
Open Thread 11-5-21 - Up on Cinder Blocks

Hey folks, does it seem like that the U.S. is up on cinder blocks and the wheels are being stolen? Surely that thought has crossed your mind recently, right? It does seem like it though doesn't it? If so, I wonder if it's a controlled demolition or going down on its own volition, out of anyone's control. Either way things don't look too good right now. That's just my humble opinion anyway.

What are you going to do for water and cooking/heating if the lights go out for an extended period? You can store water but eventually it will run out if the power stays out long enough. Here's a couple of skills that may come in handy.

The Dose 11-04-2021

The Dose is an open thread dedicated to the discussion of covid 19. Please refrain from posting covid material elsewhere. Thank you.

A couple of converging items this week:
- New longer and wider studies out of the UK and Sweden which show some promise for better data.

Chris Martenson has the information and analysis up on YT.

- Questions about mandates keep getting more difficult to answer. Is there a possibility they will wane, sink without a ripple, have accomplished whatever nefarious goals were intended?
