Open Thread for July 11, 2016, Happy World Population Day (International)

Open Thread for July 11, 2016, Happy World Population Day (International)

July 11 is the 192th day of the year. There are 173 days left.

Today is 7-11, meaningful in both craps and retail

11 and its multiples generate fun fractions (more later)

11 is the smallest positive integer with a 3 syllable name
11 is the 5th prime and the smallest 2 digit prime
If a number is divisible by 11, so is its reverse, for example: 165 and 561
if no 2 consective digits of a number add up to more than nine, then multiplying it by eleven generates a number which is the reverse of the product of the original number's reverse multiplied by 11. Example: 15 x 11=165 and 51 x 11 = 651

OK, deep breath
11 goes into 99 exactly 9 times. As a result, the decimal expansion of any common fraction with 11 in the denominator will be a two digit infinite repeat.
1/11 = .09 repeated,
2/11 = .18 repeated,
3/11 = .27 repeated,
4/11 = .36 repeated, etc.
The repeating 2 digits are the product of the numerator and .09 for numerators less than 11. For example, 7 x .09 = .63, so 7/9 = .63 repeated indefinitely.

An 11 sided polygon is a hendecagon or an undecagon

11 is significant in Thelema
11 is a master number in Numerology

11 is a come out win at craps
11 is sodium

There are 11 players per side on the field at one time in soccer, cricket, field hockey and US style football

Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring", has 11 consecutive repetitions of the same chord.
Spinal Tap's amplifiers go up to eleven.
There is a Grateful Dead song named "The Eleven" which has an 11/8 time signature.

Title 11 of the US Code is BANKRUPTCY

11 BCE
Was the Year of the Consulship of Tubero and Maximus
Nero Claudius Drusus was victorious at the Battle of the Lupia River and then built fortresses near Bonn, Dorsten, Haltern, and Oberaden

11 CE
Was the Year of the Consulship of Lepidus and Taurus
(That's the hare and the bull, fwiw, and sounds like a lot of Taurus to me)
Artabanus III of the Arsacid Dynasty became ruler of Parthia

On this day in:
1405 -- Ming admiral Zheng He sailed off on his first voyage of exploration. His is a little known fantastic saga of accomplishment - read up on him.
1576 -- Martin Frobisher sighted Greenland.
1789 -- Jacques Necker was dismissed by Louis XVI sparking the Storming of the Bastille on the 14th.
1796 -- The US took possession of Detroit under the Jay Treaty.
1798 -- The US Marine Corps was re-established.
1804 -- Aaron Burr mortally wounded Alexander Hamilton in a duel
1848 -- Waterloo railway station in London opened.
1889 -- Tijuana, Mexico, was founded.
1893 -- Generals Zelaya siezed power in Nicaragua.
1895 -- The Lumière brothers demonstrated movie film technology to scientists.
1919 -- The eight-hour day and free Sunday become law for workers in the Netherlands.
1934 -- Engelbert Zaschka flew his human-powered aircraft about 20 meters.
1940 -- The Vichy France regime was formally established.
1943 -- The allies invaded of Sicily
1960 -- The State of Katanga broke away from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
1960 -- The novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" was published
1995 -- The Srebrenica massacre was carried out killing more than 8,000 people
2006 -- The Mumbai train bombings killed 209 people
2010 -- Twin suicide bombings in Kampala, Uganda, killed at least 74 people

Born this day in:
1274 -- Robert the Bruce, Scottish king
1897 -- Bull Connor, Southron Police officer racist mercenary thug.
1899 -- E. B. White, author and poet
1913 -- Cordwainer Smith, author, and academic
1929 -- Danny Flores, singer, songwriter & saxophonist (The Champs)
1934 -- Giorgio Armani, fashion designer
1941 -- Henry Lowther, trumpet player
1943 -- Oscar D'León, bass player (Dimensión Latina)
1947 -- John Holt, singer & songwriter (The Paragons)
1949 -- Liona Boyd, singer, songwriter & guitarist
1950 -- Bonnie Pointer, singer (The Pointer Sisters)
1953 -- Peter Brown, singer, songwriter and producer
1957 -- Peter Murphy, singer, songwriter (Bauhaus and Dalis Car)
1957 -- Michael Rose, singer, songwriter (Black Uhuru)
1959 -- Richie Sambora, singer, songwriter, guitarist, & producer (Bon Jovi)
1959 -- Suzanne Vega, singer, songwriter, guitarist, & producer
1960 -- David Baerwald, singer, songwriter (David & David)
1965 -- Scott Shriner, singer, songwriter & bass player (Weezer and The Special Goodness)
1968 -- Daniel MacMaster, singer, songwriter (Bonham)
1971 -- Leisha Hailey, singer, songwriter & actress (Uh Huh Her and The Murmurs)
1975 -- Nadya Suleman, Octomom (who else on World Population Day?)
1978 -- Kathleen Edwards, singer, songwriter & guitarist

Died this day in:
1937 -- George Gershwin, pianist and composer
2014 -- Tommy Ramone, drummer and producer (Ramones and Uncle Monk)

Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days and such:
World Population Day (International)

So, for music we gots --
Danny Flores
Henry Lowther
Oscar D'León
John Holt
Liona Boyd
Bonnie Pointer
Peter Brown
Peter Murphy
Michael Rose
Richie Sambora
Suzanne Vega
David Baerwald
Scott Shriner
Daniel MacMaster
Leisha Hailey
Kathleen Edwards
George Gershwin
Tommy Ramone

Danny Flores

Henry Lowther

Oscar D'León

John Holt

Liona Boyd

Bonnie Pointer


Peter Brown

Peter Murphy

Michael Rose

Richie Sambora

Suzanne Vega

David Baerwald

Scott Shriner


Daniel MacMaster

Leisha Hailey

Kathleen Edwards

George Gershwin

Tommy Ramone

OK, Open Thread, everybody have at it, but play nicely.

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riverlover's picture

Does anyone realize the highway shutdowns/response that is not at all in the MSM? Film from Baton Rouge?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Lookout's picture

We're out of control.
Nothing new to anyone here, but a nice summary of population growth and sustainability 5 min

Population connection (used to be ZPG) population growth over time about 6 min

Really over population is the issue of our time - tied to climate change and quality of life.

Thanks for the number fun el
Here's a song about being eleven – kinda silly

Hope you all have a good Monday!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

martianexpatriate's picture

I need to get things rolling. Time to put in my ceiling fan.

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Is 121, a palindrome. (Not to be confused with a Palin drone, which is annoying and not useful).
1111 squared is 1234321. 111111 squared is 12345654321.
I guess this isn't really an 11 thing as it works with any string of 1s (up to 9 I imagine), just thought it neat.

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There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.

OLinda's picture

there would be no math.

Going to see if Vimeo code works. If not, I'll come back in and delete:

SNL-No-Math from Dez on Vimeo.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

on Truthdig, today, that I encourage you to read.

11 is a master number in numerology. It is also the number you find most common to be the birth number of a person who tends to be a micromanager. I can't work for those folks. Diablo

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

mimi's picture

in the reading room of the EU Commissions official "reading rooms", where they can read the details of the documents for the negotiated upcoming TTIP deal, in order to avoid more "leaks" from out of the "reading rooms".

TTIP-Leak: EU-Kommission will Abgeordnete mit versteckter Kamera überwachen (TTIP-Leak: EU commission wants to surveille EU delegates).

May be I should try a translation. This is my own, please correct me if I got something terribly wrong. I am not a professionally trained translator and my English is pretty bad, but heh, I think it's enough to "get it".

Before the important 14th round of negotiations on the proposed transatlantic trade agreement TTIP the US wants to prevent further " Leaks from reading rooms ". The EU Commission is therefore bringing hidden cameras into play.

Politicians are to be monitored secretly, if they want to find information in the official reading rooms from the negotiating documents on the planned FTA TTIP between the EU and the USA . The EU Commission proposed, according to published minutes written by "research collective corrective" of an internal meeting of the EU Council in early July a "better control of electronic devices in particular with hidden cameras.

The US had asked how the EU intends to prevent further leaks from reading rooms, it says in the confidential paper. Previously Greenpeace had posted in early May 75 percent of TTIP papers, dealing with the different positions of the negotiating sides, on the internet and had opened up a public reading room at the Brandenburg Gate, which the police closed pretty soon after. The US had initially reacted demonstratively "unconcerned", but showed behind the scenes that they were rather annoyed.

The Commission suggested to the Council of Ministers that - aside from the covert video surveillance cameras - only three documents at the same time could be given out for reading purposes.

After high pressure from elected representatives and civil society, the Commission had set up a reading room at the European Parliament in December. The Federal Ministry of Economics did soemthing comparable end of January . At both locations politicians and optionally their employees, who are allowed to have access, may see confidential documents with explanations and overviews.

It should not be given the impression that the access of MPs should be restricted, declared representatives of Germany, together with emissaries of Austria. Belgium and Lithuania agreed expressively to increased security measures though. The green EU interior ministers Jan Philipp Albrecht though tweeted his outrage with the counter-proposal to install " open cameras " in the negotiating sessions .

In Brussels the 14 - TTIP negotiations started this Monday. It's about proposals and positions on issues such as industrial goods, market access, protection of intangibles and geographical indications , services, government procurement or sustainable development . The Commission has published its own positions to the web .The USA positions have barely been posted in the reading rooms.

The EU side insists to conclude the talks by the end of 2016. That would mean to have a largely finished text actually at the end of this week , because the negotiating team meets again only in October shortly before the US election . But the differences are still quite substantial.

Ok, folks, don't leak anything out from the reading rooms. You are not supposed to know anything about the deals. The US ain't going to be happy about it. So, you better behave.

Thanks for the OT and the nice and diverse selection of music pieces.

Happy Population Day. Yeah, these darn women, who can't stop giving birth to cute babies, heh?

Let it be known that I am against any restrictions on couples or women on their reproductive rights, which includes the prevention AND the production of cute babies. All those smart academically trained folks, who think that they can "reduce" the world population by restricting women's rights to have or not to have babies, can imo go to hell. So there, I said it.

That doesn't mean that those women are responsible for what they do with their decisions, getting over their own abortions emotionally or raising their kids alone, if needed be.

Women should carry their responsibilities for the kids they give birth to. Most of them do, even under very bad circumstances. No birth control methods should ever be denied to women. The US is so fuckingly greedy and behind the times, they don't make access to birth control easy and cheap. There you have the mess you deserve. Yeah, I am angry, and rightfully so.

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enhydra lutris's picture

to houseguests, and will continue to be scarce for another day or two. Happy Octomom day.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

cybrestrike's picture

The police have looked ridiculous for quite some time.

Rudy Guiliani proved that he is a Complete Monster again.

The police in riot gear were more armored up than anything I had when I was in the Army. That's like some sci-fi dystopian, proto-fascist movie stuff. Suffice to say, future film makers will have plenty of stock footage to use.

It seems we're reaching some kind of peak anger in this country. The point where enough becomes enough and certain societal norms gets thrown out of the window.

With that depressing news, I'm going to go out and try to survive the hot and humid weather in Orlando.

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mimi's picture

about plea bargains and innocent people incarcerated and what they have to go through.
‘On Contact’ With Chris Hedges: Wrongfully Convicted and Living With the Consequences.

A lot of things said in there, which don't get mentioned often:

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Mark from Queens's picture

It loaded extremely narrow on my computer's tab.

Just saw mimi's post with the Hedges interview about the criminal justice system's abuse of the plea bargaining system and wanted to post a link with something related (a Frontline piece called "Policing the Police").

Think I'll wait to see if this gets sorted out.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Mark from Queens's picture

called "Policing The Police."

Great writer for the New Yorker, who wrote some of the best stuff on Ferguson during his stay there.

This time, for "Policing The Police," he went back and forth to Newark, NJ for one year. The PD there had been found by the Justice Dept. in violation of all sorts of negligence and abuses. Riveting and eye-opening as it exposed the closed mentality of the street cops, the challenges for the new Mayor, and son of the late great radical poet/author/activist Amiri Baraka, Ras Baraka, and the hubris and bunker mentality of police. One of the better looks inside policing, how the community thinks of them, while pulling no punches in maintaining a fair assessment looking at everyone involved.

full film here:

Some clips here:

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Lookout's picture - As protests against police brutality spread across the United States, a shocking new joint investigation by the New York Times and the Marshall Project looks at a little-examined part of the criminal justice system: the horrific, and sometimes fatal, private prison extradition industry. Each year, tens of thousands of fugitives and suspects — many who have never been convicted of a crime — are entrusted to a handful of small private companies that specialize in transferring the men and women across the country. After reviewing thousands of court documents and interviewing more than 50 current or former guards and executives, two reporters with the Marshall Project uncovered cases two prisoners dying of perforated ulcers, another woman was sexually assaulted and a third who had to have both legs amputated from complications of untreated diabetes. For more we speak with the two reporters, Eli Hager and Alysia Santo, as well as Roberta Blake, who was arrested in 2014 after not returning a rental car on time, and a former private prison guard Fernando Colon. 17 min

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

hecate's picture

was a nasty little prick. The duel was occasioned by his salacious whisperings that Burr enjoyed sexual congress with his own daughter. Hamilton arrived at the grounds with a pistol with a hair-trigger, which caused it to discharge prematurely; Burr then shot Hamilton in the belly. Hamilton left behind the notion that the United States should be devoted to money.

The invasion of Sicily was part of Winston Churchill's scheme to delay an allied landing in France as long as possible, in the hope and fervent desire that the Russians and Germans would meanwhile all kill each other off.


What is now known as Tijuana was inhabited by the Kumeyaay, which means "those who face the water from a cliff." When the white people showed up, the Kumeyaay were driven off. The Spaniards shoved them into missions; the Mexicans rendered them serfs.

Zheng He's voyages ended because the money dried up. Imperial China had its hands full—seizing and occupying Yunnan and Guizhou, harrassing Tibet, invading Vietnam, etc., etc., etc., and then the Mongols went wild again, and captured the emperor. It was decided to construct the Great Wall; and so, naval monies, they went to bricks and mortar, instead.

Bull Connor was the beloved of George Wallace, who was The Hairball of his day.


Eleventy-seventy-billion is the number of perfectly useless blats that will today be posted to the tubes.

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riverlover's picture

has been denoted as the repository of the writings of all Dalai Lamas. Guess as far away from China as possible is good. Yes, we have a Buddhist temple here, prayer flags flying.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.