Tragedy Unfolding in Europe
Submitted by NYCVG on Thu, 10/27/2022 - 6:52am
— Geo_monitor (@colonelhomsi) October 27, 2022
Months ago Latvia and other European countries made it harder for residents to gather wood to heat their homes. Permits were required in some countries and foraging for kindling was outright forbidden in others.
Desperate cold people will do whatever they can to keep themselves and their families warm.
The only beneficiaries of these draconian policies are the Insane, heartless Ruling Class.
Can a situation this alarming in October be sustained throughout the winter?

Well, I am led to believe
that the bodies of the idle rich and various politicians are quite usable as fuel, once properly dressed and dried.
It's like the old joke: give a man a match and he'll be warm for 5 minutes. But cover him with gasoline and set him on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life...
Note to the humor-impaired: This Is Snark. Dark snark, but snark just the same. No rich people or politicians were harmed in the writing of it, nor does this reporter advocate violence in any form. Standard disclaimer applies: YMMV, post no bills, small change can often be found under seat cushions, yadda yadda...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
In similar vein:
1) Books
2) Furniture
3) The mansions of the WEP rich
I choose #3.
It is snowing in Denver right now, and that got me to thinking: the Inuit have been heating with blubber for millenia. Save the whales (the big ones in the ocean, anyway)!
But fitting right in with the current thought processes...
[video: width:300 height:200]
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
This is a perfect example of how the empire rolls
Europe, Africa, SA, CA it's not the where that matters
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Hi ggersh
One-trick ponies. That's American "free-dumb."
Threaten, frighten, intimidate, destroy, murder, loot, plunder, invade, incarcerate.
"I'm proud to be an American, at least I know I'm free....."
Too many of our countrymen still believe this to be the case.
Do you think the US is all that far behind EU?
They are threatening us with price hikes in electric bills, shortages of natural gas and
shortages of diesel, leadership and unlimited money for the Ukies. What to do?
match that!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
There are some fundamental differences.
For one thing, in the EU, people will be cold because there may be no fuel to buy. The US, on the other hand, is a oil producer. Fuel will be plentiful, but predatory capitalists will likely collaborate and set prices sky high for the profits — just as they are currently doing. As we can see, the 'Citizens United' government will do nothing to protect the People.
In the US, those who cannot afford to pay the price being charged for energy can find help for freezing emergencies. But in Europe, there may not be fuel to buy at any price. The EU is going to pay a terrible price for their sanctions (and for the NATO/US provocation and proxy war) against Russia and its sovereignty. They can expect excess deaths.
Some economic experts in the US suggest that the full effects of the State Department's self-imposed "boomerang of adversity" won't hit the US really hard until 2023. And it will be about hunger and general deprivation. The flaws of predatory capitalism and institutional corruption will be exposed too late. Millions of employed people will lose their homes and sink into poverty. Chaos may ensue.
One thing is certain, however. Americans will blame a designated foreign enemy for their economic misfortune. This is actually the Plan that's currently in place. It's a variation on the script the State Department follows to overthrow foreign governments. US media propaganda will program Americans to blame a foreign government for their suffering — and this, in turn, will manufacture the People's consent for US military attacks against rival-nations.
In my opinion, the psychopaths who are currently controlling US foreign affairs may not hesitate to launch a First Strike if they think they have lost their war for Empire. I cannot think of a way to divert them.
This is just an opinion.
An informed opinion at that
Wish more news consumers could see thru that prism.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
It expresses so well what our response should be to the so-called progressive democratic cowards, to the so-called midterm election, and to the so-called democratic party. And it says FucK the EU, Fuck NATO, Fuck deep state MEDIA, and Fuck war. May they rot.
One word: Armenia
A company I used to work at had an office in Armenia. In the company newsletter that Armenians would celebrate a release/major event with planting of trees and lunch. Nice thing to do. But later I found that that Armenia had practically cut down its forest and urban trees for energy. The act of planting trees was not a warm and fuzzy but a national necessity.
Armenia reckons with climate change and its Soviet past through reforestation A four-year fuel blockade in the 1990s threatened the tiny country’s forests. Ever since, it’s been replanting its trees—a task that’s more complicated than expected.
It would not surprise me that unforeseen event to the EU war mongers is that their forests will be denuded. The world of Mad Max may be the future of Europe.
Humans prefer to survive
Why take it out on the trees?
Don't get me wrong, I have tons of wood out back.
And a good wood stove, so won't freeze.
But it seems these forced shortages are political in nature.
Germany shut down the Nordstream 2 contract before all this
brouhaha with the Ukies started? Then uncle sammy blew up the pipe?
What are the ordinary volks of Plattdeutsch speaking regions to do?
Maybe Sholtz should take out an insurance policy on his
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Pepe Escobar
COSCO buys 24.9% stake in Hamburg terminal -
All about BRI.
(Just as Israel welcomed China to Haifa.)
The world is changing right now, as we type. Gathering speed.
Wow. You've really done your research.
I was not considering the BRI infrastructure project as something the US would target for sabotage. BRI, which is designed to facilitate global trade, has two main parts: high speed rail for overland freight, and maritime shipping with new or newly modernized ports. Financing for the Belt and Road Initiative comes from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank [AIIB], which is funded by 140 different nations around the world, including Israel, all of Europe, the UK, Japan. most of Asia, Canada, a few African nations, and several countries from Central and South America, and the Middle East. The US is the only developed nation that declined to join the AIIB, and has spent the past decade warning the world that the BRI is a debt trap designed to steal the resources of participating nations, much like the US has done in South America.
In just the past five years, the BRI has completed more than 40 port modernization projects. These ports are owned by different international groups of private and/or government investors. Chinese construction firms are usually involved at the development level because they meet the high standards of the AIIB. China's infrastructure engineers are considered among the world's best. The projects are completed on time and on budget, every time. The Chinese developers subcontract as much as they can to local builders, who are taught how to maintain the Port after its completion.
The Ports outside of China are not owned by China. They are owned by banks and investors throughout the world. Nations that host the ports own the land they are built on. Participating Ports are expected to accommodate any commercial shipping company that wants to pick up or drop off cargo. All nations can use them, free of sanctions.
In the case of the Nord Stream, the injured parties affected by the US sabotage and destruction are Germany and Russia. Taxpayers in those countries will suffer most the losses. The BRI has extensive global ownership. Would the US dare to destroy it? What would that mean?
This is an excellent explanation of the BRI from the International Transport Forum:
The Belt and Road Initiative: Impacts on Global Maritime Trade Flows
Thank you
How goods get from place to place---who owns the resources and the trade routes and rules the seas----are the enduring story of what is really happening on our planet.
A few weeks ago Putin and the President of Belarus were at a port granted to the landlocked Belarus on Russia's Baltic coast.
The opposite thing will happen to UKR if Russia succeeds in sweeping towards and taking Odessa.
UKR will be landlocked.
Sorry to ramble.
“Washington’s plan to break up Russia” (Mike Whitney)
That is a very good article
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare