Go Ahead and Lie To Me . . .
What are those pathetic people supporting Hillary telling her? What are her corrupt superdelegates telling her? What is that strange woman who used to be Rachel Maddow telling her? What are Chris Matthews and the other reactionary robots at MSNBC telling her? What are Markos and his feeble frontpagers telling her, what are so many sorry ass people who can't handle the truth telling that posturing plutocrat princess?
Lie to me.
Go ahead and lie to me.
That's what they're telling her . . .
[video:https://youtu.be/3tigVYfHVmQ width:500 height:333]
The Hillbots told her that in Iowa, they told her that in South Carolina, they told her that in Arkansas and Alabama and Arizona, every braindead brick in that fabulous firewall we heard so much about told her that, from the rigged primary state of New York to the rigged primary state of California.
And they're still telling her that.
Lie to me, and tell me everything is all right.
That's their mantra, that's their dogma, that's their creed. Lie to me about your Iraq war vote, Hillary, and we'll ignore all that blood on your hands, lie to me about mass incarceration and we'll pretend you deserve 70% of the black vote, lie to me about pipelines and for profit prisons and the TPP and we'll hail you as a progressive hero, lie to me about super predators and super delegates and the Super Tuesday votes you suppressed, lie to me about the rest of the primary results, lie to me about all of it so we can say you "won by 3 million votes".
Recycle the old lies, run them all by me again and tell me some new ones, lie to me at the podium, lie to me at the press conference, lie to me on the plane, lie to me about your speaker fees and your server and your missing emails, lie to me about what you've never done and never will do.
And I'll just make believe everything you're telling me is true.
Go ahead and lie to me.
It's become the sordid tradition of half the Democratic electorate, they rewarded Bill Clinton for lying to them and the Lie To Me Parade began, they rewarded Reid and Pelosi for leading it and clapped louder, they rewarded President PrettyWords for leading it and told us all to clap louder, and now Hillary Rodham Clinton is the clap louder leader of that Lie To Me Parade.
From the throne of her It's My Turn float way up front, the Anointed One has issued a proclamation, we've been informed that we can tag along at the back of the parade if we behave ourselves.
Well that's not going to happen.
I'll tell you why.
Because every four years the billionaires and the bankers and the warmongers and the wealthy keep telling us the same damn thing--Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss.
Not this time. From now on We the People are going to do the talking and the billionaires and the bankers and the warmongers and the wealthy are going to do the listening. That Lie To Me Parade has gone on long enough, it's going to come to a screeching halt, and if barricades is what it takes to put an end to it, then barricades is what we'll use . . .
[video:https://youtu.be/ThCbmMAL7gk width:500 height:333]

Nice rant
But the generation of folks who swore along with Roger and Pete thst they won't get fooled again are the most foolish of them all.
Not me. That's the thing about Bernie. In spite of what the
Clinton campaign says, there's no stereotypical Bernie supporter.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
You are...
the mainstream media have been telling us that you are, so it must be true!!
The mainstream media has never ever been wrong about
anything anywhere at any time.
Which explains why they're almost as popular as Congress.
An important point, Lily O Lady.
Thank you for posting that.
They didn't do what needed to be done.
And now we're rapidly running out of time to get it done.
Don't blame the Woodstock Generation
That's a cheap shot and a cop out. Right. Blame it on the scapegoat du jour. There are a whole lot of us who continue to fight and won't stop this side of the grave.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
I think there's plenty of blame to go around.
We've all got to get it right this time.
Every generation has its sell-outs.
The Woodstock Generation is not exempt. And the sell-outs are the ones who are doing all the damage.
And then there are the other 99.998% of us, who never sold out and are still fighting on in any ways we can.
If you are surprised to see the latter group heavily represented at a blogsite named "www.caucus99percent.com", maybe you need to think again! Of course we discovered this place!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
2,038 excellent and well-behaved members now.
