
The Weekly Watch

The Fringe with Unacceptable Views

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These are interesting times. Voicing unacceptable views is simply not tolerated and you will be disappeared. Revealing US war crimes will land you in prison, but manufacturing Russian crimes will elevate your platform and position. It is manufactured consent on steroids, no dissent allowed. So no wonder the US citizenry is ill informed, cheering on Nazis.

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The Problem Of When White Liberals Talk About Systemic Racism

I love Jon Stewart. I have since the 90's. So I'm glad that he's doing his shows again.
However, his latest episode The Problem With White People, really got on my nerves. In case you didn't get the message from Jon Steward, Leslie Jones did The Racist Spectrum on Stewart's show (which I watched about 10 seconds).

Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 3-26-2022

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

Identifying and keeping track of all the potential challenges to prepare for in the near future keeps getting more difficult. Rising prices, growing shortages, state medicaid programs can soon stating dropping people from their programs, homeless will not stay out of sight and rents keep rising.

So what are we going to do about the 4th of July? It is less than four months from now.

If sanctions on Russia are expanded to include China will both The 1812 Overture and fireworks be banned at 4th of July Celebrations?


The language of war: It's OK when we do it

I realized the other day, while watching our media's coverage of the war in Ukraine, that no one has accused Ukrainian forces of using their civilians as "human shields". Remember human shields?
All of the nations the U.S. has ever bombed used their citizens as human shields. It wasn't our fault that our bombs were killing thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians. It was the devious machinations of our enemies.

Friday Night Photos Dreaming Edition

Happy Friday everyone. As always, post any photos you like.

I spent a little time yesterday playing around on the deep dream generator website.


The site has filters you can apply to your photos or you can load your own images to use as a filter.
Depending on the filter and the photo it's used on the results can range from underwhelming to spectacular.

Base photo. Fine art shop Chinatown San Francisco
