Open Thread 08-02-15

Good Sunday morning 99percenters!
Today we'll take a look at the 2016 Green Party Presidential Candidates.

Green Party of the United States

Green Party Home Page

2012 Green Party Platform

Candidates seeking the Green Party Presidential Nomination for 2016

Jill Stein

Jill Stein was the Green Party’s 2012 candidate for president of the United States. She is an organizer, physician, and pioneering environmental-health advocate. She has led initiatives promoting healthy communities, local green economies and the revitalization of democracy – addressing issues such as campaign finance reform, green jobs, racially-just redistricting, and the cleanup of incinerators, coal plants, and toxics. She was a principal organizer for the Global Climate Convergence for People, Planet and Peace over Profit.

Dr. Jill Stein is a mother, physician, longtime teacher of internal medicine, and pioneering environmental-health advocate.

She is the co-author of two widely-praised reports, In Harm's Way: Toxic Threats to Child Development, published in 2000, and Environmental Threats to Healthy Aging, published in 2009. The first of these has been translated into four languages and is used worldwide. The reports promote green local economies, sustainable agriculture, clean power, and freedom from toxic threats.

Her "Healthy People, Healthy Planet" teaching program reveals the links between human health, climate security, and green economic revitalization. This body of work has been presented at government, public health and medical conferences, and has been used to improve public policy.

Read more.

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Jill Stein

Jill Stein

Jill Stein
On the issues

Darryl Cherney

I am Darryl Cherney of the redwood region of Northern California. I’m testing the waters for a Green Party candidacy for the 2016 Presidential Election. I have been a Earth First! organizer and troubador for 29 years. I am a film producer (Who Bombed Judi Bari?, 2012), recording artist, fundraiser, and a manager of affordable housing. I have founded and remained in long campaigns from start to finish. They include the successful 13-year Headwaters Forest Campaign and Judi Bari’s and my successful First and Fourth Amendment lawsuit (14 years) against the FBI and Oakland Police for arresting us for car-bombing ourselves in Oakland in 1990 while we were on a musical organizing tour to save the redwoods. A federal jury awarded us $4.4 million. I am a practicing pagan who honors Mother Earth as sacred.

As a registered member of the Green Party since 1990, I held office hold for four years on our local healthcare district from 2006 – 2010. I ran for Congress in 1988 in the Democratic Primary prior to the Green Party being recognized by the state of California. I have a B.A. in English Education and an M.S. in Urban Education. My most important job is that I am a father of a young daughter. She has given me a vision for the future.

I invite critiques and changes to this document.

To change the course of world events, we need a President who can think out of the box, turn the dominant paradigm on its head, and speak and act from the heart as well as the mind. We require a candidate who has internalized how we are not merely on the precipice of disaster, but have, in fact, gone over it and are falling quickly, grasping for some branch to hold on to.

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Darryl Cherney

Darryl Cherney

Kent Mesplay

Please contribute, and spread the word that I am running. With your help we can run earlier and harder than ever to turn this country around and actually begin to have a government “of by and for the PEOPLE”!

I will run full-time,once the sufficient level of support comes in that would enable me to retire early and become engaged, daily, in important political work:

Building the Green Party, improving government and getting lobbying (bribery) out of politics; Advancing Sustainability as a Security Measure, especially in light of Climate Change and Global Economic Crises; and seeing that U.S. Tribes get their fair share via Treaty advocacy and enforcement.

The bigger picture is that my life's work involves helping save rain-forests and other “undeveloped” areas and helping with indigenous representation and protection. When we live sustainably we are being responsible. Native people are currently under attack and are losing their “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” in part as a consequence of the “civilized ones” being disconnected to the earth and living in a short-sighted manner based upon (over-)consumption. Our species has "lost" half its ethno-sphere! Greens value Nature and Diversity. We would do well to heed the wisdom of earth-connected ancient cultures, not destroy them!

Read more.

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Kent Mesplay

Kent Mesplay

Kent Mesplay

William Kreml

I have an abstract mind. I did well in most school subjects but was less than great in math. I graduated from Northwestern Law School, but much preferred my Ph.D. studies where I could conceptualize and create. Before the meanies got to the social sciences at Indiana, it had a wonderful political science department, I studying with Charles Hynemann, president of the American Political Science Association, and Elinor Ostrom, the only woman ever to win the Nobel Prize in Economics. Coming off a Master's Thesis that explored the very different minds of Hamilton and Jefferson, my dissertation completed the authoritarian model in political psychology, The Anti-Authoritarian Personality being published in 1977. See fn # 6 under "Authoritarian Personality" (no "The") in Wiki.

From there, I began to create an original political philosophy. All prior theories of politics had relied on either the classical liberal notions of political freedom and participation, or economic notions of distributional equity. I believed there was another level, one that was psychological, dealing with how citizens viewed their polity's politics and embracing Kant's Copernican Revolution, or the meaning of the objective world coming not from objects themselves but from their perceivers.

I next studied the forms, they being in Plato's Phaedo, and continuing in intellectual history through Leonardo and Michelangelo and into modernity with figures like Malraux. Forms are simply the shape of things. Think of a can of soup, a cup of coffee. All knowledge possesses a shape and different individuals have preferences for different shapes of knowledge; this being the core of a cognitively-based ideology.

Over the years, what I sought to create was a sub-atomic political philosophy, roughly equivalent to what Nils Bohr created in Physics. Within any objective group, say Maine women, a range of psychologies rests on a continuum of preferences for analytic (apples and apples) or synthetic (apples and oranges) cognitive forms. Thus,for every objectivity, there is a subjectivity. I suggested that psychological preferences would soon supplant objective variables (SES, race, gender, region, etc.) as the principal driver of ideological preference. In the year 2000, regular religious service attendance replaced SES as the principal ideological correlate.

Read more.

SKCM Curry

I could not find much material on Ms. Curry.

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Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry

Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza Curry

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Now's a good time to take a look at the potential Green Party presidential candidates for 2016. I'll be damned if I can find when the Green Party primary is, anybody know? I think there are rumors that Cynthia McKinney may run for the Green nomination, but that has not been substantiated as of yet. Have a great day!

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LapsedLawyer's picture

It's been awhile -- since the last pres. election at least -- that I've looked at their site. I was pleasantly surprised that they've taken the disclaimer down. (The one that said the Green Party doesn't hold candidates running as Greens to the Party platform, a real problem for any support from me as that is one thing -- among many, of course -- that really cheeses me off about the Dems. Hopefully, that means no more libertarians in this state [Indiana] trying to run as Greens only to drop out and endorse the Libertarian "alternative.") Real Greens running on a real Green platform. How novel!

I would love to see Mckinney run. Or Barbara Lee if she ever tires of being the lone voice carrying on the Kucinich tradition. (See her positions on the MIC here.) There are some good Dems; they just need to free themselves of the mindset that the Dem Party offers any real hope of reversing the neolib/neocon version of the Bataan Death March for the toiling masses of this country and the world.

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"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon

LapsedLawyer's picture

couple of diaries -- one on the shit economy* and a history of US imperialism's adventures in Haiti -- both excellent reads. Thanks be to gjohnsit!

Any plans to republish either here so's we don't have to wade through the garbage neolib/neocon/Hillary defenders's comments?

*I will note there is a massive threadjack by a global warming denialist and his/her defenders (sockpuppets?) in the comments. Still, I tend to think it makes for good practice to engage with them for a comment or two in order to solidify in our minds the points we need to be making about global climate catastrophe.

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"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon

The essay about the shit economy I had already posted it comments. I only added a couple sentences is all.
C99P'ers got the first look at it. Wink

As for the one about the occupation of Haiti, that's actually an old diary I made years and years ago. I just noticed last night that it was the 100th Anniversary of the invasion.

Which brings up a question that I've been thinking about. I've made a whole bunch of historical diaries, usually about popular social movements or events. I was meaning to ask if people would be interested in me re-posting them here?

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smiley7's picture

historical diaries on c99. I not only enjoyed your Haiti diary last evening, I wound up following links and reading about Pres. Buchanan and Paraguay into the wee hours of the morning. Smile

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mimi's picture

the history, so re-reading, re-publishing would be great. Good

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please do g.

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JayRaye's picture

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Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons

shaharazade's picture

It would fit nicely with JayRaye's historical posts. The Haiti article was really good. I had a vague idea about their revolution but nobody ever told the tale of the US invasion. Kinda of strange that Denice who is Haitian is supporting Clinton. I've been reading a lot of stories about their charity foundations screwing with the Haitians. I can't remember where but I also read that HRC as SoC used her 'diplomacy' to keep slave wages alive and well for the garment sweatshops there.

Read your shit economy piece again and could not believe the Wall Street libertarian crowd and got pissed at the hijacking by the climate change deniers. I think the neoliberal disaster cappies and the climate deniers are a match made in hell. They do seem to have matching agenda's and their motivation seems to be economic. A different breed from the pig ignorant fundamentalists reasons for denying. Maybe not as they all seem to arrogantly believe in man's dominion over earth and as the dude from Goldman Sachs said 'I'm doing God's work'. The libertarian/neoliberals God is Mammon. That nasty WS golden bull says it all.

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joe shikspack's picture

i'd sort of like to have a reference section at the c99 of articles on a range of topics for folks to read, enjoy and perhaps mine for references on various topics.

your historical diaries and your economics diaries would be a great addition.

perhaps we can work out a tagging scheme that will make them easy for folks to locate.

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for a while to do some archived series, gjohnsit's stuff, JayRayes Hellraisers, Evening Blues, Open Threads, etc. with links somewhere on the main page.

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mimi's picture

by subject category. (Though I think it's tougher to decide into which category a diary might belong, often they could very well go into two or three categories). Not the Hellraisers and EBs and OTs though. That reminds me of a time when I tried to categories books according the Library of Congress Subject Category catalog (well over 100 000 subject categories) or when I discussed with our producers and correspondents into which category I would have to put our video material. Ask four people and you get four different answers. And of course everybody is looking for them exactly not in that category I had put them in. (This was a non digital archive still)

But I love subject category archives. Can't help it. Smile

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gulfgal98's picture

I learned something today in your diary on Haiti that I never knew before. I am never too old to learn. Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

LapsedLawyer's picture

Oh, hell yes!

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"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon

Big Al's picture

not just the two major ruling class political parties, but outside the electoral process. Third parties can't win, it's as
simple as that. The two major parties are too powerful, have too much big money behind them. They control the system
such that a third party cannot compete.
The choices are trying to make progress through the democratic party, which is impossible at this point. Not Bernie Sanders,
not Jesus himself could break the hold the oligarchy/plutocracy has on the two parties. The second choice is to support third
parties which as stated have no chance.
We can't be satisfied with trying for peanuts. The $15 minimum wage is peanuts. Strengthening Social Security is peanuts.
Even Medicare for all is peanuts. We have to wrestle control of the systems, the country and the planet from the rich, it's that
simple. We have to find a way to implement a better system that more fully represents democracy. Right now it's a joke to think
this is democracy. Voting for Bernie Sanders is not democracy. We have to stop the criminals controlling the country.
It comes down to what we want.

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Very true.

We have to wrestle control of the systems, the country and the planet from the rich, it's that
simple. We have to find a way to implement a better system that more fully represents democracy.

But until that better system is implemented I plan on voting for someone. The only voice we have is our votes, however small or futile that may be, and I'm not going to give that right up. You are right, a third party doesn't stand a chance, unless enough people decide to vote for one, contrary to what the MSM and national parties feed us. I believe a third party does have a chance, despite the brainwashing of the American electorate that one can't. The national parties want us to so believe that a third party can't succeed to the point where it becomes self fulfilling, only because we believe it and allow it.

As it stands now, I believe the best viable candidate we are going to get is Bernie Sanders, no he's not perfect, but who would be? If Sanders doesn't win the nomination then I'll vote my conscious and probably vote Green.

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mimi's picture

movement with peanuts at the side. Or peanuts with the outside movement at the side. Can't make up my mind, which is the side dish and which is the main entry. Both together make the whole meal.

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gulfgal98's picture

over at GOS that all real change comes about as a result of social movements. This was a point I had to make over and over to the naysayers about Occupy Movement and asking why they were not running candidates. Social movements drive politics. The existing politicians are too deeply engrained to promote changes themselves, with few exceptions. They are the caretakers of the status quo, much of that due to the nature of our election system.

Al, I know you have a lot a negativity toward the Sanders candidacy, but it is getting people involved and that is a good thing. I like to look at things from a big picture perspective. And here is what I am seeing so far. Many people claim Occupy failed, but I do not think so. Occupy brought the economic issues to the forefront at a time when the President and most of Congress were promoting austerity. While we still got austerity, it was far less than if the people had not raised their voices via Occupy. occupy brought people together with one voice too. Same thing with the climate march. We have not seen the results of it yet politically, but what we did see is people coming together. In a way, that is the beginning of a revolution. When people come together and refuse to let the powerful divide us, then we are becoming a social movement that will have power.

Revolutions seem to happen overnight, but they really do not. All these things are a part of a revolution. They are sparks and I believe they will ignite real change. So Bernie's campaign is not about Bernie making all these changes himself. It is about us changing the political climate where we refuse to be divided and compromised. Bernies campaign is just the vehicle for that at this time. And I know you will disagree with me.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

LapsedLawyer's picture

the mailing list that preceded this site. The whole notion of "working within the system" is a cruel sick joke, and I say this as a veteran of trying to get third party candidates on the ballot for strictly local elections, like city-county council and mayor. You work your ass off trying to get signatures just to allow them to appear on the ballot, only to have more than half thrown out arbitrarily, even though they are perfectly valid, by an election board controlled by the two corporate parties.

And if you want to challenge that in court, where you could probably succeed? Good luck. Hope you got a lot of money for lawyers.