Well . . . 2,037 excellent and well-behaved members, and I'm here too.
Many, many more than 2,038 members
There are millions of people out there like us on caucus99percent. They just haven't signed up or don't know about the site. But they are out there and I talk to them everyday. Perhaps they're just a little more inhibited or have so many things going in their lives.
That's the truth.
Well that was mean and ageist. I've been a non-conformist
with Progressive ideals all my life thank you. And I am by no means what is referred to as a 'spring chicken
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I never identify myself with broad demographic classifications.
I know I'm always the exception to the rule. Thus, I cannot be offended.
When you look at big groups as a whole, they can be judged by their effect on the world around them, And they should. We should investigate why that happened if it was destructive, and learn to raise better humans.
About the example above, I'm not so sure. It's point is sketchy to me.
I didn't take it personally.
Some Woodstockers are pretty old and miserable. Some aren't. If the shoe doesn't fit, I refuse to wear it.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Oh, I don't take it personally. I was just pointing out the
bias and giving an example as to why he needs to find a way to qualify his smarm because in politics, one size doesn't necessarily fit all.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I'm sure no offense was meant so I take none.
If we get too touchy and nervous about everything we say, we become dailykos where everything is an ism. We are among friends. We need to trust one another.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I see your point. But there's not much in that attitude to trust
for the people he's pointing at. Regardless, this subject's about been worked to death. There are better and bigger things to discuss.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Every generation even when they
are spring chicken's have hateful, greedy, nasty, people. A lot of the 'Woodstock generation' hated hippies and said I'm an 'Okey from Muskogee' you degenerate draft dodging, dirty rotten Dr.Commie Rat's should all be thrown in jail or shipped out. Hillary was a Goldwater (drop the big one) while a lot of her generation we're registering voters in the South and sporting peace buttons. Still is.
A Lot of the faux hippes like Big Dog were greedy, power happy miserable and conniving for their own aims and turned into middle aged yuppies and and decided whoever died with the most toys won. Same as it ever was. Demographics do not tell the whole story especially when they are used to measure the effectiveness of mass deception/ delusion that only measures the degrees of all our misery and fear. The tea leaf readers who analyze the numbers and data create narratives that are binary, divisive and manipulative.
In the main
Boomers prefer Hillary. It is simply the case. In the msin. For the most part. Not intended to be an absolute or personal statement. I just thought that The Who c9nbection was ironic given the tenor of the campaign.
There IS some irony there.
I'm not so sure.
I'm not so sure about that. (Other than preferring her over The Chump, that is.)
$Hillary "won" the Democratic primaries by the front-loading of States which will get her zero electoral votes in the general election, combined with outright theft of New York and California. Boomers would have chosen Bernie in any genuinely honest primary election scheme, but we didn't have one of those.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I've always loved that Puddytat quote.
the Puddytat quote
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Maybe this site is not the reality based site I thought it was
I gotta step away from here if my basic comments here, which have very oddly attracted much more attention than any of the other comments I have made, are getting responded to with such strange defensiveness. Are we so far into the CT world for Bernie that we as a group are denying all data showing that older democrats support Hillary? We can agree that there has been hanky panky with the elections, but--brace yourselves--people are deliberately voting for her in some cases. And the older voters are, the more likely they were not voting for the guy who wanted to reshape so much of our country's priorities. Continuing to question things like this will lose this site one member very quickly.
Friggin awful year this has been. Thought this was the one place that recognized that truth and sanity has merit within politics.
I don't speak for the group. I don't think I'm being defensive
either. But here's a truth: The voting machines are hackable. Another truth: In states where there were paper trails, Bernie won; in states without them, Hillary won.
Conclusions can be drawn from that, which may or may not be true. But I hope that they do sue to gain access to the machines. And that we have paper trails by November. Better safe than sorry.
