OT for 6-2-16: Such as it Is

open thread.jpg

Pinch-hitting-(hitting-hitting) for shaz (shaz shaz)....Tonight I consider myself....the luckiest blogger....on the face of the Earth. I'm whupping up an OT on the quick.

First, a little background before I get to venting about the state of the world.

In a little more than 3 weeks I'll be playing on the bill with the Kingsmen. It's weird in a way because young'uns don't know them at all, slightly older'uns know them from Louie, Louie and my darling wife, shaharazade, went to high school with at least one of them. She hates 'em for a few reasons. For one thing, they were obnoxious preppies. Secondly, another local group, Paul Revere and the Raiders, were making Louie, Louie popular in the area and the Kingsmen kind of snuck into the studio and got their record out first. Thirdly, shaz is a very talented artist and should have gotten "most talented" for her school in her senior year but no! That Norm Sunnholm of the Kingsmen got it! That #$%*!!

But anyway, they did have that big hit. So this show is called Nuggets Night, named after the Rhino Records compilation that came out some years ago. This is a sort of festival of '60s obscurities, or forgotten hits, with each band playing for 15 minutes and the show will last 5 hours, including the set by those Louie, Louie stealers.

Ok....so I'm having a fun, good time seeing Hillary and her people squirm, "forgetting" what happened when they talk to the authorities, taking the 5th, all the kinds of things that criminals do. Meanwhile Hills' general election campaign seems to consist solely of blasting Trump. It's sadly amusing. You'd think she'd offer some proposals for what she'd like to do if she were President. But no one really knows because she hasn't had a press conference since 1923.

Now if she were carted off to jail...

I'll feel a whole lot better (when you're gone!) - The Byrds (see, these will be songs done at Nuggets Night)

I can't use that word...you know, rhymes with bait and switch. Sometimes people use another rhyme. By the way, lately I've been thinking that Her Ladyship is just a successful Carly Fiorina, standing for nothing in particular. But Hills has conned enough people into thinking her story is their story!

You Must Be A Witch - The Lollipop Shoppe

If Bernie doesn't get the nomination (and let's face it, the party won't let him get it) then we'll end up (unless there's a miracle) with either Trumpolini or Killary as President. Nobody likes either...well, almost nobody, yet most of the people who can't stand them haven't figured out...they can vote for someone else! They don't have to vote for one or the other. As we know, though, there are all these scare tactics. If you don't vote for this horrible candidate the other even more horrible candidate will win! That would make me sad.

Sorrow - The Merseys

The whole thing is awfully depressing, if I let it get to me. Or as the hicks say, "if'n I let it git to me". If I weren't such a well rounded fellow, fully grounded and enlightened (ha!) I'd go crazy!

Pyschotic Reaction - Count Five

What we really need is a revolution. Bernie, as a symbol, is extremely popular with the younger crowd. What if we lowered the voting age to 14?

Shape Of Things to Come - Max Frost & the Super Troopers

In short, ladies and gentlemen, The Blue Whips will be performing at Mississippi Studios in Portland, June 25th and I hope to lose myself in a frenzy and forget, for a short time, this awful "real" world!

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riverlover's picture

lemme see...1973 or 4. Right up front, on the wood bball floor. They played amongst hay bales. Which is not Butler University. I was a finishing-up student at IU, Bloomington, down the road. Free is/was good.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

NCTim's picture

During those formative years, I was more attracted to race music.

Hillary, meh. It looks like I am going to sit this one out. The dance card is too full to do something and I am almost out of givafucks.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

enhydra lutris's picture

I was into rockabilly, ordinary r&r, r&b, surf, folk (including protest & bluegrass), blues, jazz, modern jazz, progressive jazz, flamenco, caribbean, afro-cuban, south american, and if you spun your dial, instead of using the presets, you might get nortenos or

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

happynz's picture

Truly a legend.

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Así pues, aquí estamos.

NCTim's picture

The Burgh had the platter pushin' papa, Porky Chedwick. You could pick up AM from most of the mid-west and we had European Norteno on the air at all times.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

enhydra lutris's picture


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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture


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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

shaharazade's picture

Good Lord it just keeps getting crazier. I am totally out of givafucks. It's kind of entertaining watching this mockery of a primary but it's depressing as there is nothing we the people can do but watch the theater of the absurd continue. Were all getting 'disenfranchised' and to add insult to injury were told the Bernie supporters are the election thieves. I'm not voting for either one of these psycho's.

I also liked black music a lot during this era as the top forty sucked. Mo Town was my refuge from the 'Bobbies' drivel.

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Lookout's picture

laughing and fun at the Florida Folk Festival. Not too busy of a schedule...one or two gigs a day. I came back home exhausted (sleep deprivation is almost like doing drugs), but refreshed. Hope you have a good gig. Laughing, singing, and crying...it's all the same release.

It was nice to be away from the politics for a few days. It was also nice to come back and see the IG report on Hellery. I think you are correct that the corrupt corporate unDemocratic party will do everything in their power to steal the nomination from Bernie, but Bernie is a pretty good politician. He's going all the way to the convention.

Months ago I suggested a scenario where $hillary gets the nomination, then is indited, and then they slip in Biden. That is still possible. But maybe...just maybe...Bernie will finesse his way to the nomination. That's my hope.

CA may be the turning point...

CA registration.jpg

Here's hoping you all have a great day!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

shaharazade's picture

I like this generation they aren't easily intimated by the fear mongering and dissemination. Boo! they say with good reason. Ah they scared Barbara. Good on them. These pols need a scare from the voters who see this farce for what it is.

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Shahryar's picture

Good for the soul!

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Lookout's picture

with tunes running through the day and in my dreams.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

shaharazade's picture

Are you a folk musician? We seem to have a lot of music and artists here.

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Lookout's picture

Started as a kid and never stopped. What sort of music do you play?

Every Friday night up the valley is a session in a cabin with no power. Started by twins 30 something years ago, and on going today. It is quite a mix of music...Jimmy Rodgers to the Beatles. Lots of fun. The twins play guitar and bass and are as funny (may be funnier) than the Smothers Bros. I'm not sure what is better... singing or laughing!

All the best with your upcoming gig. Have fun.

Here's one I posted for Tim this AM. It's from a radio show we did in DC.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Bisbonian's picture

with the Arthritis Brothers! Or I did. Their normal banjo player had a heart valve replacement, and for a year, I covered for him. We had standing gigs at four of the assisted living homes in Sierra Vista (AZ), one each Monday...then Saturday nights on the boardwalk in Tombstone. I still get to fill in once in a while.
Arthritis Brothers.jpg
This weekend, it's off to California, to play with 'Haywire' (an aptly named band...), filling in for their fiddle player who is running a fiddle contest this weekend. My High School civics teacher is their drummer (most of the time), and invites me to join them when I can.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Lookout's picture

many tunes in common. Perhaps someday we can share some?

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Bisbonian's picture

That would be a lot of fun.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

shaharazade's picture

but I love music. My husband the guy who wrote this OT is the musician. He too started as a kid never stopped. He did take a few years off when we moved to Oregon but started back in and now plays in a band. He's also a songwriter a really good one at that. I'm a lapsed artist (painter/drawer) but I'm trying to get back at it.

Here's one of his songs.

The Cool Whips are on band camp

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Lookout's picture

I liked both the cuts. They are cool, but why were they whipped? Wink

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

riverlover's picture

[the test was on sale]. My 2 sibling cousins had theirs done at 23andme, no crossover/full firewall between those competing sites. And I don't know whether they use the same SNPs, all sekrit. But I have high-probability hits for fourth cousins (WTH are fourth cousins??). Too bad I didn't go through 23andme to see if the tests indicate high relationship. One of the 4th cousins has the surname of my paternal grandmother. So, might be real. But, I have to pay more $$ to the Mormons to communicate with those people.

I found no surprises in my euro-origins. No African markers, no Asian or eastasian markers. Just a Brit/French/Irish (and that's probably Scots-Irish, Northern Ireland, from the removal). No native american gg-anything. And a 6% northern clime that I assume is Viking pillaging. At least I can tell my adult children that our vague ancestry contains no surprises, although they would get hits for eastern European Jews. Not me. Genetics is fun, sometime.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

I had mine done there, but also at 23andme for myself, mom and brother, and son(ethnic Chinese through adoption). No big surprises except son is 1% European(I blame Marco Polo) and my mom's side shows a scant 1% African, while paternal side does not. I like finding relatives and sharing family history. The medical info was helpful with son, for whom we had no medical history. Kid turns out to have awesome, healthy genetic profile, except for a few curious markers. (Like, he tests high for some protein that causes doctors to think he might have rheumatoid arthritis, but he doesn't, and he has sprinter's genes which are no surprise in a teen who runs a mile in 5 minutes 3 seconds.) Lots of African American cousins, apparently due to slave owners in my family tree. Watching the remake of "Roots" is painful. These cousins all show European on paternal line.

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riverlover's picture

There might be some black members, half of the fam came from SC. I know my cousins had more linkage to Germanic roots, through their father. But I suspect mostly non-slave owners, although that common surname pops up.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

There are certain group letters that are African origin, like E or L, and some are typical North European like R. When I see someone with E1 or L2 as maternal line, and R1b1 or similar as paternal it gives that information. However, I am related to most of Louisiana through a Cajun line and it seems like people of all colors mixed pretty freely there.I have come across distant cousins who told me some of their relatives were passing as white and some were not. I have a pretty good family history back almost to colonial Jamestown so I tend to be pretty sure about where these AA cousins fit in.

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hecate's picture

be pushing off the stage the bad Kingsman who got shaz's "most talented" award?

That's him, there to the far right. He looks like a serious prevert.


"Louie Louie" is a known prevert anthem. Jedgar Hoover commenced a two-year FBI investigation designed to plumb the depths of its evil.

The above-linked story says the lead singer of the Kingsmen is dead. That means they will have to render the song as an instrumental.

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shaharazade's picture

the Kingsmen were squeaky clean preppy white rich guys. Lake Oswego High was the definition of white privileged scary kids who liked keggers. My English teacher said often 'I'm not teaching English Lit I'm babysitting at a country club.' Louie Louie was a Richard Berry song. According to Shah the Kingsmen garbled the lyrics because they did not know them. Here's the original and it doesn't seem dirty it's romantic.

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Shahryar's picture

have you ever heard of Antoine Volodine? I think you'd like his writing....whoever he is!

Antoine Volodine (born 1950) is the pseudonym of a French writer. He initially was interested in the original Association des Écrivains et Artistes Révolutionnaires. His works often involve cataclysms and have scenes of interrogations.[1] He won the Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire in 1987. Des anges mineurs (trans. Minor Angels), one of his best-known works, won the Prix du Livre Inter and Prix Welper in 2000. He won the Prix Médicis in 2014 for his latest novel, Terminus radieux.

Volodine writes under multiple heteronyms, including Lutz Bassmann, Manuela Draeger, and Elli Kronauer. He has also translated literary works from Russian into French, including such authors as Eduard Limonov, Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, Viktoriya Tokareva, Alexander Ikonnikov, and Maria Soudayeva (who may be another pseudonym of Volodine's).

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hecate's picture

heard of that person, but will check him out. Thanks!

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gulfgal98's picture

Did you guys change your name?

The Blue Cool Whips will be performing at Mississippi Studios in Portland, June 25th

Good Morning, Shah and Shaz! I think we all will need something to divert our attention from the impending calamity that is our Presidential election of 2016.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Shahryar's picture

three of us from the Cool Whips will be playing with three from Blue Skies for Black Hearts (a fine local band!), thus for one night becoming the Blue Whips. We rehearsed last night, running through our short set and will have a couple more before the show. Then it'll be back to the Cool Whips for me.

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gulfgal98's picture

It's good to know I was not imagining something. At my age, you never know! LOL

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

hecate's picture

imagining is fun!

Also, since for this gig the Cool Whips will be merging with Blue Skies For Black Hearts, maybe they could have called themselves the Black & Blue Whips.

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Big Al's picture

Marking my calendar now. I'll never forget our senior party (high school) in 73. It was a joint party for the three high schools in the area, Olympia, Tumwater and Timberline, out in the county and somehow they got the Kingsmen to play it. A truck loaded with about 25-30 kegs of beer showed up and we got wild in the woods. I think it was a after a couple hours the cops showed up, a whole bunch of em, and they made us leave. It was a madhouse. I don't remember what I did then but it was a memorable night anyway.

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Shahryar's picture

I'll look for someone tall!

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shaharazade's picture

I'm glad Shah rescued me from Google Images late last night. I was seeing double from the onslaught of looking at so many lurid 50's paperback covers. I'm going to keep at it and publish my art OT next week. Why can't the google algorithm deal with era's? When you type in 1950 you literally mean art from the 50's not art that's 80's retro or from the 30's. I'm going to research the art analog and then put it in the computer to get my images. Binary sucks.

I'm really sick of this election. It's an overload of unbelievable argy bargy with no point as it looks like the pols are going to continue to rig the show. Why don't they just say no more democracy cause it 'disenfranchises' the line of succession of the rightful heirs to the throne.

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Shahryar's picture

I understand that things come up because of tags but is there a way to search so that the results are limited to what you're looking for?

Say, for instance, you want to look at pulp novel cover art from the 50s. Can you make it so only the ones from the 50s show up?

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shaharazade's picture

I think it's like Pandora's algorithm only visual. Remember when we put in Jack White in our mix and got endless freaking Led Zeppelin songs?

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hecate's picture

when I enter 1950s pulp fiction cover art is this.

One heartening thought is that if their search function is so dummkopf, then probably all their many attempts to gather and use customer data are equally dummkopf.

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shaharazade's picture

on my first pass. I guess those 50's mad men liked their soft pervey porn. I was looking for cover illos. by artists from the early fifties. I did find some nifty sci-fi pulp covers. Hard to trace down the year published and almost impossible to find the artist's name. I think like the comic books from that era the actual artists were anonymous. The publishers had big stables of interchangeable freelancers cranking them out. Which was one of the reasons I was interested in them as their doesn't seem to be a lot of protest street art in post war years. No matter I'm going to tackle this from another direction probably will end up better as the google is as stupid as spilled chicken. Makes me wonder what this is doing to peoples brains. Not everything is binary especially the humanities. What's with pinterest having control of all the art images? Who are these guys anyway.

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Don't know that they will be better,
but I have noticed that gobble has
been giving "filtered" results of its
own since we entered the US full-on pro-war propaganda war.

I can't find articles, for example, that I know damn sure I read, where, and within a few months of when (like late summer '14, following the Ukrainian coup).

Also, I know this will sound weird, but here it is: Sometimes my phone speed is "throttled" to very low speed so that I see things that usually zip by at 3G LTE. Such as lots of redirects in the url bar when I click on a link, often having to do with (that last nano-second battle for) advertising.

I have also watched before my eyes a gobbled results page accessed via StartPage for, shall we say, a "sensitive" topic change from lots of results for exactly whay I'm looking for to sometimes as little as one page of junk I'm not looking for.

Anti-war stuff seems to be one of those "sensitive" topics.

I think we've all been seriously Memory-Holed.

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

GreyWolf's picture

The Mind Control Machine ... Wants You to Like the Mind Control Machine

... To understand how the new forms of mind control work, we need to start by looking at the search engine – one in particular ...

That ordered list is so good, in fact, that about 50 per cent of our clicks go to the top two items, and more than 90 per cent of our clicks go to the 10 items listed on the first page of results; few people look at other results pages ... Google decides which of the billions of web pages it is going to include in our search results, and it also decides how to rank them. How it decides these things is a deep, dark secret – one of the best-kept secrets in the world, like the formula for Coca-Cola.

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hecate's picture

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Bisbonian's picture

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

shaharazade's picture

for the remainder of this election. It's getting weirder then hell in the political threads. The big cheese writers from TOS seem to be coming around and having trouble getting their big heads inside the door. Why can't they just cross post? It would indicate that they had an interest in the cc99% community. What were not good enough to cross post their writing here and yet they get all huffy about unity in caps no less.

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hecate's picture

always eats itself. It's a long-standing tradition, stretching all the way back to when the terms "left" and "right" first entered the political lexicon, during the French Revolution. Which eventually saw the lefties heaving each other into the tumbrils, to roll them to the guillotines, to there chop off one another's heads. In the true-life documentary film Reds is a—factual—sequence in which members of the tiny Communist Party USA start spitting at one another, and then split into even tinier sub-parties, each claiming to be the "real" Communist Party. Today we had the hilarity of a goofball Goldman Sachs alumnus becoming the latest in a truly endless line of arroganti to decree what is a "true progressive," and then came that now-disappeared liepar huffnpuff.

Same as it ever was.

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Shahryar's picture

but if this is the way you're gonna treat me, I'm gone!

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hecate's picture

And I was going to vote for your candidate, and had even sent him all of my money, so that I had to live in a box under the freeway, that's how much I was for him, but then you said a Mean Thing, so now I'm not!

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