Open Thread - June 29, 2016- The Rule of the Market
In one of my first essays in this series on neo-liberalism, I referenced an excellent article titled What is Neoliberalism? This article was written by Elizabeth Martinez and Arnoldo Garcia and published by Corp Watch. This article provided an excellent definition of neo-liberalism as well as a listing of the five characteristics of neo-liberalism. Among the five characteristics of neo-liberalism is the concept of the rule of the market.
THE RULE OF THE MARKET. Liberating "free" enterprise or private enterprise from any bonds imposed by the government (the state) no matter how much social damage this causes. Greater openness to international trade and investment, as in NAFTA. Reduce wages by de-unionizing workers and eliminating workers' rights that had been won over many years of struggle. No more price controls. All in all, total freedom of movement for capital, goods and services. To convince us this is good for us, they say "an unregulated market is the best way to increase economic growth, which will ultimately benefit everyone." It's like Reagan's "supply-side" and "trickle-down" economics -- but somehow the wealth didn't trickle down very much.
Because neo-liberalism is basically an economic ideology, the concept of the "rule of the market" is a strong underpinning to that ideology. For neo-liberals, the markets must be protected and allowed to grow, regardless of the costs to society. The markets should be allowed to flourish without any restraints whatsoever. This idea puts the primacy of capital over people. Thus the "rule of the market" leads to businesses seeking the greatest profits while incurring the lowest costs.
So let's break down the concept of the "rule of the markets" as it pertains to the neo-liberal ideology. It appears to encompass three basic tenets, some of which will be expanded upon in future essays.
(1) Reduce wages. Reduction of wages can occur using a number of strategies, prime among which is de-unionization of the work force. Union membership has fallen from a high of 35% of the workforce to a little over 1/3 of that today, leaving more and more workers vulnerable to the caprice of management. Other means of reducing wages have been to cut the workforce, thus relying upon fewer people to do the same job as previously. Converting a full time work force into part time workforce. Out sourcing of technical and skilled labor jobs overseas where lower paying workers live. The bottom line is that for the past forty years, real wages for US workers have stagnated.
According to the Economic Policy Institute, wage stagnation in the United States has been a direct result of policy decisions favoring those at the top of the economic spectrum.
Wage stagnation for the vast majority was not created by abstract economic trends. Rather, wages were suppressed by policy choices made on behalf of those with the most income, wealth, and power. In the past few decades, the American economy generated lots of income and wealth that would have allowed substantial living standards gains for every family. The same is true looking forward: Overall income and wealth will continue to grow. The key economic policy question is whether we will adopt policies that enable everyone to participate in a shared prosperity, or whether the growth of income and wealth will continue to accrue excessively and disproportionately to the best-off 1 percent.
(2) Eliminate Price Controls - Price controls can happen either as a minimum regulated price floor such was the minimum wage or price supports for agricultural products. Price controls can also be where a maximum price ceiling is set for such goods or services, an example of which would be rent controls in some of the major cities such as New York City. There are also examples of where the government enacts temporary price controls during emergencies such as hurricanes or other natural disasters to prevent price gouging. With the exception of the federal minimum wage and agricultural supports, price controls are used fairly sparingly in the United States.
(3) Free the Markets - In the neo-liberal ideology, freedom of the markets is the top priority. By free markets, neo-liberals want the unimpeded movement of capital and goods. This means the removal of tariffs and other barriers to such movement. In recent times of globalization, it has resulted in trade agreements that supercede governmental powers to protect resources, the environment, and the people. In its constant need to expand the free markets, neo-liberalism becomes an economic colonialism.
However, as elites and corporations saw their profits diminish with this equalizing effect, economic liberalism was revived, hence the term “neoliberalism”. Except, that this new form was not just limited to national boundaries, but instead was to apply to international economics as well. Starting from the University of Chicago with the philosopher-economist Friedrich von Hayek and his students such as Milton Friedman, the ideology of neoliberalism was pushed very thoroughly around the world.
Even before this though, there were indications that the world economic order was headed this way: the majority of wars throughout history have had economics, trade and resources at their core. The want for access to cheap resources to continue creating vast wealth and power allowed the imperial empires to justify military action, imperialism and colonialism in the name of “national interests”, “national security”, “humanitarian” intervention and so on.
And so the neo-liberal ideology of the supremacy of the markets has gone global. We have seen its effects in organizations such as the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank, all creations under the neo-liberal ideology. We have also see its implementation through so called free trade agreements as NAFTA, CAFTA, and now the TPP and TTIP, among others. These "trade" agreements address far more than just trade and create an autonomy for transnational corporations that has supremacy over any national government.
The maximization of profit itself must occur within the shortest possible time; this means, preferably, through speculation and “shareholder value”. It must meet as few obstacles as possible. Today, global economic interests outweigh not only extra-economic concerns but also national economic considerations since corporations today see themselves beyond both community and nation. A “level playing field” is created that offers the global players the best possible conditions. This playing field knows of no legal, social, ecological, cultural or national “barriers”. As a result, economic competition plays out on a market that is free of all non-market, extra-economic or protectionist influences – unless they serve the interests of the big players (the corporations), of course. The corporations’ interests – their maximal growth and progress – take on complete priority. This is rationalized by alleging that their well-being means the well-being of small enterprises and workshops as well.
This is just a skeletal overview of what free markets means in the neo-liberal parlance. As always, this is an Open Thread so feel free to post whatever is on your mind this morning.
For those who may be interested, below are links to the previous essays in the neo-liberalism.
Week 1 - The Curse of Neo-liberalism
Week 2 - Neo-liberalism Part 2
Week 3 - The Neo-liberal Myth of Meritocracy
Week 4 - Characteristics of Neo-liberalism
Week 5 - Neo-liberalism - Obama and the Clintons
Week 6 - Neo-liberalism - The Legacy of Bill Clinton
Week 7 - Neo-liberalism - Lack of Empathy
Week 8 - Overview of the Impacts of Privatization

A major component of neo-liberalism
(so much of this sounds like our current Congress) is the formation of Elites. Those who run the show, and benefit the most: the 1%. And they are very busy pulling up the ladders. The Club who knows best how to benefit themselves. At our cost.
Good morning, gg! Cloudy and cooler here, but alas, no rain. We are entering a drought. The farmers must be unhappy, I have not driven by many cultivated fields that aren't just for hay. From what I hear N of me, farmers (with more rain) are on their third cutting, which is good for their livestock.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Reading gjohnsit's essay
today, this was the issue that stood out for me.
This series has been a long one and will continue for a while. But if I were to recommend just one essay of the eight I have posted thus far, it would be the one on Meritocracy.
Thank you for your comment, RL. We have had what is a drought for us here in western NC too. Our little county normally gets the highest annual rainfall outside the Pacific NW, and we are well behind our normal amounts this year. We are predicted to get rain this week (fingers crossed). Perhaps you will see some too.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks for another fine essay
I would only add that markets are created and maintained by government. Neoliberals take advantage of this by "owning" the governments who make and enforce rules favorable to the capitalists. The notion of free markets is fantasy and not grounded in fact.
One other point, many corporations 100 years ago, here and abroad, felt that owed something to the communities in which they were located. The president of Johnson&Johnson(I think) was eloquent on this point. That idea that a corporation was part of the community and owed something in return for the water, waste disposal, roads, etc was cast aside and replaced by the need for immediate profits no matter the human cost.
The hypermobility of capital wreaks havoc in the world and human suffering is widespread because of it. Yet no politician, or precious few, seems willing to speak out against the neoliberal juggernaut.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
As always,
another outstanding comment on this subject. You really should be writing these essays, duckpin. Your understanding of the issues is excellent.
It is funny. I was having writer's block when composing this essay and totally forgot this fact. I am glad that you pointed it out.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
"owed something to the communities in which they were located"
Not San Francisco a hundred years ago, not California. Imagine the government and every employer forcing workers to march downtown in a pro-war parade, that is the history. Was there a chant? World War One! World War One! meh.

Pretty soon (July 16th) will be the centennial anniversary of The Preparedness Day bombing used to frame-up two labor union activists, Tom Mooney and Warren Billings. They went to prison and the real perpetrators were never apprehended. Ever.
For my generation, here's Harvey Milk telling how the city will become "awful" by Real Estate industry speculators replacing builders. And it is awful. But Feinstein Pelosi and Boxer are rich so there's that. Nice work if you can get it. Oh and Jerry Brown has a very nice retirement package coming too, includes thousands of acres of real estate what do you know? Anyone seen the budget he signed yesterday? FTS, It is why I'm not a Democrat in California any more, I have no party but I still vote. No idea if it ever gets counted. shrug
There were good companies, bad companies
and damned awful companies. That is still true to some extent. Neoliberalism pushes toward obtaining maximum surplus value from each worker, however. With more protectionist policies, good companies have more room to treat their workers well if they wish. With neoliberal capitalism the jobs and capital flow to where one obtains the greatest production per unit cost. This makes it a little harder to treat your workers well without putting yourself at a competitive disadvantage.
House Democrats mistakenly release transcript
confirming big payout to Clinton friend Sidney Blumenthal
LA Times this morning, highlights more technical incompetence why am I stunned? Snap out of it!
$200k "for being in the orbit of the Clintons" blech! Same as it ever was.
My Wow is not about the money but the fact that the redactions were easily erased for public consumption. Was this a mistake or perhaps on purpose?
Regardless, this shows exactly what corruption looks like and it is not pretty. Thank you for sharing this, eyo.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thank you, you are very kind
On the matter of Meritocracy, I look on that as a convenient lie the neoliberals tell each other so that they don't have to face the fact of their sociopathic system that is ruining the earth as a habitable planet for the diverse species that live here. According to ecologists and evolutionary biologists, we are in the midst of a species die-off that will be able to be measured geologically. It is human induced; specifically, late stage capitalism induced. The sad thing is is that there seems to be nothing people of good will can do to stop it.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
It is shocking if redaction was done by black boxes!
That is so 2000? Everyone who dealt with word processing (a term no longer used) was aware of that fact. Easy open in another program. Is there anyone in government who is at all up-to-date? Still running XP?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Goog morning, GG, and everyone.
Your series is a good start on a book, GG.
Funny how as corps get bigger and wealth concentrates in fewer and fewer pools, political power, specially for the 99%, gets more diluted and less effective. AHHA! Until it doesn't! Then it's off to the Bastille.
Thank you all for your warm and most gracious welcome in my essay last night.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Good Morning, Alison!
Thank you for your very nice comment. Writing does not come easy and there are many folks who are far more knowledgeable than I will ever be on this subject. So thanks but no thanks.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
My wedding day, my pick, Bastille Day
Easy to remember from French class. And then my husband dies on July 10. Kinda ruins the day for me. Allons enfants!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
LuxLeaks - Whistleblowers - Fight EU sweetheart deals
Good Morning, gg, I think it's worth thinking about the
disputes of why and who voted for what in the Brexit debacle.
But I would be happy to see more support of some whistleblowing journalists and employees of PriceWaterhouse. It's one of those EU neo-liberal sweet pillow talk deals behind the secret walls of Brussels bureaucratic "white collar crime gangsters".
I think a good way to really put the finger on some of the EU's and Juncker's worst "deals" to protect neo-liberally coroporate interests would be to support the whistleblowers, who may be sent to prison as the results of a verdict today. Those courageous whistleblowers who revealed all the "EU sugar daddy tax avoidance deals" for big corporations.
LuxLeaks, law and justice all part of tax scandal trial in Luxembourg
What's new? It's all about money and the power to steal it.
Excellent comment, mimi!
It is just amazing how there is one system of justice for the wealthy and connected which allows them off scot free. And there is another system of "justice" which is highly punitive for the rest of us.
Thank you for your comment and for sharing this article.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Lukleaks whistleblowers are now convicted
LuxLeaks scandal: Luxembourg tax whistleblowers convicted
I saw an interview on france24 of someone who fights for whistleblower protections. Can't find the link.
I can watch france24 and dw actually on TV. It takes a while til a live interview in the news feed from them is available somehow as a separate video to link to online.
I wished there would be a link to both france24 and dw video feeds on the left hand side of this site. It's main stream media, but that doesn't mean it's by default bad. I personally like to watch their news feed, because I get stuff short and sweet without much "hot air" spewing talking heads or hosts. And they talk about things you would not get in US media news feed in the same way.
double post redacted /nt
Panama Paper Scandal - An Interview with SZ journalist Obermayer
a good review of the Panama Papers release.
Panama Papers scandal: 'This is a real crime'
At this point, mimi, it takes bravery for whistleblowers
to blow the whistle. Both in the EU and the US, the corporatists have the power. You are correct, time for financial assistance to them. They are exposing what most of us would call anti-social acts.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The guy who
released the Pentagon Papers, papers which blew the lid off of many unpleasant facts about Vietnam and how it was going, was asked about Edward Snowden. One of the things he pointed out is that although he got in trouble for releasing the papers himself, he didn't go to jail and for that reason was able to defend himself while that whole incident occurred.
He then went on to talk about how Edward Snowden would have faced immediate imprisonment. The only way he could respond to what was said about him was by fleeing the country.
I think it really goes to show you that things have changed a lot in the last few decades. The legal system crashes down with terrible fury on anybody who steps out of line. We don't have the same rights we used to. In many cases, those rights were never overturned in any specific case.
They just chose to stop enforcing them. It's something to think about.
Another valuable Open Thread
Thanx, gulfgal98.
To the Paternal Masters of Paranoid Ultranationalism:
we the filthy immigrants diseased exiles infected nomads and tubercular wetbacks
we in permanent process of drop-out deportation from a nation of pyorrhea
we the disposable orphans of right-wing death squad dictatorships
we who have no government no flag or national anthem
we the citizens of diptheria and cholera
we the new rojos putos mariguanos
we in the transglobal testtube
we from Ankara to Akumal
from Juarez to Fallujah
todos somos mojados
And The Gnome:
Thank you, R de 14!
I really appreciate your reading and commenting. Thank you for the great music too!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Excellent essay, thank you gulfgal
This requires more homework on my part. I will save any comment until after reading the prior essays in your series.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
Thank you hawkingfan
I really appreciate your taking the time to read this and others, if you wish. What I am writing is pretty basic stuff in hopes that others may want to do some deeper digging.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
OT still open? 'Cause this is OOT.
SWPUWM is fine this morning. We're muddling through. So, anyhoo, she works in a retail jewelry shop one day a week, today, conferring with the owner. You may or may not have heard of Henri David. Henri's the King of the Queens here in Philly. The whole shop is/are gay boys. We're going through the morning routine with the managerie, when she pops out with, "The Boys want more cookies. They don't care if you're on a diet." (I've shed 7lbs. so far.)
So I whipped up 4 dozen "thumbprint" cookies - orange marmalade, pink marmalade, and raspberry. She's going to tell them Alan jumped the fence and it's Alison from now on. This will be the initial episode of "coming out" in meatspace. Wish us luck.
Then I made a fresh batch of hummus. I eat a lot of hummus. It turns out hummus is loaded with estrogen. Who knew? It would be hilarious if eating a quart of hummus a week for the last several years elevated my estrogen level to the extent that it precipitated my overwhelming desire to achieve inner/outer parity.
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Thanks, gg, this is a really great series. I'm clipping the
whole thing, essay by essay, to Evernote for future reference.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thank you, EL!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hi gg
I appreciate your essays and research. Somehow we have to change the system. The quest for ever more profits ultimately leads to slavery.
Richard Wolff says, “Capitalism is a system geared up to doing three things on the part of business: get more profits, grow your company and get a larger market share… If along the way they have to sacrifice either the well-being of their workers or the well-being of the planet or the environmental conditions, they may feel very bad about it — and I know plenty who do — but they have no choice.”
They have a choice, and they choose more profit.
All the best to you gg and all you c99ers!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good day, Lookout!
I love your comment. Thank you for sharing these posters. They are so right!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy