Trump's acceptance speech
Donald Trump is not by any stretch of imagination a great orator, but grammatically, at least tonight he kept things together--and I don't give a damn whether he used a teleprompter or not. His speech clocked in at about 75 minutes, which one reporter said was the longest such speech in 40 years. It was not a dull speech, even if it was overlong.
He must have said "we will make America great again" or one of its congeners about 40 times. Not surprising because repetition is good when dealing with the general public.
Some of his regressive rhetoric about supporting the 2nd Amendment and pride in being endorsed by the NRA.
He reiterated but softened somewhat his rhetoric against Mexicans providing they were legal immigrants. He still promised to build a wall between US and Mexico but did not mention Mexico having to pay for it.
More xenophobia was evident in stating that immigrants reduce wages and displace legal residents (as opposed to legal-newly arrived immigrants). Though not mentioning Muslims specifically he was no less emphatic about not letting masses of immigrant/refugees without "thorough vetting" whatever that means. He does have a legitimate point that terrrorists do slip in unnoticed, such as Mateen's wife and the San Bernadino murderers.
Trump stressed law and order multiple times; he praised the police in general and condemned the police being shooting victims themselves. But he also made a point, although not very emphatic, in regards to unwarranted police shooting of civilians, that no one is against the law. Immediately he commented that Medusa was the greatest law-breaker of modern times, condemning her breaching security with unlawful retention of classified/secret emails. Look for much more of this until Election Day.
In addition to castigating Clinton many times in his speech, he had some nice things to say about Bernie, including how the Dem establishment cheated him out of the nomination. He also co-opted a plank of Bernie's platform calling for financial aid to college students but did not offer specific proposals at this time.
Another possible Sanders co-option was a promise to rebuild America's infrastructure, which would help the economy and create jobs.
Of course the allusions to Bernie were an effort to lure Bernie supporters to his side.
Trump stated very firmly his full support for protection and encouragement of LBGTQ rights. No audible gasps were heard from the audience. Perhaps some elements of the Republican party are willing to join the 21st Century.
Other promises included "drill, baby, drill" with nary a word about climate change. The most distressing issue he raised, which I absolutely judge as horrible is the regressive allowance of "religious" doctrine to influence law enforcement, although he did not so put it that way. However, he did praise evangelicals. Trump also condemned an IRS policy dating back to Lyndon Johnson of denying tax-exempt status to organizations espousing political views.
Although he spoke about being "for the workers" not a mention of labor unions was heard.
He strongly condemned trade deals such as NAFTA, promising to repeal it. He Condemned allowance of China into the World Bank, especially for currency manipulation. His most potent shots were against the TPP, which he vigorously opposes.
True to Republican form, he promised to overthrow the ACA but did not specifying what he would do to replace it. My own feeling is that the ACA, despite its broader coverage and deny insurance refusal for pre-existing conditions, has become a financial trap--the US govt meekly surrendered to the dissolution of insurance co-operatives, thus seeing a dramatic spike in insurance costs--to say nothing about pharmaceutical costs [that is my own critique--Trump did not mention it.]
For all the prior talk about #NeverTrump, there was a tremendous amount of enthusiasm from the delegates, amongst who there were far more African-Americans, Latinos, and Asians as delegates--something very different from the very recent characterization of the Republicans in the recent past.
My take on this is:
1. Despite lack oratorical skills, Trump is a very effective communicator. He did not come off as a buffoon, dislike as you may, his political stances.
2. Hillary's polling has not improved at all since Bernie endorsed her.
3. Trump's polling has increased although not much despite Hillary's massive outspending him in ads in such battleground states as OH, PA, and FL
4. Laugh or sneer as you may, HRC has the fight of her life ahead of her. Trump will not play the gentleman with her. He is already firing the first salvoes and very soon they going to start hitting the target.
Gang, this is going to be a very interesting few months. Hillary will go down in flames once the Repubs really start unloading on her. I'm prejudiced, disappointed, but unless Bernie gets the nomination, Mr. Orangeface will be in the WH.

Hillary's got troubles.
Trump made a good pitch.
Watched it in a bar waiting for a ska band to come on - very Liberal joint. Lots of nervous laughter. One guy said Trump reminded him of Ronnie.
The guy has a lot of charisma. The whole family's like something out of an 80's nighttime soap. It's the Trump White House reality show. And it will sell.
Another lady in the club said she felt like she was living a waking nightmare. Like she could NOT believe President Trump might actually happen.
I just sort of chuckled at it all, and then went to watch the band set up.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Man I love me some Ska!
Reggae with horns, whats not to love?
Well, that is if we are talking Old School Vs. 3rd wave, which I also like but not as much as the original.
While not really Ska, you can tell the genre had a huge influence on this local band that kinda blew up for a minute when I lived in Nevada.
Skankin' Pickle was another good band that was sort of a blend of Ska/3rd wave.
Sorry to go off on a side road, but I figured some smooth tunes couldn't hurt with all the negative stuff we are dealing with atm.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Been skankin' since 1982.
My all-time favorite music.
Not much into third wave (mostly too hard and fast for me - although I do like the Pickle!)
Big into first wave as well as second. Specials, English Beat. Dave Wakeling of English Beat lives in the area and often brings the band in to play some of the divier clubs. Watching those guys with 100 other Ska heads in a little club is awesome!
Last night was a real solid old school band. Great horn section, lots of instrumentals. Lots of fun and lots of sweat.
Here's one they covered:
Keeps you young.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I never heard of EB, but like it so far. Skatalites are in my
playlist though.
Ever check out Pato Banton? I think he may be closer to 2nd wave?
He was kinda big in the the UK for a minute in the late 80's early 90's. I got to catch him twice live, but only once that I really remember lol!
It's got great beats and the lyrics are pretty awesome. (This song made me roll my first "5 sheeter" lol!)
Damn, now I gotta go see if they have Tennants available at Total Wine.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Sounds a lot like Ranking Roger.
Who was EB's rapping guy for many years.
And just as I say that:
EB still tours regularly. If they come around, you should definitely check them out.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Hah! That is serendipitous!
Good song too
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Trump and whether he is an 'outsider' or not
Donald Trump's acceptance speech was just a lot like any other campaign speech.
There are several things in there that I agree with:
But Trump also proved that he is no true "outsider", when it came to selecting his VP. Who did he choose? Mike Pence: A consummate insider, don't rock the boat puppet of the Establishment who has a record that is not only completely opposite of what Trump has been campaigning for .... but his record also aligns with Hillary Clinton's own failed record, and therefore prevents him from attacking or debating Clinton at all without now contradicting his own actions.
By picking Pence - he picked the policies of: TPP, The Iraq War, Bank Bailouts, Regime Change, NAFTA, etc.
So Trump proved that he is a phony (by picking Mike Pence), and that he will empower the insiders.
And Hillary will prove once again that she is just a phony by picking Tim Kaine.
It's time to vote 3rdParty folks.
There really is no other option here .....
Pence is a smart pick for Trump...
Ted Cruz did very well in the Rustbelt.
Those voters will come out to vote for Pence in the general, where they might have stayed home if Trump had picked someone like Christie.
Of course, the Evangelicals may not be so thrilled with:
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Trump already had a great deal of support from
religious conservatives--including Jerry Falwell, Jr.
My impression is that Pence was mostly intended to bring just flat-out conservatives over to his Camp. Trump is to the left of some of the Establishment/Wall Street Republicans, on some issues.
That's why Romney attacked him several months ago in a 15-20 minute screed.
He skewered Trump over his stated stance on repealing NAFTA (trade); and, he went after him over his refusal to propose offseting tax cuts with cuts to Social Security (as 'O' endorsed in his proposed Grand Bargain), or so-called entitlement reform.
Hey, this has been one of the craziest election cycles that I've ever lived through.
I'll sorta be glad when it's over--whew!
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) - Dogs Available For Adoption
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Fair enough...
Either way it's a base builder.
Unlike Kaine.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Hey, agree, NHK--it is a base builder. We're both right! ;-) NT
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
voting third party will not improve the odds of defeating the Clintons ( both of them) and voting for Trump may. I would love to see the polls, in a few months, showing HOW to best defeat the Clintons.
That's my goal.
Clean out the Democratic party. Not listening to $hrillary shouting into the microphone for even 4 years.
Think the Clintons are more dangerous than Trump.
Clintons knew, if not directed, what DWS & the DNC were doing to attack and hurt Bernie Sanders.
Never $hrillary.
... agreed. The dem "elites" had a choice
between a progressive who understands, and is willing to work with the zeitgeist, and a "neolib" blockhead, who is committed to sustaining the status-quo of the past forty-or-so years, which supports all of the "elites", their various perks, privileges, tax breaks, thefts, frauds, illegal wars, etc.
Guess who the "elites" chose?
Wonder where in DC Madame Guillotine will be set up? Dupont Circle, mebbe?