Here's a truth: The news has been misrepresented by the media and at times they were proven to have outright lied. See, for example, Jon Ralston, who got caught so no longer works for PBS. Until then, he was "highly respected".
Here's reality: When people lie to you, expect them to lie to you again. Suspect everything they say. From my psychology classes: The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.
It does not then follow that they are lying every time. Or this time. But you don't know when you're being lied to. If it were easy to catch them, they wouldn't do it. So take everything with the appropriate grain of salt.
Here's another truth: I am a 56-year-old female and most of the people I know are in my age group. I do not know a single Hillary supporter. Not one. Unfortunately, I do know some Trump supporters, but I keep them at arms' length.
So here's a question: If my experience is repeated by the tens of thousands of visitors to this site, at what point do you wonder if Clinton really has a majority in this age group?
And here's my conclusion: We don't know. Sure, some people are voting for her, of course. But how many? We simply don't know. She has not proven that the numbers she claims are the true numbers. You can say she probably has the majority of older Dem voters. But you can't state it as a fact because you can't prove it unless they'll give you access to the voting machines. Which they won't.
And here's a parenthetical truth: My 80-plus-year-old parents, with no Internet access, understand that Bernie wants to take us back to policies of FDR, and they approve. They have enjoyed their retirement since age 65, felt that they had worked hard and long by that point to earn a good retirement, and are appalled that their children cannot afford to retire and will probably keep working until we die. They are also appalled that nearly all their college-educated grandchildren are unemployed. They also understand the basic ideas behind climate change and support a switch to renewable energy. They even understand that cops often act like total heartless a$$hole$ and need to be reined in, and they are sympathetic to the BLM movement, freeing drug abusers from jail, and getting rid of for-profit prisons. Dad's registered Dem and Mom's registered Repub but hasn't voted for a Repub in ages. Both voted for Obama, that hopey-changey thing. Dad voted for Bernie. Mom missed the deadline to change her registration. They came to all these conclusions independently of me. They watch no cable, watch all the network news, and read a lot. Our experiences could not be more different, and yet we came to the same conclusions.
I agree with those who say it's a money division, not a generational division. All us old folks in my family do want to reshape this country's priorities. The last President they liked was Carter. So to me, there is nothing farfetched in that.
I'm sure there are many people here who agree with you. You just didn't find them in this thread. Stick around, you'll find them. Personally, I think finding people with opinions different from mine is more fun.
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Oh, no,
please don't even start with the "reality-based" and "It's CT" crap. I am so sick of seeing that lame-ass blanket indictment of anything that might not square with something in your own personal thought processes. That's lazy thinking at its finest, particularly when it's served up with such a convenient excuse for "some people" to vote for that obnoxious woman.
Even if it's neither of those things? People are allowed to speculate here.
"Our planet is the mental institution of the universe.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe nailed it long ago.
IMHO, there's more sanity here at Caucus99 than in any other group of 2,000 people anywhere on this planet. You are respected here, NWIA, elenacarlena is respected here, I don't think there's any reason for anyone to leave.
We have to expand the membership of this community, not diminish it simply because we don't agree about everything.
A Sad Interpretation of Reality
If you believe polls just about any demographic can be shown to support just about anybody or any proposition.
Just recently I commented on a conversation I had with a poll-working script reader about this very point. So, for what it is worth, "Boomers prefer Hillary" is about as silly as anything I have heard this campaign season. It is rather unfortunate that our election processes (at all levels) isn't about actually getting real information from real people about what they would really like to have happen and who they would really like to see in various offices.
It's not simply the case?
Not absolute but simply the case? Do you have the data to prove that? Just joking. For the most part I view the analysis of data/polls with skepticism.The numbers do not lie but the polls and their strategists sure twist them to tell their tale. What does the MSN have to do with reality. Nothing nothing at all .How can your mind run free when it has no place to roam?
Guess it all depends on how frightened the left standing alive boomber's are. Boom's are nothing I want to hear ever. Then again I'm a 'fringe' baby boomer. Yet low and behold I will not ever vote for Hillary the Hun or any other lesser evil . They are basing the false outcome of this election on what kinda fool are you and what kind of fool do you think I am.
As a Boomer, I prefer Hillary. So do all my friends and
relatives. So do my "greatest generation" parents.
Not that anecdotal evidence negates your statement. But how can you tell? Polls done by the in-the-bag-for-her MSM? Votes taken by machines that were probably hacked?
If Hill were so electable, why is she the most unfavorable and most distrusted?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
The only ones I know from that generation still being fooled
are pulling in six figures a year or better.
Which ain't many, as we don't live in that rarefied sphere ourselves. So it's not a generational thing at all for them, not really--it's a money thing. It's also a cowardice thing, but some of them just don't want to comprehend that, because the rest of their carefully-crafted little bubble might pop for good.
Amen Lunachickie
I saw Jonny Lang when he was 16 and just starting out.
He 'knocked my socks off'. He was amazing.
I've been watching the Clinton's since the early 90s. They are both amazing as well.
Give me Jonny's type over the Clinton type of amazing any damn day!
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Yeah, the Clinton's are amazing in a sinister, nauseating way.
Jonny Lang was amazing indeed, in the best ways. I'm barely able to strum 3 chords on a guitar, so I was beyond in awe of him.
This is perfect
" What is that strange woman who used to be Rachel Maddow telling her?"
Exactly how I feel, just never found the right words. Perfect.
Thank you
What DID happen to Rachel? I remember dear Rachel when she used to guest on Keith Olbermann. They would BOTH rant liberal ideas and how they were overlooked by the "elite" or establishment. What DID happen to the Rachel I (used to) watch with religious conviction? I am very disappointed, very. Chris Matthews I can believe...he was always a smug asshole, but Rachel? AND while we are on the subject what happened to Bill Maher? I no longer DVR his shows either. Sell outs...all of them...looking at you Joy Reid too.
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
Rachel & the rest were taken in the middle of the night
and turned into Clinton Zombies
They got Maddi, too
I hate to sound cynical, but receiving a $7 million annual salary apparently changes some folks.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
money...you buy a big house, you need an expensive security...
JtC pulls in $7 million a year for running this place and he
hasn't changed at all.
Or is it $70 million, I can't remember . . .
Not quite right Rusty...
I bought myself a pack of socks last night and put a new pair on. According to my wife that changed me a lot. I think she may be right because she's been coming around me a lot more today.
Next up, new underwear. It'll bust the website bank but I'll be a snazzy old codger.
I'm going to start saving up for a sock, and then maybe next year I can buy another one.
I thought I had a pet rock
but it turned out to be ferrous, no, I mean feral. No, wait, it was both. And the poor thing couldn't be saved, no matter how much preaching I did to it.
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change your shorts, change your life
Does that mean you're now a sockpuppet?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Rusty's fingers to God's eyes, though, huh, JtC?
$70 million. You could hire staff and we could all afford snazzy socks!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Rachel Maddow has always
Rachel Maddow has always followed NBC news policy. It's why she is still an MSNBC anchor and Olberman and Cenk are not.
Notice the next time they take on a Republican "expert," like Steele or Medved. MSNBC has Rachel introduce him on her show, compliment him and defer to him, which, I suppose, is to make him acceptable to MSNBC's viewers. (I used the male pronoun because, so far, it's been men.)
She likes her corporate media paychecks.
I don't watch her or anyone else on MSNBC anymore.
Before or After
Maddow threw Keith under the bus to save her own ass? Keeping her job was more important to her than fighting for her friend that helped her get it. As soon as that happened, I knew which side she was really on. As hotheaded and ill tempered as he sometimes was, Olbermann was the soul of MSNBC. As soon as he left, that network turned into a propagandistic dumpster fire.
