Event in Northampton Ma; E. Warren speaking on "income inequality" oh the irony!
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Peaceful silent demonstration at E.Warren event in Northampton MA
Elizabeth Warren will be giving an income inequality speech at the WWII club in Northampton, Ma on Sunday. Doors open at 4. Some of us will be meeting at the park by the Academy of Music downtown around 3:00 to go over details. If you would like to meet directly at the club, please arrive no later than 3:30. Times are subject to change as space is limited and the event may fill up. Please wear all black to represent the grief we feel as we mourn the loss of the person we thought she was. This will be a silent visual Demonstration in reaction to her recent endorsment of Hillary Clinton and to let her know how we feel about it. We feel as if she has turned her back on us and has not acted in alignment with her own message. Please bring Bernie signs. We will stand with our backs facing her holding our Bernie signs for her to read. Please no shouting or interruptions. Sometimes silence speaks louder than words and can send a powerful message. Eye candy for ear candy.
After the demonstration, we, along with whoever else would like to join us, are going to flower bomb the town. We realize that many Bernie supporters have been heart broken by recent events and are feeling discouraged. We are here to say that THE REVOLUTION IS STILL ON!!!!!!!
We are going to get buckets of carnations or wild flowers and attach a message to the stems, something good along the lines of, "the revolution is on" "see you in Philly" "fight on" "Bernie or bust". We will walk around town and put them on every single car that has a Bernie sticker. We may even hand them out to every person we see walking on the street. Please join us.
Sunday, June 12, 2016 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM EDT
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Jonathan Gonzalez
The Deuce WWII Club (Northampton, MA)
50 Conz St
Northampton, MA 01060
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Bernie 2016
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I, for one, as an MA voter feel completely defrauded by her.
I think the protest and "see you in Philly" signs are a great
idea, but please don't feel defrauded by her. No independent party has succeeded in a very long time. Look at all the splits over the years that have resulted in not much lasting, http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/03/11/this-years-gop-president...
I think the time is right to form a new party and rid the country of one of the current parties, maybe both. But if someone says, "I know this is a long shot, I'm staying and trying to move the Dems to the left," why isn't that a reasonable alternative decision?
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because it doesn't work?
I would love to see the Dems move left, but they simply can't get elected if they go against corporate power under the current election finance structure.
Of all people to switch to Hillary, especially before the convention, E. Warren's endorsement stands out as the exemplar of minding one's political manners.
She will never get my money again, nor much of my attention, and NONE of my respect.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Warren lost when she wouldn't speak against pipeline!
I worked hard to help elect her, and have been disappointed for along time.
She's refused to speak up for MA issues for a long time. They weren't on her radar for too damn long. She wouldn't say a word against the pipeline when we needed her.
Good luck at demonstration - I think they can make a difference - please follow up with Hampsthire Gazette, Larry Parnass, editor, is very good.
Perhaps working from the inside the party for change won't work. But on the other hand, the party was pushed rightward from the inside, so maybe it can be pushed in the opposite direction from inside, too. I'm very impressed with our current crop of young people. Many are FDR Democrats or Democratic Socialists in outlook and their viewpoint should come to dominate the party over time.
Yes! I suppose it will boil down to, which is easier?
Move the party leftward or create a new party?
I wish there were a way to find out some data on this subject.
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New party
Solidarity forever
I do not think that younger people
have any emotional connection to the Democratic Party. Why would they? There have been enough condescending remarks and parental shoving to convince many that there is nothing good for them. Except as an anti-other vote. And an invitation to go a new way, with their input might sound more tempting.
I am not a younger person. 63. I am more than tempted to walk away from the Democratic Party.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
56 here and no particular emotional connection to the Dem
party either. Only registered Dem to vote in Kentucky's closed primaries. Which has mostly been hold-my-nose-ism, time after time.
I have more pragmatic concerns. There have been parties split off in protest many times before, ultimately with no staying power. From a purely historical/numerical perspective, a third party is virtually impossible. However, I am willing to entertain the possibility that this time is different. Lots of things were virtually impossible until someone did them.
