A letter to Bernie...should you write your own?
The proposed endorsement led me to write Senator Sanders. I know I can no longer support the Democratic Party, and I don't understand how a person with Bernie's values can. I wrote him the note below, and I encourage you to do the same. I used his senate contact form - http://www.sanders.senate.gov/contact or this address help@berniesanders.com
I know it probably won't do any good, but it made me feel better to vent. Perhaps if he received thousands of these request he would consider going Green.
Senator I admire and respect you. You must follow your path. But I urge you to call out the corrupt cheating corporate democratic party for what it is:
The party of big oil and fracking,
The party against a carbon tax or any concrete action to address climate change - the crisis of our time
The party for global corporate rule with the TPP
The party that refuses to set the goal of medicare for all.
The party of banksters and insurance companies too big to break up.
The party of the private prison/ drug war treadmill.
The party fomenting aggression in the form of NATO missiles on Russia's border.
The party promoting middle east chaos that will not recognize Palestinians as equal human beings.
The party that worked in collusion with big media to marginalize your campaign.
The party that suppressed the vote of people who supported you.Call them out. Call them out for election fraud.
And I urge you to walk out of the convention and leave the party that never supported you. Lead the revolution to a party that can be shaped for the people instead of the corporations. Go Green Party for the good of the country. Don't leave us with Clinton or Trump. You talk of the dangers of a Trump presidency, but I encourage you to consider the the dangers of a corporate Clinton administration. Please, save us from that fate.
I know he said he wouldn't run third party, but what is more important...being true to a party that did everything in their power to marginalize him, or being true to his supporters and his country? Please consider writing him...the more voices he hears the more likely he will act.
The Sane Progressive Has a similar message 9.5 min:
As does H. A. Goodman 23 min
Write Bernie if you want him to go Green.

Good, I did likewise… and said this...
Dear Senator Sanders and staff,
My wife and I have been continuous contributors and volunteers for your campaign for President.
You have campaigned against the corruption of our political system, and it is in fact that corruption - both the financial and electoral-fraud aspects, that have denied you the Democratic nomination. To end your campaign and endorse Sec. Clinton is nothing short of pledging allegiance to that corruption, and to de facto acknowledge that it cannot be changed. Whereas your campaign has been all about overthrowing that corruption and bringing change.
The corruption of, indeed the death of our democracy is far, far more important an issue than “who wins”, i.e., which head of the 2-party duality happens to reside in the whitehouse. It is far more important to educate the people of what must be done to save our nation, and your position as continuing candidate for President is by far the best in four generations from which to provide that education; please don’t throw away this opportunity, and demobilize the legions of your enthusiastic supporters. Don’t lose the chance that won’t come again in a lifetime to make critical changes - indeed, this may be our very last chance to make those changes.
Our country, indeed the very fate of the world may depend upon it. Please go Green with Dr. Stein. Millions of Americans will stand up with you.
With highest regards and hopes,
… which I sent to both his senatorial page, and here: help@berniesanders.com
The spirit of party serves to enfeeble the Public Administration,
agitates with Jealousies and false alarms, and opens the door to corruption,
which finds access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.
George Washington
Nice letter
and thanks for the second address. I'll copy and send mine there too. Time is short!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Wow. Amazing.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Dear Senator Sanders!
Millions of us were not allowed to vote for you due to all types of fraud.
Keep running. Fuck the democrats. Run as an Indy.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
ain't it the truth DJ
I hope you'll send him something like that. The more voices the better. How was your camping trip to the caldera?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hey there Lookout :)
I've been in contact with the Sander's Campaign peeps who are dealing with the fraud. In fact, I spoke to them as I wass entering and leaving the election office.
The kayak trip was awesome!! I highly recommend Paulina Lake
Was just so happy we could get time off together.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
LookOut, my fellow Alabamian,
I thank you for your efforts and for caring enough to write to Bernie.
I wrote a very strong email to him, back in April. I was very blunt. I received an automated email reply --- from both his Senate and presidential campaign sites.
I, my friend, have given up on our government. I don't care anymore. Bernie's big show is really disheartening. Perhaps he'll pull a rabbit out of his hat at the convention, then I'll eat my words. But, I have serious doubts about Bernie and his decision making motivations. He blew it, and blew it big time. He had a chance to be an American hero. He didn't seize the day nor the precious, powerful moment that many American people gave him. I believe he will livein regret for the rest of his life. Perhaps he really isn't strong enough to take the big risk. Perhaps he isn't brave enough to truly be the revolutionary leader we so desperately need. Perhaps he fears the powers that be.