And Bill Maher doesn't give a shit because he's rich. Trump scares him because he has money. He's comfortable. He gave $1 million to Obama and his biggest gripe is that the president refuses to go on his show. That tells you everything you need to know about Maher's priorities.
MSNBC turned into a propagandist dumpster fire.
That says it!
It was baked into her contract, no doubt
something along the lines of "if general editorial policy changes at any time, you will be required to change right along with it. Otherwise, see (breach of contract clauses) in your current employment contract."
Thank you, Caerus.
This one is especially sticky.
Nothing will ever be the same again for the Parties. The people are not strong enough yet to be a real threat, however.
The larger demographics bother me as things stand. It's in flux. Most voters under 45 don't have a candidate to vote for. Most over 45 will vote their fears.
I don't believe Trump will be the candidate for the GOP. I believe they will nominate an actual Republican at the convention, but I doubt that, alone, will change the dynamic. The Democratic Party will turn him into the replacement boogyman to successfully terrify the Dem voters, the same way Donald did.
Still, there are serious game-changers coming down the pike before the November election. There are possibilities.
Nifty essay.
And who
is an "actual Republican" in your eyes? They gave up the ship a long, long time ago...nothing left but the crazies. That is why most are dumping Trump and fleeing to Hillary...whom they perceive as their long lost "moderate" Republican.
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
True, that.
I can't disagree.
My fallback to what may be a Republican, is this:
Wait! What happened to Saint Ronald?
Oh, and by the way, I can bark in 9 languages.
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George Bush the Elder was
George Bush the Elder was Saint Ronnie's running mate both times.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
And he was "out of the loop" on Iran-Contra.
In other words, he was UP TO HIS NECK IN THE LOOP.
I admire your linguistic skills
I'm limited to snapping.
Actual Republican?
She already has the democratic nom in the bag. Can one person run at the top of the ticket for both parties?
Yes, she can.
And I wouldn't put it past her.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I don't think Trump will be the nominee either.
And I think this is very likely . . .
Thank you, Pluto's Republic.
I don't think Trump will be on the ticket either
I have been thinking along your lines for quite a while. I think they'll nominate John Kasich & Nikki Haley. Kasich is known to have an independent streak and he was last man standing. Kasich expanded Medicaid and has vetoed several Republican bills. Also, Kasich won Ohio big and is governor there. Ohio is important. I have always questioned Trump's motives for running. He announced the day after Jeb Bush announced. Jeb! said a couple of times that Trump was more or less a troll. It explains why the Repub establishment did not back the front-runner who was bringing in new voters. There's something very strange about this election.
Strange days indeed.
[video:https://youtu.be/gBCdlBrgEmE width:500 height:333]
The only way they take that from Trump
is if he really doesn't want it. And he doesn't, if he's been a ringer for Hillary all this time--I continue to believe he is/was, and it was simply that nobody foresaw his actually winning the nom. And now it's a problem, because.....he really doesn't want it!
With that in mind, you wonder if negotiations are on with him, trying to talk him into dropping out, and they will provide cover and backup for doing so (for a price not yet determined). Then they'll bring along whoever (my money was long on Kasich, only because he seems the most sane--even though he's not, but anyway) and all will be right with the Party again. Well, except for the hardcore Trumpskis, who probably all lean Tea Party (ie. plebes like us) and who simply do not matter to their party elite anyway.
The GOP is in a pickle...
Dump Trump and they pretty much destroy the party of any grass roots. Trump is the personification of the Tea Party that they created and nourished. If they go with Trump, then the solidify the GOP image of being an angry old white person's party. That demographic is dying.
As far as the Dem party is concerned, they chose to close the tent and force the establishment candidate onto the membership. Their predicament is more self-inflicted. They had a golden opportunity to solidify the next generation with Obama and then yet another opportunity to do it with Bernie. They have squandered both chances.
