

Headed there, will attend a concert and whoever the man is, he sounds like Waylon. Waylon was lucky he didn't go on that trip that ended with Buddy Holly and others dying in that air crash.
The performer I am going to see...don't know his name, but I can say, he sounds like Waylon.

Not For The Front Page

Look, there’s been a Lot of just plain ol’ Crap put out there to fud everybody to Death and lead people to the conclusion that no matter where it comes from or What it says
You’re Wrong.

Y’all know I go down rabbit holes on the regular ‘cause the ‘regular’ shite is more often than not just that-shite.
I try to keep an open mind, actually Look at what’s being presented and then still have doubts or sceptisism(spell check let it go) about what I’ve just seen.


Dem Strategists Warn Of 'Biblical Disaster' At Midterms After Doing 'F**king Horrible Job'

Between the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, hobbling domestic energy production, rampant inflation following a tsunami of stimmies, politicized pandemic 'science,' and dismal approval ratings that reflect the entire quagmire, left-wing strategists are predicting doom for Democrats come midterms.

Ukraine and General Jack D. Ripper

A decade ago a large group of neconservatives lied us into war. They told us that the war was necessary and that the costs would be minimal. The news media endorsed their every claim and were quick to call all of the skeptics on the left anti-American.
They were wrong in every way. They should have been drummed out of polite society.
