Open Thread - Wed. May 18, 2016 - Neo-Liberalism - Obama and the Clintons
Good Morning, 99%'ers!
Just when you thought it could not get any more depressing, we're back again this morning with more discussion on neo-liberalism, featuring Barack Obama and Bill and Hillary Clinton.
For those who may be interested in how this series has progressed, here are some links. Part one, titled the Curse of Neo-liberalism, was based in large part upon an article by George Monbiot. Part two expanded upon the first essay and included a definition of neo-liberalism. Part three titled, the Neo-liberal Myth of Meritocracy, examined the basic foundational belief behind the neo-liberal ideology. Part four, the Characteristics of Neo-liberalism, lists the five main characteristics of the neo-liberal ideology.
After last week's essay, I noticed several people stated that they had a problem with the term "neo-liberalism." This term was the one adopted by the early neo-liberals here in the United States. First, I want to thank Crone Wit who sent me a link to an article written by Corey Robin. Professor Robin explains the history behind the neo-liberal ideology in the United States. I am sure that most of us will recognize most, if not all of these names.
Now, neoliberalism, of course, can mean a great many things, many of them associated with the right. But one of its meanings—arguably, in the United States, the most historically accurate—is the name that a small group of journalists, intellectuals, and politicians on the left gave to themselves in the late 1970s in order to register their distance from the traditional liberalism of the New Deal and the Great Society. The original neoliberals included, among others, Michael Kinsley, Charles Peters, James Fallows, Nicholas Lemann, Bill Bradley, Bruce Babbitt, Gary Hart, and Paul Tsongas. Sometimes called “Atari Democrats,” these were the men—and they were almost all men—who helped to remake American liberalism into neoliberalism, culminating in the election of Bill Clinton in 1992.
Understanding the neo-liberal ideology explains why Hillary Clinton and most of the current political establishment seem hell bent on jettisoning the New Deal and continuing to pursue the destructive policies of the neo-liberalism. And there really is not much difference between neo-liberalism and neo-conservatism. Neo-liberalism is capitalism on steroids and it is not very liberal in the way those of us on the left define "liberal." Neo-consevatism is American exceptionalism on steroids. The two ideologies exist in a symbiotic relationship with one another. Over the years, they have become simply two sides to the same coin.
The “neocons” believe American greatness is measured by our willingness to be a great power—through vast and virtually unlimited global military involvement. Other nations’ problems invariably become our own because history and fate have designated America the world’s top authority.
This is why it was not at all shocking to hear Charles Koch say that he was open to supporting Hillary Clinton and thought she would make a better President than Donald Trump.
Mr. Koch spoke somewhat fondly of former President Bill Clinton, suggesting he held down government spending and regulation compared with his successor, President George W. Bush. He called Mr. Bush “a fine person, and tried to do the right thing but was misguided.”
Nor is it shocking that Hillary Clinton has no use for Sanders supporters, but is instead courting the Bush donors. There is very little differentiation between the Clintons, Obama, and the Bushes. Once we understand neo-liberalism, we can understand exactly why Clinton will never give anything more than cursory lip service to the policies that Bernie Sanders is promoting.
In the comments during last week's essay, lotlizard posted a link to an article by the always excellent, Robert Parry. From that article, here is what Parry wrote.
Today, the dangerous “dead ideas” are neoconservatism and its close ally, neoliberalism. These are concepts that have organized American foreign policy and economics, respectively, over the past several decades – and they have failed miserably, at least from the perspective of average Americans and people of the nations on the receiving end of these ideologies.
Neither approach has benefited mankind; both have led to untold death and destruction; yet the twin “neos” have built such a powerful propaganda and political apparatus, especially in Official Washington, that they will surely continue to wreak havoc for years to come. They are zombie ideas and they kill.
On a social level, neo-liberalism has been marketed to the masses as a system that will provide more individual freedom and control of one's own destiny. In my own personal experience with the training we received in the 1990's in local government, it was called a new paradigm of the way we would be operating in the work place and that would be based upon competition. What resulted was not more individual freedom, but something that systematically destroyed personal security for large numbers of people.
