Putin may have poisoned someone; Rick Snyder has poisoned 100,000 people.
There has been a lot of brewhaha about a British court finding that Vladimir Putin may have poisoned a former citizen of Russia for creating propaganda that rankled the Russian state. While there is a lot of talk about how awful Putin is for (allegedly) assassinating people, there seems to be little mention of the fact that President Barack Obama maintains a "Kill List" of intended targets for assassinations. It should also be noted that Obama has assassinated one American citizen (out of the four us citizens he's admitted murdering) on the rationale that he was creating propaganda that rankled the American state. Then, two weeks after murdering the propagandist, Obama murdered a sixteen year old kid for the crime of having the wrong parents. This is not to overlook the thousands of civilians that Mr. Obama and his predecessor have murdered.
So far no court has seen fit to examine Mr. Obama's many war crimes.
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, however, makes Putin look like a piker in terms of malevolent dictators.
Snyder has abused the power of his office by replacing the elected governments of six cities with feudal lords hand picked by Snyder and accountable only to him.
Snyder has chosen to disenfranchise communities that are predominantly african-american and poor while not applying the draconian methods to white communities in similar circumstances, offering Americans another blatant example of institutional racism.
Snyder and his feudal lords care naught for the well-being of citizens of color or the poor and have used the power of their offices to impose a racist, classist reign of terror on those least capable of resisting their foul, ideologically driven campaign to deregulate, disenfranchise and steal the resources of a city to give to their rich crony friends.
The process works as described in this article:
In order to wrap your head around this, you have to understand the privatization model:
- defund public institutions that could be used to generate profits
- screech about how the public institutions are falling apart
- save the day with a call to privatize the public institutions so they can be run by Big Business for a profit and of course, increase spending to the Big Businesses back to the level it should have been kept to start with.
Otherwise known as:
- problem (create one)
- reaction (oh my goodness, WONT SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN)
- solution ($$$$$)
This is the neoliberal model. Just look at what we do in all those countries we save with our humanitarian bombing campaigns. Look at what we are bombing in Syria. Public infrastructure. Public water systems. Electric grids. Pipelines.
Rick Snyder. A dictator worse than Putin. 10 dead so far, 100,000 poisoned, quite plausibly due to what can at best be described as criminal negligence. He's still walking around, collecting a big paycheck from the job he abuses and there's no accountability in sight.
Makes you proud to be an American, don't it?

I keep thinking...
...if we don't stop this greed driven neoliberal train wreck soon, this will be the model from one city/town to the next across America. It will start (is starting) with communities of color, but will expand beyond that limitation to all of us lesser (less wealthy) beings.
evening dharmasyd...
great to see you! i hope that you're doing well.
the imposed manager thing is a popular idea with republicans. it's been used to take over school systems by them. if i recall correctly, republican governors in indiana did it, new jersey and illinois, too. snyder in michigan taking over whole cities, though, was a vast expansion of the concept. with any luck his incompetence and the vast corruption of the process will lead to court action that will prevent the process from being repeated.
You are right, Joe, sometimes I ask myself
what the political and corporate leaders and propaganda talking heads in this country's media and political circles are thinking. You bomb countries overseas, create massive displacement and misery for hundreds of thousands of people, whiche create refugee streams that are causing problems in Europe, it creates the right-wing corporatist's and neo-liberal politicians rising to power in Europe, for chrissakes. In time to come, of course, that will be a welcome propaganda in the US against the Europeans, who will have to suffer from even more "hearts and minds recruiting efforts by the US for becoming their good allies". Meanwhile the wars devastate the American disappearing middle class and poor, who are displaced from their homes, forced into jobs that are insecure and make people desperate, when they get sick, hysterical in their minds, when they start believing in the propaganda and memes they get fed from the media and the movie, video industry, which result in fear and hate. On top of that you serve the world with frigging nutcases like Trump and Palin? I think America has lost its mind. That's not a way to live, not a way to lead or be a role model and not a way to be governed. I mean somehow that has to end. I hope it will be, completely.
evening mimi...
heh. ... I edit myself
"Some in America have lost their minds." Is that ok to say? Now I am on the same level as Dan Quayle? Heh. Comparing to lots of people today, Dan Quayle is a good guy. Yes, I had a bad day and I am hysterically fearful of the future. I never have bad dreams or nightmares, this morning I had and it makes me nervous. Thus my outporing of negative thinking. Sorry.
Good Night.
afternoon mimi...
lots of americans have lost their minds. it's ok and fair to say.
the quayle quote was an illustration of an american who had lost his mind, or perhaps never had one to start with. the fact that he served as vice president proves that a lot of americans lost their minds.
Walker got lots of publicity
Our snake pretended to be sane and flew under the cuckoos nest.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The U.S. even cheated the people who created her nuclear weapons
America’s radiation victims: the hidden files
So — whenever someone proposes a ”Manhattan Project”–like effort . . . we need to remember what kind of a system we’re dealing with here.
It’s the kind of system that can see you poisoned in the line of duty, thank you for your service, and then have no qualms about nickel-and-diming you to death.
cheating is the american way...
hell, it's a "neat idea."
joe a suggestion if you post this on dailykos
I know you keyed off the Putin related radiation poisoning to Obama and killing by drone, but for dailykos filters it would be better to start with Putin and go through the Flint case and poison of 100,000 and 10 dead
and then go into US where Obama has used drones and your list of murder by drone
then go into the number of flights and bombs on ISIS (found them by doing a simple search) thousands of flights - flight of desperation or something
and how it sends $ to MIC while not dealing with real issues
addicted to power and violence in the world
by the way, I want to make you barf - Joe Biden scolded the world for their anti LBGT laws. Using PC to change the subject on the global coup d'etat and the climate crisis. Joe spoke at Davos along with HRW
Yes, republicans are truly worse than democrats. Yes, yes. But there is a need to move beyond murder and military power and spying on everyone by the powers that be....
thanks don...
i'm not posting at the gos right now. i just don't care to engage with people in the throes of partisan election fever.
but, you're absolutely correct. i would have to completely rewrite that article, carefully hedging and contextualizing arguments in order to be able to post it there and not have the comments section turn into a derailment zone for hijacked arguments.
having to so carefully avoid the delicate sensibilities of partisan neoliberals is another reason that i'm not bothering to post there right now.
Rick Snyder out to be getting arrested right now.
In a sane world, he'd have federal charges on him right now. He basically committed a crime against humanity. Generations of children will be affected by the lead poisoning.
This is environmental terrorism and crimes against humanity. And yet we jail people for weeks for unpaid traffic tickets or taking photographs of protesters.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
absolutely, cybrestrike...
snyder not only ought to be doing a perp walk now, it is necessary that he be tried for his crime. we cannot allow this sort of thing to become part of the realm of things that politicians can get away with.
Why is there no mention
of our "precious bodily fluids"? After all, Russian poisoned someone.
:) good one!