie fence sitters will have a decision to make: Follow Bernie into Hellery Hell; or abandon the corrupt two party system.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
And the points I'm seeing
And the points I'm seeing made here are that this pathetic platform had to be pushed really freaking hard to make those few inadequate inclusions to make it 'the most progressive Dem platform ever',
with the real essentials voted down by the Clinton/DNC side against The People, showing that the Democratic Party is utterly failed as a democratic entity;
that Hillary is unlikely to bother with even those, because 'everything will always be for Israel'/the hostile global corporate/military take-over to be cemented by the unconstitutional Trojan Horses framed as 'trade deals', such as the TPP, and the corporate/billionaire self-interests she serves.
Isn't that what it makes you think of? What are your immediate mental associations?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
If there are any surprises at the DNC
If there are any surprises at the DNC, they will have to come from the Bernie delegates and not Bernie Sanders himself. I am already surprised that the cable TV coverage has shown the street protests in Philly after completely ignoring protests in Cleveland.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
The Media Will Try & Downplay
Hopefully this has legs and maybe there will be a second salvo of emails today. Assange has tweeted that the next round is about The Clinton Foundation. That is where the real skeletons are buried.
The Clinton Foundation
Email dump cannot come soon enough
Clinton Global Initiative
That should be enough to scare the crap out of anyone with cognitive awareness. From its own 2016 website: About
Need an interpreter? Try this - Business and wealth owns your government and runs the economy to grow that wealth.
Scroll down to the CGI "Past Participants" - more than a few are of special interest......
Accenture ('cause voters gotta get purged or they'll elect socialists!)
Apple, Inc.
Bank of America Corporation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Center for Financial Services Innovation
CH2M (go-to disaster capitalism infrastructure contractor)
The Coca-Cola Company
DaVita (corporate kidney healthcare)
Duke Energy
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation (Walton family charter school partner)
Farmers Insurance Group
The Ford Foundation (partner w New Israel Fund, won't fund NGO's supporting BDS)
Gap Inc.
Goldman Sachs
Google Inc.
Intel Corporation
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Lockheed Martin (just search this along with "Clinton" & "Saudi")
McDonald’s Corporation
Noble Energy, Inc.
NRG Energy
The Rockefeller Foundation (funded Nazi eugenics and Kissinger initiatives)
Target Corporation
U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
The White House
Indeed, the Clinton Global Initiative, some of the planet's worst foundations and corporations, and the White House all working together couldn't possibly present any conflict of interest....unless you're people!
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
"The Russians did it" is only understandable as innoculation.
There have been elections when candidates have involved themselves with foreign actors in order to influence the outcome of a race. Nixon did it with the Paris peace talks in '68. Reagan did it with the Iranian hostage negotiations in '80. But even when it was true that there were these kinds of games going on, the opposing candidates--and surely Johnson and Carter knew--dared not embrace any allegations as an official part of the campaign. It was simply too incendiary.
I would not have been surprised to see the Clinton campaign try this kind of deflection using others to put it out there. Maybe they could send John Lewis out there to make the claim. Maybe Joan Walsh would have written something for The Nation (after all, didn't it start with Josh Marshall?).
But it is totally bizarre that the Clinton campaign has officially adopted a conspiracy theory worthy of Beck or Alex Jones. What makes it even stranger is that the entire story has a big blowback risk as astute observers have pointed out at C99. It will be very easy for the typical voter to conflate "Russians hacked DNC email" with "Russians hacked Hillary's private server."
The Clinton campaign has been so clever and ruthless about exploiting politicians and media that they have bought in order to keep Hillary's hands relatively clean. From John Lewis to Joan Walsh to Jonathan Capehart to Kos, they've let others do the dirty work. So why would the Clinton campaign itself take the lead on this? I can think of no reason sufficient other than to understand it as a desperate attempt at innoculation against some much greater harm coming down the road from a future release. The Clintons must know that there's something out there in the hands of someone like Wikileaks that will make these DNC emails look very tame.
Excellent comment Goin South, Clintons claiming Russia leaked
Wiki docs to help Trump, is a far more zanier theory than the accusations of election fraud and voter suppression levied at the DND and Clinton Cabal.
Seems people can readily guffaw about the rampant and brazen corruption in their history books, such as Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed or a Central American banana republic.