I had an argument with my Dad about the coming revolution that the youth in this country will fight. He scoffed and said the youth are too lazy to do anything. I took me aback. I see the millennials as dry tinder, ready to go off given the right conditions. Bernie is too decent and congenial to really spark the fire. The next personality will not be.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
I had an email from one of my Senators today and
one from my Representative. This is what I said:
Please convey to that I will not be voting for him when he is up for reelection. His support for Ms. Clinton, as a superdelegate, has turned me away from him. He may go on to win without my vote, but I just want to go on the record to say that pledging his support for her before the voting took place has made me question his judgment. Although she won in New Mexico, I am still disappointed in the fact that he did not look favorably on all the candidates and should not be supporting anyone until the convention takes place when he is required to cast his vote. Voting for her at that time would have been the way to conduct his business. Endorsing her months ahead has poisoned the well for me.
Please be aware that I am also a Bernie or Bust constituent. I will not be voting for an establishment candidate for POTUS in November. If Bernie is the nominee, the Democratic party will have my vote. If he is not the nominee, my vote, as my voice will be cast with a third party candidate.
Thank you for your attention. No response to this email is necessary because there is nothing you can say to change my mind.
Enjoy your day.
Raggedy Ann
Not sure I'll hear back.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
That was excellent.
You spoke for so many, I believe.
Thanks, Pluto.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
lol - RA - I have you beat. Hillary called me today.
She told me how much she cared about people and how hard she would fight for me. She then told me to push 1 to donate. I did, since I wanted to chat personally. The young lady on the other side told me how wonderful Hillary was and how important my support was. She ask me if Hillary could count on a $300 - $500 donation from me? I told the her to remove my phone number from her list. I assured her that I wouldn't vote for Hillary if she paid me. I told her I was a Bernie supporter, and Hillary would never get my vote.
Since it was an automated call, I recognized the Washington DC phone number when it flashed on my TV screen for the second time, I just had to answer it and hope I could make her go away.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Everything we say,
everything we do to convey this message to these elected officials is critical. They need to hear from us - loudly and clearly - that enough is enough and we will not be bullied into voting for the continuation of their gravy train.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
You can speak for me anytime, Raggedy Ann.
And you for me, Rusty. :)
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Boy o boy am I wait for a
Boy o boy am I wait for a phone call --they will get a piece of my mind --respectfully and they wont call me back ever when I'm done
They called me
The Hillary campaign called me right before the CA primary, looking for a donation. I asked the caller to remove me from their list and to never call me again, and told her why: I was disgusted with their "dirty tricks" that make Richard Nixon look like a saint. I said that they needed to know that I was not going to vote for her.
The caller made no effort to defend Hillary. Instead, she went right into the "Oh no, Trump!" business. She got more and more strident, carrying on about Trump, while I kept repeating, "No, no, no". It was obvious she was not listening to me. She was still holding forth when I hung up on her (which is something I rarely do.)
It's hard for me to understand how they think that bullying people is the way to get votes. Maybe that's all they have left now? Bullying and playing dirty tricks. Or maybe that's all they ever had, but it has worked for them up until now. It must be a shock to them to find out it's not working anymore.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Just tell 'em 'okay'.
Don't argue, don't defend, don't(try) to reason with them. Just 'okay' when they throw dRumph at you. Let them go on and on and just "okay' them to death. They'll get it.
Or not.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Next time,
tell the person to get off their script. That's all it is - a script, not the actual feelings or beliefs of the person. It's a job, with a script.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Well ...
My primary goal during that call was to get them not to call me anymore. Secondary goal was to make sure they know I will not vote for Hillary. During previous calls from the Hillary campaign, I had identified myself as a Bernie supporter, but had told them if she were nominated, I would support her. That has changed, and I wanted them to know that. I'm assuming that the Hillary people are keeping track of the number of non-Hillary-voters, although I could be mistaken.
So far, so good. They haven't called me back (yet).
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
You are much kinder than me...
