
Bernie Actually Won, Protests Rock DNC & more - Lee Camp and RedActed Tonight's special episiode

Lee Camp, in his usual excellent style lays out the truth about what happened at the DNC, The Election Fraud Report from Election Justice breakdown and a new Turn your Bern.


Share your thoughts below on what Lee had to say below, he sure introduced plenty of topics to talk about.

Clinton Booed by Bernie Delegates at Convention - TYT Coverage.


This was just live on TYT, thought some of you might find it interesting.

The media cuts out the parts where people were chanting "We Want Bernie!" apparently as I have yet to see them include that.

Are they all more brazen in their corruption now or are my eyes just open wider? I don't remember them ever being so "In your FACE!" about it.

It's time to #TurnYourBern and here is a little clip to get ya started...

Troy from Redacted tonight did a great bit the other day, that while funny, is also quite accurate.

We really do need to do this.



With all the crap that is coming out today and over the last few days we really need to find ways to laugh and this did it for me. Particularly at the 33 second mark.

The Two Party System: Playing Russian Roulette using a revolver with 2 chambers, both loaded.

How has it has come down to this?

We have let two parties become so in control, and so corrupt that we no longer have a functional democracy.

We don't even have the ILLUSION of one anymore. We can't close our eyes and go about our lives in ignorant bliss.

This season has shone a spotlight on the corruption and rather than scatter like a cockroach it seems to bask in the openness of it.

Pardon my French but, "F*%K TWITTER!!!!" If they are indeed pulling this shit again!

Didn't they already get called out for such shenanigans?

Twitter users erupt: #DNCLeaks disappears from trending news as WikiLeaks emails released

The timing on this couldn't be better IMO... (Which not to toot my own horn but a couple weeks ago when people were asking why Wikileaks wasn't already releasing stuff my response boiled down to "timing")

"As Dems Enthrone Hillary Clinton remember her contempt for rule of law" - Chicago Tribune

I was just checking out this piece written by a reporter named John Kass over at the Chicago Tribune.

It reads in parts almost like an open letter to the Clintonites. I highly recommend you give it a read.