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
a "neolib" blockhead
Damn if that isn't exactly correct. She is stubborn and way too self-assured. She ain't got "the goods", "the right stuff". And boy oh man will she ever take her marching orders from those who paid her $300,000 an hour for her "speeches".
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Neolib, not blockhead.
Hillary Clinton is a founding member of the neoliberal movement. She is anything but a blockhead. She isn't "committed to sustaining the status-quo of the past forty-or-so years." She plans to take it where no politician has dared to go before.
The blockheads are exemplified by the writers at the GOS who think she's just like Bernie, only pragmatic.
Hillary isn't a blockhead
That's part of why she's bad. Her knowledge of the system makes her dangerous. Hillary is Nixon and Trump is W. Bush, except Hillary and Trump are even worse than Nixon and Bush.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Sorry, forgot one thing said by Trump echoing Bernie
I may be paraphrasing a bit but he said: "My opponent made her followers thane a 3 word loyalty oath 'I'm with her'. Here's my pledge: 'I'm with You'".
They played that bit on morning Joe. Gah; don't you hate it when trump's right?
Joe just going over her sucky polls. Mentioned johnson's polling. And sten's.
"Those polls confuse a lot of political observers". Doesn't take much.
So Morning Joe mentioned the 3rd party candidates. Good.
Maybe those complaints to the FCC about the MSM ignoring the 3rd parties actually did some good. In my little circle of connectivity, I think about 75-80 of us sent off complaints to the FCC. And then told the major new outlets what we'd done. Maybe it worked.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
A few background tidbits:
As it is generally best to be well informed, here are a couple of things many probably do not know about Trump. (PS. I am not saying this makes him an outstanding candidate.)
Party registration:
Democrat until 1987
Republican 1987-1999
Reform 1999-2001
Democrat 2001-2009
Republican 2009-2011
Independent 2011-2012
Republican since 2012
Looks like he has that party exit thing down pat.
From Trump in '04: 'I probably identify more as Democrat'
Like many of us has said, he will run to the left of HRC in the general election. He spent the primaries building a Republican base and will now be drawing from Democrats and Independents, and HRC will continue her long, slow slide down into obscurity (I hope).
No matter who is elected we have a long hard row to hoe over the next four years to get progressives into offices of all sorts across the country and finding progressives to run in 2020 (pretty sure Sanders will not want to run again at his age).
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
You gotta give Trump his due
He is one hellofa salesman. He has all these dumbass working class fools thinking he is on the side of the working slob. The fact is he is a ruthless billionaire that make most of his money by robbing his investors and shitting on his workers. Recall the golf course/condos project he built in Saudi Arabia where he paid workers 59cents/hour to slave in the hot, 120 degree desert sun. And these trailer trash fools think he will be on their side. Hahahahahhahahaha.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Well, it's not like the democrat's candidate
Is offering anything for "the dumbass working class fools."
You will note that I did NOT say
that Dems are any better. Hellery has plenty of fools laying palms at her stinky feet as well.
#demexit #repubexit #votegreen
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
In the eyes of the Banksters...
We are ALL trailer trash.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Amen to that . n/t
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Yeah, he really is one hell of a huckster.
and is able to pop out a quick slogan.
Did you see his latest button/Stickers/Swag that they were selling at the convention? (Life's a Bitch, Don't vote for one!)
Win or lose, Trump will make MILLIONS off of this election and the books he sells afterwards.
That is why I can handle Trump over Hillary, at least I know he is only looking for opportunities for self promotion and ego stoking.
Clinton has a much darker agenda that I fear includes rivers of blood (mostly brown people's) flowing through the streets of many foreign lands and a further pillaging of the remaining middle class and working poor.
Trump is a giant douche, beyond any doubt. Clinton? Well, let's just say evil may be too kind of a word to use to describe her, she has the blood of thousands on her hands and can still cackle gleefully about it rather than feel shame or sadness.
I will take the egotistical asshole over the sociopath every damn time.
The egotistical asshole will mostly annoy me, but the sociopath may kill me and will certainly kill others.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
"huckster", that's the perfect description.
I agree Hellery is much worse. But Trump is still a Neoliberal with a greedy ego, so I expect he will be horrific as well.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
If anyone is thinking of voting for Herr Drumpf
I suggest reading this
fyi: I won't be voting for either $hillary or Drumpf.
Don't believe everything you think.
Isn't it rather racist
to castigate him for being of German extraction? You wouldn't do that if he was black, or Asian or Latino.
Would you do that if he was Irish or Polish or Italian or anything non-WASP?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Fyi, It was the real last name of the family: Drumpf
Don't believe everything you think.