At the individual-level, neoliberalism insists that rationality, individuality, and self-interest guide all actions (Peters 2001). In fact, neoliberalism often views itself as a global social science capable of explaining all human behavior since all behavior is thought to be directed by logical, individualistic, and selfish goals. Neoliberalism’s focus on the individual means that ideas related to things such as “the public good” and “the community” are now being discarded as unnecessary components of a welfare state (Martinez and García 2000). Unsurprisingly, then, unemployment, inequality, and poverty have become increasingly blamed on individuals rather than on structural constraints (Passas 2000). Because we are turning away from the role of the community and instead focusing solely on individuals, Bourdieu (1999a) contends that social problems like suicide, alcoholism, depression, and domestic violence will consequently become increasingly prominent. Still, the outward attractiveness of individual freedom, prosperity, and growth makes it challenging for the public to realize that neoliberalism is designed to benefit only a very small class of people (Harvey 2005). Such a worldview also makes it easier to justify the thought that some people are deserving of much more than others because, after all, it is a common refrain that we are all responsible for our own destinies.
This past Sunday, May15, Truthout had a wonderful interview with Thomas Frank, author of Listen, Liberal, in which he describes the current Democratic party establishment as thoroughly neo-liberal and how they have transformed the Democratic party into the party of the wealthy.
Obama thinks such people should be in charge because they came up through the same system as him. "Because he himself was a product of the great American postwar meritocracy," his biographer Jonathan Alter writes, "he could never fully escape seeing the world from the status ladder he had ascended."
Most of our other Democratic leaders (the Clintons, for example) came up the same way and believe the same thing. Indeed, what Alter describes is standard-issue stuff for Democrats these days. The Democrats are a class party in the fullest sense of the phrase, and the class whose perspective they reflect and whose interests they serve is the highly educated, white-collar professional class. Theirs is a liberalism of the rich.
I distinctly remember when Obama appointed the Cat Food Commission and being naive as I was back then, I asked myself why would a Democratic President appoint a special commission to reduce the deficit when so many people were suffering from the great recession? It should have been obvious that since Obama is a neo-liberal, he really did not care to address the rapidly growing ranks of the poor in this nation.
President Obama’s Deficit Commission is all smoke and mirrors. Its members are making a big show of laboring over "painful" choices and considering all options in their quest to bring down the deficit. But inside the Beltway everyone knows what’s going to happen: The commission will reduce the deficit on the backs of the old and the poor, through cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Some opponents have taken to calling it the Cat Food Commission, since that’s what its victims will be forced to eat once the commission gets done slashing away at their modest entitlements.
In his interview, Thomas Frank discussed what he called the "Hillary Doctrine" in which she promoted "microlending" to help build female entrepreneurship as a way to solve the world's economic problems. Such a belief is an extension of pulling oneself up by one's own bootstraps and ignores the structural problems that heavily promote economic inequality.
You can see the appeal of this movement: It's telling you that the solution to poverty is not unions or government or anything like that, but for everyone to work hard and start their own businesses -- and, incidentally, to extend the reach of Western financial institutions to every village on the planet. A pure win-win. Everyone feels good. Everyone feels virtuous.
Except for the people who live in those countries, of course, because they know it doesn't work.
When asked about Bill Clinton, Frank clearly assesses Clinton's five major achievements of his administration. Each one of these is clearly in line with the neo-liberal ideology and has had a lasting negative impact upon the people of the United States.
Truthout:This is a little off message regarding the book, but can you speculate why the Republicans were so obsessed with removing Clinton from office when he was fulfilling so much of the GOP agenda, including negotiating with Newt Gingrich about cutting Medicare and Social Security?
Frank: "Fulfilling so much of the GOP agenda": That is a point worth reiterating. Clinton had five major achievements as president: NAFTA, the Crime Bill of 1994, welfare reform, the deregulation of banks and telecoms, and the balanced budget. All of them -- every single one -- were longstanding Republican objectives. His smaller achievements were more traditionally Democratic (he raised the earned-income tax credit and the minimum wage), but his big accomplishments all enacted conservative wishes, and then all of them ended in disaster.
While Ronald Reagan set the stage for neo-liberalism with his trickle down economics, it was a Democrat, Bill Clinton, who pushed through the neo-liberal agenda that continues to do much harm to people in the United States. George W Bush continued that agenda with his neo-con regime change wars. Obama has furthered the Bush wars, failed to rein in Wall Street, installed the Affordable Care Act, pushed huge trade deals, and placed the social safety net on the bargaining table when negotiating with the Republicans over the budget. If Hillary Clinton becomes elected, she will continue the disastrous combination of her husband's, Geroge W. Bush's, and Barack Obama's neo-liberal policies with a healthy dash of neo-conservative war making and regime change. No wonder PNAC founder and full throated neo-con, Robert Kagan is a major supporter of hers.

