

caucus header-1.png(Most recent, Salamander.)

When you smoke the cigarettes, and you have no money, you become accustomed to rhythmically changing brands. Because the cigarette Hitlers, they recurrently decide to stop distributing the good cheap ones. And then, you must flail for another.

I learned about the cigarette Hitlers from the woman at that little store over there on the corner, before the town burned down. The distributor, who brought to her the cigarettes, he was a Hitler, who only provided the cigarettes he Felt Like. She would ask for cigarettes, that she knew were out there in the world, and he would say: No. We have those. But you are not getting any. Also, he would provide her with only one good cheap brand. And this she would have to conceal behind a flap, there in the cigarette display case, the cigarettes hidden away, not visible, like porn, or some shit.

Quiz: How Well Do You Understand the Swings in the 2020 Election?


I thought I was a dunce at 3 wrong, but later I looked and they have the percent who answered correctly for each question. Many could have simply done as well by randomly picking any answer.

Not sure if the nyt still has the 3 free articles a month.