But when it's staring them right in the face a this very moment in history (i.e. the 2016 Democratic Primary) willful ignorance, sticking their fingers in their ears and reflexively yelling "conspiracy theory" aloud over the evidence take over and subsume any critical investigation.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Agree, Agree, Agree but
the reality is the Media is being pulled around by its nose, as usual. The story is not who hacked, that is a sidebar. The story is what the DNC did (in conjunction with Hillary) to unethically and possibly illegally rig the primaries and stole the election from the people. That is the story but literally no one is addressing it.
John Galt he isn't
He's not going to sway aside, show the world the gun in the middle of his back, and say "Get the hell out of my way!" People only do that sort of thing, and get away with it, in trashy polemical novels.
He's more likely to do something quietly subversive, like say all the required things but give them a twist that people only notice later, when they stop to think about what he said. He's pretty good at that.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I think he will do
What is best for the cause he is fighting for without to regard to what it costs him personally. He has been consistent in that all along.
There was an easy way to do that which was to win the primary. Now all that is left is plan B. He has some compadres in Elizabeth Warren, Jeff Merkley and others. If we do our job we will have more new folks to help them.
The result would be to split the party like cord wood. At the end of the day we would certainly know who is on the side of the people and who isn't.
He may very well be able to do more from the Senate than as president. We can only wait and see. Be ready though no matter who wins there is an economic downturn on the horizon.
He has done a lot to change the national conversation. He took a great risk to do so. Let him do his part what ever he thinks that is now. Making this happen is going to be a long hard road.
Kaine on DNCLeaks
On CBS News, I just saw a clip of him with Hillary being interviewed. Kaine said he didn't think there was any effort by the DNC to put thumbs on the scale. Hahahahahaha. He may not be bright enough, or observant enough to be a vp.
Kaine proved he is sycophant enough
in that 60 minutes interview. 45 minutes of non-stop lies by both Hellery and him. Looking so glowingly into each others eyes, like two Tarantulas in love. Bon appetite Hellery.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
But he's a stubborn enough
But he's a stubborn enough liar in the face of the facts to be a good fit for Hillary.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I think we owe Bernie a lot more respect
than to prejudge what he is going to say or do.
Bernie, for all his life, has been HONEST, committed to, peace, equality, social and economic justice. HONEST. HONEST. He made a decision to run as a Democrat, used the structure, organization to great advantage, accomplishing more then if he ran as a third party candidate.
He SAID he would support the nominee of the Democratic party. He gave his WORD. He knew the primary system was rigged - and he CHOSE to still participate in the system. He has accomplished more in the campaign than any of us, including Bernie and Jane, expected would be accomplished.
Not ME, US. He has fought all his life. I TRUST Bernie and Jane Sanders to continue to fight, trust their judgement. They have both worked harder, regardless of their personal well being, and expect they will continue to work consistently as he has all his life, for what he believes in.
THANK YOU Jane and Bernie Sanders.
I'm not so sure it is pre-judging as much as preparation.
Sometimes people know there is a high possibility of something happening that they are not going to like. They work the scenario through in their heads in order to be prepared in case it does.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Bernie just got booed.
Addressing otherwise enthusiastically cheering supporters at a rally in Philly, Bernie was stopped dead in his tracks when he said it was necessary to vote for Clinton and Kaine. He waited for a while, then tried to ad lib a response about Trump's racism, etc., but the tumult if not the boos, continued. It only subsided when Bernie moved on from the topic.
It was a remarkable moment and demonstrates that this movement has left Bernie behind.
Agree with everything but the
Agree with everything but the last statement. Bernie would have expected the booing from people too well-informed to event vote for Clinton. The effect would be that he tried but a growing number of better-informed people have rejected Hillary's corruption, as they have, and a faked election is harder to pass off when people are watching for it and it is not close at all.
Vote against both evils and for the public good. If everybody does that, guess what happens?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Thank-you! I second the
Thank-you! I second the emotion.
My faith Berns forever.
Vote against both evils - vote for the public good!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Bernie ain't going to rock the boat.
He's already covered in goo. He's already contaminated and tainted by his endorsing her. Bernie is now part of the big problem, and I don't expect him to make any big or risky decisions, take any big risks, or even use any risky language.
If Bernie continues with this dramatic flip flop,
there is a big back story that people are entitled to know. If he wasn't prepared to duke it out with the Clintons, why did he bother to run? If he was going to run a campaign claiming the moral high ground, how can he possibly cede it to her with a straight face given the fact that they stole the fucking election from us and our kids. This is not OK under any circumstances. No matter what Bernie does, he has some explaining to do. If he doesn't, I will reserve judgement; but I will abandon all trust I ever had in him. He will be just like Elizabeth Warren.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
dkmich, thank you buddy!
A---THE---FUCK---MEN! Preach on my friend, preach on!!!
Sure, we're entitled to know, but we won't be told
the truth about it. How the hell can we expect ANY big back story to be told to us, and we should believe it, after we see in those emails actual media people getting pols to sign off on their own goddamn story copy?
I'd like to know what you think he'll be allowed to say in front of cameras or interviewers. Are you familiar with the term "tape delay"?
Yeah, because he'll have a chance to say it flat out: "They didn't come right out and say it, but they hinted that something bad might happen?"
Do you really believe that these people are above using threats, given all the other shit we now know that they are capable of? That it isn't possible at all, after what we have all just seen?
If he "continues" with this "dramatic flip flop" then as far as I'm concerned, the guy is doing it at gunpoint. I don't believe a WORD what those liars in media and Congress say. The proof is in those emails.
Dangit, that was a reply to
dk mich, not to the poster....why can't I get the hang of the reply button?
Clinton gun at Bernie's back
Huh! Don't you think that if Bernie holds a press conference to say that he was threatened, it WILL be NEWS! This will draw in more eyeballs than even Trump. Then the Clintons will think twice about actually offing him because if they do, the world will know that they did it? Please stop portraying Bernie as a helpless infant who is imprisoned by the Clintons.
That's of course not what I said
so re-read it. The guy will NEVER hold a presser to say he was threatened, it'll NEVER be aired. He will NEVER tell you this.
It'll NEVER be allowed to happen. YOU, the People, will never see it unless this woman and her cronies are stopped cold right the fuck now.
Please stop acting like these blatant criminals who have stolen an entire Western government aren't above threats or drawing blood. That's foolish and naive.
And have been and are in the
And have been and are in the process of stealing a bunch of other people's countries, along with an awful lot of lives.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I feel like he really needs to, but I don't think he will.
His interviews yesterday morning reinforce that. For whatever reason, it appears that he has given up the fight as far as this election is concerned.
There are all kinds of rumors floating around about what Bernie's delegates will do if he reiterates his endorsement of Hillary during his speech and only goes after Trump. Sounds like some might boo any mention of Hillary while others may walk out. I really hope that Bernie realizes that his speech will be worth absolutely nothing if all he does is try to unify the party and spout his "Hillary believes..." and "Trump cannot be elected because XYZ" speech.
He needs to understand that his base is absolutely pissed right now. Hillary's VP pick was an insult to the Left, the DNC purposely locked 100 of Bernie's delegates out of the rules committee meeting, the process was revealed to be rigged from the very beginning, and Hillary hired DWS as soon as she resigned as chair. And that's just within the last 72 hours or so. Nobody is going to accept unity tonight.
Ask yourself what would make
this 30+ year pol who has bucked Establishment policy and representation from the beginning just "give up the fight".
I am quite sure he understands the base is pissed. I think he hopes WE understand that shit just got really real.
I forget where I saw this, but it was out earlier today. The DNC is punking this country as I type:
I've been on the Stein train but
That article sums up exactly why I've toyed with "weaponizing" my vote - aka voting for Trump here in Florida. At the end of the day, I doubt I could do it. I can't even vote for Bill Nelson, and Trump's a racist fascist. Still, I am pissed. Really, really pissed, and I see one gigantic plus to a Trump win - getting rid of the Clintons.
I always won when I played chicken as a kid.
If he hadn't put that Tea Party whackadoodle
on as VP, I'd vote for Trump tomorrow. Is there anyone in the race as dangerous as Hillary Clinton? Yes. His name is Mike Pence.
Don't get off the train you're on. I'm on that same train, and I'm stayin' put. It's our only hope. People cannot vote for either of these dangerous tickets.
Like I said, I seriously doubt I could do that
but even thinking about it shows you how god damn pissed off I fucking am right now.