The Two Party System: Playing Russian Roulette using a revolver with 2 chambers, both loaded.

How has it has come down to this?

We have let two parties become so in control, and so corrupt that we no longer have a functional democracy.

We don't even have the ILLUSION of one anymore. We can't close our eyes and go about our lives in ignorant bliss.

This season has shone a spotlight on the corruption and rather than scatter like a cockroach it seems to bask in the openness of it.

I guess in some way it must feel good to no longer have to pretend to be what you are not.

Clinton, for example, with her "newfound" cross party support from the Republicans has gone into full Dino mode. It's like she has decided, "Well, I will never get the progressives to vote for me anyway, my Hillbots will excuse anything so screw it, I will pivot to Right not just center."

She was right. They already are proclaiming her wisdom in perfectly synced harmony. There really is nothing that could surface that could challenge the Faith of the true believer. Trump Says he could kill someone and his supporters would love him, he was right.

Clinton has the blood of THOUSANDS, and just the same. Point Clinton.

Our entire process appears to be rotten to the core. So what can we do about it? Can we save it?

And more importantly, is it even worth saving at this point?

The more I contemplate the thought of our nation fragmenting apart into a "North American Union" similar to the arrangement in Europe the more I go from finding it to be a negative idea to a potentially positive one.

Would it be so bad?

I don't know. It could be pretty damn unpleasant on the short term.

Or it could happen pretty peacefully and smoothly.

What I do know is what we have now sure isn't working for most of us so how much worse could it be?

I fear that we are at a point in our nation where we are playing Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun.

Something has to change.

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That is the law of nature. People will continue to survive maybe and competition for the scraps will be fierce. A combination of S. Korea, Somalia, and Texas.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

JekyllnHyde's picture

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A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

Alphalop's picture

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

featheredsprite's picture

the average Republican voter will never vote for her. They may dislike Trump but they HATE Clinton.

How many Hillbots does she have? 15 or 16 million? That will be about it for her. In 2008, 235 million people voted. If there are that many voters this time . . . .

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

Raggedy Ann's picture

The cover has been pulled back. There's no looking away. No matter where you turn your head, there it is. They are preening, now. Pretty disgusting and demeaning.
We must rise up, or we settle for scraps. We settle for incarceration. We settle for the government in women's bodies. We settle for deportation. We settle for voucher education. We settle for expensive healthcare and continued bankruptcies resulting. We settle for lower wages and higher prices, because those at the top need their profits. We settle for war, war, war. We settle for a stock market economy. We settle for inequality. You know the drill. Bernie exposed it all and they are reveling in their eventual success.

Use HRC's voice when you read that phrase.

This IS happening. Can we change course? We must try with all our might.
If not now, when?

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Alphalop's picture

And now that they are not even trying to hide their corruption I am left pondering that there is only two reasons for it.

1. They have all their pieces in place and their control is so assured that they don't have anything to fear.

2. Their hubris has become so great that they think #1 is the case but they are not quite there yet.

I never hoped for a "Number 2" so hard in all my life. Wink

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

They don't seem to be remotely in control of anything. They are the analogue of the Democratic Party, except applying the GOP paradigm, Sanders wrests control from the DNC and runs roughshod over the party establishment. It seems kinda funny and pathetic to see the big, bad GOP helpless at the hands of their own Tea Party monster. And it seems merely pathetic to see us helpless at the feet of the DNC.

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Alphalop's picture

more like the band of bastards that are controlling THEM.

They are just two sides of the same coin that resides in the Oligarchs pockets.

It's time we learn to be pickpockets...

That or just "Pants" the bastards entirely. Wink

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me