Hellraisers Journal: Impressions of War from Sculptor, Nellie V Walker, and Poet, Ralph Chaplin

A feast of mothers' pain is here laid low
For swarming insects hovering on high.
Grey rats, red muzzled through the trenches go
Where your death-tortured features face the sky.
-Ralph Chaplin

Sunday February 27, 1916
The Great War in Europe and the Mass Slaughter of Working Class Sons Considered

United Mine Workers Journal, Cover of February 3, 1916:

UMWJ, Cover, Feb 3, 1916, Not For The Cannon by Nellie V Walker, Cropped.png

From the International Socialist Review of October 1914
-The Red Feast by A Paint Creek Miner (Ralph Chaplin)

Ralph Chaplin, The Red Feast, Part 1.png
Ralph Chaplin, The Red Feast, Part 2.png

UMWJ, Cover, Feb 3, 1916, Not For The Cannon by Nellie V Walker.png


UMWJ, Cover, Feb 3, 1916, Not For The Cannon by Nellie V Walker, Cropped
UMWJ, Cover, Feb 3, 1916, Not For The Cannon by Nellie V Walker

International Socialist Review of Oct 1914
"The Red Feast" by A Paint Creek Miner
-with drawing by John Sloan

Ralph Chaplin, The Red Feast, Part 1
Ralph Chaplin, The Red Feast, Part 2

See also:
When The Leaves Come Out
-by Ralph Chaplin
Cleveland, 1917


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