Who the fuck knows. Bernie didn't finish the race. He threw in the towel. Bless his heart, maybe he just choked under the pressure. I'm deeply, deeply disappointed in him. He was given an exceptional moment in history and he caved to the powers that be. It seems he lost his courage to fight the good fight. He became a politician and lost his warrior heart along the dirty ugly American road. It's tragic, and it makes me cry!
Did you try . . .
help@berniesanders.com ? I wrote them three times this past year and someone replied every time. Probably a group of volunteers replying.
I don't have the same take on Bernie. For one thing, there is a bunch of shit going on that we don't see. I look at the campaign for what it is and am still impressed. He educated this country. Even if you just look at it as an education tour. That is fabulous.
I think a lot of what happens next is up to us. What are we going to do with it?
I don't believe for a minute that "He became a politician and lost his warrior heart along the dirty ugly American road." I just think it is impossible for us to know the all the facts, especially when there is disinformation being spewed everywhere.
Heck . . . I don't know you . . . you could be a Tokyo Rose disinformation discouragement paid troll. Are you?
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Heck, Marilyn, I don't know you either.
Perhaps you are a narrow minded individual who makes assumptions about people because you disagree with their perspective. Perhaps you insult people without knowing them.......
What the fuck ever .... lol.... it's all good
Yeah . . . it is not good that this political climate has made us all overly suspicious.
I do think that now when I read everything . . . "is this a paid troll?"
Maybe suspicion was one of the goals!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Marilyn, thank you
for your apology! You are right, we live in a complicated and suspicious time. But, your humanity shines through and is a reflection that shows the light of kindness that still lives in our world!
Thank you,
Bernie has not thrown in the towel.
Rumors of endorsement are just that - rumors.
Comey's presser puts a whole new light on things. It's much more difficult to endorse her now, but perhaps promises were made. There is a lot we don't see. But we do know she is a liar and a criminal who compromised the security of our nation. She is not qualified to be president.
What Bernie will do with that is anyone's guess. The Republican convention could throw everyone for a loop. And the investigations on Clinton are continuing.
Let's not assume
Progressives in Alabama understand failure. We live in a failed state. Our Koch powered state gov't is little more than a joke. Alabama is a forest state, and the Koch's own Georgia-Pacific paper company which in turn owns much of our state.
I'm not quite ready to give up on Bernie. Let's see what he does. If he indeed endorses the $hill, I'll be with you. The MSM can't quit spinning Clinton support as they lick their lips in anticipation of the TPP. We will see what we see.
As to a corrupt gov't - we've known that for years!
Someone had this link about corruption that if true explains the blind Clinton support:
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I donated, paraded, canvased, caucused, wore the buttons and stickers and had the yard sign. Starting to feel like we were scammed. I do not understand how the man I believed in could even consider supporting Hillary. That's not the man I fought for. If he doesn't accept the Green Party offer, I'll live the rest of my apolitical life feeling like a schmuck. We could win this, if he chooses. His choice will tell me whether or not he was really in it for the people.
I hope you will write him
Even if it doesn't influence him it will make you feel better...at least it made me feel better. He needs to hear from his supporters now.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I keep thinking
He's a brilliant man. He knows what's at stake. He knows how his supporters feel. Why waste one more breath. But...ok...I'll do one last thing. I'll write a letter. I realize I sound like a whiny baby but he knows we didn't lose. He knows this was stolen. I thought he'd make a point of that, what's more important than the foundation of our democracy, but crickets. Nada. I believe that's telling.
Lol, A SassyTexan, cannot also be a whiny baby!
It is impossible for the two to coexist! So, go in peace as a SassyTexan and that you shall always be!
Be empowered my friend. I've gained an ounce of encouragement from you and I thank you! Although, unfortunately, I will not be writing or donating to Bernie again unless and until he pulls a big ole fat ass fucking rabbit out of his hat at DNC which will tell the powers that be to take a fucking flying leap --- then, then, I will come grovelling back to Bernie begging forgiveness and humbly asking to be let back in to believing and becoming a revolutionary person once again!
Here's what I wrote to Bernie
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
no wonder you're The Wizard
Excellent letter!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
He lost on TPP.....
