About that Obama endorsement, things are not as they may seem...
For starters, there's this...
Obama Endorses Hillary, Immediately Meets With Attorney General Loretta Lynch
In order for Clinton to carry Obama's torch, she has to stay out of prison. In order to do that, she has to avoid prosecution.
And so there is no doubt about the implications of Obama's meeting with AG Loretta Lynch meeting, there was also this today...
- Within an hour of Barack Obama's endorsement of Hillary Clinton, his spokesman acknowledged that she faces a 'criminal investigation'
- The misstep sent Republicans cackling to reporters
- Clinton faces the possibility of prosecution for housing classified documents on a private email server
- She used the homebrew setup for all her emails – including sensitive government matters – when she was secretary of state
- White House press secretary Josh Earnest insisted that the endorsement wouldn't be interpreted inside the FBI as a signal to let her off the hook>
Not convinced yet?
Well, 3 days ago, Monday, June 6th, the FBI officially revealed that it is not only a "Criminal Investigation," but of far more grave and compelling import, it is also a Counterintelligence Assessment --- please read those two words again.
FBI requests permission for secret declaration in Hillary e-mail FOIA case
The DoJ acknowledges here that the FBI is conducting a law-enforcement action as well as a counterintelligence assessment.
Do you know that means? Still not convinced?
Well, if you want to understand the full gravity of this "Counterintelligence Assessment," here's a little background from someone who would know.
[COURTESY: CAPT Les Horn, USN (Ret)]
Retired US Army Intelligence Officer.
Chief Human Intelligence Branch for
US European Command in Stuttgart, Germany.
Designated Program Manager for Special Access Program (SAP).
NOTE: Emphasis NOT added by me --- and there is significantly more meat to this piece than I can quote (i.e., see the seven itemized MUST READ bullet points), so please do click the link above and read the entire post. But, here's the money quote...
As a former SAP Program Manager I believe it is inconceivable that if it is verified that Hillary Clinton’s server actually had SAP information on it that she could possibly escape indictment and criminal prosecution. As hard as it is to imagine, that would even be worse then electing to not prosecute a mass murdering serial killer because even they could not inflict as much damage on our country as the compromise of a SAP. Compromise of a SAP not only could — but without doubt would — cause serious damage to our national security. If it is true that Hillary Clinton had SAP information on her unsecure server, whether it was marked or not, you can be sure that the FBI will strongly recommend that charges be brought against Hillary Clinton and continue in an exhaustive investigation to trace back to every single person that had even the tiniest role in this unbelievable security compromise.
If the Attorney General, through “prosecutorial discretion,” elected not to prosecute this crime, I believe congress would have no alternative but to impeach her, and the FBI would then have no choice but to conduct a criminal investigation of her for a DELIBERATE COVER UP –- so grave is this security violation.
If President Obama were to pardon Hillary Clinton for a compromise of this magnitude he would render himself in the historical record as an “enemy of the state,” and could himself face criminal prosecution –- so grave is such a security compromise. Nobody, not even the POTUS could gets away with something like this in our system of government.
Did Maj. Ed Coet convince you? No?
Okay, well, here's one last piece that will make it clear why no one can, should, or will ignore what Hillary has done:
- Intel Vets Urge Fast Report on Clinton’s Emails
A group of U.S. intelligence veterans is calling on President Obama to expedite the FBI review of former Secretary of State Clinton’s alleged email security violations so the public can assess this issue in timely fashion.
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
SUBJECT: Those “Damn Emails” – “Really a Concern”
Again, it really would behoove you to read the entire piece to get the big picture, but here's a rather juicy tid bit:
You might give some thought, Mr. President, to a potentially messy side of this. What is already known about NSA’s collect-it-all electronic practices over the past several years strongly suggests that NSA, and perhaps the FBI, already know chapter and verse. It is virtually certain they know what was in Secretary Clinton’s emails – including the ones she thought she had deleted. It is likely that they have also been able to determine which foreign intelligence agencies and other hackers were able to access the emails.
One ignores this at one’s peril. Secretary Clinton’s security violations can have impact not only on whether she becomes your successor, but also on whether she would, in that case, be beholden to those who know what lies hidden from the rest of us – perhaps even from you.
