So I've been asked to share this ...

... because I posted a shortish rant to my Facebook page and shit then promptly blew up, lol. I guess I might be outing myself here, but truly, a lot people already know my real name and stuff.

I'm bound to piss off someone with this, but I hope most of you can dig it:


Imma rant now, and rant hard:

I am B in the GLBTQ and I have been gobsmacked by this terror attack in Orlando. There are new reports surfacing that the Pulse nightclub shooter was gay. This story has legs being that Pulse regulars, an old classmate, his ex-wife, and a number of men he contacted on gay dating apps have come forward, all claiming that he was gay.

If this is true, then this is disgusting in the extreme -- not because he was gay, but because he was clearly *ashamed of being gay*.

If you stay silent when people badmouth GLBTQ in front of you, YOU are culpable for this massacre. If you badmouth GLBTQ, even jokingly, YOU are culpable for this massacre. If you openly support politicians who abhor GLBTQ, YOU are culpable for this massacre. If you say that you don't like "the lifestyle" of GLBTQ but you have nothing against them personally, YOU are culpable for this massacre. If you say that GLBTQ is "against your religion", YOU are culpable for this massacre.

Don't you fucking get it?! *These* are the messages this man took in, that being GLBTQ was bad, shameful, horrible, unholy, perverted. That he was less than, disgusting, unworthy, pedophilic, terrible.

The Pulse shooter killed and injured all those innocent people because he hated himself, because he saw himself in a bunch of gay folks dancing in a club, and he wanted them to burn for it.

SO FUCK YOU and your passive aggressive GLBTQ animosity, and FUCK YOU for trying to turn this into some kind of ISIS thing, when it is very clearly an internalized homophobia thing.

This is completely unacceptable. Motherfucking tragic and goddamned unacceptable. If you can't see that, then just unfriend me now.


12:43 am CST, 6/14/16: Edited lightly for clarification. Thanks for the suggestion, poligirl! I hope it helped!

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poligirl's picture

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I really miss writing; I don't do it enough anymore since I'm not, well. You know.

That fuckin' place messed us all up!

Love you too, poli!

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I miss Colorado.

Steven D's picture

Loved every word.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

are starting to resemble a future paid journalist. Keep up the excellent work around here, Steven!

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I miss Colorado.

And Hitler was part Jewish.

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The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

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Winglioness's picture

I am so sorry that family/social/religious pressures brought this on. That innocent people had to again, pay the price for his internal pain and self-hate. It is beyond a tragedy.
I hope that someday we will have moved forward as a society and can finally accept people as they are.

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And you succeed at being very kind, for sure. We need more of that in the world always.

I'm, uh, clearly not there yet.

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I miss Colorado.

gulfgal98's picture

If your sig line is what you aspire to, I believe you have reached your goal. Kindness does matter. This was a very kind comment. Thank you. Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

snoopydawg's picture

Dobson, Huckabee and other assholes who have preached against the gays all tweeted their sympathies for the people who died or were injured at Pulse.
Bunch of fucking hypocrites because they are also responsible for what happened yesterday and ruined so many people's lives.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

with their hatred and promotion of hatred. Look at those sick and twisted "pray the gay away" camps you can go to, you know, to become "straight" and (thus) "good". I'm glad those awful camps are becoming frowned upon, because they are terrible to really hurt people deeply.

I fucking hate those motherfucking Christian hypocrites. I'm also very suspicious at Christians who are virulently anti-gay, because you just know they're closet cases of some sort. It is really fascinating to watch, in the car wreck kind of way.

If there is a hell, these dickheads are surely heading there. Gah.

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I miss Colorado.

snoopydawg's picture

Falwell for sure who blamed 9/11 and Katrina on the gays. Funny how there was going to be a gay festival in the French Quarter, but God missed it and wiped out the 9th ward instead. "Oops, sorry about that"
Graham and his wicked offsprings who continue to spread his words of hatred in God's name.
And other so called men of God who only preach hatred instead of what Jesus actually said.
I'm with Ghandi on Christians.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Bulldawg's picture

of course, the Westboro nuts chimed in, saying "god sent the shooter."

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“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck

riverlover's picture

They were handled (not manhandled) appropriately, out-of-the-way. Mostly attention whores, that bunch.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

They are truly awful human beings, seriously. The way they get off on hate is just gross.

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lunachickie's picture

they're not just attention whores, they are convenient lightning rods for the state media to wave around as distraction.

Haters always seem to come in real handy for that purpose, I've noticed. Bastards. I'm glad those useful idiots got handled APPROPRIATELY, which is "right out the door"....

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thanatokephaloides's picture

Dobson, Huckabee and other assholes who have preached against the gays [...] are also responsible for what happened yesterday and ruined so many people's lives.

They, and the dangerous religious cults which created and sustained them, are more responsible for this man-made disaster than anyone else, including the NRA. These preachers created the perpetrator. Their vehement homoclastic pronouncements turned a self-insecure gay man into a creature of evil incarnate.

They, and all their fellow cultists, need to pay for this.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Btw, I like your like devil dude there. How did you make him?

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I miss Colorado.

thanatokephaloides's picture

Btw, I like your like devil dude there. How did you make him?

Type the following, all after the other with no spaces: an asterisk (*), the word "diablo", and another asterisk. When you save or Preview the message, the devil dude shows up instead. Likewise, if you surround the word "bomb" with two asterisks, you get a bomb. Like this:

Diablo Bomb

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

This is too adorable to be real:


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I miss Colorado.

thanatokephaloides's picture

The site's "cookbook" for summoning them forth is located here.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

janis b's picture

I appreciate your understanding and sensitivity toward this universal tragedy.

I often think that when someone reacts so violently to something or someone, it is closely related to the misdirected self-hatred that they live with; which is so tragically instilled, often by the very people they are most dependant on love from.

Peace and love ...


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And your words are very wise. I wholeheartedly agree.

I wish we could all just get along and have peace, love, and understanding but ... alas ... God made bigots and they just ruin everything. Fuckers. :/

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I miss Colorado.

janis b's picture

but at moments like this I wish we could still hear the wit and wisdom of jbou.

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I didn't say anything publicly, but jbou and I were very friendly. When I had the time and energy, I would read his diaries and comment sometimes. He made me laugh really, really hard, that guy.

Big fan. Very sad to hear of his passing.

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I miss Colorado.

janis b's picture

than the one you chose for yourself. It’s graphically a great photo, and speaks volumes about our existential shame, plus it’s very funny!

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I kinda miss the pissed off little kid in my old TOP photo (the one that says "I HATE sandcastles"), but I like this avatar, too. Smile

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riverlover's picture

Someone please remind President Obama that the worst mass shooting in the history of the United States took place on December 29, 1890 at Wounded Knee Creek. Some 300 Lakota women, children, and men were murdered by the 7th Cavalry Regiment, otherwise known as White Christian Extremists. At least 20 of these White Christian Extremists were awarded the Medal of Honor after the massacre.

This is not with the intention of diminishing the tragedy in Orlando, but to interrupt the erasing of history and the projecting of fear of terror onto other peoples in the name of queer people. White people, white men especially, have been agents of terror against Black and Brown humans on this continent for at least 524 years. Yet authorities have not told me to be vigilant of my white neighbors, Christians have failed to apologize for the actions of Christian extremists, and travel restrictions on white people have yet to be proposed.

No race, no culture, no religion holds the patent on terror. Of all people, white Christians in this country should know this.

We must mourn, yes. But let us wipe the white supremacy from our faces as we do so.

ascribed to Lorenzo HerrerayLozano (I am sure he won't mind)

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

mimi's picture

brain malfunctions again. Can't figure it out.

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riverlover's picture

Stiff morning fingers. They are still getting mobile some hours later. Wink

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Great rand and completely agreed!

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I miss Colorado.

Diomedes77's picture

That surprises me. I haven't read the history in some time, but my memory is that we slaughtered huge numbers of Native peoples here, dwarfing the tragedy you list. And then if we add our terrorist acts overseas, it gets even worse. "Shock and awe" in Iraq, for instance, killed some 10,000 civilians almost immediately, and the Pentagon told Bush that would happen before hand.

We dropped the bomb without any necessity on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, slaughtering well over a hundred thousand totally defenseless civilians. Firing bombed Dresden and Tokyo, killing even more. The list goes on and on.

Again, none of the above is meant to diminish the tragedy in Orlando, or the sickness behind it. And the OP's call for an end to even the indirectly related support for hate is spot on. But I think it's also important to note how vicious and deadly America has been to so many peoples around the world, and that we work to permanently end that as well.

In short, we need to be a nation of peace and love, or we have no right to call ourselves "great."

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There is in me an anarchy and frightful disorder. Creating makes me die a thousand deaths, because it means making order, and my entire being rebels against order. But without it I would die, scattered to the winds.

-- Albert Camus

a diary. It's a very, very important topic that hasn't been given enough attention.

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I miss Colorado.

Diomedes77's picture

It's something I am passionate about. That we will never be a "great" country as long as we hide from our "sins." And I use "sin" in the secular sense, not the religious . . . . which I find rather appalling in and of itself, and part of the problem you raise initially.

The religious concept of "sin," in fact, adhering to iron age beliefs, especially, is all too often the cause of this hatred. Religious leaders in ancient times, with rare exceptions, had a truly bizarre, perverse and dangerous fixation on sexuality as sin, with is still causing death and destruction to this day. The sooner we toss all of that shit aside, the better. And the other aspect of religious "sin" basically just weaponizes this. The belief that sin is disobedience.

That's a toxic brew if there ever was one, and the fever dream of all authoritarians.

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There is in me an anarchy and frightful disorder. Creating makes me die a thousand deaths, because it means making order, and my entire being rebels against order. But without it I would die, scattered to the winds.

-- Albert Camus

MarilynW's picture

Let's not forget the genocide that took place in the early colonial history of the USA & Canada (to a lesser extent).

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To thine own self be true.

lunachickie's picture

Can I borrow this? I know a few hundred people that need to read it.

Outstanding, in any case--spot-the-fuck-on. I live nearby and the story as being told by local press is far, far different than the one in the national media. That bullshit is all about justifying another war. Locally, it's "he was closeted, he went to that club many times, sat in the corner and fumed" and spent time over the years boasting at work that he had "terror" connections in the ME. and damn near everyone that matters in LE around here--the OPD, the FBI, and I think I even read he had a run-in in Osceola County (where Disney is, largely) with their cops. None of them have come right out and said it, but they're insinuating he was a huge "wannabe" that couldn't get attention any other way.

Well, he wanted attention and now he's got it. What a damned shame he was so selfish and hateful that he took so many innocents down with him. Sad. And sick. He needed help and he never got it.

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He never gave himself the chance to experience either, obviously. It is tragic, in almost every way.

Good to see you, honey. Smile And yes, of course you can "borrow" this, lol. Pass it around and shit. I even made this post on Facebook public at poligirl's urging, which I have never done before.

I gotta get more social media savvy, I guess. Blum 3 I've never been good at promoting my own shit and I sort of feel like an asshole for promoting my own shit. Fucking Catholic upbringing makes me feel guilty about having any sense of joy whatsoever, lol.

I have yet to read today's news, so I can't imagine what tack the MSM is taking right now, but I'm sure it's offensive. I wish those motherfuckers would just do their goddamned jobs! once in a great while.

Love to you, l.c.! Smile

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I miss Colorado.

lunachickie's picture

nobody else ever gave that chance to him, either. It is beyond tragic all around, it didn't have to happen--on so many levels, it was unnecessary. I am sick to my soul.

The MSM coverage is awful. They're using it as a platform to start bangin' the war drums, and so all manner of bullshit will be constructed around it. This tells me now that this shit is going to continue, until they SCARE everyone into voting for Hillary. Their fucking DOD is higher on the totem pole than their FBI, and we're gonna get the warmonger whether she's tainted or not. Unless something BIG happens between now and then, but right now, I can't really see it. That is always subject to change, of course, but it's where I'm at right now, today....

Love you too, shiz, glad you're here! Shoot me an IM whenever the ol' Catholic guilt gets in your way, and I'll get you some guaranteed words of wisdom from the ultimate lapsed, batshit-warped-for-life-by-Catholicism of mr. luna. (he spent the first six school years of his life in Catholic school, whereupon, he says "It scarred me for life"--we can help you with this, lolz)


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Alex Ocana's picture

I felt the same way when I read the story in the Orlando Sentinel. I posted on FB without comment because I wanted to wait from someone from the LGBT community to speak for yourselves before saying anything. I would like to repost your comment on FB if that is OK.

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From the Light House.

I'll message you the link to the FB comment. I'm not sure why I'm so skiddish about outing myself here, but I had some bad experiences with doing so at TOP.

Thanks for the nice words!

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I miss Colorado.

Alex Ocana's picture

I can share it from here or post a copy and paste from here and delete your nick and change to a "From a friend in the community". I get you on being shy about facebook (or in my case semi-terrified at times). So I would go with just copy and paste from a freind, if that is the most comfortable.

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From the Light House.

enhydra lutris's picture

I dislike that charge, that meme, as it is so often an ad hom, but that place was full of GLBTQ haters and misogynists and even those who hated persons not of their religious sect and/or non-believers. All of them, all the while, claiming to be liberals or progressives.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

There is a little Facebook icon at the top of the page and you can just share it that way, too.

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I miss Colorado.

Alex Ocana's picture

I will wait to see how you feel is most comfortable.

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From the Light House.

It was very sweet of you to check!

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kharma's picture

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

Shiz - thank you. So important we not let "the powers that be" get away with hiding this horror behind ISIS.
It's hate. Can't think of another word. Maybe fear, but hearing what his father said about being Gay, it's homophobia, hate. Self hate, the hardest to fight.
There was a picture posted on BNR showing the long, long line of people waiting to give blood in Orlando. Don't expect the MSM showed it, it was beautiful. Reminded me of something Mr. Rogers, anybody else remember Mr. Rogers, used to say to the children, when something terrible happened, and he was trying to explain things, he quoted his Mom, who told him (paraphrase) "when something very bad happens, always remember to look for the 'helpers' - there will always be helpers."

We will be "the helpers" until this hideous violence stops, it will end, it will stop. Not to get too political about this, but yesterday Chris Van Hollen, D. Rep from MD, who will be Senator in November, yesterday proposed Congress pass a law banning the sale of assault weapons. Maybe this time...

thanks again for "our" rant - you say it best. Please keep speaking, writing here.

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to see people helping out and being their best selves after a tragedy of this nature. It inspires us all not to lose hope in mankind, which is motherfucking *hard* in 2016.

And, speaking of which, I LOVE your sig! One of the best quotes, ever.

God love Chris Van Hollen for bringing up this new bill, even though I've not overtly fond of the guy. Fuck anybody who won't get behind it.

Love you, Caerus! Good to see you!

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I miss Colorado.

I won't use Ye Proverbial Rose Coloured Glasses to hide the truth, but at times of such horror, we need to remind each other of our "Better Angels" - I still cry thinking of that long, long, long line of people waiting to give blood.

Also, ranting ( to myself, cuz doesn't help others to hear this particular rant) about Shrillary using this tragedy to pull her "I'm as strong as he is and I hate ISIS too." Just a diversionary tactic to call attention to herself. Everything is always about her, what SHE can gain.

I can NEVER, NEVAH, forgive or forget she said this: A position from which no human being can "evolve. Just listen to her. You know, as rare as it is, this is as close as she can get to telling the truth about herself.

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enhydra lutris's picture

dominionist as that speech makes clear. One of the very scary things about her that few ever address and which gets shouted down when mentioned.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Have you heard about Omar being employed by a Blackwater-like company based out of Gr. Britain called G4S. I follow Sane Progressive on YouTube and here is what she has to say...

I am also of the B persuasion. I agree with you, absolutely. I believe bigotry brought this on. I'm guessing his profession made it easy to kill innocent people on top of being ashamed of who he is.
Lately, it seems to me, everything possible is blamed on ISIS/terrorism. Now lawmakers are saying the internet has enabled these killing sprees in the US. I fear they are planning to shut down any semblance of free speech online. After all, we are the people who created so many problems for hillary, gotta put a stop to that, right? It is getting so tiring trying to figure out what is really happening.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write about this, Shiz. I always appreciate what you have to say.

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'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "

But, no, I had not heard that guywhosenameIrefusetosay was employed by a company like that. All I knew about was the security guard thing, unless they are the same company.

Ugh -- it would not at all surprise me if the PTB figure out a way to fuck with the internet and censor anything they don't like.

Thanks for the kind words!

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I miss Colorado.

Hollyanna's picture

You are a force of nature. Happy to see you here.

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"As long as there is a lower class, I am in it.
"As long as there is a criminal element, I am of it.
"As long as there is a soul in prison, I am not free." Eugene V. Debs

Others would choose a less pleasant description, I'm sure. Smile

Thanks much!

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I miss Colorado.

Thaumlord-Exelbirth's picture

Except the bad mouthing jokingly part. I say this as one of the non-lettered LGBTQ members, in my personal opinion is that no group of people should be protected from jokes. I think being the subject of a joke can make a group more relatable at times.

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between "laughing at" and "laughing with". Everybody should be able to laugh at themselves, but not be bullied.

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I miss Colorado.

Thaumlord-Exelbirth's picture

isn't effective against an entire group, unless it is an entire group doing the bullying. At that point though, I don't think the bad mouth joke thing really applies anymore. Similarly, if someone is telling bad mouth jokes about a group, I wouldn't call it bullying at all. It's when they're telling the jokes about a handful of people that I feel it can be called bullying. Exception to that, I feel, is when it's people in positions of power telling jokes. Those people can unintentionally incite bullying and hate.

As to the problem of "laughing at" and "laughing with," I don't believe there is any effective way of changing that. I think the best that could be done would be trying to change the situation from being laughed at, to laughing with. Like one of my favorite movie scenes:


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Hi Shiz,

I'm also the B in GLBTQ, and also having a really hard time with the Orlando massacre, as I did with Newtown because it took place in a school, another supposedly "safe" place.

I agree with what you said about the shooter suffering from self-hate, and we are complicit when we are silent when confronted with homophobic comments. I just moved to a tiny town in CO (yes, you are allowed to be jealous), and I am "out" as a progressive woman, but not as a bisexual woman. I don't have that much trust in my neighbors yet, and this School Board has been known to be capricious. I'm single, so my "dating options" are irrelevant for now.

My students are much more tolerant than their parents; it's a generational thing. I've encouraged heated, but civil, arguments about transgender bathroom use, gay marriage, and other topics. Seems to be almost all I can do right now. Anyway, thanks.

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I hate it when I do that!! Grr ...

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I miss Colorado.

again. I tell you, though, times have definitely changed. When my daughter was in 5th grade, she had another friend (besides her own mother) whose moms were lesbians and one boy in the class made fun of this girl's gay parents. THE ENTIRE CLASS jumped on this boy's ass immediately, and they were all "who cares, man? YOU'RE the freak if you can't accept LGBTQ!". I was so heartened when she told me that story! Too cute.

Sigh. Yes, I am jealous that you live in a tiny Colorado town. I also hope you now know (because you should!) that Southpark is not a town in Colorado. It is an area in Colorado. Most people don't seem to care about Teh Gay there, but then again, I only lived in Boulder and Denver, so what do I know? Lol.

Here's to your students! Good to see you here, btw. You used to post at TOP quite a long time ago, yes?

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I miss Colorado.

The last diary I posted there was critical of HRC's connections with Comcast, and questioned AP's premature victory declaration. It's essentially the same diary I posted here.

I was shocked at how many negative responses I got. (65 total, maybe 3 positive or neutral out of those - it was a "high impact post" that week). And people really weren't disputing facts. They were disputing my "thought crimes", that I actually hypothesized or speculated that there was a connection between donations and actions.

So elenacarlena contacted me and suggested I move on over to here with you all, and I did.

I think that this polarizing effect is a prelude to the Democratic convention. We should be able to have civil discourse and stay fact -based. I suppose that there really are paid trolls for HRC. I'm a very reluctant conspiracy theorist, though...more of a "show me" person.

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I left TOP a bit earlier. As people left and were tossed I stayed for a while in an effort to back OPOL and a few others. But I couldn't take it. I know I would have been banned for any diary I would have written. And my comments were being hidden. In many cases my hidden comment was milder or, at least in my less than 100% objective opinion, more amusing than the comment to which I was replying.

Every day I went to TOP out of obligation with a sense of dread. I didn't realize how much it was affecting me until I left. I worry about those still there. I am being literal when I say I don't think it's healthy. Those still risking interaction with the GOS, please monitor yourself regularly.

I do not mean to be condescending. For me it was taking a real toll and the toll wasn't obvious to me at the time.


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Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?

Please hug Boulder County for me.

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I miss Colorado.

Shout it out loud as often as you need to.

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I have enjoyed your rants of late, too!

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I miss Colorado.

Lady Libertine's picture

Great rant, thanks! Shared to my daughter and she gives you a Haymitch thumbs up emoji, heh.

I haven't had my TV on much (news) but since they've been running with this "terrorist cell of one" non-stop, it's impossible to miss. What a load of hooey.

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M1K3L's picture

Exactly this. Thank you!!!

My husband and I were just married on 6/3, and we were pleasantly surprised by the lovely bureaucrats who we got our paperwork from, and from the kindly officers of the court and the judge. (We went alone, the two of us, for a quick ceremony at the courthouse, the day after the 12-year anniversary of our first date.) Everyone was very nice and congratulatory, even a few strangers also waiting in line, etc.

And then this. This horrendous reminder of how far we have yet to go.

I've been reading and crying and reading and crying since I woke up Sunday morning and saw the news.

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"There’s nothing revolutionary about a movement that retreats into an endorsement of the lesser of two evils." Scott McLarty @ CounterPunch

Gah, I hate it when I do that!

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I miss Colorado.

pain! The bittersweetness of it all is almost too much sometimes, isn't it?

People can really surprise me sometimes. Just when I think the world can't get any worse, tons of people line up to donate blood in Orlando and I am heartened once again.

It's things like that that keep me going, and I suspect you and your husband, too. Congrats to you! Smile

Love wins out over hate, every day of the week and twice on days when the gays get married. Blum 3

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I miss Colorado.

co workers and we all agree with your rant. It makes me cry a little to think of the self hate it took for this guy to do this. While my first thought was that he was most likely in the closet and taking his self hate out on others, I don't claim to be any expert here, it was just my initial reaction. All the ISIS pandering is just that - pandering to start another war and so Shillary can play tough with that. That's probably why I assumed initially it was personal for the guy, so hard to believe anything from our news media now.

One of my friends had gone to the CMA in Nashville and just got back. At one Sunday night concert, she can't remember which country star it was as she's not that big a fan, called for a moment of silence for Orlando. My friend was very pleasantly surprised that not one peep was made by any in that audience, that venue was completely silent and respectful and it went on for longer than the minute called for. This from a group many would assume, and my friend had that thought too, would be a whole lost less than sympathetic to that shooting. It gave her some hope and me too. The next generation is better than ours is, but there's still a long way to go.

And this guys parents will probably go with the ISIS meme too - it sure seems like that anyway. They'd rather have a martyr for a son than a gay son. So damned sad, and what a godamned waste of so many lives.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

MarilynW's picture

you are part of the problem. If you object to gun control, if you believeScalia's interpretation of the 2nd amendment is fair and just...

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To thine own self be true.

Roger Fox's picture

Seems a little too logical for a rant, or at maybe I was expecting a something else type of rant. Regardless, a good rant.

I made partly the same observation during lunch at work today.

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FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.

poligirl's picture

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enhydra lutris's picture

Anybody who takes offence at a rant such as yours or the points you made is also part of the problem. Qui Tacit consentire videtur.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --