
Uh Oh - the following food for thought presented without comment

(At least, not initially, there are too many potential rabbit holes to be explored)



The Weekly Watch

Better to Question than Trust

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Remember the bumper sticker, "Question Authority"? I think that is a good idea. The notion of trust "the science" or the "experts" or "our leaders" is a mistake. All these authorities have been captured by the various corporations and industries whose goal is to generate profit from our resulting reactions to their advice. We must think for ourselves using the best evidence at hand...and that requires curating our sources of information.

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Haiti's collapse was caused by the U.S and we're now making it worse

Roughly 13 months ago, Haitian President Jovenel Moise was assassinated. Because he had conspired to stay in the office long after his term had expired, and because he had denied a scheduled election from happening, very little of an elected government existed already.
That was when things got dramatically worse.

Monopoly, It's Not Just a Game

Folks, please take an hour of your time to view this. I know everyone says that about videos they want folks to watch but I do heartily suggest that you take a look at this one.

I'm interested in what you think about this presentation either pro or con. Tell us where you think it is right or wrong.

I'm hoping it strikes a meaningful discussion.

The reality of the democrats inflation reduction act

It’s one of the biggest turds ever passed and just like Obama made the Bush tax cuts permanent, Biden and democrats have made the Trump cuts permanent too. Republicans screwed up on it and many rich people got screwed so they had to fix parts of it and democrats were right there helping them do it. I’m betting that if we looked inside the bill we will find that Pelosi was able to get the SALT tax fixed so her friends don’t have to pay higher property taxes.

The Democrats are celebrating the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act over unified Republican opposition, claiming that the legislation is a historic breakthrough. Sadly, it's not.

Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 8-20-22

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

The area of the Pacific Northwest I reside has two seasons Winter and Irrigation. Water begins arriving mid-April, generally ending mid-October, freezing happens at both ends of the season. My allocation is about 16 acres and it arrives every day to distribute on crops or landscaping.

Friday Night Photos Zoo Flora Vol 2 Edition

Happy Friday everyone. Please feel free to post any photos, memes, or music you like.

It's hard to believe it's been a year since I took over as host of FNP. Time sure does fly. My thanks to everyone for all the wonderful photos, memes, music and conversation you've contributed through the year and I'm looking forward to more in the coming year. I don't know about anybody else, but I'm going to tip back a cold one and celebrate. Cheers everyone.

One of the nice things about photographing at the zoo, when the animals are being camera shy the plants and flowers never are.