Intelligence professionals (in contrast to the occasional political functionary) take the compromise of classified information with utmost seriousness. More important: this is for us a quintessentially nonpartisan issue. It has to do, first and foremost, with the national security of the United States.
(emphasis added)
And if you are still not convinced, let me spell it out for you in no uncertain terms:
Do the math.....

Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
it's top secret ... can't reveal more ... /s /nt
Ironically/Sadly, FOX NEWS is one of the only
MSM news outlets reporting the accurate facts. Strange but true. Who would have thought? As they say, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Which news piece are you doubting? I don't mean to be suspicious, but your comment seems more appropriate at DailyKos, HillBot central.
Seriously..... Which news piece are you doubting?
Are you doubting that: Obama Endorses Hillary, Immediately Meets With Attorney General Loretta Lynch
What about the White House press secretary Josh Earnest announcement? Are you doubting the reporting of that?
I also provided a link which contains the DOJ FILING TO THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Are you doubting the reporting of this:
Are you doubting that Maj. Ed Coet is real and that his explanation of SAP is accurate? Seriously, who gives a fuck where this is being reported, even if it is FOX NEWS? Does that really matter? No. Come on, let's keep our eyes on the ball here.
Are you doubting the "Veteran Intelligence Professionals" are real? Are you questioning the accuracy of their words?
Seriously, I don't want to go around calling someone a HillBot lightly, but attacking the messenger, ie, ad hominem attacks, are a logical fallacy worthy of DailyKos, not here. I would like to think that c99 is a fact based community, and these really are the facts. If you want to analyze those facts, great, but to attack the messenger and dismiss those facts, especially when the main facts presented are irrefutable current news, just makes me have to question you. I left DailyKos a while ago and really don't have the patience for those transparent childish games. Hell, I never had patience for that at DK, which is what got me banned from DK five years ago, and then it got me banned again almost a year ago, so I seriously hope this sort of thing has not infected this place too. If it has, please don't expect me to have any kind words for you here. I did have a reputation at DK for my brutal fucking honesty. Fair warning.
Any HillBot comments in my diary are going to be called out for the fucking bullshit that they are, FUCKING RUTHLESSLY.
GOT IT? Understood?
So now I've given you fair warning.
If you enter any of my diaries again, expect to get CALLED OUT, again.
Good point, but I am going to add again
that you cannot blame people out here for questioning RWNJ sites, you simply can't. We too have been blatantly manipulated to think it is ALL RWNJ when sometimes, it damned sure is not just nut job but true. But that paradigm is going to take a while for some of us to break from.
It is legitimate to call out RWNJ, but now we'll all have to be a bit more mindful of that since the RWNJ are the only sites that will bring up the dirt on HRC. Our MSM is in the tank for her, and we see it now, but it may take a bit longer to fully absorb that and then to realize that RWNJ Fox may have a point.
Yes, strange times make strange bedfellows, don't they? Personally, I now see the Tea Party for the manipulative tool it was for the Left, not just the Right. It sure as hell got us all to vote straight Dem ticket for a while, did it not? And to what end? It brought us to this place and to Hillary Fucking Clinton.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I must be a hilbot ???
because I doubt the veracity of the sources you site ? Just stop it.
Obama Endorses Hillary, Immediately Meets With Attorney General Loretta Lynch
Did Obama meet behind closed doors with AG Lynch immediately after endorsing Hillary ? Of course he did...but that's not what Town Hall article is really saying. They are implying that Obama had to meet with the AG just to make sure she was on board with the master plan to let Hillary skate. i.e.
"In order for Clinton to carry Obama's torch, she has to stay out of prison. In order to do that, she has to avoid prosecution. I'm sure Obama made that very clear to his somewhat new Attorney General. "
Of course Obama is gonna do everything he can to cover for Hillary. But this article is a cartoon parody...What ?Obama had to run to the AG before he forgot to mention to her that she needs to let Clinton off the hook ? It's just dumbed down hack reporting to appeal to their mouth breathing clientele.
Look I get it, you don't want anyone to question any of your sources. Ok - noted. But try and recognize that your facts are spiced up with potentially ridiculous spin from the writers. Fox News might be correct. But yes I do reject their reporting out of hand as they have impugned their integrity on a daily basis. Maybe you know when they are full of shit and when not...I sure don't.
