
Open Thread - 08-19-22 - 21st Century Schizoid Man

How are we divided? Let me count the ways.

Race, gender, economic class, religion, ethnicity, age, education, language, profession, geographic location, medical status, on and on and on. We have become so pigeon-holed and compartmentalized that a certain group wants to divide us further into human and trans-human entities. One is no longer able to just be "me", you must be labeled and categorized, many times over. Have we ever been so divided as we are now?

I purposely left out a big one on my list, politics, that which I think of as building "interpersonal walls", divisions which to me are a mental construct designed as a control mechanism. It has served psychopaths and sociopaths for millennia.

Here in the US politics boils down to a republican/democrat, red/blue dichotomy. Oh. sure, there are other subsets, but for intents and purposes, it is boiled down to the two party system. The system is rigged as such.

We here at c99 are at least trying to open discourse between the two factions with our nonpartisan discussion policy. In my humble opinion, we don't stand a chance unless we stand together and find common ground. I'll iterate again, the struggle is not horizontal, it is vertical. It's a class struggle.

The current political zeitgeist could make a person feel a bit schizo, no?


Unpopular Opinion - Student Loan Forgiveness

From the very get-go, something has rubbed me wrong about the plan to cancel student loan debt. At first it was the logical disconnect with which its advocates supported their position, but now I think its nefarious intentions are relying on people's selfishness to sneak through a massive money grab.
