Open Thread - Friday, August 14, 2015
Good morning cohabitants, welcome to Friday morning!
US-NATO Military Deployments, Economic Warfare, Goldman Sachs and the Next Financial Meltdown
What is the relationship between war in a military theater and “economic warfare”?
An act of war is invariably an economic undertaking which supports dominant corporate interests. The conduct of US-NATO military operations is carried out on behalf of powerful financial institutions.
US led wars in the Middle East under the humanitarian mantle of the “global war on terrorism” largely serve the interests of Wall Street, the Anglo-american oil conglomerates, the so-called ‘defense contractors”, the biotech conglomerates (Monsanto et al), Big Pharma and the corporate media.
“Lone Wolf” Terror and the PsyWar on American Public Opinion
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society,” Edward Bernays observed almost a century ago.
“Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” Bernays’ insight reflects the view of corporate statists he regularly commissioned with.
Intertwined with complex public relations exercises, corporate news media’s role today has far less to do with informing the public than it does with maintaining a perpetual tension and anxiety throughout the body politic. Through such tension the citizenry will further gravitate toward or even consciously advocate for heightened police state measures now peddled a prerequisite for public safety.
Here we go,
Have a great weekend!

Good Morning, Tim and 99%'ers
The roofers are still here. They come real early and only work until early afternoon, not stopping for a break or to eat. Today we are serving them lunch. My husband is cooking hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill and I made baked beans and cookies for dessert. He is going to eat with his crew today!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Morning GG and neighbors.
How they'll love it. If it is really hot, you might want to go into your attic and check the the roof from the bottom. Because of the heat and everything being so soft, a couple of nails went deeper than they should have and we had a few drips. Another contractor found them when we did some remodeling in our house. Love it. We went from the basement to the attic and the inside to out. Felt so nice when it was done. Enjoy your lunch.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
LOL, they ate well
but we had too much for them. I have a LOT of cookies left over. I learned that they do not like sugar in their stomachs when working on the roof. Apparently the heat can make them nauseated if they have eaten too much sugar. I will just freeze the cookies.
One guy told my husband that their boss might offer him a job. Ha ha ha! And now he is back upon the roof with them. He cleans up the scraps and debris for them. And most of all, he is having fun!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
is he grilling the burgers and hot dogs on the roof? ; )
Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!
I think sometimes the roof may be hotter than a grill.
No, everyone came down off the roof to eat on the deck which my husband also built. But they are all back up there now.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
your roof
sounds like a happenin' place. Sorta like a barn-raising. Are friends and neighbors getting involved? ; )
Here's a song for your husband:
We're paying the roofing company who is paying the workers. Fixing them lunch was my husband's idea. It was not a big deal and if it made for some goodwill, then fine. Many of these guys are living on the margins and at least two of them have lost their licenses due to DUI's. It is really hard manual labor but we were surprised that one of them had been doing this since he was 17. He is now in his 30's. My husband said he was very good at his job. The company does other types of construction so probably some of these guys do things other than just roofing.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Keyless car theft
I used to work at USENIX and I saw these guys give a lecture once.
Oil price crash could be the worse ever
This is on the verge of getting out of hand.

You posted & I rec'd your diary at dailykos
First comment you got was from a poor white woman trying to share her experience and pain at the hands of the cops, who was of course told to stfu because she was the wrong color.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
On of the best diaries
on the #BLM brouhaha. Your excellent diary today and Cassiodorus's yesterday? were spot on. I don't understand, I guess because I'm a white privileged woman, why the posters at dkos especially the self righteous sister's especially are so hell bent on saying people are racist if they connect the dots and look at the other factors involved with the wanton killing of black people. It hurts my head which is painful enough from having a bad summer head cold. Solidarity and forming coalitions is not racist. #BLM itself has a legitimate point about so the called progressive establishment Democrat's who run and control the party they are worse then useless. Al's right about this too you can't really separate the inherent racism in our bloody 'foreign policy' or a government that's an anti-democratic oligarchy. The dkos support from this fan group for the worst racist, classist offenders like HRC or the Obama administration and the policies they implement is beyond identity politics and has veered off into ugly Lord of the Flies territory. Pack mentality that does not seem like it even cares about black lives just get white liberals as they are the enemy of the false delusional Democratic good. Thank you, you handled the subject and the thread well.
'When the law can be stretched to mean almost anything, obeying it is no magic bullet.' Matt Taibbi
Thanks for the OT, Tim. "Welcome," Cassiodorus! And, here's
a link to the 'Falco Story' [that probably should have been here].
Sorry, I wasn't thinking about the location, at the time, since I was so upset about the use of these noble canines for 'policing'--which really means, "taking bullets for the police."
Have a great rest of the day, Everyone!
Postcript: The discussion on XM about a potential Biden or Gore run seems to be intensifying. And, to their credit, most of the MSM reporters that I'm hearing, think that it would be pointless for them to put their hats in the race--since they are both so much like FSC.
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Welcome Cassiodorus!
I am thrilled to see you have joined us. I hope you will cross post here as well as elsewhere. We agree to disagree amiably here.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I read the first linked article
About who and why the U.S. and NATO are warring across the Middle East, Asia and going after China's stock markets.
Isn't China lending us the money to finance the wars? If so, why don't they call in the debt?
And the media's propaganda is working on over half of Americans. They actually believe that ISIS is a big threat and will soon be coming to our shores to behead us.
Good god! The amount of misery that our government, nato and the soldiers in our military cause innocent civilians all across the globe is staggering.
And not one of the assholes in charge of making these decisions gives a damn about it.
The rest of the article about revolving door between banks and government positions is absolutely nauseating.
Bernie doesn't have a chance to roll back any of the global militarization.
Doesn't this go back to the Monroe doctrine?
Disgusted after reading this. Actually I don't have the words to write how I feel
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.