You folks are impressing the hell out of me!
Some quick disjointed thoughts:
You freaking get it!
Instead of drowning in tears, most are moving forward. I am impressed, I and we of the old times had wondered about this change of the wind, would it blow back into the fold? No, it is a cool breeze wafting the 99.
Nonpartisan = freedom to change. It was a good run within, time to pass the baton without. The Monopoly Game cannot be won when the cards have been stacked and the die have been weighted by the tycoon that owns Boardwalk.
I'm not playing in the blue sandbox any longer, the rich neighbor's cat shat in it. It tries to hide it's indiscretions with a thin layer of dirt, but the stench still boggles the senses.
The future will not wait much longer.
I am proud of you folks, you deserve a pat on the back.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Back atcha...
Idle ramblings...
on a midsummer's Friday night dream.
Great dream
It is one that we all want and sometimes we get a little lost along the way. Thank you for expressing it so perfectly.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I'll leave this here...
because i know you love it and it is after all, about us, the 99.
This triggers so many memories! Ah, college.
I finally gave away a lot of my vinyl before a long-haul move a couple of years ago, including this album. Nice to hear this piece again. ty.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
They are still at it...
... and better than ever!
Wow, that's beautiful, JtC
I hadn't heard that song before, but it s fitting for this site that gives us the spaces to fly without any cages.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I have this on vinyl and CD. Have always loved it. Thank you
for a place to talk, vent, conjecture, gather and move forward.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
I gotta admit JTC, I was worried too, but after a few days of
the expected sadness I too am amazed at how fast virtually everyone switched into, "Ok, What do we do next mode?"
I should have known better.
You guys are ALL awesome.
Keep up the faith and the FIGHT!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
"it is a cool breeze wafting the 99"
[video: width:600]
You called it...
You set the tone JtC
besides - the story of this election has yet to be written.
Not aligned to team blue but am aligned to a political philosophy -Socialism.
and a prediction just for fun: Neither Clinton nor Trump will be occupying the WH come January.
Great Job!
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
On election day...
'Time to pick between a rock and a hard place'
about sums it up
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Maybe because the Revolution is far from over. = )
No rest for the wicked, ya know. = ) We have work to this:
From Bernie Sanders Supporters Will March in St. Louis — and 52 Other Cities — July 24
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
you said it WindDancer.
Great rendition!
Thanks for sharing it. A copy of this version now resides in my music collection. = )
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Love that version! Tks
Thank you!
I just made (gladly) a modest contribution to the site. Hopefully, this helps us all move forward in the battle ahead. Peace!
Our village and town are so small that we don't have a village idiot or a town drunk. Nope, we all take turns.
Thank you very much...
RDSV, it's much appreciated.
thank heavens
you gave refuge and water (not Kool-Aid) to drink for those us wandering around aimlessly and not sure where to land after our exile, self-imposed or not.
My pleasure...
My new theme song!
Pretty much sums up my feelings!
Well, I heard some people talkin' just the other day
And they said you were gonna put me on a shelf
But let me tell you I got some news for you
And you'll soon find out it's true
And then you'll have to eat your lunch all by yourself
'Cause I'm already gone
And I'm feelin' strong
I will sing this vict'ry song, woo, hoo,hoo,woo,hoo,hoo
The letter that you wrote me made me stop and wonder why
But I guess you felt like you had to set things right
Just remember this, my girl, when you look up in the sky
You can see the stars and still not see the light (that's right)
And I'm already gone
And I'm feelin' strong
I will sing this vict'ry song, woo, hoo,hoo,woo, hoo,hoo
Well I know it wasn't you who held me down
Heaven knows it wasn't you who set me free
So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains
And we never even know we have the key
But me, I'm already gone
And I'm feelin' strong
I will sing this vict'ry song
'Cause I'm already gone
Yes, I'm already gone
And I'm feelin' strong
I will sing this vict'ry song
'Cause I'm already gone
Yes, I'm already gone
Already gone
All right, nighty-night
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
My reply...
to the Dem Party.
It's not the same as The Grand Game, but I've been helping
people like me not be afraid any more. I could only make jokes and cartoons here. But every little bit of fear I can help alleviate, imo, makes the world just a bit healthier.
But believe me, my torch and pitchfork are at the ready.
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
That's a beautiful thing, Alison...
and you're a beautiful soul, my friend.
You said it, Brother (JtC)! There are
so many issues to tackle, and so little time to waste.
Thanks for all that you do, and for your selfless dedication and leadership.
Hopefully, you can take a rest, now.
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) - Dogs Available For Adoption
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thanks Mollie...
the future is nigh, with or without us. it cares not.
Thank you for all that you do too.
My thanks go to all who dreamed this site
into existence and then invited us into it. well done!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Aw snoops...
you are one of the elders here, it's a dream we share with all that will listen. Thank you.
Ahhhh, Dreams, fantasies, even
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Reposting This Comment of Mine
... from an older thread and one I posted tonight. I think it's relevant to this diary.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
Wow! Excellent comment, JH. ;-D EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
A sort of ironic thing
The bastions of neoliberalism the IMF have come out in favor of a $15 minimum wage - even they realize that trickle down is dragging everything down.
Never thought I'd see the day.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Thank you JnH...
always the best words at the right time, amazing! Thanks for riding along with us, my brother.
Cheers pal.
You're the best.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Thank you N.O.
we've had a blast over all these years, I'm really glad you found us here.
Me too.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
If you build it we will come.
Happy to be here.
I want a Pony!
Actually it took a while...
but then grew beyond our wildest dream, and we're all still flying the dream. Glad you're here, Arrow.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Aww shucks...
Thanks HD!
JtC and Joe S., you both impress the hell out of me
Both of you have performed a great service by opening and running this excellent website, non-partisan, but clearly progressive. No name-calling. No enforced conformity. No filters--except our own sense of propriety. You both made it happen.
P.S.: JtC, whenever I have voiced a technical problem, no matter how deeply buried in a comment stream, you read it and troubleshot (troubleshooted?) it for me. This is something I've noticed you doing for others, promptly, clearly--so again a big thank you to both.
Thank you Mr. Gator
and thank you for the great writing you produce for us.
Kewl, HD! ;-D EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thanks. I like it here so much I've told people on the Green Party reddit site about us ( With a little luck they'll kick in some money as well as swell our ranks.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Thanks for that polkageist...
The grass is always Greener on the other side, no? I intend to find out.
Actually, congratulations to you and your team
from a reasonably stable genius.
Thanks Bollox
Maybe moving sideways is the right term dude
Moving forward would be boycotting this damn political system. Going to Stein is still trying to work within the system, trying to somehow elect politicians in this system that will be able to make a dent in the oligarchy/plutocracy. Dream on I say.
Or I could say, yay, moving forward! But everybody else does that man. You don't want that.
Hey Al...
what's up brother.
Your pretty good at diagnosis, but what's the solution. How specifically does boycotting elections bring about a better system. How do we escape systems? If an election boycott somehow leads to a collapse of the current system, what will replace it, and how will it be incorruptible.
I apologize in advance for my lack of understanding.
A boycott is for causing change.
The change sought in this case would be to the political system that brought us Trump vs. Clinton. It would be a start. The problem I see with going third party is it will not cause change to the political system, it is simply an effort to work within the political system. The problems we face regarding democracy are immense, almost insurmountable at this point. But if we don't demand democracy we have no chance. This is not a democratic system, it's an oligarchic system. What can replace it is something we can bridge at a latter point. There are certainly valid options. But the first step has to be demanding change. A boycott is ONE of the actions we can take to try to force change. Remember the old terms, no guts no glory and go for the gusto. I believe we're at that point, there has to be people who will challenge this system, not join it.
OK, thanks...
you don't mind that I remain unconvinced though, right.
Other than ensuring that the people who govern us are elected by people who are nothing like us, a boycott accomplishes exactly what?
