Not For The Front Page

Look, there’s been a Lot of just plain ol’ Crap put out there to fud everybody to Death and lead people to the conclusion that no matter where it comes from or What it says
You’re Wrong.

Y’all know I go down rabbit holes on the regular ‘cause the ‘regular’ shite is more often than not just that-shite.
I try to keep an open mind, actually Look at what’s being presented and then still have doubts or sceptisism(spell check let it go) about what I’ve just seen.

This next just fried some neurons and I ain’t even lit up(yet) today. To the point I’m Not gonna throw a link to it, just post directions on how to find it, let Individuals make up their own mind about its content and come to their own conclusions.

Head over to
scroll down to a three part interview between Mike Adams and a Dr. Bryan Ardis
Fairly long, very detailed yet accessible and kinda frightening to me.
Make what you will of it, but the obvious connections made deserve notice.
Especially as it’s been right in our face this entire time. Some of you will scoff, some will panic, most will say I need to loosen my tin foil hat.

So be it. At least it’s out there now

I think the Dose was nixed a little too early

Update on finding; hit, left sidebar, popular videos

9 users have voted.


I know it’s tldw
But I sat through it Twice before I put this up.

I’d Almost rather a nuclear war

5 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

snoopydawg's picture

I don’t think I can buy into that just yet, but that remdisiver is a deadly drug I will buy. What it does to the kidneys and lungs has been known for some time and it’s sad that the doctors who have continued to use don’t see it. Lots of people who were given it and put on ventilators did not survive. Gotta wonder why congress decided to give hospitals extra money for anyone being put on them is very curious too. It’s going to come out of the Medicare funds and one way to deplete it giving congress an excuse to say it has no more money. And it’s just another way to transfer money upwards.

The part about the people in Mariupol is probably true. It’s been about 2 weeks since that story broke and it hasn’t been debunked yet. It’s probably true that they will not be allowed to be captured alive so they can be brought to trial. Who does the killing remains to be seen. That Biden might use a nuke is scary as hell. That there are bio labs in Ukraine has also been known for some time. If Biden’s hands are all over them…yowzer.

2 articles on that.

I think the republicans are going to be busy if they take back the senate.

Remember that even the mainstream media has been talking about Hunter Biden’s troubles. There’s a good chance that he is going to be indicted soon.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

when I @snoopydawg see it(hunter indicted)

As for the post, yeah, I’m sceptical myself which is why I sat through it twice before posting.

Plausible? Yes
Probable? Who da f@ck knows

Ardis has his own security team and if he gets off’ed in the next six months will be another data point to consider

Think I’m kidding? How many other voices have had ‘accidents’ after they contravened the narrative

8 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

I have no idea about snake venom -- but I do know without the slightest doubt that the authorities have been lying from the start with unprecedented and practically impossible to imagine coordination around the whole world.

You do not organize a global network of bullshit for shits and giggles -- or to squeeze a hundred billion dollars or so for Big Pharma. The Invisible Scam of the Central Banks pumping tens of trillions of dollars into the stock and real estate "markets" makes the Jab Fest baksheesh look like peanuts. Much more is involved.

The ongoing campaign of lies is infinitely more significant that an illness that has so far been present in the bodies of a million Americans as they perished. Globally, there have been more than six million fatalities with Covid since the global authorities took control of public life.

Large numbers -- but how large?

In the USA, we just passed the threshold of Three Tenths of One Percent of our population has perished with Covid. Around the world, it is closing in on Eight hundredths of One Percent.

An unknown percentage of people who contracted the virus are suffering from Long Covid. If the authorities were not lying sacks of shit, we would have an honest assessment of this variation of harm from the pandemic, and some inkling of a medical strategy to deal with it.

At both ends of the "threat" from Covid, we are deluged with wall to wall bullshit.

What should resolve all doubts is that preposterous pack of lies now thundering across cyberspace concerning Russia and Ukraine. I thought it took chutzpah to say this with a straight face: "The vaccine will keep you from catching Covid and it will reduce your symptoms when you catch Covic." But now we have the spectacle of Vlad The Invader being the first mother fucker in history to figure out how to commit genocide while getting his ass kicked.

Anybody who does not notice the same style of bullshit simply does not want to see it. It has nothing to do with intelligence or critical thinking skills. You have to swallow the bullshit or else face the obligation to do something before they fucking kill us all.

Well, gee. Going around saying shit like that will get you banned from more than just Social Media. Polite Society cannot exist where people believe that there is a secret campaign of population reduction under way.

And, of course, it is impossible to know for sure what the fuck is really going on. Maybe population reduction is irrelevant to the Reset. Maybe Random Chance has run amok and the NeoCon Nihilists are just bumbling and stumbling us into World War III.

In my opinion, the noise and the censorship are not intended to make anybody believe anything in particular. The decisions have all been made and do not require any public "support" to roll on to their conclusions. Instead, the idea is to jam all modes of communication with noise, drowning out the global conversation -- thus preventing any alternative narrative to crystalize.

The absurdist contradictions punctuated with the occasional admission of fibs do not add up to any coherent political agenda. Hate Russia. Get Jabbed. Everybody Else Shut Up.

My opinion remains -- it will take a counter-culture communicating without digital technology to organize resistance. The Canadian Truckers showed the way.

I am not optimistic. But I am not done.

Keep the faith, Brother.

8 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

done @fire with fire either bruddah
Which is why the rabbit warren keeps beckoning to me

The Overton window I try to climb out of, well, let’s just say the sash dropping sometimes pings me in the head

7 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

QMS's picture

The subject is still open to discussion although on an essay format, such as yours.
The social, economic, medical and political repercussions of our response to the
pandemic scare will be around for a very long time, as you well know. I had suggested
toning the dose down to a couple of days a week. But, with all things communal, ymmv.

Thanks for posting.

6 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

@QMS that it’s not forbidden, it’s just Not the regular daily space, hence the title of the post in keeping with jtc’s guidelines.

Again, knowing how these f@ckers have been working us to chase our own tails, could this be another circle jerk?
Hella yeah!

Bring this up in meatspace and watch how Fast you get to be alone

8 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

QMS's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly

I go straight to community content in my quest.
Not sure of the impact, eyeballs or clicks on each
platform. Actually, doesn't matter to me. But I'm just
a small actor in this play.

5 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Pluto's Republic's picture weaving together facts and myths and fantasy and random coincidences that hang together in a compelling narrative. Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter are example of this talent in action. The Bible is a tour de force..

Mike Adams certainly has the gift. He can smoothly weave a story and plug in the connections on the fly, and make it sound plausible. Like the examples I mention above, this is an art form expressed through creative thinking. To me, these are harmless, interpretative, impressionistic, subjective views of realities. I use thought experiments in my own research to help me explain my understanding of what's going on.

I bring this up because speculation and creative thinking about science and nature has become a terrifying threat to Our capitalist Overlords. The public sharing of such thoughts and ideas is increasingly censored and punished. In recent years, a significant percentage of Americans are showing signs of mental dislocation. They are profoundly gullible in their beliefs, and have programmed biases and fears, over which they have little control. The language they use can quickly become angry and violent. This mindsets has resulted in a degree of social dysfunction, nationwide. The entire world is aware of this disturbing situation. This could explain why non-conformist thought and fantastical thinking is increasingly suppressed the US, and could become a crime.

Although the Cobra venom thought-experiment did not resonate with me and the information I collect, I did developed my own creepy understanding that antivirals and insecticides are also poisons that offer an approach in the treatment of viral infections. Perhaps it's not a final solution, but a necessary component in preventing infections.

7 users have voted.
QMS's picture

@Pluto's Republic

for our decreased genetic immunity to bacteria and viruses. Just speculating.

6 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Pluto's Republic's picture


That resonates.

I don't like the Dose closing, simply because I think something should be open for warnings. I am thinking that two weeks from now, Covid-19 will be spiking nationwide. Due to the lack of science education and social restrictions, the virus could completely saturate the entire US population.

It's a struggle to find news. Reporters are not covering it. Hope everyone is cautious.

6 users have voted.

is an @Pluto's Republic Excellent way of looking at it!
Thank You!

The part that resonates for me, though, is the smokers information enclosed, as well as All the treatments they want to remove from public discussion are all effective against snake venom.

Like I said ymmv

Parachutes and minds Baby

5 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

(spell check let it go)

Good attitude.

5 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Pivotal randomized control trials (RCTs) underpinning approval of Covid-19 vaccines did not set out to, and did not, test if the vaccines prevent transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Nor did the trials test if the vaccines reduce mortality risk. A review of seven phase III trials, including those for Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech and AstraZeneca vaccines, found the criterion the vaccines were trialled against was just reduced risk of Covid-19 symptoms.

There should be no secret about these facts, as they were discussed in August 2020 in the BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal); one of the oldest and most widely cited medical journals in the world. Moreover, this was not an isolated article, as the editor-in-chief also gave her own summary of the vaccine-testing situation, which has proved very prescient:

“…we are heading for vaccines that reduce severity of illness rather than protect against infection [and] provide only short-lived immunity, … as well as damaging public confidence and wasting global resources by distributing a poorly effective vaccine, this could change what we understand a vaccine to be. Instead of long-term, effective disease prevention it could become a suboptimal chronic treatment.”It was not just the BMJ covering these features of the RCTs. When health bureaucrats Rochelle Walensky, Henry Walke and Anthony Fauci claimed (in the Journal of the American Medical Association) that “clinical trials have shown that the vaccines authorized for use in the US are highly effective against Covid-19 infection, severe illness and death” this was felt sufficiently false that the journal published a comment simply titled “Inaccurate Statement.”

The basis of the comment was that the primary endpoint for the RCTs was symptoms of Covid-19; a less exacting standard than testing to show efficacy against infection, severe illness, and death.

You should read the rest.

No protection against infection or death, just a little chance of lessening the symptoms? But everyone has to get jabbed for what gd reason? Especially when they knew that there could be some serious adverse effects like what happened to Maddie who was paralyzed at first, but was reported as some type of stomach ailment. More people died in the control group than in the placebo one. And that’s before they unblinded the control group and injected them which made the trial useless.

Biden is still enforcing the mandatory jabs for federal employees and someone needs to ask him why the hell he is since they don’t do jack. Plus we know that Pfizer committed fraud during the trial. This was a massive scam on the whole world. Our leaders sold our health out. And yeah it wasn’t just so that big pharma could make money.

6 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

Take what Fauci says here with the article I posted. Too bad that this country is so damn corrupt that no one will be held accountable for the crimes against humanity.

Here’s Kennedy’s take on the snake venom.

7 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

be another @snoopydawg indicator, how much pushback or how much traction it’s allowed to get.
Eg; all the other drugs that work that they restrict access to or pooh-pooh as ineffective, including supplements.

Again, the smoker info clicked for me as in the early info out on the virus was that smokers were So under-represented in catching it and the wonder of WHY were Smokers not being susceptible to a Respiratory Disease?

And suddenly the script flip.
I’m anticipating heads exploding if this ‘theory’ catches on.

4 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

snoopydawg's picture

Dr Mike Yeadon: Covid Injections Are Toxic by Design, They Were Always Going to Harm People

Dr Mike Yeadon: The variability in serious adverse events by vaccine lot is the “calibration of a killing weapon”

If you’re going to treat, effectively, everyone on the planet – you shouldn’t do it anyway but that’s certainly the stated intent – you need safety, safety, safety … That’s your first concern – even more than ‘does it work?’ – you need to make sure it’s very safe because you’re going to be giving it to, potentially, billions of people.”

During the 86th Session of the Corona Investigative Committee, Dr. Mike Yeadon spoke of his concerns regarding the Covid injections, presented evidence proving premeditation of particular Covid injection batches containing “lethal doses” and more.

This article is the second in a series breaking down Dr. Yeadon’s 2-hour 20 min presentation into more manageable chunks for those who may be short of time and unable to watch the full presentation in one sitting. You can read about and watch the preceding section in our previous article HERE. What follows relates to the so-called “vaccines”.

“As soon as I looked at the vaccines, I was really quite frightened because they’re a novel type. These have never been mass dosed to human beings. There would be no way of knowing what kind of unwanted effects might come about. So, what you do is careful empirical study … If you can think of a worry, you should show why it’s not going to happen.”

Dr Yeadon has, from the outset, had a number of concerns regarding the Covid injections.

Firstly, all four (AstraZeneca, Janssen or J&J, Pfizer, Moderna) are fundamentally the same design – they encode only the spike protein. “Human immunity relies much more on understanding the molecular structure inside the ball [of the virus] than the spikes. So, it seems, I thought, it was bad, just epidemiologically, to pick the outside part.”

Secondly, all viral spike proteins have some sort of biological properties that are unwelcome. They are not just for anchoring the virus to the surface of a cell. They are also biologically active, Dr. Yeadon explained, “they interact with the immune system and also the coagulation system.” So, the Covid injections are toxic by design, they were always going to harm people.

Yeaden was VP at Pfizer. He has been covering the adverse effects of the mRNA shots from the beginning. He has lots of insider knowledge.

4 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.