
Imran Awan arrested at Dulles Airport

Debbie Wasserman Schultz's IT staffer, Imran Awan was arrested this afternoon at the Dulles Airport while trying to flee the country. Awan, his two brothers along with two wives and another Pakistani, have been under investigation by the Capitol Police since February. The Awans worked for twenty Democrats in the House since 2008 or thereabouts. Most House Reps fired them upon learning of the investigation, but Wasserman Schultz kep Imran Awan on her payroll until now.

The Two Party System: Playing Russian Roulette using a revolver with 2 chambers, both loaded.

How has it has come down to this?

We have let two parties become so in control, and so corrupt that we no longer have a functional democracy.

We don't even have the ILLUSION of one anymore. We can't close our eyes and go about our lives in ignorant bliss.

This season has shone a spotlight on the corruption and rather than scatter like a cockroach it seems to bask in the openness of it.