
Great Night For Bernie Sanders Campaign in San Antonio!!



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Well folks, tonight was one of the most exciting nights I've ever had in politics in Texas.

It was a meeting with the state campaign staff of Bernie for President. They laid out the agenda. Then we divided up into working groups.

I met with a few people under the Labor for Bernie banner. And here's where it gets exciting! I met the former long-time editor of Labor Notes. Yes he's moved down here to San Antonio from Detroit and he's now working with Unite Here.

A super great guy. And this is BREAKING NEWS. The Hyatt workers FINALLY have union recognition. It hasn't even been publicly announced yet, so you are hearing this ahead of the public announcement. This has been a SIX YEAR fight. So exciting.

I met a local leader of National Nurses United. She invited me to a Bernie gathering at her house on Saturday afternoon. Great lady. They don't have any hospitals organized yet in San Antonio, but they are here on the ground and active.

Obama Administration officially endorses Equality Act

Yesterday The administration officially endorsed the amending of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to protect LGBT Americans from discrimination.

As of yet, there is no federal law that explicitly prevents people from being fired, evicted, or refused service on account of their sexual orientation or gender identity. A proposal just to ban employment discrimination for LGBT Americans (ENDA) has been continuously stymied since 1994.

The Equality Act, which the White House announced it would support Tuesday, aims to provide a wider range of protections, and in the most direct way possible. The bill would insert language about gay and transgender people into legislation created by the 1964 Civil Rights Act — the historic measure that banned many forms of discrimination by race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

Once upon a time

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You may not be familiar with Greg McGoon. Personally, I'd never heard of him until yesterday. I'm told he's an actor and a children's author.

IMDB tells me he has appeared in Pulp Art with Ed, Waiting Room, and No Way Out. I've actually heard of the last of those.

As an author, he's been known (but not by me) for Out of the Box.

When Devin finds an empty box in his new house, his imagination immediately takes off running...but his friends can't seem to see the magic in Devin's cardboard box. Undeterred, Devin continues to play out wondrous adventures and journeys--all stemming from the seemingly empty box. Out of the Box is a heartwarming story of the power of one boy's imagination and the limitless places our creativity can take us. Join Devin on his exciting adventures!

For a second book, he wanted to write about self worth and transformation.