Now that is corrupt.

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"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon

gulfgal98's picture

Thanks for the links on the Green Party candidates. That may be where I go for the general election if Clinton is nominated.

This morning when I went out for my walk a little after 7am, it was in the low 50's and beautiful! So I put on tights under my shorts and a lightweight long sleeved shirt with a thin nylon vest over it. All was well when I started, but about mid way in my walk the sun really warmed things up and I was a little warm. Worse, everyone else was out in short sleeves and I looked like someone who was clueless of what the weather should be in early August! Blush

gjohnsit is doing great over at the GIS rec list with two diaries on it right now! One commenter said that economic diaries are not sexy to which gjohnsit made this little gem of a response.

Maybe I should put "erotic" in the subject (17+ / 0-)

I'm not sure how a bad economic report is erotic, but it would get clicks.

We do have a sense of humor here at caucus 99percent! Wink

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

smiley7's picture

Big smile here GG, try this little experiment, click on the satin and just read the headlines for the diaries, they read as if you had picked up the National Enquirer or similar rag.

And isn't this cool weather refreshing, GG, went down below 50 Friday night?

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gulfgal98's picture

We're at 2200 feet here so occasionally we might get into the low to mid 50's overnight, but nothing like those in the upper elevations. I doubt we went below 50 last night as the lowest temps are usually right before dawn and our thermometer read 53 shortly after dawn. I love it when we get these little previews of fall at this time of year. Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

smiley7's picture

Thanks for the info about the Green Candidates.

I ponder; as Sanders has just received the endorsement of Friends of the Earth Action, could we expect a future coalition of environmentalists joining Sanders' campaign?

August 1, 2015 The first national green group to make an endorsement in the 2016 election just threw its weight behind Bernie Sanders.

Announced Saturday afternoon in New Hampshire, the endorsement from Friends of the Earth Action arrives amid rising frustration from the environmental Left over Hillary Clinton's refusal to take a stand on the Keystone XL pipeline and a host of other hot-button issues such as drilling in icy Arctic waters.

"We're seeing a lot of speeches from candidates, but Bernie has an incredibly strong track record and there's a lot of credibility there. He's also willing to say 'no' where some other candidates aren't," Erich Pica, the president of Friends of the Earth Action, said in an interview.

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that's excellent news, that has the potential to be a strong coalition, I mean who isn't concern about the environment, except for, well you know who. We should also expect some pretzel like triangulation out of Hillary after she realizes she's behind the curve, although her corporate masters may temper her reaction.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

email scandal (because of their FOIA Request). They had to go to Court to sue the State Department to obtain some of FSC's "Keystone" emails.

Here's a link to an article about this.

Clinton's Secrecy Damages the Foundation of Our Democracy
Posted: 06/15/2015 6:32 pm EDT Updated: 06/15/2015 6:59 pm EDT

. . . According to the news reports, after the State Department released documents about Keystone XL to Friends of the Earth, Mills decreed all documents on Keystone XL must pass her reviewed; she then blocked sensitive materials from being turned over. Mills went so far as to not comply with any future FOIA request unless particular documents were withheld.

Until now, Friends of the Earth had no indication that documents were being improperly withheld. It now seems likely that four years after we filed our initial FOIA request, the State Department is still withholding documents they are legally obligated to release. . . .

Had it not been for their suit, some of this might not have come out.

I'm jealous of the weather that you and Nancy are enjoying! (just kidding) But I sure as heck some of it would some our way--soon!



"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

gulfgal98's picture

we are expected to get back to 90 for our high by mid week. Wink

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

smiley7's picture

follow-up info, so much for transparency, eh?
Afraid GG is right, heatwave coming.
As for Biden; some suggest, it's noise from political professionals wishing a job opportunity; I don't know, seems a little late. Personally, hope he doesn't muddy the waters, although I appreciate Biden more than Hillary; but, we need a revolution.

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LapsedLawyer's picture

It'd split the corporadem vote twixt he and Her Nibs, which may give Sanders some edge in the primaries.

Not that I'd necessarily welcome that entirely, per Big Al's suggestion about his war rep. Which is why I signed this petition over at RootsAction to get Bernie to speak up about the connection between militarism and economic injustice. I haven't abandoned all hope for him, yet. But maybe he'll get the message and start to drop a mention or two in his stump speeches. After all, I don't think anyone here can count on Biden, Clinton, Webb, or even O'Malley to be rocking that boat anytime during the campaign.

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"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon

mimi's picture

on Sanders? Biden can take away from HRC by being left of her and take away from Sanders by being a "smooth talker" against the cranky in your face "old man". Sigh. What's the deal? Why do people like Biden?

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Big Al's picture

I think he's favored by dentists 2 to 1 over any other candidate.

