
Hellraisers Journal: Living Conditions in Youngstown Were "So Rank They Couldn't Even Raise Babies."

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Wednesday January 19, 1916
Chicago, Illinois - Report by George P West Exposes Conditions at Youngstown

From The Day Book of January 18th:

Youngstown Steel Strike, Day Book Headline, Jan 18, 1916.png

All of the nice people on Orange want to know --

where the political revolution is coming from. So for instance BrooklynBadBoy:


So here's my question: is a political revolution less necessary if there isn't much evidence that one is going to happen everywhere right now?

Helping kids thrive

 photo Mind_zpsrqgwhkw4.gifFrancine Russo has a suite of articles about transgender people in the January Scientific American Mind.The focus article is about transgender children: Transgender Kids: What Does It Take to Help Them Thrive?

If you've been paying attention, you might notice a severe disconnect on the part of conservative state and local legislators and the concept of transgender kids thriving.

Studies suggest that 0.3 percent of people in the U.S. feel strongly that their biological sex does not correspond to their gender identity.

Researchers have developed a multipart transition process for young trans people that begins with careful screening, then blockers at the onset of puberty and later cross-sex hormones to allow them to undergo puberty in their affirmed gender, followed by surgery.

Some parents and clinicians are pushing back against the existing guidelines, seeking a more case-by-case approach.

Those on the right consider being transgender to be a moral failing.

Hellraisers Journal: Basil Manly of Walsh Commission Explains Real Cause of Youngstown Riots

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Tuesday January 18, 1916
Chicago, Illinois - Basil Manly Speaks Out Regarding Youngstown Riots

From the Chicago Day Book of January 17, 1916:

Day Book, Headline, Manly of CIR on Youngstown, Jan 17, 1916.png

Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Lectures Brooklyn Audience on the Limitation of Births

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Monday January 17, 1916
Brooklyn, New York - Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Lectures on Limitation of Birth

Saturday's Brooklyn Daily Eagle reported that the I. W. W. organizer, Gurley Flynn, addressed a Brooklyn audience Friday evening on the subject of birth control. As is usual when covering events conducted by members of the Industrial Workers of the World, the Eagle must first begin by mocking the event before briefly describing Miss Flynn's presentation:

Girl Orator's Listeners, Mostly Juveniles,
Exit When Money Is Sought.

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Marxist org.png

About a half-hundred half-grown boys and girls with a sprinkling of adults listened with avid interest to a talk by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, the I. W. W. leader, on the subject of limitation of births last night. The meeting was held in Plaza Hall, Grand and Havemeyer streets, with the avowed intention of teaching poor mothers to improve their economic condition. The interest continued until an effort was made to collect the 15-cent fee, with which it was hoped to defray the expenses of the lecture, when there was a rush to get out.

The lecturer scheduled for the evening was Mrs. Margaret H. Sanger, who is expounding her doctrine on the subject taken up by Miss Flynn in various parts of the country. She was ill, however, and could not keep her engagement. Dr. Frank Harris made an address touching upon the same subject from the view point of a medical practitioner. Dr. Joseph Slavitt presided.