When they call me, I ask them why are they asking me for donations when Hillary has all of Wall Street, the Bankers, Oil companies, Big Pharma and foreign interest to draw from? I know that the poor volunteer on the other end has no control, but I am having a tough time caring.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
I know it too
so I've prefaced the two calls I've gotten so far with "look, this is not directed at you, okay?"
I have my own actual script for them:
"You're doing what you have to do to make a living, and I get that. Whether you believe what you're peddling or not matters little to me--but I promise you, it will be a cold day in Hell before you, or anybody else just making a living shilling for that b***h is getting one red cent or one vote from me, for her, EVER".
I then ask them politely to remove me from the list, because if they don't, "the next poor schlub to call me is going to have their day ruined by me, not being as nice as I'm being here."
And in the immortal words of Roseanne Rosannadanna,
Good for us, thank you dk
Yes, I can relate to taking that call. Did the same when the real Congresswoman from my state called with the pitch for a donation. She is a Democrat who claimed to be progressive. I told her that she was a right-moderate (neoliberal in the new parlance) and that I was working with the union on a campaign to call Congress. She hasn't called since.
I do dislike providing my home number and email on ActBlue. It seems it is shared everywhere. Do they ever sell or allow organizations, like political survey companies access to this information? Since I registered as a Democrat to vote for Bernie, the unsolicited donation requests are also in my mail.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
Thanks for this.
I needed it today. We all do.
Got a text from my son today, visiting his father out of state. "So I hear Bernie has dropped out," he said. "That's too bad. Well, he did as well as we could have expected."
Found myself choking back a fit of rage and sorrow. No, Bernie hasn't dropped out, I told him. There are lawsuits, still counting ballots in CA, don't trust the media. I ignore it now.
He's 18 years old. This was/is his first experience voting. I shouldn't have to tell my beloved son that the powers that be are lying to him, manipulating him. That shouldn't even be happening. This is not a democracy. Maybe it never was.
He told me this is getting tiresome, that he's so weary of not being able to trust. My heart is broken for him and all of us.
I got done texting, went to the recycling, for the first time ever stepped into an MJ dispensary to get a package of edibles. I walked past a petition gatherer outside Walmart, some loony wanting to "protect our children" from the scary transgender men who need to use the bathroom. Again, the rage bubbled up. They did the same thing to the Jewish people, whipping up fear, same now with the Muslims, the Poles, whoever they can target. Gods forbid people practice their religion, dress as they wish, exit and enter the facilities to tend nature's call without fear, hate, and hysteria. My son said to me, "this is getting old".
Indeed it is.
Again, thanks. I feel a little less alone, at least for now.
Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia
This has been a rough campaign even for us oldsters.
I imagine it is even more disappointing for younger folks.
HOWEVER, that doesn't mean that Hillary will be the next president.
We need somewhere to coalesce. I'm going Green and hoping Bernie will follow. But even if he doesn't, we need somewhere to go where we'll be welcome.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
In Wi I can write in Bernie
In Wi I can write in Bernie and it will count, I can also consider Jill. But no way in hell for the other 2. If we can hold the 10 mil + that voted for Bernie Next cycle anything is possible
Where to go?
That would be here, and other places like here. From all these heres, we're building a movement, and shifting a paradigm. We're exchanging ideas, supporting one another symbiotically, even when we sometimes disagree, or stick our feet in our proverbial mouths. I'm grateful for your company.
Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia
But yes,
We need solid ground to land on. For me, it's the Green Party, if possible, though I'm open to the possibilities of other avenues. Only one thing is certain: I will not fall in line for the corporatocracy. They would literally have to point a gun at my head to get me to vote for Her Royal Shill, and I will never sign away my consent to Trump.
But to each his/her own. I think around that idea at least we can all coalesce.
Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia
Make sure Jill is on the ballot in your state! It's easy to get
involved and pass around petitions. I did and am.
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