So they changed their name
So did Ed Muskie's family. I don't recall anyone referring to him as "Marciszewski"
There are enough valid reasons to oppose him without fake branding as "foreign" which is beneath the stature of this blog.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Frau Hester forgot that so many "Good Americans"
have German extraction... ah, if one just could choose one's ancestors.., shite, too bad, one can't.
It's not racist, just a little cheap, everything cheap sells well, it's good for business, good for jobs. Be calm, my love, we all need to make a buck. Move on, nothing to see here.
Know what Mimi? I didn't attack the poster. Wish I could
say the same for you
Don't believe everything you think.
I am confused, sorry for not getting what you mean to say or
meant to say. I have my weak spots too at times and I shouldn't let them get into my way of commenting. Sorry if that happens at times. After ten years of reading dkos and being silent, when it comes to some sort of germlish ridicules of the German character, I allow myself to be more open these days, when I think I detected a bit of that. But rest assured, I will shut up the same way I always did eventually. I am a 'Good German', as you may know. And I am tired.
It isn't racist to tell the truth
Trump is of German extraction. So what. The point is that Trump lied. A trait that he shares with Medusa.
yes, truth is that Obama is of German extraction too
who has given him credit for THAT?

Famous German Americans/Celebrities of German Descent! - by horne_jeffrey created 15 Apr 2013 | last updated - 20 Mar 2014
I am for equal opportunity credits. The whole, big world is soooo unfair./s
Interesting. That's basically what I've assumed about the
guy, it's not a hard assumption. Just a fake, lying, narcissistic sociopath. Quite a few on the left have stated that Trump would be better on foreign policy than Clinton whereas I've maintained that this is a guy who would be king of the world if he saw a chance. That makes him ultra dangerous. The ghostwriter said as much stating that he feared Trump having his hands on the nuclear bomb codes.
There is really no honest way to sugarcoat this asshole.
Who has sugarcoated him here at C99p? or at Dkos?
I still believe many Americans could be "believers" in his message and not believe in him being "dangerous". That's why it is such a dangerous situation.
I still hope that I am wrong and the few good folks will pull it off. I mean I really would be happier, if the nightmares we have right now wouldn't become reality.
Wasn't really referring to anyone in particular.
Discussions are had about Clinton vs Trump, comparing what they say, etc. and I've seen many statements like "well at least Trump doesn't like NATO", or "Trump is against the TPP"., etc. When in reality it all doesn't matter, the guy is flat out weird. It doesn't matter what he says because he's a flat out liar. None of this matters, what matters is we have Trump vs. Clinton and its a big joke. The only discussions sensible people should be having is how to stop both of them from becoming president.
Ya, people believe this shit. People believed Obama's bullshit. I'll never forget watching people screaming "Praise the Lord" and "Hallelujah" with TEARS RUNNING DOWN THEIR FACES during some of Obama's speeches. I mean, who does that?
We got a human condition here that ain't going away. It's up to those of us who aren't human to find the answers.
Trump's "Art of the Deal"'s ghost writer is threatened
Tony Swartz wrote "The Art of the Deal" and he now claims that he wrote the whole thing and it was fiction.
Jane Mayer wrote a long article in The New Yorker on that subject. (I've reached my limit of free articles.) But I can send you the link to Jane Mayer's story on this TRUMP THREATENS THE GHOSTWRITER of "The Art of the Deal":
IMO, there is nothing favourable about this fraudulent narcissist Donald Trump.
To thine own self be true.
yes, I am aware of those discussions and of how some
people here struggle with those thoughts (NATO and trade deals etc). I came out full blown yesterday night in his speech.
After having read the New Yorker article, I believe he is a pathological liar of sort. I don't think he can control himself and if he realizes he has said something contradictory before to what he said in the last minute he zigs-zag out with a new lie. That's more than just weird.
With regards to Obama's bullshit. I remember the tears of Jesse Jackson. I have listened to some elderly afro-american women. I can somehow follow where they are coming from and why they reacted with that sort of emotions after his election in 2008. I somehow had similar hopes. oh well.
Who does that? People, who had never a chance in life for justice and equality among the US population and had for the first time hope they might get justice with a President being "one of their own". People trust their own "tribe's" folks more, it's a human condition among all "tribes". Therefore it doesn't make sense to blame any "tribe" for those feelings. And almost all of the times people get betrayed by "one of their own" as well. Call that tragic, but I think it's true. And I don't even believe that what we can identify as "betrayal" was intentional most of the time. People lie and betray all day long, those who plan their lies and betrayals way ahead of time and for ever to last are the ones you need to "get out of power and the system". How, I don't know.
I disagree with your last sentence (I guess it's snark though?) that it's up to us non-humans to find the answers. I just believe that we have to be as stubborn in the pursuit of legal activities that guarantee us equality and honesty in political discourses as those pathological liars and power hungry political figures and candidates display in undermining, rewriting or circumventing the laws.
And those lawyer wars cost a lot of money. If you haven't enough, too bad. You are out of luck. Call that a fucking mess of a system.
The piece was very good. Seems like he has ADD or ADHD
Very frightening to think of Potus that cannot concentrate.
Don't believe everything you think.
We had two in recent memory: nos 40 and 43.
Being able to concentrate implies the ability to think things through and make a plan; presidents numbered: 41, 42, 44... how well they applied their skill to the detriment of many!
I understand you, Hester. My reply to your comment is meant more in good fun than as a meaningful criticism.
When the ΕΠΙΣΚΟΠΟΙ come to my town,
I shall cast my pebble for Doctor Stein,
and hear as it rattles the thin-necked urn,
and hope Doctor Frankenstein tallies it.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
Hi Hester, after our unfortunate comment exchange below, let
me say that I have now read the whole article in the New Yorker and I am just flabbergasted of how much of what is described in there about Trump's character features was in full display not only through his words, but also, even more so, imo, through his facial expressions and body language during his acceptance speech yesterday night. I caught some of it, as my late night comments in yesterday's EB show, albeit in very simple words. It's scary to watch it and realize it. I wished I had read the article in full before I heard the speech.
Thank you for pushing me to read through the whole article. I have my short attention span gotten through online reading, combined with depression and failing memory, it's a decline in mental health well being. Once in a while I read long articles to the end and it's always a useful and satisfying experience if I manage it. Since years, I was not able anymore to read books. But I used to be able and read a lot decades ago. I know how I lost the capability. I am in a lonely fight to get it back.
But you haven't lost your ability to write great commentary.
Thanks for pointing out the body language, which I omitted from my essay. So many times he gave his suit coat a double tug--the meaning od which I am not certain, but think it might represent some form self-reassurance. The facial grimacing was pure Trump and that in my mind provided no "tells" into his inner being which we have not seen before.
the way he bathed in and enjoyed the applause at one point
was giving it away for me the most. And it confirms what the New Yorker article described.
And sorry to have made a bit of a mess with my remarks to Hester. Can't wait til the elections are over, that's for sure.
Of course the Dems and media and "Bernie" are blasting him.
"He strongly condemned trade deals such as NAFTA, promising to repeal it." He must have had Obama's speech writer helping him.
As I've said over and over, the most important thing is to kick the Third Way out of power. The only way I know to do that is for the Clintons lose. While voting for Jill is definitely the positive thing to do, I'm still not convinced it is the most effective use of my one crappy vote. My guess is the Trump/Clinton race will boil down to who is the best stealer of votes.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Who will be the best election thief?
My guess is T-rump - the rethugs have more practice and control more states. And I sadly agree dkm, it will probably boil down to the best fraudster.
Here in red Alabama. I've decided Jill is my best vote (if she makes it to the ballot). If not I'll write in Bernie - which is an option for me.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
My better half says, turn your cheek and vote for Stein.
She is on Michigan's ballot. The street fighter in me says, vote for Trump and burn the house down. My guess is I won't know what I will do until I do it. Days when I'm sort of angry, like today, I pick Trump. Days when I'm more mellow, I'll lean Stein. Guess I'll just have to wait and see.
If there was a way to escape the crooks now gone global, I would abandon this country and its lose/lose, dog-eat-dog culture in a flash.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
DK, once again you summed up my feelings on this perfectly.
I too waffle back and forth between a vote for Stein and a vote for Trump.
I guess a lot of it will come clearer as we get closer to the election day, but if it looks like Clinton may indeed be able to take Florida I may have to switch and vote Trump, however if he is comfortably leading her I will absolutely be voting Stein.
The biggest betrayal the DNC has inflicted upon me was putting me into a position where I have to actually consider choosing to vote for an obnoxious Oompa Loompa to prevent a fucking criminal dripping in the blood of the poor and innocent that stood in the way of her militaristic goals.
Anyone that feels that the DNC is salvageable at this point is a LOT more optimistic than I am I guess, which is why I am leaning more towards "Burn it down and Rebuild" every day...
Except now I am also starting to think maybe we should nail the doors shut first before we toss the match... (Yeah I know, they have really sent my thoughts to a dark place this cycle and I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit embarrassed by it.)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Call me a waffle, too
When I'm mad, I'm thinking Trump (gasp!). When iI'm mellow, I'm thinking Stein.
One thing about Drumpf is that he has no blood on his hands (at least that we know about), whereas Hillary has shed as much blood as could fill Lake Erie.
Had a discussion on another blog with a Texan.
TX, of course, is a red state. She said that Hillary was basically a non-starter in Texas and Jill could garner the entire not-extreme-right vote if we worked for it.
I'm guessing that this might be true in other states in Dixie.
How you vote is your decision but I ask you to please consider voting Stein.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Did something change in Texas? (Fingers Crossed)
Last I heard it was not looking like she would be able to get on the ballot there this cycle.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Stein's been on Tx ballot for quite a while
That's good news for sure for me then, lol!
I wonder what state I am thinking of then?
I know it was big, but was also Red so it wouldn't be a game changer if she didn't get on it.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Alpha, link shows all states & their status
Good news for me too!
Unless, mayyyybe the new emails will help convince The Berner to soldier on.
Either way, I'll never vote for Killary or Buffoon!
What's really bad was I actually wrote a whole post the other
day on this including a map as well as the requirements and deadlines lol!
I just totally brain farted I guess.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Well, farts happen
Just never trust a fart after forty!
Here is a nugget from Trump’s speech
For those who didn't watch it live. Trump’s speech was meandering but parts were well written.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
The writer of that deserves a bonus.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
That's it in a nutshell
They ignore him at their peril.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Trump is going to win
Despite the snarky commentators talking about all the things he "had to" and failed in the speech to do. They really don't get it. He was very effective, and more nuanced on a number of issues than he's usually given credit for. For instance, on vetting refugees - our State Dept is apparently totally incompetent (massacre at the employee party, for instance), on top of being incredibly slow, and his ban on immigration is "until" that's fixed.
I really miss Ted Koppel, by the way. He was briefly in this morning, sharp as ever, and will be on CBS's Sunday Morning. Reason to watch it.
Unless this is an awful morality play
MSM says H will win, because. Polling indicates too-close-to-call. It could still be a manufactured reality show----what am I saying, those are all manufactured, manipulated and edited.
I do not think (unless the learning curve is very shallow) that US voters know how to ratfuck polls. No nuance here.
Signed, too honest gushing-opinion USian.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I disagree. Indeed, Trump can win.
Tomorrow is not carved in stone. It can still be molded by what we do today.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
You really nailed it with this one.
They don't get it because all they allow into their bubble are like minded policy/political wonks.
They don't realize that most people are not either thing.
Americans by and large are incredibly ignorant on the subject of politics.
It is easy to fall into that trap though, I still for some reason am flabbergasted when I get into a conversation at a party and when politics come up maybe one or two other people in the whole ROOM have a grasp of the subject.
The rest? Well they just regurgitate soundbites from their favorite political commentator and when you ask them to expand upon what they just said they vapor lock.
I don't think it was an accident that we no longer teach children Civics to the level we once did, the ignorant are much easier to manipulate.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Exactly my thoughts.
And with a MSM media part of the political apparatus, we must now take on the role of citizen journalist to inform our sphere of influence. It's already happened during the Democratic primary, where nothing coming out of the MSM was deemed credible, unless you were a Hillary supporter, so many of us had to do our own digging and tell everyone else of our findings.
It's a whole new world.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Michael Moore convinced me Trump would win.
Or, at least, he made a good argument.
I always consider the available stats. That makes this a good example of hard data, previously unconsidered:
A. Everything said about Trump's campaign said by the media punditry and the commentariat on the Left — has been wrong.
B. Everything that Trump has said and predicted about his own campaign — has been right.
Ipso facto — Michael Moore disagrees with A. Therefore, Michael Moore is right.
I look at it this way: At least Trump isn't a Republican. He made it a point to reject the GOP Party Platform, especially when it comes to LGTBQ.
I also figure that someone has to pull the skeered surrender-Left's ass out of the fire and deliver a crippling blow to the Democratic Party Elite. Might as well be the boogyman the left fears most. (Checks and balances, people. The entire bowl of corruption in DC is against anything Trump wants to do. You're safe.)
The 1% control the media.
If the 1% didn't want Trump, they wouldn't have had the media give him so much coverage.
All is going according to the 1%'s plan.
That's a good argument, too.
In 2008 primary season the late Democratic blogger Bartcop
argued for Hillary, presciently observing, “The media’s turned against Hillary and is endorsing Obama — come on, people, when has the media ever been on our side?"
(By "our," Bartcop meant what we now would call the 99%)
Who would Obama appoint? What would his administration really be like? If Scott's premise is true, the 1% who control the media also wanted Obama — that should have telegraphed to us in advance all we needed to know.
It DID telegraph it to some of us
How do you think I got banned the first time on DKOS?
Trump would be as good for the establishment as Hillary
He put in a few true statements in his speech about the rigged system, but with his policies he basically said the rigging will continue with "law and order" behind it. This is going to be interesting. Both Trump and Hillary are awful and its not clear to me that Hillary is worse. It's not ok that the DNC rigged the primaries but Trump is also not ok. He said he wants to dissolve NATO, which makes me think he might be in cahoots with Putin and Russian oligarchs, which would be bad news for the Baltic states and World peace.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I would rather Trump make nice to Russian Oligarchs, give up
the Baltic States (isn't that nice of me?) and leaving the Nazi West Ukraine to their own devices. Whereas one thing I do trust HRC to do is find at least one NEW war to start as well as continuing the wars in which we are already involved.
We are well and truly Fucked.
I wonder what Hill and Bill were doing last night?
First of all, I'd like to thank you for enduring 75 minutes of Trump on our behalf. You are a better person than I am. As for my own take away from this shit show of a convention; how about disgust? The kind that will have me muttering to myself for the rest of the day while I ruminate on the set of circumstances we find ourselves in today where a racist ego maniac was given the opportunity to get up on a world stage and make a sales pitch for his Presidency.
Small comfort indeed in only being able to share a little schadenfreude this morning that HRC's camp is shitting in their pants right about now when they and the DNC are solely to blame for hurling our country and the rest of the world into the unchartered territory of a possible Trump Presidency.
It is because of their obstinate insistence on shoving Hillary Clinton down everyone's throat that we sit here today discussing her dismal poll numbers and the rumors of her gobsmackingly tone deaf VP choice, instead of confidently girding up behind a candidate we believe in and who we believe can win.
So, I would personally like the extend the DNC and all Hillary's smug and condescending supporters a hearty Fuck You. You earned this moment. Enjoy it.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I also have a fuck you to Trump supporters
Whose ignorance is fucking up the morality of this election and making Hillary seem not as bad.
Beware the bullshit factories.
How about someone in a leadership role in our "morally superior" party having acted responsibly in the first place? So far as I can tell the vacuum between the growing disgruntled working class and VIP gobbling up the worlds capital is being filled by a populist movement on the right. But it didn't have to. There was a populist movement growing right here on the left that if the HRC machine did not seek to destroy using everything in their power, including election fraud, to marginalize, we would be in a much better position.
Blame the Trump supporters? That is as much a facile argument as ridiculing the "stupid" people over Brexit instead of seeing the bigger picture. Well, you've got your bigger picture now.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I'm sorry to imply that
I have a fuck you for the Hillary supporters too, but after watching the RNC last night, I have a fuck you for them too. Your comment just triggered that in me. We got to stop the hate.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Yes, we do have to stop the hate
and I will get over mine I suppose. But not today.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I'm gonna play devils advocate on this one. I am pro hate...
Should we really though?
I think it's ok to hate.
Some things are worthy of our hate, even demand it.
I hate that we have created a police state where trigger happy cops can shoot and kill an unarmed man and have, "But I was afraid!" be a viable legal defense.
I hate that the Oligarchy has tainted this grand experiment in Democracy.
I hate the fact that the Fourth Estate has abandoned it's civic responsibility.
I hate a lot of things.
The only thing that is important is that we don't let our hate control or define us.
But we damn well can use it to keep us motivated to fight to repair the parts we hate.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Sorry, great points all but that last
I blame every single idiot who voted Tea Party against their own interests and common sense too. I blame all those lazy Fox watching bigoted freaks who've bought into this so well and have pushed this country further and further right. Oh, you're right on with Dems selling out to it and that does play into the Trump supporters, but today I am so damned pissed at every single person who called themselves "Republican" while watching the Tea Party shred all common sense because that was easier than dealing with real issues and the complexity of them. They are ALL to blame at the end, from the "moderates" who brought Raygun and trickle down in to the Raygun Democrats and particularly the Tea Party idiocy.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I see the demonizing fetish we liberals enjoy whacking off to at long lengths about the misinformed Republican voters a bit ironic. Yeah, ok they are misinformed. You want to know who else is misinformed? Hypocritical Liberals.
For 3 consecutive days my FB feed was bombarded with Melania Trump speech stealing memes. For 3 days liberals consumed and regurgitated this brain dead media manufactured "issue" while U.S and French air strikes killed over 50 people in Syria yesterday, 11 of them were children.
Yeah, we liberals are real concerned that our government uses our money to murder innocent children around the world. That's why we are voting for a war hawk candidate who wants to manufacture more war for profit, who sees War in Syria as a benefit to Israel, and who has been endorsed by Richard fucking Armitage.
So, let's take a good look at ourselves and what our party has become before picking off the low hanging Republican voters are to blame fruit. What is covertly happening in our own party is much more dangerous. Without us, there will be NO counter to the insanity.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
What about people who don't label themselves
according to mainstream media imposed labels and don't follow media instructions. I'd include a majority of people here in that. Trump supporters are ignorant and hateful for whatever reason and they are not helping.
Beware the bullshit factories.
You're absolutely right.
There is a large segment of the left that cares more about shaming Republicans, asserting its own moral superiority, and fighting over identity politics than enacting actual progressive policy. I would like to think that the vast majority of these folks are neoliberals, but there are also a good number of individuals who probably just don't know any better. There is no self-reflection or inward critique. It's all about "Oh, those other guys are so stupid!"
Democrats just spent the last 8 years defending every single conservative action that Obama took just because of his race and his party affiliation. Until we can start focusing primarily on substance and policy, regardless of identity and personality, there will be a segment of liberals that are as blindly partisan as the Republicans. Our political priorities need a complete realignment, so that we're not just cheerleading or focusing on horserace nonsense.
The two major horrible choices we have now cause this result
of personality bashing and bitterness, that can't be helped--we Lefties are human too. At c99 and other progressive sites, endless policy analyses have been produced. For one, I find them convincing. But we Progressives are being backed into a corner from which we see no realistic way out. Yeah, I'll probably vote Green. But all species react emotionally when cornered--we are cornered.
You make a very valid point.
To a certain extent I now have less loathing for the nutters on the far right...
Yeah, I will give you that a lot of them are dumb as a box of rocks, but their hate comes from being dumb enough to believe what they were told.
I may not be as dumb as they are, but based on the fact that it was only relatively recently that I became aware of how thoroughly corrupt the Democratic party was as well so there is that.
If we want to eventually get those that have those idiotic opinions over to our side we will probably have a lot more success if we can acknowledge to them, "Yeah, we got lied to and bought into the bullshit as well, just for the other team and THAT'S why we are making our NEW team and want you to join, I encourage you to check us out, you may be surprised to learn how much we agree on." (Yeah, I am already working on my elevator pitch for when I start recruiting/organizing for PIP.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Michael Moore's warning about the white male vote was spot on.
He knows what he's talking about. He's very worried. He feels that whatever the total voter turnout is, the white male culture is on its last legs. They will turn out in droves. That will help fuel tRump's win.
It's the worse POTUS choice ever! I'm a Boomer, too. Rec'd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
See my reply above
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Well, he's learning to be just another lying politician
too. I don't believe for one hot second he'll do anything about Trade deals, tuition free college and most especially not one damned thing Bernie would propose. He's a reality TV star who's figured out how to play politics is all. But the sight of that convention in the pictures on the front page of the NYT actually made me cry this morning and I'm still having trouble with that. The sight of all those happy bigoted idiots worshipping that man scares the living hell out of me. While I know in my gut that part of this may indeed by Rump being so horrible we'll all vote for Shillary, I still find it terrifying. I think he got away from her and Bill maybe too, and he just might actually want the job. This too shall pass, hard not to emotionally react to it. All my talk about maybe voting for the Rump just to burn Hillary was just talk I guess, I could never vote for that freak. Green it is.
And I am beyond furious today at all the assholes who've supported Repugnant policies over these decades. They put this in motion and now we get to watch it come into full bloom. Stupid damned selfish greedy bastards, and I'm including my own family members in that assessment today, every single one of them. Its good for my own mother that she's no longer around to feel my wrath today, I wouldn't be able to stop myself going after her Rush Limbaugh loving ass.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Not just politics, Celebrity Politics!
Extremely effective for those who breathe celebrity news/gossip and MSM. In some ways, an EMP taking out power grids might be good, for about three weeks. TV natives would be jonesing after a day, but it would take longer to beat the hell out of that addiction. And then they could meet their close neighbors and find conversational over freezer remnants barbecues.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.