Hello from Philly
Well, The People's Convention went very well yesterday capped off by great speeches by Nina Turner and Jill Stein. I am typing this from my iPad at which I am not particularly adept at adding links, but if you go to this website
you should be able to view them in the live stream of the event.
Nina was incredibly authentic and gracious and flat out amazing to meet. She delivered such a powerful message. She started out condemning Hillary and the DNC for what wiki leaks revealed about the collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party establishment to deny Bernie the nomination. Very righteous anger, but then she spoke about all the steps we need to keep taking to keep our movement alive. If you can catch her speech on video I recommend it.
The big news she revealed was that she int intends to stay in the Democratic Party rather than run as a third party candidate, because in her own words "I wouldn't give them the satisfaction" of leaving. She stated she is firmly in the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democratic party and her goal is to do all that she can to work with anyone to change our political culture.
As she said, she is not afraid of competition, and in a real democracy no one should be, as the people with the best values and policies should win. Sadly that is not the case now for either of our two "major parties" who do their best to kill competition either from the right or the left so they can do the work for their corporate masters, work that is literally killing not only our society but our planet. She ended on a high note encouraging everyone to keep fighting because this year proved that the times have changed forever in our. Political landscape and we are not going away no matter what the mainstream media or the major parties do.
Then she turned over the mike to Jill Stein, who also gave a very powerful and I felt authentic speech. She again reiterated her offer for Bernie to join the Greens to run as their candidate although I doubt that will happen.
I was impressed with her knowledge of the issues, the depth of her passion and her ability to communicate. She asked for our help to get her high enough in the polls to get in the Presidential debates, and I sincerely hope we can make that happen. She is a much better speaker than Hillary or the Donald and would give voice to the issues that both of them are ignoring, such as trade agreements like the TPP, racial injustice, immigration reform, and climate change. She wants to change our energy use to to 100 percent renewable energy by 2030.
She received some of her loudest applause from the people gathered there in the heat of that old Quaker Meeting House with her call to end our large defense budgets and our constant military interventions overseas that have gained us nothing but the enmity do millions living in those war zones. Her appeal to support Black Lives Matter and Native Americans in their struggle with prejudice and a racist justice and economic system also drew loud hurrahs from all assembled.
Afterwards she hung around to talk to the media and let people take selfies with her. My daughter who is now a confirmed Green (as are many of her friends) and Jill supporter got her selfie with Jill just before the biggest thunderstorm I've seen in a long time fell down on us from the skies as if God himself was anointing our movement. In any case we all got "baptized."
One thing I did learn was that the heat here this week is so dangerously high that I fear for the people who will be marching in the streets. For myself, I reluctantly have chosen to avoid the marches, as my health is poor. I believe the possibilitY of death from heat stroke is very likely, particularly for the old and very young.
Finally, I had the great opportunity and honor to meet up with several members of the c99 community, including Joe and his wife, Mark from Queens, his wife and 7 month old baby, Mimi, Alison Wunderland who has been such a great friend to me in arranging our housing and helping us get around the city to be where we need to be, and Doug from Philly (sorry Doug I didn't learn you name here at c99 for which I apologize). After the storm passed we found a place to eat and then went to a park near Independence Mall where we could hear ourselves talk and we all had a great time. It was great to meet them all.
I wish I was up to doing more and reporting on all the events going on this week but I am afraid you wil have to rely on other sources than I. I have limitations and a strict nursemaid (my daughter) who refuses to let me overdo what I am capable of doing, which at the moment isn't much. Still, the week of counter demonstrations and movement building got off to a great start at the People's Convention yesterday, and I am proud to have been part of what I consider an historic moment in our country.
Take care all and never ever give up.
Steven D

Thanks, Steven D. Keep sluggin'.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Glad you are there, Steven
I am interested to know how a coalition between progressives who are forever done with the Dems squares with those who will stick with it to reform it from the inside.
How do they propose to work together going forward when their methods are in opposition? You can't be a dem and green at the same time.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
No, you can't be both.
But we need both.
So we can be allies fighting together, trying to crush the Vichy left from both flanks.
We need an inside and an outside game
The real action in making political change will have to take place outside the Democratic party, but to the extent the non-Democratic movement gains power, it can strengthen insiders in the party to push it our way. The Neoliberal, corporate consensus that has captured both parties is only getting more unpopular with voters, and we've almost reached the point where all the money in the world won't buy credibility for their lies and their cheating. Allies in the Democratic party -- even allies in the Republican party, at some point -- can help the movement achieve its ends, if it grows powerful enough outside the party veal pens.
Thank you, Steven D, for representing us in Philadelphia. I'm glad you're there, and am grateful for your reports to us. Say hello to Joe and Mark and Alison and the gang for us.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Watched it live
Thank you for the heads up about the livestream
Great post. Thank you.
As for Nina Turner, I have enormous respect for her. She is incredibly well spoken. As for her decision to remain in the Democratic Party, let's get serious: She has a much better chance of being elected again and again as a Democrat than she does as an indie or a Green. I very much doubt anyone can change that party from within, though.
As for Stein, if enough of us can get behind Stein to qualify her to participate in the Presidential debates, I'll be very happy.
Take care of yourself and cover your head. (I had heat stroke at age 7. It's real!)
Tina is one smart woman
I had a great exchange with her a couple of months ago.
The political revolution continues
Great picture
I think if the Dems fracture over this election she could be headed for big things as a progressive leader inside that party. Just a phenomenal speaker.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Looks like it's getting crowdwd...
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Proud of you
Nina and Jill. Thanks for fighting the good fight. Glad y'all had a c99 gathering too. Nice to have face to face interaction. Wishing you and us all the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Can the convention be the basis of an anti-war movement?
I firmly believe that if Clinton is elected by next summer we most likely will be looking at getting involved in a major war with Russia or Iran. These wars will bring it home probably more than even Iraq/Bush did. I don't see any anti-war movement developing in the Democratic party as it will be fully behind Clinton--I don't even expect much resistance even from any "liberal" lawmaker. I thought maybe an anti-war movement could grow around Bernie, but don't thinks so anymore.
Stein's speech really emphasized an anti-war policy
We certainly need to be questioning why so much money is going to weaponry to fight wars for the very fossil fuels that are killing the planet. No more need for oil not as much need for all those damn wars, except the profits of the corporations and the lust for power of the Saudi royals etc.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Thanks for being there . . .
Glad your daughter is watching out for you. They called it a "heat dome" when it sat over the midwest last week.
Appreciate you and all of the c99 folks who are standing up for us.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Mark from Queens and his wife were out marching today in
All this heat. So far they are ok but had to take cooling breaks inside coffee shops that had AC. It is hard to describe how brutal the combinations of high 90s to low 100s plus high humidity affects your body. I still feel dazed and confused today. We have decided to limit ourselves to rallies where no marching is involved. Climate change is a killer people. Feels like hell outside. It was easier to walk around in Arizona even at high temps and elevation than this is here now.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Having grown up near Philly some time ago
it's not that unusual for Summer weather there. That said, be careful and thanks for going.
It was plenty hot and humid in 1776
and that was before global warming really got going. There were floor arguments over whether to open the windows (too hot inside) or leave them closed (too many flies) - this was Truth On Broadway, whatever else the musical munged up.
OTOH incrementally worse is still worse - we're having a nonstop run of 90s in the northern Shenandoah Valley, when summer is usually a run of 80s with the occasional 90+ day. Dog days, dog days, bow wow wow.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Thank you for all your hard work. I only caught
the end of Jill's speech live when I finished work yesterday.
I heard there was a follow-up at a beer garden afterwards, then learned there was a storm passing through as you were finishing up. I was hoping everyone got to where they were going before the downpour.
I'm sorry there was no air conditioning in two of the rooms. Kudos to you for your endurance.
Nina is a super star every time I listen to her.
Fortunately, this heatwave in Philly is supposed to end on Tuesday. It will still be hot afterwards, but not as bad.
Again, thank you.