I'm not giving up that he will accept Stein's offer and run third party. It is why we all need to be helping Green get on the ballot in all states. paradigmshift is constantly giving us info on how to help the Green Party. I wish he/they got a better response. I always tweet and FB his stuff. Here are two action diaries from him. Does anyone live in GA, NV, or WA?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I live on the GA line
I'll see if I can help. Down to two days, but only need 2500 more signatures. Alabama has an August deadline. Thanks for the info!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
No matter what Bernie does or doesn't do,
Clinton will destroy his career.
Expect the DNC to run primary opponents and simply swamp him. He will be removed from committees, he will be poisonous to any follow Dem senators.
He may as well go down swinging.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I'm kind of blown away
at how few people seem to understand this.
I lived just outside DC; watched Congress pretty carefully for some years.
Running against Hillary--for real, now, I mean actually challenging her--is a political death sentence. Neither Bernie, nor Tulsi, nor Nina will ever get anything but cold shoulder, ostracism, and eventual expulsion. Unless Hillary needs to parade one of Bernie's most visible supporters around as a spoil of war ("See? They endorse me. Tell the people how much you endorse me, X." "Yes ma'am!") like an Orc brandishing a head on a pike.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
That's horrible .. .
True that most of us ignore politics most of the time.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
I was kind of hoping someone would contradict me! LOL
I don't want to be right about this, but I fear I am!
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I'm amazed that people
think an endorsement is practically the end of the world.
so my millenial/gen z daughter tells me this ("yolo") is a Thing. You Only Live Once. I was too chickenshit to ask her if they mean, do they know, their generation is getting sold down the river and their future is beyond bleak? They do know, I didnt need to remind her.
Bernie is 74 years old. He has lived his entire adult life in the service of justice and righteous causes with and for we The People.
YOLO Bernie. DO IT. Leap!
A month ago I didnt think it made a lot of sense for him to run Indie. Ive changed my mind.
#DemExit July 29. Come with us, Bernie, you know you want to!
I'm yelling YOLO to Bernie!
I've been yelling YOLO all along and just didn't call it that --- I was yelling CARPE DIEM! and FEEL THE BURN!
HELL, BERNIE SHOULD FUCKING KNOW BY NOW! I have a tiny shred of hope that he's waiting until all eyes and ears and cameras and media pundits are tuned in to him at the convention and he will pull the big fucking revolutionary rabbit out of his hat!
My Dear Grandson Introduced Me To YOLO
Of course that's been my philosophy since I hit 50 - when I was still young and he was just being born.
Bernie the Great or St. Bernard (The Sheepdog)
Dear Sen. Sanders,
Thank you for your recently concluded campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for President. It was inspiring to me and millions of others to finally hear a mainstream presidential candidate speak so eloquently and passionately about the ills of our society, and about the necessity of charting a new and very different course relative to the one we're now on. Of course, anyone who understands how the system works in this country, which obviously includes yourself, has known from the get-go that you never had any chance of actually winning. There are just too many ways those in authority can game the system to tilt the outcome in favor of their preferred candidate. It was always inevitable that when the dust settled Hillary Clinton would emerge as the official party nominee.
You stated from the outset that you would support Clinton should she win, and I can't really fault you for continuing to honor that pledge. Perhaps you felt it was necessary to give yourself the best chance of winning votes from die-hard Democratic partisans, who obviously comprise a big part of the overall contingent of voters who participate in the party primaries and caucuses. And perhaps you genuinely feel that the Democratic Party really does represent the best vehicle for progressive-minded citizens to move their agenda forward. But it will of course come as no surprise that I and many others emphatically disagree with that.
I must say it greatly saddens me that a campaign that galvanized and inspired so many people has now been reduced to fighting over planks in a meaningless party platform that will be forgotten the day after the convention - an effort that former Senator Mike Gravel has rightly derided as "a placebo" and "comfort therapy." The cold fact is that there is very little overlap between your New Deal, social democratic agenda and Hillary Clinton's realpolitik neo-liberalism. It is by no means a stretch to forecast that once in office she will continue to follow the path she's been on for the better part of four decades, giving lip service to progressive ideals while following a militaristic, unabashedly pro-corporate agenda, one that harms and undermines the interests of the powerless many in order to serve the short-term interests of the privileged and powerful few.
Though I take issue with your initial pledge - first voiced way back in May of last year - to support Hillary Clinton, or your continued declared intention to do so in light of such a deplorably dishonest and cynical campaign run by her and the party establishment, I take solace in the knowledge that the effort to challenge and overthrow the self-proclaimed Masters of the American Empire is so much larger than Bernie Sanders or any specific individual. It began long before you first stood up and declared your candidacy for President, and will continue long after you have departed from the national and world stage. The struggle for simple human dignity, for peace among nations, and a secure and sustainable future for future generations against the dark and cynical forces of oppression and exploitation is as old as civilization, and as compelling to the human spirit as the need for water to drink, food to eat, and air to breathe. In the great sweep of human history, what decisions you make about your political future will not make one particle of difference as to whether that struggle continues.
Even if you should stand on a stage next week and raise your hand in the air, clasped with Hillary Clinton's, in a show of solidarity and party unity, I can honestly say I will not become disillusioned with you, for the simple reason that I was never "illusioned" with you in the first place. My response was not to the man but to the message, and that message will continue to resonate regardless of what champions may at times fall by the wayside, or what new ones may rise up to take their place.
Respectfully Yours,
inactive account
Mouse lander, thanks for sharing your beautifully written
letter to Bernie! It is eloquent, balanced, challenging, inspirational, and hopeful! I am humbled by your perspective!
In some ways your letter helps me evaluate my perspective about Bernie. Perhaps I'm being unfair to him. But, then again, I don't think I am. He knew what he was in for when he decided to run against the American military money machine. Nope, I'm not being unfair. I expected big bold actions from him! As I stated in several of my previous comments in this thread, he still has a chance to be an American revolutionary leader and hero!
Will he become our hero? I hope he will! I truly hope he will redeem himself in my eyes. Come on Bernie, goddamit man, seize the fucking day!
Thanks for the kind words
I think the great contradiction of Sanders career is that he has always tried to pursue a very unconventional - not to mention highly controversial - agenda, while strictly adhering to the very conventional boundaries of the two party system. That's been both a strength and a weakness for him. Despite being nominally independent, Bernie has essentially aligned himself with the Democratic Party for most of his career. This has allowed him to rise to a position of power and influence in Congress, and running for president under the Democratic banner garnered far more attention from the media and general public than he would ever have achieved running as an independent or minor party candidate.
On the other hand, since there never was any real possibility for him to win the Democratic nomination, acceptance of the lesser evil paradigm by Sanders and his supporters essentially consigns him and them to political irrelevancy. But Sanders has been steadfast in his insistence from day one that a Trump victory must be prevented at all costs, and that uniting behind the Democratic candidate, whomever that might be, represented a moral imperative. I believe that any expectation that Sanders will suddenly reverse course on this at the eleventh hour is the height of wishful thinking. At the end of the day, what's really important is not whether Bernie ultimately takes his place inside the Hillary Clinton camp, but whether the millions of Americans who responded to his call for a political revolution will decide to follow his lead. Regardless of what Bernie says or believes, my impression is that more and more of citizens are becoming convinced that the Democrats are no more interested in representing their interests and concerns than are the Republicans, and will respond accordingly. Bernie the man may fall by the wayside, but the anger, discontent and desire for fundamental change that he so ably gave voice to will only grow stronger.
inactive account
It's not that most of them will follow him into the Hill camp
The far greater danger is that they will become demoralized because the anti-corruption campaign endorsed corruption.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
What a great letter
I can't say I entirely agree (I will be disappointed), but you expressed your position well.
Wasn't Comey a game-changer?
She's a proven liar, crook who exposed our nation's security to anyone and everyone.
Bernie may have said he'll support Clinton, but doesn't Comey give him the opportunity to back out of that?
Another thing: The jury is still out regarding which of Clinton or Trump is the lesser evil. One is just better known and more predictable in her evil than the other.
I hear you ml
but I don't see it that way. I know he gave his word not to run as a third party candidate, but to whom does he owe loyalty...a cheating lying corrupt corporate party, or the people who supported him. IF he holds the values I think he does, I think we can persuade him to go Green. The more who ask, the more likely he will lead us to the Greens.
My (probably silly) hope.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Did Bernie die or something?
Is he just going to melt away if he endorses Clinton?
Regardless of whether he endorses Clinton, he is not going to change what he has always been and what he has always supported/opposed.
He has regularly and unexpectedly pulled rabbits out of his hat, and there is no reason to think that his efforts will stop. Bernie might be on a smaller stage, but he will continue to fight for what he always has.
When he endorses her
he endorses the corruption he's been fighting for the past 50 years. She is its favorite employee, and poster child.
That's the problem. That's always been the problem with endorsing Hillary.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Did Bernie die ...?
That smaller stage is what kept him from being known by voters. If his name recognition was on a par with Clinton, he would have been the nominee. Should he endorse the psychopathic evil one, he will receed back into the woodwork of the Senate and may even be marginalized by all the Clintonistas wanting to get even. Hill's vindictive, plus, out of sight out of mind. We need a place (third party) to call our own and grow it.
I don't agree with
your pessimism.
And, given the composition of Congress, state legislators, and the dem party, and the republican take over of the dem party, I am glad he was there taking a different path in the Senate and trying to minimize the damage.
And he has always been marginalized by dems anyway.
I would be perfectly happy with a third party, but I really don't care if he endorses Clinton or not.
Yes, I should write my own
and will. Thanks for the push.
Thank you
Now is the time as the MSM all are circling the wagons around a Tuesday endorsement.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Bernie losing the platform, calls it winning
This is his website. For me, this is the moment we part company for good.
To summarize the press release: We won on climate change! They won't support a ban on fracking but we're going to ask corporations to be more careful! We did it! We won!
Jesus H K Christ! Who is that man? What does Hillary have on him?
This is the right question.
But what we should perhaps be asking is: What does she have on those who plan and execute covert US military operations that allows her to piss in their Wheaties with impunity?
If she has the power to flip off both those guys AND the FBI, she obviously can find a way to control someone like Bernie--which is not to say he lacks integrity. It is to say that she has threats in her arsenal that would back just about anyone down.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Co-opted. This makes it official.
Barring unexpected future changes.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I was born during the mesolithic period
and frequently have trouble with the interwebs. But I managed to get a letter off to Bernie.
I told him that endorsing Hillary would not influence us, that we were going Green with or without him. But I asked him to come with us. I suggested that if he didn't want to be on the ticket, he could at least join us in working for the campaign.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Thanks fs
Every voice adds to the chorus!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Breathe, people
First, as has been stated by others here, Bernie DID NOT say he was endorsing Hillary, not Tuesday, not any time at least prior to the convention. When pressed by whoever was doing the interview with Bernie that the MSM has now spun into a sure thing endorsement, Bernie only said that "It had been discussed". That's all.
He has made some headway with the platform; minimum wage of $15, that one kinda surprised me.
The climate change deal on the platform isn't perfect, but it is a good start. The healthcare compromise does allow for a "backdoor" public option, we'll see.
He didn't get a ban on fracking, though, and the other dems shot down raising the cap on FICA (Social Security tax). This most recent failure displays in vivid color where the allegiances of the other dems stand.
So yes, right letters. But again, he hasn't said he was endorsing Hillary, so don't start out dissing him for doing something he has neither done nor said he's going to do. When and if he does it, let him have it!
And how 'bout some of you write letters to the other dems and give them holy hell for not agreeing to the measures a majority of Americans favor? They deserve all the scorn we can throw at 'em.
Nature is my religion; the earth is my temple.
Hey dn
I've written corrupt dems for years. The letter I suggest is to say - as a supporter for Bernie take the Green option and forget the demorats.
If enough people ask he might follow us to the Greens.
A pipe dream perhaps, but speak now or forever hold your peace!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
So noted, Dewley notid
I don't like games that play with people's emotions. I think that's why I'm now hating politics, politicians, the media. I don't hate Bernie, far from it. But, I guess I really, really believed he was above politics and playing the game that plays with people's emotions.
Goddamit, I just want a straight talking, honest to goodness person. Perhaps Bernie is, in fact, still that person but we just can't see him because of all the bullshit in the air that surrounds him. Clintons and the big money nasty slime have clouded the skies, polluted the air, and blinded many.
Oh please, oh please make Bernie be the hero we need him to be! There is still a chance Bernie!
Sorry, Dewley notid, I am holding my breath!
I agree . . .
This polluted air makes me sick to my stomach too!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
I don't write other Dems because
there's no reason to write to servants of Sauron.
You can pity them, especially the ones who are acting out of fear, but conversing with them is useless.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I've had no luck...
writing them either. Sometimes it helps to vent though. I even write my Rethug reps to no avail.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Ok, I've wanted to do this...
you have motivated me to finally sit down and do it. My letter:
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Reflections, Excellent letter you've written!
Thanks! Nicely done!
Thanks for your effort. Well stated letter. We can hope (for one more day anyway).
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”