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Which might be the whole point. Biden is as much of a beltway insider as Hillary.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

isn't a bit exaggerated. Dunno. But, hopefully, someone (Bernie Supporters???) will examine his background more closely [than many did PBO's]. I doubt that the MSM will help there--they pushed PBO's somewhat false biographical narrative.

I was appalled that PBO was able to present himself as the terribly deprived off-spring of a single mother, when he was growing up.

For instance, PBO's Grandmother (with home he lived in Hawaii) broke the glass ceiling for women in that State--worked herself up from a teller (or secretary) to VP of one of the largest banks in the state.

His Mother was 'on Food Stamps' while a college/graduate student--in real life terms, no comparison to a high school dropout who lives in a New York City ghetto, with no real economic future.

His parents were well-educated--Mother, PhD, Birth Father, held a Master's, after dropping out of a Harvard PhD Program, and his Indonesian step-father, held a Master's.

If any organized movement had really pushed back on this blatantly false background 'narrative'--built on half-truths, at best--PBO might never have been elected. It was incredibly effective in garnering votes, especially in the minority community.

Certainly, his background was not similar to most minorities in this country.

After all, he attended the most prestigious private college prep school in the state of Hawaii-- Punahou Academy.

If Biden does jump in the mix, I hope that his background/family 'narrative' is examined a bit closer than was PBO's background.

(Not that there is anything wrong with having had advantages. My only objection is to blatantly misrepresenting one's life's circumstances/story, for political gain.)


"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

mimi's picture

and family history. Don't remember if I got this exclusively from his book, but I don't remember him specifically describing himself as terribly deprived off-spring of a single mother. The educational level of his parents, grandparents etc. is not really an indicator that he and his mother were "well off". The grandmother made the money in the bank and put everything into sending him to the Punahou Academy. She was the spine of the family, not his mother. May be I remember all of it, because we covered it for the German TV.

Of course PBO had no upbringing and experiences most "deprived" Afro-American young males have had. That was very clear to me and I think also to many Afro-Americans. The question "Is he black enough" was born out of that realization. I would say his background was not intentionally misrepresented (by himself - he wrote a book about it, so how much more can you be self-revealing), but was misunderstood by many as being a life story of an Afro-American. He never was an Afro-American from the beginning, but that's the only thing most of the people were able to see him as, Afro-American, not African-American bi-racial child , which is different from being an Afro-American child with both parents being black and descendents of former slaves. Of course forget about those idiots, who tried to bash him over his African father from Kenya. I ignore those people, because their meanness and ignorance is just too disgusting.

Nevertheless his mother with two divorces and later on her illness was really not that much of a "whit privileged" woman either, imo.

I think Biden's family history is much better known and also understood. I am not so sure about his voting record. My son always liked him, but I am not sure why. And I don't know if cycnicism has settled in and if he has changed his mind or even know anything about what Biden did in the last ten years.

So you think the Democratic Party pushes him to run, because he would take away votes from Bernie and guarantee the Democratic Party that if Biden loses to HRC, he certainly will give his supporter's votes back to HRC?


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Unabashed Liberal's picture

is I've listened to countless of his stump speeches on XM Radio, and PBO constantly refers (especially when addressing black and/or working class audiences, which you know, because C-Span always announces the venue) to his Mom being a 'single Mom.' And that's even though, as you just pointed out, she was married more than once.

Hope you didn't think that I'm meaning to disparage Singles Moms. That was not my intent.

And, I also didn't say that PBO's Grandparents, or even his Mother and Step-Father, were 'well-off.' Nor did I intend to imply it.

As I recall, his Grandfather's work history/career was a bit irregular. I believe that it was one reason for their move to Hawaii--seeking employment opportunities. And, it is my understanding that scholarships helped fund his attendance at Punahou. No harm in that, IMO.

Also, you mention his Grandmother's as being 'the spine of the Family.' I have no argument with that. I mentioned that she broke a glass ceiling in the State's banking system--and didn't intend that to be taken in a disparaging manner. It should be taken as a compliment, IMHO.

Let me give a personal example.

My own Father was an educator before I was born. (I've mentioned this at EB.) But as you've pointed out, educational attainment alone doesn't make a person well-off. Which is "why" my Father left education for the FIRE Sector, before any of his children were born. That career move brought him a considerable amount of financial security, not because of his education (alone), but because of the field.

Anyhoo, my primary point was that PBO often attempts to pander to very poor and/or low income folks--especially single woman/Moms--by presenting his own life's experience in an exaggerated, and distorted manner. IOW, he often implies that my life started out "much like yours." (meaning the audience that he is addressing)

It is a ridiculous comparison, IMHO. A single Mom who is a high school dropout and on SNAP, is usually not experiencing the same conditions/frustrations/obstacles that a college, much less graduate student, usually deals with. Some may be similar, but it is absurd to put them on the same plane.

We may have to "agree to disagree," on this one--that's my take.

You ask,

So you think the Democratic Party pushes him to run, because he would take away votes from Bernie and guarantee the Democratic Party that if Biden loses to HRC, he certainly will give his supporter's votes back to HRC?

I'm not certain what you're saying. So, let me just state my opinion.

Senator Sanders has chosen to run as a Democrat. Hopefully, we're all in agreement on that fact.

He has stated (and I'll post the transcript here, again, as soon as I get back in with Mister "B,") that he will not "be a spoiler,' and that he will absolutely support the eventual Democratic Party nominee.

Personally, I take the man at his word.

IMO, it won't matter whether VP Biden decides to run, or not.

IOW--yes, I believe that Bernie will ask his supporters to back (or support) the Democratic Party candidate--even if it's FSC. Or, if it's Biden. Or, if it's O'Malley. And, on and on.

Sanders has been emphatic--he wants "a Democrat" to win the Presidency. Even if it's not him.

P.S. I have no bone to pick with Biden, except on a policy level. Actually, for the most part, I think that his life's story is a plus, for him. I don't think he's an evil man. My point was, that considering that considerable license taken by the Obama campaign in relating his background (which seemed to have worked)--if I were as invested in this campaign as some of you Guys are, I'd check out his background claims.

BTW, my new "DKos" Disclaimer, that is soon to follow me around, states that "I'm not here for pie fights, just to discuss issues."


Have a good one, Mimi. I've tried, and hope that I've managed to clarify a couple of my comments.


"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

gulfgal98's picture

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Unabashed Liberal's picture

or goodnatured logo that I can put with it.



"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

joe shikspack's picture

if bernie was the sort of fella to mention somebody's wall street bankster connections, biden would look as bad or worse than hillary.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

Democratic Presidential Candidate.

He was, once again, quite complimentary of FSC on one of the Sunday Talk Shows, earlier today.

I "understand" why he would refuse to take any cheap (personal) shots at other candidates. That could be considered bad form, and backfire. It could become the story, and be ceased upon by the MSM to discredit him. So, that's fine.

At some point, though, it would seem that a brighter line needs to be drawn directly between him and other Dem Candidates. Maybe he will do this during the Debates.


"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

mimi's picture

all day long and tells you heart-warming stuff. I guess that's what makes him a "competitor" to Sanders, who talks more harshly. OMG what a BS all that is.

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gulfgal98's picture

that people who support Sanders thus far are not people who are supporting a personality. They are supporting the ideas he has. I honestly think that someone who does not have real ideas can take away current support from someone who has ideas. But I would not be surprised with the Democratic party tries this gambit to split Sanders supporters or potential supporters.

For reasons (Patrick Murphy for example) involving Florida where I vote, I absolutely despise the Democratic party leadership. DWS and Steve Israel.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Biden is just another corporate insider. It's the beltway that loves him. Bernie's people will not go to Biden imo. Hillary will lose.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

By law, WIOA replaced WIA on July 1, 2015. Yet all we have from the fed is the Act and a draft CFR that won't be final until January - maybe. The only thing we have from the state is a draft operations manual full of mistakes with no finalization date and a threat of merger and regionalization if we don't achieve performance outcomes that have yet to be defined.

It is 88 and sunny, and I've been on this all freaking day. I should have retired four years ago.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon


Even if the militants are caught by Turkish authorities crossing the border, prosecutors generally can't keep them detained for long, Schanzer notes.

This is because — unlike for members of the designated terrorist organization PKK operating inside Turkey — Ankara has yet to adopt a comprehensive legal framework for how to deal with militants returning home after fighting with ISIS in Syria.

"If the individuals were identified as PKK, for example, they could be detained and convicted for being part of a legally-defined terrorist organization," Schanzer said. "But because these individuals are [Islamic State], they cannot be convicted unless lawyers can prove that they committed terrorism inside Turkey."

"These people could be watched or followed by the police after they are let go, but they are free," he added.

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Puerto Rico defaulted on some of its debts this weekend after years of battling to stay current on its obligations, signalling the start of a long and contentious restructuring process for the US commonwealth’s $72bn debt pile.
The territory, which successfully scrambled to make a $169m payment on debts owed by the Government Development Bank on Friday, did not make a $58m payment on Public Finance Corporation bonds, according to Victor Suarez, chief of staff for Puerto Rico’s governor.
“We don’t have the money,” he said on Friday, according to newswire reports. “The PFC payment will not be made this weekend.”

This just happens to be the largest muni bond default in the history of the United States.
There is a back story to this.

According to a new investigation, many of those same billionaires demanding payment from Puerto Rico have also profited from the debt crises in Greece, Argentina, and Detroit. These hedge funds specialize in buying up “distressed” assets and pushing governments to take on debt they can’t afford under predatory rates and conditions. At the same time, the groups are lobbying Congress to not allow the island to declare bankruptcy, as doing so would cut into their profits.
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Unabashed Liberal's picture

a trial balloon is definitely being floated, in case FSC implodes--over Email-Gate, Sanders, etc.

I do believe that this tactic could really backfire if VP Biden is behind exploiting a death in the family, as a justification for a run for the Presidency. Frankly, I couldn't consider voting for him under any circumstances [for various reasons], regardless of who he's running against.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

True to form, the Dem Party Establishment Machine will do what they can to stop Senator Sanders, I'm convinced. After what they did to fiscally centrist/conservative Governor Dean, nothing would surprise me.

According to a recent IG investigation (haven't read anything on this, heard a discussion on my reporters daily program) and report, 10 percent of the random emails that they examined--IIRC, their sampling was only 40 emails--were, or perhaps more appropriately, should have been classified material.

Of course, during FSC's infamous press conference, we were assured that absolutely no classified info was transmitted over her servers.

The IG report concluded that this indicates that at least several thousand of FSC's emails should have been classified.

So, the question is,

"Are Dem Party Elites panicked about her potential pitfalls, and Senator Sanders ascent in the polls and popularity?"

My "guess" is that they are plenty concerned.

Hence, Plan B is in the making.


If I were to decide to get involved in an anti-FSC effort, I'd concentrate on her policy positions, and the rampant stench of corruption that has surrounded her for most of her political life (and/or her husband).

After all, for the most part, the broader electorate likely wouldn't base a vote on an incident such as the one that occurred several weeks ago [at NN].

One of the main memes that the MSM is pushing, as of late, is Biden's appeal to 'working class' voters. I don't see it.

(Which is another reason that I read this effort as 'Plan B.')


"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

I agree.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

of "Puppy Max."

We still very much miss Murphee, after over 3 years. So I know it must be a bit tough to talk about him.

Of course, sometimes writing about them, helps. That's probably why I've written more about "Big Baby" (Murphee) than any of our other dogs--including our beloved "Chena," who's been gone for almost 9 years.

If nothing else, this election cycle will be very interesting. The MSM is at a loss because of both Senator Sanders, and "The Donald."

If they are more worried about Trump, I suspect it's only because of his ability to self-finance a campaign, and run as an Independent.

We're actually planning to listen to the Thursday evening (Repub) debate. I'd love to see "the Donald" panic the Republican Establishment. I just hope it's carried on C-Span, or streamed on the Internet.

[More importantly, I'd like to find out when the Dem Debates will be held.]


"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

It's been just about a year since max died, I miss him a lot.

I'll definitely watch the Repub debate, it ought to be better than the Jerry Springer Show, maybe they'll even wrestle around on the floor, heh!

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gulfgal98's picture

It is so hard to lose our fur kids because we almost always outlive them. My baby dog, Willie Bear is 13 and he is going fairly strong right now, but I realize I will not have him that much longer so I cherish each day with him.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

give Willy Bear a big hug and an ear scritchin' for me. Yeah, I'm a big softie.

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shaharazade's picture

on her stench and corruption or policies with party loyalists and her rabid supporters. The article in the Atlantic about her dirty dealing's as SoS with USB was declared swiftboating, RW innuendo and Hillary hating. One of her campaign tactics seems to be make her the victim of the media all media be it RW or just news papers and magazines online and off. The NYT, the Atlantic and the Guardian are now as bad as Fox news. I have heard this song before. It worked better when Big Dog was actually persecuted by the wing nuts for his slimy sex life. I know about the Republicans fer God sakes and this time I want an election that's about something other then infighting between the selected crooked oligarch's and whipping up hate and fear that misdirected to everything except the real issues. Even on fb you get slammed by loyal partisans if you talk about policy and Clinton's corruption based on fact, her history and good investigative journalism. Hillary as a victim of hate and the media or a liberal champion whose policy is going to be 'progressive' makes any dialog impossible. I'm not a Bernie 'fan' but people who view politics as a wreslin' match or a celebrity fan club project their crazy identity politics and fandom on you instead of looking at the positions and policy they are supporting. What is wrong with our society? We seem unable to even look at what is happening here and globally. It's like the tower of Babylon 'everybody's talking and no one says a word'. Strange days indeed. Most peculiar Moma

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gulfgal98's picture

I think back to how the White House pushed to primary Mike Honda with a more conservative Democrat, Ro Khanna in 2014. It was a blatant attempt to de-liberalize that district.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

shaharazade's picture

to go to a big Saunders rally on the 9th of August. It is being held at the Memorial Coliseum a former sports arena. I'm really curious to hear what he has to say. After getting so involved at an early date in both Obama's and Howard Dean's primary campaigns on a grassroots level I'm very leery of hope or any Democratic change you can believe in. I know the political junkies on the net always say Obama never campaigned as a anything but a centrist. This is malarkey. If they knew why did they support the lying, bait and switch PR candidate? Because he was black and articulate?

