
Open Thread -04-22-22 - In Memoriam and "Facts"

I'll include this for those that may have missed stephenadavis1's announcement yesterday about his dear wife Wendy Davis' passing.

Wendy joined us (c99) on 4/23/2015 as member #88. I first started reading Wendy's work when she was posting at FireDogLake. She was a great writer and staunch leftie. She was not fond of mainstream politics and a fierce defender of human rights. She cross-posted much of her work from her beloved blog, café babylon, where one can find her work in entirety.

I got to know Wendy fairly well over the years in our private conversations. She was a great lady with a big heart. I will miss her. My condolences to Stephen and Wendy's friends and family.

So long old friend.

Vatican Big Brother

“Everyone was spied on in the Vatican,” Ignazio Ingrao, Panorama magazine’s Vatican expert, declared in a telegraph.co.uk report dated March 1, 2013. He said the efforts “seemed eerily like a Vatican Big Brother,” a reference to the motto “Big Brother is watching you” in George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984.

Recent testimonies in a Vatican financial crimes investigation and trial indicate the spying is ongoing.

Swamp in Action - Oregon version

'Draining the swamp' is an expression that I have mixed feelings about as it could be construed as a threat to innocent and ecologically significant wetlands.

If, however, it is a necessary step towards cleaning up and restoring something degraded and defiled by decades of accumulated toxic crud, well - I'm all for it.