Can I implement my boycott from Belize? Snorkeling is as close to heaven as you can get on earth--at least until the rest of the coral dies.
I think I explained that. And what does voting third
party get people? Is that going to get us democracy, stop the wars, what? When other options are suggested outside the electoral system, those most indoctrinated to the system automatically reject the options in favor of voting for more politicians to make their fucking decisions for them.
Voting for third party is not going to secure politicians that govern us, i.e., Jill Stein has no chance of winning and will not govern us.
Maybe it's time people explain exactly what a third party effort is going to do. How is it going to change things?
You didn't explain in a way that I could follow. When a boycott is successful, the target looses something by your lack of participation, usually lower sales of some good or service the entity produces. Boycotting elections when there is evidence that the establishment is trying to drive down participation doesn't seem to me to create much pressure.
I am trying to understand your argument.
Successful third parties in a 2 party system either replace one of the dominant parties (See Republicans 1856-1860) or become large enough outside the constraints of the two party system to come back in and play a major, recognized role in one of the two dominant parties. Progressives were a suppressed offshoot of the Republican Party. They formed a third party. Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party received more votes than the Republicans in the 1912 presidential election. The Result of the split was the election of Democrat Woodrow Wilson. Ultimately, the Progressive Party served as a half way house for voters on the way from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party, which made changes to accommodate them.
Trouble with boycotting
the system is that it won't bother our political ruliing class a bit. They like it when people do not turn out to vote.The fanatical haters the partisan's from both parties show up to beat back the evil other side. Even if only 10% voted they would declare it a mandate and proceed full steam ahead. If nobody showed up that might just work. Even though awareness of how fucked up the system is at an all time high you could not at this point in time organize an effective voters boycott. I too want the whole crooked broken system gone.
I figure any move by growing number of fed up people , sideways or forward, inside or out is going to weaken their grip on power. Meanwhile they are blowing it as they are so damn arrogant they will not back off or even bother with the pretense of democracy. I vote but never Democratic anymore down ballot I go for every socialist or green who strikes my fancy. The solution will not lie within our broken electoral system on that we agree Big Al but if the voters keep throwing monkey wrenches into the political machines and also people become activists from the outside it's a good start/stop.
The Soviet Union fell apart because they did not offer any way for their citizens to parliamentary address their grievances. When that happens people withdraw consent to be governed and all hell breaks lose. I see the chaos born of discontent fermenting away among the people globally. I'm not one who fears that people globally will go Nazi and start turning to RW lunatics like Le Pen, Mussolini, or other assorted pig head fucking monsters. People thought up democracy and economics are another human construct. I put my faith in the humans globally to find a way indie and out to stop this shit. One way or another it's going down, it always does. It won't last as these asshole have always been around and will regroup for another assault on humanity and the earth.
Think horizontal as OWS did. I respect your position on voting and am glad you have withdrawn your consent. I may join you soon. Meanwhile I'm causing them as much trouble as I can, inside and out. the revolution be it political or outside the gates is coming so I for now play it as it lies. I like your attitude you have a good grip on the nature of this beast. solutions will come as nothing is inevitable or too big to fall. Life like politics is not static.
Hey shah. Ya, there's no one thing that's going to do it.
I tend to disagree that not voting is what the ruling elite want. I think they rely on illusions to keep their gig going, the illusion that we live in this fantastic democracy created by our "founding fathers" and that we're the greatest country on the earth. That's part of what we need to do, break the illusions. I think a boycott could throw a monkey wrench into the political machine in that it would help expose the fraud that we live in this great democracy. And that is what we should be after, democracy itself. It would have to be big and the numbers wouldn't have to be down to zero people voting but if we get it into historically low levels with an organized boycott, it would get attention.
The way I look at it is we have only so many options with this election. We have many other options outside the election, but for just the election we can vote or we can not vote. We can vote for third party or we can vote for the duopoly. Voting for the duopoly is out of the question. So it comes down to either voting third party or not voting. I don't believe voting third party has as much potential as an organized boycott to force change. In fact, I've yet to see a good explanation of how voting for third party will help us get democracy.
Someone else said we already have a democracy. I say we don't and if don't go get one we're shit out of luck no matter what else we try to do.
Not a boycott, but a lawsuit, making sure every last voting
machine in use in this country has a paper trail, so we know how we vote is reflected in the reported vote totals.
Also, work with Wolf-PAC to pass a Constitutional amendment to get money out of politics.
There's no point in voting if the result is fixed and/or the pols work for the donors instead of the voters anyway.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
So you're not in favor of changing the system,
but instead trying to clean it up, "reform" it. There are two different goals. That's the point. It seems most on this blog would rather try to reform than demand a new system that is democratic. To each his/her own. I reject this political system.
I think if we can ensure that politicians are responsive to the
voters, by taking out the money and making sure the votes are real, that is making the system more democratic. There's no point in getting excited about Jill Stein or anyone else if the fix is in and our candidates will never win.
You seem to want to reject democracy... in favor of democracy?
I don't think most on this blog have a solid opinion on the best way to fix things, but what's your solution?
I would also be in favor of open primaries, no more supers, or even do away with parties and move to ranked voting. But you seem to be short on specifics.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
JtC, I don't know why you called me twice
in your comments, "my dear", but I admit I liked ...
... to be called that in the big c99p community. Always wondered how I deserved it. May I say to you, my dear, that you are the gentlest admin and moderator and community police officer in the neighborhood? Sometimes I feel like a kiddo watching Sesame Street with that guy who was always so gentle and sang something kind. Forgot his name, ah, no, it's Mr. Rogers and his neighborhood. As you can see it's all in the eyes of the beholder. It's a long stretch from Mr. Rogers neighborhood to Johnny the Conqueero' 99p, but I mean the arch of kindness bents towards the kiddo in all of us, I think.
Let's see what the future brings. For some reason, at the moment, I think something good and unexpected will happen.
Thank you my dear...
it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, kiddo.
JtC or Johnny --- which do you prefer :?
Enjoyed your very imaginative description of Capitalism and the litter box that is the Democratic party ---- lol, did I follow you correctly in my interpretation?
Thank you for establishing, organizing, maintaining, caring, and loving this space/place/community/home. Thanks for all the little things that are probably big fucking things to maintain in computer thingamajigs --- I soooo appreciate the ability to be able to edit! What a fucking gift that is! Thanks for graciously leaving diaries up on the front page so folks can catch up if they've had to be away a day or so.
This is a great place! I look forward to the journey down the road less traveled --- I can't wait to see what happens here with all you great people!
Love to you and all your sidekicks and other genius people behind the screen.
Hi Ajaradom...
JtC or Johnny, either is fine. Thanks for the kind words.
If your talking about the "Community Featured" listing at the bottom of the right sidebar, that's our equivalent of the Rec List that so many of us are familiar with at some other site that I can't remember the name of at this particular moment. The Community Featured list is generated automatically according to the amount of thumbs up that essays receive. The more the thumbs up received the higher up the list they'll go. The list is programmed for essays to remain on it for 2 days max. then they'll drop off.
Kool --- thanks for the explanation.
I'm enjoying the music you and others have linked here --- we must never forget the music and we must never forget to laugh and dance!
Or (using this fucking awesome edit option) lol
Listen to the music! Laugh! Dance!
How is financial support here?
JtC, so mellow, are we keeping you not money-stressed? After Joe's interview (misfits, indeed!) there may be another bunch of swimmers making it to this island.
I donate when I am feeling a little less-stressed myself. But cannot imagine the co$t$ as well as time that you are dealing with. Are we being generous, fair or stingy?
I got a call today from a subcontractor for my disaster building project who wanted to know the phone # for my GC. I am in the process of suing said GC for fraud, dude seems to have dropped off the horizon. Makes me sad/angry/not-guilty if subs never got paid. A true mess. And I can't extricate myself, sigh. Story goes on. Sigh.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Hi rl...
Oh, I guess we're doing OK financially, it could be a bit better, but occasionally members take it upon themselves to do impromptu fundraisers, that helps. We are currently looking into having a c99p auction to help raise some funds and we're thinking about having some T-shirts made up. I do put many hours in, 7 days a week. I absolutely hate advertising and don't want to go that route if it's at all possible to avoid it.
Hope things work out with the subcontractor and general, him dropping out of sight is not a good thing. Good luck.
Subscription vs. donation
Would you consider a free one month trial for peeps, and if you like it here, you subscribe for $12 per year? Many here seem to be financially strapped but I'm sure there are some who could afford more than $12, say $30/year. A modest yearly rate is doable for me and probably others. Peeps in better circumstances may pay more.
Once a modest and fair paywall is set up, you won't have to worry when funds get low. Don't know how many are here but I'm guessing several thousands. And as you grow, funding will increase. Fair and doable?
I've set up a $25 per month donation
Seems like a wonderful product to ask for subscription payments. JtC is very quiet about asking for financial support, and that's welcome in its way, but I'd like to see more of us realize that regular income is needed for a site like this. Advertising is one way to do that, but I agree with JtC that it's far from desirable. Look at what happened to TOP when Markos evidently decided to sell out.
Please help support caucus99percent!
I've subscribed for $10 monthly. Perhaps we subscribers could
advertise that onsite, in our signature lines, by inviting others to do the same. JtC, if you like the idea we could re-link the donation link in our sigs.
Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.
I'm just waiting on the "Go Ahead" JTC. :)
I am ready to donate the first couple items to the auction as soon as we are ready to roll it out.
Give me the green light and I will start working on the Essay introducing it. (unless you would prefer to do so, I just don't want you to overload yourself with minutia as I am sure your plate is already quite full.).
Shoot me a message in that private thread if you want to hash out the final details whenever you are ready and have the time.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Good mornimg
You had a party, and I missed it. I can't remember the name of that other place either. Best to you, Joe, and c99. Wishing you sunny skies and smooth sailing.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Me Neither...
Orange Satan, Orange State, Orange Stain...
What was it anyway?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Many thanks to you, JtC and joe, and
the rest if you who were here long before most of us knew there was a refuge nearby. You took us, the refugees, in. There have been growing pains, which is perfectly normal, and through it all, you two just massaged out the lumps. Thank you for having patience with us. The refugees are finding their places, whether it be in politics or not, but in everything. It's a wonderful community to be part of.
Cheers to all of us!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Right on.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
I am very thankful for this site and your work . . .
This feels like a safe place. Yet very inspirational!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Still very mad but getting some shit done :)
Not bitter.. Mad. Mad as hell and I'm not going to take any more BS from anyone.
So that's good.
We're going to continue. But we are going to help PEOPLE not going to ever give a rat's lice ridden ass about politicians. People not politics. I can't change Politics. But I can help people who are fucked over by our country, government and the sheeple who allow this shit fester.
And this place is a sanctuary, thank you.
And yesterday was a meeting for my son's program. The one he was drug tested for and then somehow passed. Turns out there are some corporate leaders out there who are trying to help people. So I'll be very keen to share how this 9 month, intense job training program works out. Building careers instead of just placement... pretty damn cool.
So that will be moving forward.
And I started a new job at the start of the year that is all fantangled up and a bit on the wild edge of crazy. So that's a huge change and still movement forward.
I just am sad because either way - People are going to be hurting more and more. We are just going to have to work very hard on making sure that we help in any way we can.
It's okay to be mad. It's not okay for that emotion to stifle us. It can inspire us but we need to make sure it doesn't engulf us at the same time.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
This x 100
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
you impress the hell outa me JtC
And I sure appreciate all your work to keep this place going. Thanks!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
'Go Man Go'
The name of the place is caucus99percent. Thanks for the place JtC, Joe and the community that's taking shape. I like it