Oh, crap, Barack, how could you let this happen again?!!!
Yes, folks, think of our forebears in days gone by. Think of War Hero, U.S. Grant who turned the tide and won the Civil War. Think of Professional Politician Warren Harding and his fondness for tea-pots. What did they have in common besides being Republican Presidents? For different reasons, each of them had administrations riddled with corruption.
Smugly (?) we sit back in our "modern" sophistication, going "tsk, tsk, fellows; you shoulda known better". As some great thinker once opined: "there is nothing new under the sun" (an aphorism with which I happen to disagree), a not-so-superficial glance at another great Obama fuck-up is just now starting to get some sunlight. Funny things happen when you add manure, seeds of stupidity, and sunlight together.
With a year-long hullabaloo ready to spew it's fruit on the landscape, Farmer Obama is now awaiting a second crop of carefully (?) tended carelessness. Does that sound like an oxymoron? Yes, it is! Please grab a prize off that shelf over by the cookie jar.
Now, to business: you've heard of the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight? (yeah, a delightful UK comedy from years back). Now people, may I introduce: "the Gang That Couldn't Keep a Secret"
Smooth talk, Mr. President, will not get you out of your twin fiascos. And who knows how many more such surprises are in store for us. Now what are you going to do with this second front? Getting a taste of forthcoming, though probably would-have-been muted embarrassment for sharing State Secrets with Medusa, an excrement from which you might have escaped with merely a little scent of incompetence, now comes what may prove to be a disaster of equal (or greater) impact than Emailgate (or should we now call it Emailgate 1.0 in view of newly unearthed emailgate 2.0).
I won't even add another National Security threat recently thwarted, (paradoxically enough) by the DHS. The Roman Empire fell for many reasons, but two of which were hubris and the sense of exceptionalism. Both factors have been festering in this corruptocracy. Add manure and sunlight...Bazinga!
why does this
stuff not surprise me anymore? It's like during the bush jr administration when they would intentionally pump lies out so the truth got so muddy that it seemed nobody cared because they didn't want to sort through it all. How many millions has this incompetence cost the taxpayers? Jeesh Barrack, a bunch of grade school kids with a "secret" club in a tree house runs a tighter ship than your administration.
Except for the
"No girlz alouwd" sign badly painted on a piece of cardboard ...
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Call me a CT nut
But the idea of "pump[ing] lies out so the truth got so muddy that it seemed nobody cared" is exactly what we are seeing. HRC can point at this story and say "see, everyone has private email accounts" and no one should hold me accountable for breaking the law. And the sheep in the MSM will nod and agree. Nothing to see here, so no indictments.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
Stranger things have happened.
The term "conspiracy theory" should be excised from serious commentary. People have theories of various kinds. Some theories are sounder than others. Some theories are nutty; some are quite plausible.
Labeling a theory a "conspiracy theory" is intended to discredit a theory automatically. It doesn't and it shouldn't. http://locklip.com/5-cia-conspiracy-theories-that-are-actually-true/
The notion that we should take everything that oligarchs tell us or "leak" to us is borderline insane. http://www.businessinsider.com/ndaa-legalizes-propaganda-2012-5
I am thinking that I do not have to worry about
the government monitoring me. These people are so obviously incompetent. There is an old saying about that "The Peter principle is an observation that in an organizational hierarchy, every employee will rise or get promoted to his or her level of incompetence."
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
There seems to be some confusion in that article. DHS may have been telling the truth when it was stated that "no requests have been approved to use a private email account for official business".
The problem with private email accounts on government computers and the likely reason for the ban is that accessing an email account on a computer can expose that computer to malware transmitted via email, in which case official email and other programs and files on the government computer could be compromised.
It sounds like the requests were for keeping access to private email accounts on government computers for waived individuals, not for permission to use those private accounts to conduct government business. As I noted, that's a bad idea because of the risk of infection. But it's also different than what Clinton did, which was operating her own email server on which to conduct government (and personal) business.
And it's different from what the article implies, which is that they were given permission to conduct government business using their personal email accounts. That's just not accurate.
Am I supposed to get angry about some secrets
that shouldn't be secret and national security bullshit that has nothing to do with my security? What really makes me angry is the fact that these people at high levels justify keeping secrets from me so I don't know what crimes they are committing on a daily basis.
Hey, Al, I know how you feel
Over-classification, under-classification, private servers, government servers, state secrets, yoga classes, billion dollar pay-to-play scams. Better check in at your doctor's office as your blood pressure may be heading to stratospheric heights--I know mine is. The well-supported observation about Medusa is that "the more she talks, the more people dislike her"--true enough. But, did any of this crap ever occur to us 99 percenters of not only the depth of incompetence in our "government" as well as depth of the filthy corruption of same? Bernie ignited a revolution. That revolution is only just beginning. Revolt = repulsion at the powers that be nd all they stand for. I am revolted--and I am revolting. After DNC Kabuki theater, I will join Dump Dems Day. Fuck all those blind loyalists who would and will follow Medusa to the Gates of Hell. May the flames consume them slowly. I used too like EW. I used to like the Democratic Party. Like Alphalop says "I used to shit my pants". When you get beyond age 3, you realize the unpleasantness of things formerly taken for granted. Never Hillary.
If only this shitpile grew crops
we could probably feed all hungry Americans and have some left over for export. But it's actually the contents of a vacuum cleaner with a little septic sludge to moisten it up.
On one of the email scandal FB pages, it is discussed the likely Hillary had at least one stroke while SoS. There was a near-news blackout for a few weeks. She might have died or been more damaged but it was ischemic, not hemorrhagic. Double vision? Classic, my husband had that, too. Thereafter, emotionally labile, which remained even after some synaptic contacts were re-routed. She was on Warfarin, who knows now? Anybody asked?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Accessing private
email accounts from govt computers and conducting official gov business using private email accounts are not the same thing.
There seems to be a lot of conflation and misunderstanding in the linked article.