He was like Dean a movement candidate. He quoted Malcom x, MLK and empowered people, ordinary people who were so fed up with the Bush thugs that they believed him and his 'you are the change you have been waiting for' rhetoric. Most people do not follow the political insider baseball they get their information form the media both online and off in the so called news.

I was still pretty naive politically even though I had been a card carrying Multnomah Democratic Party member since 2001. A Green recruited me right after Bush was selected she called and told me that we on the left had to form a coalition to stop this RW coup. I went to hear Howard Dean speak at Portland State in about 2002. He wasn't running yet he was doing local state grass root organizing for 'the democratic wing of the party'. This got me online and DFA was my first political blogging experience.

That led to dkos and other sites. Mostly I worked with the county party to get some decent Dems. elected. It was a people powered movement, precinct by precinct as DEan said. Not until later did I realize that the national Dem. machine like the DNC were calling the shots and holding the purse strings on every level, local, state and national. Even the Dem. progressive's Oregon get elected turned out to be freaking crooks of the worst order.

Yes we can! Oh boy. What a crock. Later I found out Gibbs helped take out Dean and was a major player in Obama's campaign. The people within the Democratic party that own it are Clintonites. Look at Obama's cabinet,advisers and 'experts'. Rubanites,Clintonistas and endless warriors all of them. Still are. What I'm trying to say is I just don't trust any of them including Bernie. The so called progressives we manage to get elected on any level, fold like a cheap tent when push comes to shove.

Compromise my ass they are complicit in varying degrees. I am still having problems with Bernie's constant honest support electorally of a Democratic candidate. Why if he is sincere would he say that whoever the Dem. candidate ends up being they will get his support. As for being a spoiler what bs.. How can you spoil something as rotten as the Democratic party at this point.

So anyway there is my dilemma I support the movement Bernie is creating but totally reject the end result of Hillary Biden or which ever machine Dean wins. Why does Bernie give the despicable Democratic machine credence by saying vote Dem. regardless of who they run? He certainly knows what they are about so why validate their by-partisan complicity and say consent to the oligarchy he rails against?

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Shahryar's picture

I believe the experience of being with 11,000 people who think things can be a lot better will be worth it. I won't put my faith in a person ever again, unless it's shaharazade.

I'll see what I think of Bernie when I hear him. I already know that the crowd will be mostly my kind of people.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

it's just a sorta detailed comment!



"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

Unabashed Liberal's picture

Why does Bernie give the despicable Democratic machine credence by saying vote Dem. regardless of who they run?

That's what I've had some difficulty with.

In the end, I'm "guessing" that he's where we (Mr M and I) were for many years--he still believes in the "lesser of two evils" argument. Many folks do. I acknowledge that.

Anyhoo, I'm willing to give Bernie the benefit of the doubt that he sincerely believes, in good faith, that this is the best thing for the country, and for him.

Also, I'm "guessing" that Senator Sanders does not believe that a third party can win (today). Of course, we both tend to believe that if it ever could have happened--it would have been this election cycle--with the right candidate.

(Which we believe could have been him, running as an Independent.)

Sigh . . .

Sometimes, I wish life were not so complicated.


or maybe,

Cray 2

--The End--

As the saying goes, "It is, what it is."



"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

LapsedLawyer's picture

endorsed Joe Lieberman over Ned Lamont? Which won him all sorts of praise from Lieberman at the Democratic convention in '08 (not!). Obama's just running true to form.

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"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon

Shahryar's picture

she believes her mother would vote for Hillary because....pause....gag....oh, am I editorializing?...because Denise's mom belonged to a sorority (!) and Hillary gave a speech to that sorority. Jeezus H Christ! (oh...sorry, editorializing again)

whereas I believe my grandpa would vote for whoever is closest to a Commie because he was a rabble-rousing Socialist.

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LapsedLawyer's picture

It's kind of the trademark of HRC supporters. After all, it is "her turn."

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"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon

gulfgal98's picture

there is no substance with Clinton. It is all smoke and mirrors for her.

As far as it being her turn...doesn't that sound like a coming coronation? Dash 1

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy