Medical Troglodytes, issue #1: HIV and homophobia
Submitted by Alligator Ed on Tue, 12/20/2016 - 10:17pmWe live in an age of revisionism. The 4th amendment has been shredded by the so-called patriot act and 24/7 surveillance by NSA. The Republican Party, always conservative in the 20th and 21st centuries, is now retrogressive. Climate change is denied despite a ratio of medical citations of 33000:167 pro vs con. For those who like percentages, this is .051% con vs. 99.949% pro climate change.
It takes a certain kind of privilege to not vote for Hillary
Submitted by BayAreaLefty on Sat, 07/30/2016 - 8:00amThis is an argument we're going to hear for the next several weeks or few months as the general election campaign progresses. The implied (or sometimes explicitly stated; see LoF) privilege is that of a white male. Frequently "affluent" or some variation will also be included.
So I've been asked to share this ...
Submitted by Shiz on Mon, 06/13/2016 - 11:29pm... because I posted a shortish rant to my Facebook page and shit then promptly blew up, lol. I guess I might be outing myself here, but truly, a lot people already know my real name and stuff.
I'm bound to piss off someone with this, but I hope most of you can dig it:
Imma rant now, and rant hard:
Let's Talk Turkey (With a Small Update)
Submitted by Cant Stop the M... on Mon, 06/13/2016 - 11:15amA debate arose in the comments on JtC's latest diary on moderation. The issue is: does moderation censor free expression? And if so, are we OK with it?
Let's talk turkey.