Bernie, the Convention, and Glass-Steagall
Maybe I heard this wrong--because that's been a problem. Although I didn't actually "sell my soul for rock and roll" I certainly paid for it with my ears. At any rate, I had the pleasure of seeing Bernie address an extremely enthusiast audience inNew York City on June 23, 2016. My apologies to any c99'ers who many have commented on this speech already, although I didn't perceive any essays whose title referenced that event. For those of you who love Bernie's speeches, here is the link:[video:]
Now, I was very fortunate to see Bernie in California, only 30 feet from the podium. My brother in S.F. had to wait in a 24 block line to get into see him there. At Bernie's Santa Maria, CA speech, he gave his standard stump speech, which I and the rest of the crowd loved, filled with passion for his campaign themes. But the NYC speech June 23, 2016 was not only filled with passion but with anger--an anger which I and many of his supporters share. An anger at the corruption of our institutions, the corruptions of our so-called two-party system (although he did not call out this latter shared corruption explicitly).
One thing, among many others particularly resonated with me--his defiant challenge to the Democratic Party, that he was coming to the Convention and HE was coming to fight for the movement (revolution, not me--us). At approximately 1:09:30 into the speech, I believe he said "WE are coming to the Convention to re-instate Glass-Steagall". By WE, I understand it wasn't going to be just his surrogates on the platform committee at the Convention, but that Bernie is going to the Convention to put up a floor fight, which he will personally lead.
The rest of this is essay may be, and probably is, pure speculation on my part. Bernie is going to take the fire of his (our) outrage and indignation and bring the red hot irons to Hillary's feet. Damn the Platform Committee, whose documents once written, are placed in the circular file by most politicians. Bernie knows that. We know that. Medusa certainly knows that.
His endorsement of Hillary was as feeble as possible--and he will not be playing Pied Piper of Hamlin to urge his followers to "shut up, get in line, and follow me off the cliff". He has told HRC and her corruptocrats more than once: "I can't tell them [we, Berners] how to vote, Clinton is going to have to explain to them why she EARNS their vote." That will indeed be a very hard sell.
So, in the spirit with which this essay began, I leave you with this lilting, gentle ballad:

My impression as well
A floor fight. THAT might bring in MSM. How exciting! Meanwhile the wheels of Justice keep grinding, and there may be a federal fight coming. If the is an indictment or four, does the Clinton crowd balloon get pricked?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
We need Glass Steagall 2.0
It is the keystone...
America has elected a democratic socialist before. Many times.
You are a wise and knowledgable person.
It was a Clinton after all with help from Rethugs (very bizarre) that started the destruction of our economy and the loss of the middle class.
Shsss Don't say that.
Guess what. I'm not to big to fail. In fact i have. I am one of the 94+million that can't find a job. There all overseas and at McDonalds.
Our fabulous 8 years ain't.
They'll never put GS back in place. Their lords and masters won't allow it.
How f'd are we?
Now HRC. Really?
F that.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Thank you
Thank you Alligator Ed. I learn so much from your essays ( also love your sense of humor) and this one is inspiring!
Just read my last BNR at GOS, and asked LD why he's still putting it there, when we have TPW.
Anyhow, the criticism of Bernie Sanders has become more than ridiculous. For those wise enough not to read there anymore, it's now how Bernie refused to agree with Mrs. Greenspan ( that video is at TPW) and how the WashPost CC opinionator has gone bonkers criticizing him for that sensible interview.
Glass-Steagall. From our lips to the ears of the goddesses!
Thanks for the essay Ed.
I will be changing my voter registration after the convention.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
And I'm glad that I've always worn earplugs while playing rock, or attending other folks' shows- pushing 60, but I can still hear out to 18KHz, despite all those years of converting drumsticks to sawdust. I'm one of the fortunate ones, even though it made a lot of folks laugh at me back in the day...
Great essay!
You made me just take a test, darn!
Hearing loss is partly genetic. My grandfather and mother were/are effectively deaf. I am at about 30KHz for some tones. Sigh. I do wear ear protectors when possible now. You lucky duck!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
That's a cool test, for sure...
But the right thing to do is to go to an audiologist and get tested, if you are concerned. The one I use locally also makes the custom earmolds I use for my in-ear monitor speakers. Audiologists are the rocker's best friend...
If you do the online test, be aware that there are _huge_ differences in computer audio hardware, as well as major issues with computer speakers and headphones. So some of the high frequency rolloffs you might experience may be due to your computer hardware, not your Mk. I Earbones...
So, I have been wondering. Do
So, I have been wondering. Do you think it is possible that this corporate wet dream of a convention platform is part of a strategy to pacify the drum beat of revolution? The plan being to start with this extreme rejection of what Bernie stands for and what the people are demanding and then make concessions at the convention? (Of course, it will seem like it is in response to dedicated Bernie delegates and Bernie's impassioned speech.) But really it will have been the strategy to silence the protests and the momentum to start a new party. It would be a relatively painless way to corral the people back into the democratic fold, knowing that the platform is meaningless, ultimately, and surely, if Hillary is to take office.
Speaking strictly for myself-
I think that the D's have finally crossed the Rubicon, and now firmly believe that their infinitely deep pockets and proudly demonstrated ability to screw with voting mechanisms have rendered the voters themselves largely irrelevant- they are a temporary annoyance, nothing more. The platform is window dressing. Hell, _everything_ is window dressing at this point. Just write the check to get power...
Wishful thinking, maybe--but it's too clever for Hillaryites
Hypothesis: geniuses smoothly running Medusa's campaign, are going to "give" a peace offering to Berners, by accepting a party platform no one believes for a second that Medusa will do anything about.
1. Hillarybots, instead of trying to unify the Party around her Heinous by making nice to Bernie, continue to belittle him and shame Bernie supporters.
2. Hillarybots are already starting to whine about how Bernie--who has yet to go negative in this campaign--is hurting poor Hillary's feelings by remaining in the race.
3. Hillarybots fought tooth and nail just to snag 1 or 2 extra delegates in Nevada by breaking rules of procedure.
4. Hillarybots have colluded with DNC and state dem parties to rig the election for this pathological liar
Deduction: based on the evidence adduced, they ain't gonna Bernie or us shit--not even a smile or handshake.
I Agree
Fuck Her Heinous and the Big Dog she rode in on.
This ain't the 90s, and that vast rightwing conspiracy is going to be joined by a lot of lefties seeking Truth and Justice.
But, maybe they are planning
But, maybe they are planning a strategy to bring Bernie's supporters into the fold. Follow the link -
Also, just received an email
Also, just received an email from Bernie as for inclusion of opposition to the TPP in the platform. Nothing else was mentioned.
In response, I wrote back -
That is only part of it, Bernie. Please don't accept small concessions and then expect your supporters to fall in line. Especially when the platform is nonbinding and we know that it will be an empty promise, even if Hillary signs on.
I will never vote for another warmongerer again.You can't be a champion of the environment and support Monsanto and all the "trade" deals. You can't be for the people and for the banks and multinationals as these relationships are currently constructed. You can't be for peace for the world's people and think of Iraq as a business opportunity. You can't be a proponent of the Project for the New American Century and for democracy. The list goes on.
I have been wondering if the platform, recently endorsed by the committee, was part of a plan to pacify your call for revolution and the push for a third party, by starting with the current platform and then, at the convention, however "reluctantly", maybe following an impassioned Bernie speech, concede some points that you and your supporters want, like including opposition to the TPP. I hope that you, Bernie would not participate in such a sham.
I give no credence to anything the BFP says.
They're a rag.
As for Weaver, I think he's far too intelligent to believe that any 'strategy' Mook might cook up would bring Bernie's supporters into the fold. Especially the Millennials.
Just MHO.
We live in interesting times
Philadelphia and Cleveland are both taking measures to shut down street protests and marches at the party conventions. Knives pulled and ten people injured at Sacramento demonstration:
There's gonna be a slugfest in Philadelphia and/or Cleveland that matches or exceeds Chicago 1978.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
I'm not surprised at what happened in Sacramento.
I've been friends with some people of ill repute all my adult life and I KNOW that neither the White Supremists nor the Anti-Fascist activists are unwilling to "mix it up."
Neither of these groups is as laid back and nonviolent as the average Bernie horde.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Will those get televised?
That will be a depressing discovery, either way.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Yes, it will be televised
The corporate advertisers will be drooling over the high ratings which will come from another Chicago '68.
Chicago, 1968 n/t
I hope you are incorrect about
a "slug fest". It is my understanding that local authorities are planning a big presence, barricades, blocking access, targeting known "anarchists", police on horses with riot gear in the ready.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
The Philly protestors have been offered training
in nonviolent resistance. And this training is ongoing and will probably be available during the convention.
They are being trained in how to be arrested without getting hurt. I suspect they are being taught how to "stand down" in a way that is not threatening. They are being told when to disperse and how to do it and where to reconvene.
The police in other areas of the country have positive opinions of Berniecrats and I'm sure that the Philadelphia police have contacted other police forces in other areas.
All of these things put together MIGHT make physical violence outside of the convention less likely. I hope.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
The platform fight is not going well
Bernie is doing what he can but we are up against an entrenched "New Democrat" establishment.
The political revolution continues
When is the Orlando faceoff?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
July 8 and 9
The political revolution continues
I expect some noise at Orlando
but I'm not holding my breath waiting for a positive outcome.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
In the NY speech...
which was streamed live (thank you whoever it was on c99 that shared that link!), Bernie said something to the effect that the platform is just a few pieces of paper - Fighting for the ideas is the real goal.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Did someone say Medussa?
Oh my...
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
"the struggle continues"
I watched this speech live, and Bernie was on fire. It was his usual stump speech in many ways but he was really relaxed, and imo even more passionate than he usually is (e.g., he directly referred to the US involvement in "regime change" in other countries). I don't think he mentioned Clinton by name at all, although he did refer to her when he said (not a direct quote): "It's not enough to be not-Trump. There are many things that need fixing."
When I began watching, there were fewer than 2000 people on the youtube feed; by the time the speech ended, there were over 9000 ppl, and the live comment thread was going wild. Many, many people urging him to run indie or to run Green. I hope he's listening.
But the best part to me was his last line. Right before he walked away, he said, "The struggle continues." I don't agree with every part of his platform, and there are places I wish he was much more socialist than he is -- but I sure do love his view that we have to keep on keepin' on.
Fist in the air,
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
Hillary and the DNC
Hillary and the DNC have no intentions of giving in to any of Bernie's demands. Their main purpose is to stop him from taking over their party. They think they can ignore him and his delegates as long as they have Elizabeth Warren on board; she will bring over the lefties. What do you think that joint rally was about yesterday?
It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. Carl Sagan
The arrogance is so brazen
that it astonishes me. What is that supposed to accomplish?
I'm guessing it's to let us know exactly how irrelevant we are and how useless our struggle. Otherwise, its just egoism on display.