Still, if the parties can be shifted to the right, then they can be shifted to the left. If all these energetic young people stay in the Dem party, it will be theirs soon. So which is easier? Which is more plausible? I really don't know right now.
For now, hoping something happens before or at the convention, making Bern the nominee!
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The key is to keep the
The key is to keep the movement alive. At this point it is obvious there has been a deliberate attempt by the leaders of the party to prevent any other candidate or candidates from winning the nomination. Coalition building inside and outside the party are important at this time.
How was it moved?
Money, and more money. Power, and the access to power. Control built on both: Money & Power. That's how the Democratic Leadership Council took over the Democratic party. Selling out, no morality. Now empty of anything but money & power. Time to take both away.
Bernie Sanders and their campaign has shown another way to raise money.
Question: Will it work in building a third party?
Think it will. Bernie ran as Democrat to use the system - now it's time to use what he and WE have created to create a new party: People's Progressive Party.
Will also be important to see what is created by People's Summit.
This is true, and your first paragraph is concerning.
OTOH, the people with the power are not the politicians, but the wealthy who buy them. It can't be fun for the pols, spending so much time begging for money and making tradeoffs to obtain it. Some would sign onto a fight to get money out of politics. Bern has shown that you can raise lots of money with little donors. Other options are to repeal Citizens United and McCutcheon, which requires a constitutional amendment, but Wolf-PAC is working on it; and public funding of campaigns; and new laws.
What would happen if every media were required to give a certain amount of space to every candidate for free as part of their public service? The media conglomerates would fight the revenue loss fang and claw, but when giant corporations don't like it, that probably means it's the right thing to do. Even my little blog could afford to put pol ads at the bottom. It's a trivial expense to me.
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It has to be doable. From other comments here, perhaps
Liz isn't the one who will do it. But if they can be pushed to the right, they can be pushed to the left.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
They weren't pushed, they saw some $$ being waved around over
there and ran as fast as they could to get their hands on it. Got $$?
Because it misunderstands the methods employed by the Party
to keep and augment power for the connected elites. I have a (lapsed) essay series (well, one essay meant to start a series) that I may return to about this.
Not that I wouldn't encourage it. Those who feel so inclined would open up another front, so to say, that the elites would have to defend.
This is a great idea. I love hearing this.
Becoming part of the Cool Club that is DC
must just warp your mind to the extent that you start supporting things you were previously against.
All that money, power and cocktails.
from a reasonably stable genius.
using vets at a WWII org to scare up vets with Trump
she is really sinking to a horrid low: shilling vets while enacting oligarchy and voter fraud. Bye Liz: another cardboard dem since 1996.
Warren Foreign Policy
Everyone should know by now that Warren is a War Hawk. While I like what she does in domestic sphere of the USA, her foreign policy is no different from the Clintons. Another progressive at home and racist abroad.
From the Light House.
I'm not sure it helps our cause to turn our backs on
previous fellow travelers. So far, Sen Warren hasn't said anything positive about Hillary. Just very negative things about Trump. Same with Sen Merkley. I listened to him being interviewed on CNN yesterday. The person interviewing him kept saying "you endorsed." And he kept correcting, saying "I support our party's nominee." In his mind, there is a difference, and I see it. Even Bernie has said he will work very hard to make sure Trump doesn't become president. In order to get other senators to work with you, you have to support the party's nominee. If you can't do that, you might as well get out, because you need partners to get anything accomplished. There are only 100 senators and half of them are Repukes. They need to work together.
I'm just suggesting that we wait to see how this ultimately works out (during/after the convention). If we've been sold down the river, we'll know. Maybe we'll get a hint after Bernie meets with those he's invited to Burlington.
It doesn't hurt ...
Sending a message about our disappointment in the manner suggested won't hurt anything. All it's implying is that she turned her back on Bernie, not that we're permanently turning ours on her.
EW didn't turn her back on BERNIE
She turned her back on progressives...!!
And she was supposed to be the secret Clinton weapon to get the progressives onboard with HRC but I don't think they expected this much negative reaction because there seems to be a full court press to convince voters she IS progressive and we should stop saying she has sold us out.
Kind of amazing to read the comments du jour on GOS... What's funny is that almost all the commenters have joined there in the last few months.... And I wonder if they realize they are talking predominantly to other campaign operatives....
Was interesting to learn, the other day, that the 3rd largest group at DK is located in INDIA. Why would so many people in India hang out on the GOS.
Orwell was an optimist
I am pretty sure that
an endorsement implies positive commentary.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
It is joining the fear
It is joining the fear mongering about Trump that is the biggest betrayal. These folks know that scare tactics are a "go to" tool of the oligarch. If they scare you enough, you fall in line no matter how distasteful the "lesser of two evils" choice may be. It is all we will ever get if continue to let it work. So when Elizabeth or Bernie start waving the monster, Trump, in our faces, they are using the same weapon. The purpose, support Hillary. Hillary must win. Hillary is probably more dangerous than Trump could ever be. Her corruption is so thorough, the tentacles so entrenched, she will pursue her destructive game plan from day one, and without much protest, because she is a democrat and a woman. Trump would have people protesting his every move.
We can trust Warren...
...to betray anyone, anywhere, who believes that illegal US military aggression is terrorism and must be stopped at all costs. Bernie is our last shot because given the opportunity he would actually become responsive to the popular demand for a humane foreign policy, something that so many of us have been demanding for so many decades and decades. Warren? Never. She was a Reagan Republican. That's when most of my friends died. The 80's.
I was born in the 50's. The year of my birth the US was already bankrolling over 50% of the French colonial war in South East Asia. I have been in wars and I will never vote for war. Ever. That's all.
She was interviewed today
And the person asked her if Hillary should release the Wall Street transcripts.
She wouldn't answer the question. Just kept saying that it's about the issues. The person said it was a yes or no question and she repeated her answer.
This came from KFS site.
I have asked this before, has Warren gotten any bills passed that has helped us, or does she just give speeches?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Flower bombing Northampton
Gee I don't know about this. Could get you arrested for littering. Better check out town ordinances first.
Ironic considering her speech at the Convention in 2012
And here's a video of that clip that backs it up:
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wqi1PLawTE width:420 height:315]
When you talk to people at the WWII center,
Remind them of the details of the VA bill that Bernie & McCain worked on & got passed. This was huge, working across the aisle on a difficult issue that has helped many thousands of veterans & their families.
Also, I wish I could be there. Great concept. I hope someone will videotape.
Marginalizing Trump will not work
Warren's role in this seems to be solely to marginalize Trump. I warned Liberals at the beginning of the primary season that this will not work. Sure enough he won the nomination by an historic landslide, despite the NYT and the WP trying to marginalize him on an hourly basis. Why doesn't this work? Because you, the voter, are eventually going to be directly exposed to Donald Trump, either in debates, interviews, campaign stops, or press conferences. He is believable and likable and a known public media personality. His message is simple, make America great again. He has had too many gaffs to count. The usual result is a small decrease in the polls followed by a large increase.
Clinton and Warren are like oil and water. Clinton praises Wall Street and they pay her obscene talking fees. Warren threatens Wall Street and they declare her public enemy #1. So, why the fuck is she endorsing Clinton? I think that it boils down to the simple cause of stopping Trump. In which case I'd adviser her that she has mounted a useless tactic, and in return she has tarnished her brand beyond recognition. She is my Senator and I donated to her campaign and promoted her among friends and associates. That stops today, sorry Liz.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Great idea!
More power to you and this peaceful protest. Best of luck and I hope your efforts are covered in the local news. I'm pretty sure it won't make the national news...democracy spring sure didn't.
I think that is the oligarchs plan. Keep the MSM stifling the peoples movement, and go after net neutrality after the election and make sure it doesn't happen again.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”