As for Major Coet, apparently he gets around and I'm not impressed. So no, I don't trust his expertise on classified material etc:
As for Ed Coet, we weren’t able to independently verify that he served as an intelligence officer in the Army. Coet has a fairly extensive online footprint, however. He posted on a “Resisting the New World Order” discussion forum in 2013 that President Obama was “purging our military’s most senior ranks to make possible the forced disarming of America.”
Ed Coet also posted a YouTube video in September 2015 called “I’m White and I’m Right” in which he outlined his conservative political beliefs and argued against the concept of white privilege.
Again, it’s impossible to determine whether or not the Clinton SAP allegations are true due to slack of information. Without more details, any claims about federal prosecution or consequences for the alleged intelligence breech are premature.
I am no legal expert. I am no arbiter of truth. I don't have any special insight into what Hillary did or when she did it. But I sure as shit don't have the time to research every crumb of "evidence" to see if it's just another asshole on the internet spewing partially true spin to satisfy his/her sponsors (Townhall) or deranged mind (Alleged Maj Ed Coet).
Ray McGovern's Veteran Intelligence Professionals --
-- the group of 17 who wrote their letter a few weeks ago -- are certainly not 'right wing loony tunes' people; and CommonDreams has always been a proressive site.
I have to ask: are you legit? Your comment sounds just like something a Kossack Hillbot would inject into a thread.
Your question also reveals you, imo, as woefully underinformed about Espionage Act-related issues such as the government's responsibility to keep its national security information secure, and the laws/regs that make government representitives responsible for maintaining security, including the contracts they sign that make mere 'negligence' into a Federal crime. This level of ignorance has been pretty hard to maintain since 2013.
(edit: this comment is directed at blueslide)
Not trolling...
but questioning sources isn't a bad thing. I know feelings are raw with the DailyLost refugees, but lets try to be open to questions. It is easy to over react when you're use to being attacked. That's not the case at c99. JtC can deal with trolls if any real ones come by - he nukes 'em.
"Never believe anything you read", John Ross, rebel reporter.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
John Ross, rebel reporter
Just thought I would follow up with a quick description. We need more Rebel Reporters!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Numerous readers called out blueslide;
Why single me out, Lookout?
And blueslide's later comment continues the ad hom attacks.
that was a response to blueside and arthurpoet. Guess I hit the wrong reply button. Just trying to say we can ask questions here without acrimony. Nothing personal I assure you...in fact speaking generally to us all including myself.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I'm sorry if I made an ad hom attack
Would you please point it out for me as i don't recall doing so.
You yourself felt the need to engage
in a little ad hom - why the need to slam on someone for not knowing the ins and outs of the Espionage Act? Ever stop to consider not everyone reads every thing about that type of thing? Why do you think people come to a site like this and even read comments if not to learn from others who DO "know better?"
Hell, I once had a clearance and even I don't know the full details of the Espionage Act, sheesh. Now feel free to rip away.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Thanks AP...
for your research and these articles. It is going to take a mighty big blanket to cover all this up. We should have an interesting few weeks ahead!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Excellent essay and analysis, ArthurPoet.
Just want to say thank you for
putting it together and posting it
and to reiterate your urging
everyone to click through and
read the links you provided in
their entirety.
Taken all together you have
provided quite an education
about the significance of HRC's
email server "mistake" as well
as an excellent argument that
"things are not as they may seem"
regarding Obama's endorsement
of Clinton.
Job well done. Again, thank you.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Thank you, kindly. /nt
This restores my faith that something WILL be done.
The "I can do anything" Clintons have hurt this country enough!
Three cheers for the FBI!
Somehow this clip seems appropriate right here...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Restores your faith…better take a wait and see approach.
They took prosecution off the table for all the lies and events for going to war in the early 2000s.
They took prosecution off the table for the financial collapse.
Whatever they decide is off the table, is off the table. Accountability has long been sacrificed for 'the greater good' which is more blowing smoke for 'lots of politicians are corrupt and don't want to push too far or else blowing down someone else's house of cards will also destroy them.
So there's a lot of the lack of accountability factor.
Don't depend on this government to be accountable to the people. Those in office are too worried about covering for each other to let too much happen.
Sadly, I agree
The Clinton crime family has assessed every other politician's price, be it by threat or by buying them off in some shape or form. They have covered their bases. The wild card in this is Comey. He may be pissed enough to accidentally release enough info to deep six her campaign. The other potential option is for underlings to be sacrificed and made to take the fall. IMO, if one or more are high enough up in the Clinton organization such Abedin, Mills or Sullivan, then that might be enough to taint her campaign to the point she is no longer a viable candidate.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I think you'll appreciate this analysis of the political
positioning made necessary by the existence of HRC's unsecure server, gg --
A long read, but worth it.
(btw, a moderator, pls take a look at blueslide's behavior in this thread, would you?)
Let's Say This Is So
Why, then, does Obama officially endorse Hillary and declare her to be one of the best qualified candidates for the office EVAH??? Why then does Obama meet with Sanders (itself an unusual act for any president not in contention to meet with a candidate unless an endorsement is pending) and appear to extract a promise from Bernie to work for the defeat of the Drumpf?
I watched the Lee Camp video on Steven D's post, and ask the Caucus community: why we aren't following Fitrakis and his partner more closely? We should be helping to push this investigation out into the open just to get "her damn emails" either out into the open or to end the crap once and for all.
I'm not yet convinced that Obama knows how to play chess, much less the eleventy-seven dimensional variety for which he was renowned while caving to the GOP EVERY DAMN TIME in hits first term. I see no reason to believe he has since learned how.
Therefore, I believe he's doing what he's being told by those who own him and hold his LIEbury construction over his head. He's helping to ensure that Hillary gets coronated.
You may attempt to convince me that some other explanation applies. I'd prefer it to my current one.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
We shall see.
We shall see.
Agree. My comment below
explains how pathetic that would make Obama look. I don't think he wants to look THAT pathetic.
ok, I read all the links, what convinces me are
the people, who signed the letter to Obama (A group of U.S. intelligence veterans is calling on President Obama to expedite the FBI review of former Secretary of State Clinton’s alleged email security violations so the public can assess this issue in a timely fashion.- as published in the Common Dreams article), the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS).
Understanding that people who get the SAP are "indoctrinated" to keep the standard requirements for being able to be part of a SAP (Special Access Program), tells me that those who have been in there know what it means to lose their sanity. And I believe that the name of that groups alone is "telling".
I hope they don't get "broken" and that they "stand by their guns" and are able to keep their sanity. Even if they all will be used again and again.
What a horror that is.
Although I would be glad if Clinton was brought up on
criminal charges, I would be pissed at the pathetic U.S. government at the highest levels for being so utterly dysfunctional to force the entire country and world to sit thru this shit while leading the public by their noses. In fact it pisses me off either way. There is no way they couldn't have resolved this one way or another months ago to prevent the ridiculous spectacle of the Democratic party nominee being brought up on charges after all this voting and participation by the public in what is supposed to be a democratic process. A complete farce.
Which leads me to believe nothing will happen because they can't be that pathetic can they? And that includes Obama because he's in charge and for him to let it get this far, endorse Clinton, then allow charges to follow would be as pathetic a thing he would have done, outside of his murders around the world.
Who knows what Obama thinks?
This could be his way of telling the FBI to back off. If it was it didn't work.
You also have to figure if Clinton gets indicted the slime is going to splash on him too. He can't want that.
Will T-rump bring it to the MSM?
The Donald isn't exactly the chess piece they thought they would have to deal with, and he plays a mean game. Did you hear Dilbert's creator describe him as bringing a flame thrower to a stick fight?
When he lays out this $hillary shit I think Monday in his conference will the MSM cover it or will they ignore him like they did Bernie? I think it will be interesting to see how it all progresses. Old friends...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
If Obama wants all of this to remain hidden
he'll have to get rid of Trump somehow. Drone? Unfortunate auto accident? Sudden heart attack or fatal stroke?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Frankly, I don't get yr point re. Obama & HRC and indictment?
Please explain for me what you think the connection is? tx
I mean I read and understand all the damning evidence, but what connection/reaction w/Obama are you postulating?
Sea Turtle
I appreciated this analysis of the byzantine insider politics
now in play around what to do about Clinton and her insecure server:
Lots of muck to wade through, writer ends the drama with a Biden/Warren (or other 'progressive Dem') ticket being parachuted in to salvage the election and block a Trump win. Timing is everything for several important actions.
I have been putting off reading
The Foggy Bottom essay, because I knew it would be long, convoluted, and require concentration. I managed, somehow, to do it while sitting in an airport, instead. I think she [Nina] has got it. I wonder if she precipitated the premature
ejaculationCoronation that we have seen over the last few days...and the hurried EW endorsement. She seems to have nailed that, too. Her logic that Clinton must be nominated before indictment makes sense, especially in light of what she knew when she wrote it...the events of this week, though look like an attempt to change the timeline. Maybe we'll see something before the convention, now that she has "secured the nomination"? I am crossing my fingers."I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
'Foggy Bottom's timeline is her best prediction
at the time of writing. Nina's article is dated June 1. I think it was Wed 6/8 that obama had his trifecta of (1) Endorse Hillary, (2) talk with Bernie, (3) meet with Atty General.
On Thurs, 6/9 around 2pm, Reuters reported on a WSJ article --
A very satisfying quote to post:
(bold added)
So the 'convenient leak' that Nina that Nina predicted came out within 24 hours of Obama's busy day. (Personally, I hope it is the first of a series of convenient leaks; the leaks will have to be pretty substiantial to make the Hill people beileve that Obama has no choice but to allow indictment.) And what better place to leak it than the WSJ?
It may be that Bernie's furrowed brow after the meeting (which caused much consternation, according to the press) was because Obama had use the meeting to 'read Bernie in' to the plan and explain his hoped-for role in this endgame. Those furrowed brows may have been Bernie thinking, 'Holy Cow! And I thought my situation was complicated BEFORE the meeting!'
You know... reading this and thinking about the fallout
for all the down ticket Dems and incumbent Dems of a major scandal like this, it leads me to believe that someone like, oh... I don't know, Bernie Sanders, a man known for his INTEGRITY, would be the perfect way to mitigate the damage to the party.
Yes, you might lose a few pennies, neolibs, but we all know you can steal them back later.
Even parachuting in Biden/Warren isn't going to do it. Clinton's scandal, when it really breaks, and at some point it's going to, is going to effect the entire party.
It amazes me that they can't see the bigger picture. It's not like Bernie can step into the WH, wave a magic wand, and we suddenly become a socialist utopia. We still have a GOP congress, and the house for sure is likely to remain so. They will be willing and able to fight him and keep him in check.
(And despite that gridlock, I still think him winning would be good for Progressives, simply by giving voice to another vision of the country.)
thanks for that summary, CW, just didn't get the main point of
the diarist.... ta
Sea Turtle
Good Information....but.....
If this were just a typical Democrat congressman or even a senator, I would agree that this person could be in some serious legal trouble.
However, this is The Global Warfare & Bankster Establishment's greatest ally. People like her (i.e., The criminal Bush family) never get prosecuted. Dick Cheney even shot a man in the face and never faced any prosecution. In fact, the hospitalized victim was forced to apologize to Cheney!.
This just shows you the ridiculous power that the Oligarchy has. Many people are also well aware that the 9-11 attacks involved things that had nothing to do with either hijackers, boxcutters, or planes. Bush & Cheney & Rumsfeld should be Jail (or more appropriately sentenced to death).
When Sanders wins, ballots are not counted, massive voter suppression exists, and his efforts are converted into "losses".
I have a hard time believing that Hillary Clinton will ever face any action at all....unless Trump becomes the President.
In the meantime, the GOP may be able to still keep the story alive though ....
Voter fallout if Obama brushes crime under rug
I fear a political backlash if the public perceives that Obama as a Democrat is shoving Clinton's crime under the rug. Those Americans who strongly believe in accountability at all levels of society may choose to vote Republican just so the Clinton indictment can go forward.
And if Obama pardons Hillary at anytime prior to the November election, I fear it will be a Republican landslide.
Yes, Bernie is a man of integrity. I personally still believe he will be our next President. We really have no way of knowing what Obama said to him in private. He could have told him Hillary's about to get indicted so please hang on a little longer, we really don't know.
I can't see an indictment.
Maybe HRC would be indicted if she were anyone else. However, believing that Obama would have endorsed her if an indictment were on the way is very difficult. It's also very difficult to believe that, before California, he did not at least called the FBI to ask if they thought they were going to recommend indictment. That's not interfering with the investigation; it's just getting advised of where the investigation is and where it seems to be going.