Breaching the perimeter and reviving political argument

The general frustration of watching the "alternative" media in action is the same as that earlier and more intense frustration of watching cable TV or reading "The Atlantic" magazine. The frustration is compounded by the fact that the vast majority of what is called "communication" is not meant to express any political argument at all. Rather, vast arrays of mumblings occasionally punctuated by selective cherry-pickings of fact eventually congeal themselves into _talking points_ which function to reinforce connections with designer audiences. The equivalent of this militarized, commodified communication in the entertainment world is called "fan service."

But, occasionally, actual argument does breach the perimeter now and then, and so here we have Briahna Joy Gray's interview with Matt Karp:

Two hot points stand out:

Bri: "the existence of the Democratic Party is to create the perception of democracy and legitimacy to a system that is fundamentally bankrupt." Let me help Bri out here. The Democrats are there because the ruling class needs two parties to maintain the pretense of democracy. Otherwise the Party which opposed Obama in 2014 would suit them just fine.

(The consolidation of the present-day ruling class in the West was established in histories of Kees van der Pijl: oh, hell, just read his stuff but yeah especially The Making of an Atlantic Ruling Class. But, yeah, they're ideologically consolidated now and so their fingerprints are on everything.)

Matt: "to find that issue today, it's not just general resistance to the status quo..." Dear Dr. Karp: you want a moral issue? How about genocide? Rule by billionaires has brought us a world that is offing populations here and there -- first Ukraine, then Gaza, afterward Lebanon and Syria, and, you know, since offing populations will not establish full spectrum dominance, more populations must be offed. Rule by billionaires will eventually destroy the US Dollar with the active assistance of the two parties and the greedhead spirit that will grind the world into nothing for the sake of making a few quarterly reports look good. And the world is already becoming nothing now, as we speak.


Eventually we will have to confront the politics of "don't talk about politics." Why don't we talk about politics? The fact of the matter is that "divisive issues" were invented to make political discussion toxic. But there are clearly ways of talking about politics that do not entertain divisive issues.

NB: Moon of Alabama has apparently discovered Wolfgang Streeck. This is good.

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Wolfgang Streeck. This is what told me why most ME countries haven't been more aggressive against Israel

Associated with this was one of the most consequential strategic decisions of the German state in its alliance with Israel. Between 1997 and 2000 Germany supplied three nuclear-capable submarines of the so-called Dolphin Class to the Israeli navy, subsequent to the Gulf War of 1990–1991 which Germany had refused to join. For two Germany paid about half of the costs, the third it paid in full, apparently as compensation for German chemical firms having allegedly sold dual-use chemicals to Iraq in the 1980s. Two more submarines, of an upgraded version (Dolphin II), were ordered in the final months of the Schröder government and delivered in 2014 and 2015, followed by another one in 2019. Another three, upgraded further, are scheduled to be delivered between 2027 and 2029, also partly funded by Germany.
The six Dolphin submarines currently in use are Israel's only ones. While Israel and Germany do not comment on the subject, it is widely taken for granted that Israel has refitted its submarine fleet for submarine-launched cruise missiles (named “Popeye Turbo”) with nuclear warheads. Israel has neither confirmed nor denied that it is a nuclear power; it is however known to be in possession of the full so-called nuclear tripod, with land-, air- and sea-based carrier systems. Discussion of Israel's conduct of its wars hardly ever touches on its status as a nuclear power. It is hard to believe, however, that its nuclear capacity, and in particular its possession of unlocalizable submarines that can fire nuclear missiles from any place in the Mediterranean or the Indian Ocean, should not be a major factor explaining Israel's remarkable intransigence to demands, including American ones, for military moderation, less ambitious war aims, and diplomatic conflict solution.
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Cassiodorus's picture

@la58 (compounded of course by the Zionist billionaires which sit on the boards of trustees of the major US universities) is really all you need to know about American "demands" upon Israel. Streeck is just proud of his ability to do research on Israel's nuclear capacity.

Streeck's main claim to fame is in being able to chart the rise of the police state that it appears Germany will eventually become.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

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