Ignore this please.
Ignore. Somehow I hit the wrong button as I was composing my Wed Open thread.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Nope. Won't.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Damn NSA!!!
Now I understand why you have that avatar. LOL
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Good morning, gg.
In the 90's, I was blinded by the fact a dem was POTUS, and supported him even through his sexual shenanigans, although I couldn't understand,at the time, why hrc stuck by him, which is eminently clear, now. Would I have believed Bill was pushing through "neo-liberal" policies? I don't know. Life was good. I was getting raises and climbing that ever loving career ladder. I wasn't paying attention, and that's what they were banking on. That's how they slipped in. They kept us consuming and thinking we were living the good life. It couldn't sustain itself, though and look where we are today.
The hrc phenomenon stems from people thinking, "Obama dug us out of 2008 and hrc will raise us up to those prosperous days of the 90's (especially now that Bill will be in charge of screwing us further).
The people must rise up.
Have a beautiful day!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I was in the same boat, RA
I was too concerned about things on a local level because I worked in local government. I never saw the big picture or even heard the term neo-liberalism. I do remember thinking that NAFTA and bank deregulation were both bad ideas, but did not understand just how badly they would affect every one of us, both in the US and abroad.
Now they are so embedded in the system, that we may never be able to get rid of them without burning the place down. A lot of people will suffer as a result, but a lot of people are already suffering and dying from neo-liberalism and it close cousin, neo-conservatism.
Have a great day too, RA!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I was watching bubba
He said, trust me. Must have been the same thing he used on Monica. People did, including the unions with NAFTA even though in their guts they knew better.
It took awhile for the devastation of NAFTA to wipe out manuacturing. It didn't happen during his term, but wipe out mfg it did.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Good Morning, dk!
The last two people on earth I would trust have the same last name...Clinton. Just when I thought it could not get any worse, Hillary has said she wants Bubba to be over economic issues. Yikes!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Actually, granting China most favored nation status did that.
The stores are not crammed with Mexican or Canadian goods.
What NAFTA did was destroy Mexican agriculture, flooding that country with cheap American corn, resulting in a wave of starving desperate immigrants, ready to be exploited by American business and used to break the construction unions.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
it really hit the autos....
yes, it hurt mexico, but there are a lot of big three plants in Mexico today.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Now that it's Wednesday (odd spelling, that)
we see what is looming. And it is guaranteed Not Bernie. Catfood is costly now. I pick up several tins of sardines (good on saltines, store brand) at every trip to the grocery now. $1.29 on sale. A staple in the pantry, along with dried beans (many colors) and flour and sugar. I have 2 cases of canned dog food, for pup, one is chicken muscle, visible fibers, the other salmon, visible flesh and muscle. Made in the USA. From recognizable muscle. I need to file piles of paper or recycle them today. My every-other week recycling pickup, paid via county taxes, is tomorrow. I am thinking of a minimalist go-bag. My car gets 40 mpg.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Wednesday is more odd pronunciation than spelling
Since it's Woden's Day. As in Odin.
We were idiots. I fess up.
The 90's was a great time for me and family, more incoming than outgoing money. I have prided myself for having The Big Long View. My eyes were closed then. Life intervened, multiple times. It continues intervening, and it's black fly season in my NY, they breed in running water. Nestle and ConEd want in on the resources. How did I get to a position anti- a downstate Corporation? Those zoom around like black flies, and the bites hurt for weeks.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Good morning, riverlover!
I think most of us were hoodwinked by our own prosperity during the 90's. I admit that I was.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Secret shame: a confessional on one’s financial spiral downward
From the Atlantic:
The secret shame of middle-class Americans
Nearly half of Americans would have trouble finding $400 to pay for an emergency. I’m one of them.
Good evening, lotlizard!
You always have some of the best links. I really appreciate you sharing them here.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks! We all seem to complement each other very well here! n/t
Hello from our safari camp on the banks of the
South Luanda river. Great open thread topic and inf9. Thanks for the work!
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Good morning, DO
I had to cheat and google where you are. Are you in Zambia? I hope we see some pictures from you two in the near future.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hi! We are 7 hours ahead of you here in Zambia but
My phone auto corrected the river name when I posted earlier today and signal is going in and out. We get free 2gdata via t-mobile on our phones. We bring a mifi dingle but the signal on MTN Zambia has bee very unreliable this trip. We are staying at Wildlife Camp, South "Luangwa" National Park and having an amazing time as usual. So thankful.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Under Neolib rule, the USA has lost 5.6 million jobs
in manufacturing and we've seen the closing of 55,000 factories. A worker could sustain a family on these lost wages.
"Poverty is not material but behavioral" so said Margaret Thatcher thus blaming the poor for their poverty.
The Commerce Dept stats show that USA-based multinational corporations added 2.4 million jobs overseas while cutting their workforce in the USA by 2.9 million during the 2000s.
According to the Labor Dept, 9 out of 10 of the fastest growing job categories are in "low wage" or "very low wage" positions.
Nobel winning economist August Deaton and his wife, Ann Case, found a rise of 500,000 deaths among whites aged 45 to 54. This is a sign of despair as these people cannot raise a family and have a middle income existence under Clinton/Bush/Obama policies.
One last reminder: The last thing on the last day in office, Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich after Mrs Rich had given $1 Million to Democratic campaigns and $400,000 to his Presidential library. Bill Clinton, as reported by Jim Hightower, later called this quid pro quo "terrible politics."
Neoliberalism comes with a strong dose of what appears to be corruption and upper class war on the 99%.
Thanks very much for this wonderful series of essays. I hope your day is a good one.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Good Morning, duckpin!
Your comments had added much to this series. I hope you will write an essay on these issues one day. Your comments have a lot of meat to them.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thank you. That's very flattering.
I possess no computer skills other than responding to posts so I am afraid it's not in the cards.
Look forward to your essays - they are very well written and I learn a lot from them.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
So those overseas jobs are fewer than those lost here?
The Corporations are working fewer bodies at lower wages. Good for their bottom line.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
According to the US Commerce Dept
In the 1990s, these companies added 4.4 million jobs in the USA and added 2.7 million abroad.
I think the main point is that the multinational companies have stopped hiring in America.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
And those that are hiring
are paying lower and lower wages. I make less today than I did 20 years ago.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Yes - The Dept of Labor
says that 90% of jobs being created are either in the "low wage" or "very low wage" categories.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Good morning gg and all :)
This morning I'd like to make a suggestion concerning people removing 'diaries' from some other web site. Instead of deleting the 'diary', maybe it would be more beneficial to this place to replace the entire text of the diary with a link to c99. Then robots and people following links to that story will happen upon this place. What do you think?
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
I dread the invasion of the Hilbots.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Good morning, kharma!
I am not sure I understand what is going on with deleting diaries since I do not go there much at all any more. I do think that most of the regulars over there already know about this place. However, anything that gets our site out there is a good thing.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thank you so much for this well written series. I have
homework to do by going back and catching up. Deeply needed information and history; good background and sourcing with the dollop of accessible writing.
The names are important: who are these people? why do they do what they do? who do they associate with? and as you addressed, why the odd pairings?
I happen to be a fan of longer essays, which take time to develop and time to read. Much more to chew on and substantial context.
Thanks again.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
Hey gg!
Hope your morning is a good one. We've been had. I was sucked in too. But my eyes are open and the demorats no longer have my blind support.
I keep coming back to a focus on media. How can citizens learn when the MSM is a corporate mouth piece? Across the broadcast spectrum is the FOX fraudcasting model. I have thinking friends who are misled into thinking they "watch" the news. But there's no news there, it's corporate propaganda.
I appreciate your efforts to educate with your essays. I wish it could reach many eyes!
I posted this elsewhere, but readers might like this 20 sec vid that explains the KY results.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good Morning, Lookout!
OMG, I forgot about Alison Lundergan Grimes. The Clinton machine is embedded everywhere. This explains the voter problems in Kentucky. Thanks for this link.
The corruption is absolutely horrifying in that it is so pervasive.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Lookout, you might enjoy this article about media @ CounterPunch
Might help you inform your friends they are living in a veal pen of the mind, only listening to those who have been indoctrinated and are now true believers (same thing with Clintonistas over at GOS, they actually believe in their positions ...)
I like that last line in that quote: "... despite the fact that reporters and editorialists are “free” to write whatever they want ..." (they just regurgitate what they've been told, no thought required.)
And while over there, check out "The Faux Fracas in Nevada: How a Reporter Manufactured a Riot", a perfect example of the trained
sealsreporters just repeating BS ...PS: Hi GG
Good morning, LeChienHarry!
As I have been researching this subject, I am learning along with everyone else here. I suspect there are many people who know more about the background and history than what I have written here. IMO, the essay on meritocracy explains a lot. It was part three of this series.
What I am learning from this is that there is a group of people in this country who all went to the best schools such as Harvard and Yale and who believe themselves to be better than the rest of us because of their achievements. And therefore, they and others like them "merit" or deserve the best out of the system. Conversely, they also believe that those who are poor and struggling are in that condition because of their own lack of effort, not because the system is rigged against them.
In a way neo-liberalism is both a social and an economic ideology. If I am wrong in my assessment, I hope someone will correct me so we all can learn from it.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
You Are Not Wrong
What you describe used to be called "Social Darwinism" from the idea of survival of the fittest. Our corporate masters never seem to realize that most of them started their lives with a head start: good neighborhoods, sufficient money, entry to good schools, parents who counseled them to be successful, and physical security among other advantages. They have little or no idea of what many must overcome simply to find a job.
I have little patience with people who rail about those who need to get a job and stop bellyaching. I wish we could put some of them to work in the sweatshops with low pay that we now have and that are reminiscent of Victorian England. (I recommend Henry Mayhew's London Labour and the London Poor to those who don't know the historical parallels between then and now.) I'm afraid I see really hard times coming for more and more of us with neoliberalism and climate change. The lack of empathy from above is obvious and continuing. As someone said,"The French aristocracy never saw it coming either." I hope we can get some changes started before it comes to that because everyone loses when violence once starts.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
I call it the big j
justufcation, it parallels hoarding instinct, sadly we all are suscepitle to it. There is a reason the lower you go on the income scale empathy and altruism registers higher, I'm by no means calling all rich people ass holes, but they aint half as smart as they think they are, and if the 99% were half as dumb as they think we are the world come to a halt.
Solidarity forever
There is a 17 min video over @ NYT
I can't embed. Fucking scary stuff. Scientists speaking out. Smallpox in the custody of the US and Russia. A horror in the freezer. And the physical virus in the freezer. Humans the only host. 100% lethal. DNA sequence published, though hard to access. What could go wrong? Most living humans are not variolated with cowpox (that old arm scar). Department of Defense nixxed destroying the frozen virus suspensions. What could go wrong? Release would shut down human interaction face-to-face. What could go wrong? Vector Labs in Russia is the other possessor. Things got weird when the Soviet union fell apart. Scientist diaspora. What could go wrong?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
As i recall from back than
The Soviets were willing to destroy their smallpox if we did the same and the Defense Dept nixed it. (I hope I am remembering correctly)
There was some scientific cover given about how these viruses were needed in case some isolated group of humans were discovered to carry the virus and we needed ours to start making vaccines.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Drastic overstatement of the case
Smallpox of the worst kind (Variola major) was never more than 30-35% lethal. It was the side-effects and after-effects that were more horrifying than the virus itself: disfiguration, blindness, sterility...
Smallpox kept Ireland well supplied with blind harpers, including the legendary O'Carolan.
George Washington survived smallpox, but not without characteristic facial pits (which his portraitists glossed over) - and he was never known to have sired a child.
Variola minor was a closely related but far less lethal strain (perhaps 1% mortality), and it too is supposedly extinct. One hopes that what's hidden in the secret freezers is actually variola minor....
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Thanks GG!
The two party system has precipitated the fall of the empire.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
One can only hope
that the empire will fall. In the long run all of us here in the US and all of humanity will be better off.
Good to see you, Tim.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
To add to your links, there is an excellent essay
Here Entitled
Obamacare: The Neoliberal Model Comes Home to Roost in the United States—If We Let It
Some choice bits:
More :
Imho it's an excellent and well sourced and written piece worth a whole read.
Don't believe everything you think.
As an adjunct to this article
I recommend Dean Baker's writings on the failed and expensive patent system for drug creation and manufacture. He is at CEPR and that organization has a lot of information on how corporations are robbing us blind with our politicians abetting.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
And now the major insurance companies
have gone to extortion, the asking price or demand price rises. I am insulated from some as a retired state employee, and switching to Medicare in 2 years if it still exists. UHS is my "provider" they are threatening out of Obamacare.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Great stuff here. Thank you Hester!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Good Morning, gg, thanks for your neo-liberalism series
I would like to see this series on the right hand side grouped under the title "Series" (similar to the way different "groups" are listed under the headline "groups") to make it easier to link to them with one click. It so valuable content in your series. I want to have it "showcased" this way to be able to find in a year and read it over. Just my personal opinion though.
Have a wonderful day and thank you for all your work.
Thank you, mimi! (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Every "Democrat" should read the Yellow Book.
I read it and have been recommending it to anybody who will listen. Frank has been all over the place promoting Listen Liberal! I think this talk may be the best.
Have a nice day.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Good morning, Azazello!
I have not read it, but I have read a number of articles authored by Frank and have seen him interviewed and speaking on videos. There have been other authors who have said similar things to what Frank is saying. But Frank has a wonderful talent for expressing those ideas in a language that an everyday layman can digest and comprehend.
When I get a block of time later, I intend to watch this video. Thank you for your comment and for this link.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Morning, gg, and all. Congrats again, gg! This post and the
comments are fantastic. It's everything progressives are about: honesty, clarity, teaching and learning, open, friendly, a true conversation among friends over a difficult topic. It's a series and comments like this that remind me why I love c99 so much. Thanks, gg and all :=) Have a great day,
Oh yes, I also believed the same horseshit. I often wish that my knee was a swivel model, so that I could kick my own arse and spare someone else the trouble! As Roger Daltry sang, "We won't be fooled again..."
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Good Morning, Gerrit!
Thank you for your kind comment. I have no problems admitting to my own fallibility about buying into the crap they were selling, but it is nice to know that I was not the only one.
I think there are times when we instinctively know that something is wrong, but it is hard to see it as part of a bigger picture. That is why I never could buy off on the outrage porn that was often posted at the other place. What I am trying to do with this series is to begin to tie all the pieces together into the big picture of just how coordinated this ideology is in all aspects of our lives and those the world over.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
So true so true.
We all need to remember True. It may not always be right, but something to aim for. I have a currently-missing puppy. How long until I get more than moderately alarmed? She is a good escaper, but has always returned. And food time is nigh. sigh.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Well, it seems I've
earned myself a time-out at The Other Cesspool. Woo-hoo. That will certanly help me ween myself away from it. I had intended to hold my nose and vote for The Queen. Fuck them. I WILL NOT vote for Herr Drumpf OR the Corporate Whore. I'm done over there, and with the Democratic Party. Jefferson Weeps.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
It's invaluable work, gg. The first, first step in recovery is
seeing the problem. The symptoms of a cold is an easy problem to see. But the symptoms of a sick worldview are very difficult to "see." A worldview pervades the entire field of conscious vision. It's like wearing sunglasses without knowing it.
When a worldview is sick it is mostly because of an ideological perversion to the natural human state of being. There's nothing wrong, for example, with a Christianity that conforms itself to the founder's vision. Until it becomes perverted by a human vice, such as greed (the prosperity gospel) or authoritarianism (the church). There's nothing wrong with a capitalism that is localized and conforms to local community values. Until it becomes perverted by a human vice, you know :=) such as greed (corporatism) or authoritarianism (global, oligarchic capitalism).
It takes a long and persistent effort to show folks they're actually wearing sunglasses. Your series on neoliberalism is wonderful consciousness-raising work. The 1970s South American resistance to Western domination called their work conscientization. That's the value of this series. It helps us see the tinted sunglasses the bipartisan neoliberals sold us in the 80s and 90s.
I have some stuff on the revolutionary work of conscientization. "I should not make more work for myself: repeat fifty times today, G!" :=) Thanks again, gg, for this series.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Good morning, gulfgal,
and everyone. Just dropped in to say hi and good morning.
Thank you for this continuing series, gg.
Rains have let up, and am hoping the ground will be unsoggy enough that I can get a few plants planted tomorrow afternoon. So far, the weather looks lke it might cooperate at least enough to let the ground dry a little bit.
Take care, everybody.
Good day, O'Linda!
I always like planting right after a rain. I hope you are able to get your plants in today. We are looking at rain the next few days here in western NC. But I am used to that. Have a great day!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Trump is now Wall Street's BFF
This is pretty big news. It turns out that Trump is just another insider. I wonder how he is going to distinguish himself from Clinton? But then maybe he is just anther stalking horse for Clinton. Nothing would surprise me any more except my pure unadulterated hatred toward the Clintons continues to grow beyond anything I could have imagined.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks, gg, great, as usual. We are in the 35th
year of the Reagan Revolution and applied reaganism. Nothing has trickled down, but nobody is willing to step up and change. The neo agenda, neo-cons on one hand and neo-liberals on the other, often partners, or co-resident in the same persons, groups, ideologies, platforms and programs trundle onward. Somebody has to call for a halt to it, and we know that neither the GOP (and its partisans), nor the Dems (and its partisans) have any intention or even desire to do so. That leaves the outsiders, those people who still believe in things like a public good, to step up and formulate some way to bring an end to this era.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Where is Miep
I haven't seen anything from Miep for weeks. And I'm wondering if he is all right. Does anyone know? Or know how to contact him to check on him?
I did a search
and it has been two weeks since she last commented. I hope she is okay.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks for this excellent
series! As usual, I didn't make it to C99P until it's too late to add anything meaningful to the early morning discussions, so I'll just share a couple of 'Tweets' that I thought were sorta fun and/or interesting, as my contribution.
'The Unique Pink Diamond' Sale, Sets World Record
And the piece below may surprise many--it did us!
Millennials Are Outpacing Everyone in Retirement Savings
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.--Lao Tzu
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Visit Us At Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Obama tackles Overtime rules, but won't tackle the jobs issue
Seems like typical bullshit. Sure, his rewriting of the rules will help some people, but with the jobs problem this country has, and the continued feeding upon the middle class, harvesting them to feed the rich and business class, as well as the political animals which graze, we're still not addressing the problem.
Understood though. He has a 'legacy' to lay claim to, so he can't leave office saying 'this is a problem' unless it's something he can whine about saying 'he wish he could've done more if it weren't for those rascally Republicans being mean and keeping him from getting things done. Truth being, he bowed down to the Clinton Third way and embraced the get little done and call it pragmatic incrementalism.
And election 2016 winding up being between Trump and Clinton just means we're screwed.
If you vote for either one, they will strike. If you do not vote for either one, they will still strike.
It would be nice if Riki Tiki Bernie could actually make it into the villa and deal with these cobras before they strike.
great comment!
I have posted before over at the other place that pragmatism is the refuge of cowards.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Just read the essay, and I
Just read the essay, and I have to agree with it GG. It is why I have come to hate what is happening. Many get to suffer while the top of the stratum of the society we have now carry on with no sense of the pain they cause to the "lower classes" we are repeating ancient Rome and the late 1920's again and we really need a remake of the New Deal that works for all, but actually helps those with the worst situations get out of them.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
It appears the neo-liberals have no capacity for empathy. It goes back to the belief in "meritocracy." They believe that they and those like them deserve their status and wealth while the rest of us are undeserving because we have not worked hard enough to rise to the top like they have. It is a phony belief but it is how they justify themselves.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Seems they can't see that
Seems they can't see that folks worked hard, followed the rules, did all the right things and still got slapped down due to the Neo-Liberal policies and agendas. Trade Deals making jobs go away, right to work deals rather than the older more helpful work deals, like the mandatory sick days, vacation days, and other things "right to work" eliminated, and don;t get me started on the whole farce of PTO(Paid Tome Off), etc, whoever came up with that deserves to be defiled after death.
Now they would take away my disability and medicare which is all I get left from breaking under the strain of being the good little soldier/worker, they want to also "privatize" the Veterans Administration, making that already hard to get to work for you place worse than it is now.
And as your name suggests, the Neo-liberal Obama gave BP a slap on the wrist after they polluted and poisoned the GoM, I won't touch shrimp from that region as I don't trust that the COREXIT is gone from the Gulf, and they would rather let the sick and dying folks there from that nasty stuff they used to hide the oil die, rather than help them.
Basically, as far as I am concerned, Neo-liberals and their related Neo-conservatives can all go to hell on an express train! That is how angry they make me.
So long, and thanks for all the fish