Jill Stein spending six days in Burlington, Vt beginning today. What's up?

Really interesting chess going on. In video below Claudia Stauber gives a very interesting analysis of Bernie's and Jill's recent moves. Take a look at Jill's events page. Vermont is a great place to vacation but the timing here is just a little suspicious.

I'm giving my first Green party donation today.

What do you guys think?

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thanatokephaloides's picture

..... gets you the info from the Google search without the Google tracking!

(I use ixquick on my Android phone. Must drive Google fucking nuts!)


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

lunachickie's picture

Somehow, DuckDuckGo got by me before now, so I appreciate the tip very much Smile

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Cassiodorus's picture

Has he shown the least interest in Jill Stein?

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

Alphalop's picture

1. He is still in the race even though the odds are so slim as to be virtually nonexistent.

2. It would give the DNC WAAAY too much ammo to use against him.

I don't expect him to do much until he can say, "Look, we HAVE to beat Trump, that's why I got behind Hillary. However, now that it has become obvious that her chances are waning I have no choice but to back the only progressive candidate in the race that can, Jill Stein."
Until he has the political cover to do something of that nature I wouldn't expect much. He is a brilliant strategist and I can't wait to see how he plays this out.

I am not certain what he will do, but what I am certain of is that whatever he does he will do because he believes it is the best choice he can make for all of us regardless of whether or not I agree with it.

(edited for clarity by removing two words where one would work better.)

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Besides, if you compare their histories, Bernie and Cornel are birds (ha!) of a feather. Bernie can't be direct about Jill right now for many reasons, but Cornel has no such restraints on him. All it would take from Bernie is a wink and a smile to endorse and support Jill, and I suspect something like that occurred.

I'm actually starting to enjoy watching this all shake out. Nothing would surprise at this point. The coalitions are forming right under the noses of the DNC, but they're too thick-headed to even try to understand how they did this to themselves.

Anyway, after a couple days getting over the endorsement shock, I feel a weird sense of calm. Anything is possible now. Someone mentioned a chat maybe happening between Jill Stein and Jane Sanders. Hey, maybe a Jill/Jane ticket! I mean, they have the same initials and everything. Smile Nothing to do but wait and see.

Typo edit.

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Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia

Raggedy Ann's picture

The coalitions are forming right under the noses of the DNC, but they're too thick-headed to even try to understand how they did this to themselves.

They are so busy ensuring her heinous gets the nom, they are not paying attention to anything else. It's like when Georgie told us to keep shopping and go to disneyland after 9/11 - distractions. The hrc crew is distracting themselves with their obsession with her coronation. That's great for us!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

I try to avoid telling others how to feel, but honestly I think the time is now to turn away from doubt and fear, so that we can clearly see the opportunity before us. The DNC, as you said, is so wrapped up in their negativity that they're blind to reality. Fine. That frees up the activists on our side to do what they need to do. They'll need to focus their energy, not getting bogged down in the scary-Hillary mindset. That's not much different from the Trump-scare being pushed by the D's. It's ineffective in the big picture, no matter how legitimate or not the fear.

I'm going to try to finally post an essay about this. Have been shy about doing so, but would like to share thoughts in a longer format.

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Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia

Raggedy Ann's picture

You're not telling others how to feel - you are expressing how YOU feel, which is the same way MANY OF US feel! Fear must not be a factor in all of this - we must remain as objective as possible in order to see the lies for what they are, in order to recognize that the fix is in.

Now that Bernie endorsed, they are not paying attention. GOOD! We can now get something done and blindside them. That's my hope, anyway. They are so consumed by their own greed - they are so consumed by the possible jobs they will have in her administration - they are not paying attention. GOOD!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Yes, however much and blatantly electoral cheating may be conducted, the results should appear plausible or, at least, not impossible.

Dunno why they think appointing Biden or some other corporate-acceptable Dem Presidential nominee who has not even run, over one who has run and gained great popularity despite, among other things massive voter suppression and cheating, would be plausible in the event of Hillary being indicted on any of a succession of potential charges...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Alphalop's picture

It can be intimidating for sure.

I have given talks in rooms with over 500 people in them cold (I.E. I wasn't told I was speaking until literally 5 minutes before they wanted me on the stage) and I think I was actually more nervous about hitting that submit button a couple years ago when I wrote my first piece at TOP.

Have at it, because at the end of the day (god I hate that saying, why do I keep using it?) we are all just people with opinions and keyboards.

Besides, you are among friends. Smile

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

It's really encouraging to read your kind words, to know I'm among friends. Smile We don't need to always agree with each other, just listen, and reflect on what we hear. I know I've changed for the better in the short time I've been here. That's through reading through all the wisdom being passed around.

Yes, the DNC establishment is downright silly in their refusal to witness their own self-inflicted downfall. Yay! More fun for us!

For now, I'm working on a project, gotta run, but will get to work on the essay soon.

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Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia

Alphalop's picture

And I agree, this place is great. I have absolutely viewed things from perspectives that I never would have considered if it wasn't sparked by thoughts expressed by my fellow C99P peeps. Smile

BTW, I love your sig! I was casual friends with Leo and his life partner (he was tall! especially compared to Leo) when I lived in Lake Tahoe.

We met when I was managing a video store and living life as a ski bum. They were regular customers and would come in and bring me a coffee while we chatted about movies. I would hook them up with the occasional screener, and they would keep me caffeinated, lol! (The barter system was still big in Tahoe back then amongst the locals) Smile

I NEVER saw that man with a look on his face that wasn't one of happiness boarding on bliss. (The only way I can really describe it.) I envied his ability to always seem to find the beauty in life and gloss over the bad.

Somewhere around here I still have a VHS copy of Give Love that he wrote a really nice note that he placed inside for me. (I think he was stoked by the fact that we had it on our "We Recommend" rack. Smile )

Sorry to go off on a tangent, your sig line just brought back a few memories that I hadn't thought of in years. Ahhh, the good ol' days, lol!

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

shaharazade's picture

your a very articulate poster and a good writer to boot. Doubt and fear are the biggest obstacle I see for a political revolution. Keeping humans globally in a constant state of warfare, politically, economically, culturally and this killing destructive violent endless war on terra, makes it hard for people to form coalitions and have solidarity with other people anywhere. Divide and conquer works well for the 1%. In the face of what people and the planet it is absurd to get all tweaked about partisan politics. The unity these fuckers call for needs to be 'we the people' everywhere uniting against being jerked around by the misplaced fear and misinformation they catapult from every direction. FDR had a good point even if he was a pol and a flawed cappie. Fear and doubt leads us all to the dark side.

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If Jill bumped into Bernie while she was there. Vermont has to be one of the most pro-Jill Stein states.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

WoodsDweller's picture

Jill and Jane have an opportunity for an extended chat.
I would be very surprised if Bernie actually meets with Jill at this point. He doesn't need to, and the optics (as far as the Democratic Party are concerned) are bad. This will play out with surrogates. Bernie turning over his donor list would be burning the last bridge, but making sure the Greens have access to the people who built Bernie's social media and fundraising organization would be enormously valuable to building the progressive movement going forward.

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

Bernie turning over his donor list would be burning the last bridge

for this very reason. i don't know what negotiations continue between Sanders and Clinton regarding campaign data. i certainly don't want my email going to Clinton, even though all my political junk mail goes into an alias email. when asked why i was unsubscribing i included the statement that i would renew my email subscription when he announces the "creation of successor organizations to carry on the struggle" as he stated in his most recent email.

until then i didn't want my email hanging out there for the DNC to snag nor my recurring contribution to Sanders through ActBlue. i ended that yesterday, too. even worse than Clinton having my email i really, really don't want her to have my money. i don't know where my Sanders contributions are going at this stage or what they're being used for so i just quit them. i can start them up again when those successors organizations are established. i haven't decided yet on contributions to Jill Stein. i'm trying to decide if i should wait to see how the convention plays out. on the other hand, if Democrats get wind of her contributions blowing up to early Bernie numbers that may give them some pause to realize they're not going to get the Bernie supporters. even better if her numbers improve enough to get her on the debate stage.

additionally, i went ahead and did my DemExit yesterday back to NPP. i don't know if a significant number of people dropping their Democratic registration will have any impact on the mindset of the DNC and superdelegates but at least maybe i won't get all the Clinton junk mail in the coming months. after all, i'm one of those stinkin' independents and they don't want my vote, right?

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travelerxxx's picture

The Sanders campaign signed agreements with the DNC in order to use the DNC database. This was done early on in the campaign. You may recall some shenagigans the DNC/Clinton-campaign pulled a few months ago which led to the Sanders campaign filing a lawsuit in this regard. If you do a search for that lawsuit, you can find the original contracts given as exhibitions. I posted a pertinent section from one of these contracts a few days ago.

The section I posted talks about how the Sanders campaign is obligated to give the DNC his information once he stops being a candidate for president, etc. It's part of the contract he signed and he is obligated to follow through or he will be sued ... and he would lose that suit quickly.

Besides, the DNC/Clinton-campaign already has your email address, home address, dog's name, and your favorite movie. Hell, Markos of the DKos sold the DNC that information long ago.

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Hell, Markos of the DKos sold the DNC that information long ago.

luckily it all goes into a spam folder.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

regarding the Clinton campaign having automatic access to Bernie's donor lists?

Not disputing you, but I've always understood from numerous cable discussions on this topic, that it was up to Bernie and FSC's campaign to negotiate whether or not she can use his donor list. So, if you have anything on this topic regarding the Clinton campaign (not the DNC--agree with the assertion that they can automatically use the data), I'd appreciate it if you can guide me in that direction.


Now, I did read a couple months ago, that anyone who donated to Bernie's campaign through the Act Blue PAC, could have their data sold.

Meaning, I suppose, that the Clinton campaign could possibly buy the list. (as could anyone else)

IOW, Act Blue 'owns' the data. None of the candidates who go through them can stop them from selling it, if they wish to do so.


“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)

National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) - Dogs Available For Adoption

Misty May - NMDR

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

travelerxxx's picture

I did Google searches looking for public information regarding whether Sanders had signed a contract - a legally binding contract - wherein he stated that he would publicly support the nominee of the Democratic Party. I didn't find exactly what I was looking for, but I did find actual copies of the contracts his campaign signed with the DNC regarding finance and access to the DNC voter/supporter databases.

These contracts were given as exhibits in support of the Sanders campaign lawsuit of a few months ago when the brouhaha erupted over some Sanders campaign folks accessing the Clinton databases ... or whatever it was. In any event, Sanders sued over the issue, and the original contracts were entered as evidence.

See this: http://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000151-b72f-d9b7-ad79-f7ff512d0000

Specifically, read Exhibit A, 3., a., c., d., and e.

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EdMass's picture

I am assuming you mean Jane Sanders.

Well, you see, according to multiple reports, sources and the statement of the Burlington College. It was Jane as President that drove them into unsurmountable debt, bankruptcy and closure. All while being paid a 1% wage.

Bernie? Hello? I would have voted for Bernie anyway, but he wouldn't have survived imho.

Among all the other suppositions why he pulled up and endorsed, my cynical mind says he knew he'd never survive with his wife's actions and his positions. Too easy. Just ask Mrs./Dr. Dean, one interview in the Primaries and a total bale...

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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

riverlover's picture

I am sure that was not your intent. Jill Stein is running for President, Jane Sanders for FLOTUS. Not that either of them give a status-shit about that. Jane Sanders has been by his side throughout, she is invisible only as a spouse, of a certain age.

That would be like two heads chatting about grandchildren.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

lunachickie's picture

is inevitable and the next person I hear call him a sellout for "giving it up" will earn my undying wrath. ActBlue will give it up, absolutely. That's in the contract these people have with these candidates--EVERYTHING is taken for the eventual nominee, including any remaining funds.

Hell, Sanders' donor list lives in the DNC database and always has. You can bet those scumbag cheaters just took it, he won't even have to actually give it to them. They've all been given access to it, you know they have.

I love that Sanders hasn't formally pulled the plug on his candidacy. Near as I can tell, he's free to keep spending that money on whatever remains of his campaign. I hope he spends some of it on meeting with Stein in the next five days, that would be some delicious irony Wink

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Greyhound's picture

Our demands will be made and they will respond to them. As long as we're smarter than they are and don't give up when it gets hard, we will win.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

"It does not take a majority to prevail. But rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men"

We fight for ourselves and for what we know is right, community, they fight for money and power, they only way they win is to convince us to stop trying.

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I've been getting all the emails from the DNC, and Stop Citizen's United groups which include "spot polls" with the questions - "who will you vote for?" Prior to @ June 7, it was Clinton, Sanders, or Trump? After Clinton "clinched" CA - the choices were reduced to Clinton, Trump, or Other? And if you chose Other, a box would appear to write in who you'd vote for. I always wrote I'd write in Bernie. Usually when I did that, the entire page would just shut down. In the last week or so, Bernie's name has reappeared on list of choices. "Who will you vote for" now offers choices of Clinton, Trump, Write in Sanders, or Other.

I think this is all unofficial polling to test the waters pre convention. No one is conducting this kind of poll openly because that puts the lie to the meme that Clinton has clinched anything.

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Carolyn Urban
