
Imagine a jail teaching modern agriculture to inmates.

Once upon a time various bleeding hearts tried to promote the idea that prisons weren't really merely punitive, or shouldn't be at any rate, nor mere retribution. Oh no, they expounded, they should be (and some of the more deluded claimed they actually were) rehabilitative. For a while there were efforts made to actually infuse a tiny slice of rehabilitative endeavors into our jails and prisons.

US to press Sexual Rights at UN 2030 Conference

Sexual Rights? Suuuure. Once again the US is going to jump out into the global arena telling everybody else to adopt policies that it has no intention whatsoever of ever adopting itself.

Per this article: America's small change on 'sexual rights' could have big impact - CSMonitor.com we're now going to champion “sexual rights” in discussions of human rights and global development. Bwahahahaha.
For what we are telling others to do as we say and not as we do, see below.

AIDS Conference Interruptus

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The 2015 US Conference on AIDS was held September 10-13 in Washington, DC. On the opening day dozens of transgender and gender-nonconforming people seized the stage at the lunchtime plenary session to draw attention to HIV+ gender-variant people.

The group was chanting, We are not gay men! to protest the inclusion of trans women in gay male research and statistics.
