Monday Open Thread January 18, 2016

Today is Martin Luther King Day

18 is a multiple of 9, 3, and 6, leading to suspicions that it will generate unending fractions (more later)

18 is the sum of 3 of its divisors, 3, 6, and 9
18 is argon, a noble gas
I8 is the group containing noble (inert) gases in the periodic table
The Mahabarata has 18 books, (including the Bhagavad Gita which has 18 chapters) and concerns a war between 18 armies that lasted 18 days
OK, deep breath, but first recall that 1/3 is .333 repeated forever, 1/6 is .666 repeated forever and 1/9 is .111 repeated forever.
1/18 = 0.055 repeat 5 forever
2/18 = 0.111 repeat 1 forever (1/9)
3/18 = 0.166 repeat 6 forever (1/6)
4/18 = 0.222 repeat the 2 (2/9)
5/18 = 0.277 repeat the 7
6/18 = 0.333 repeat the 3 (1/3)
7/18 = 0.388 repeat the 8
8/18 = 0.444 repeat the 4 (4/9)
9/18 = .5 (1/2)
In most countries, 18 is the age of majority
In most countries, 18 is the voting age
18 is the age of sexual consent under the Mann Act
18 is 6 pm
There are 18 chapters in Ulysses by James Joyce
18 BCE was Year of the Consulship of Lentulus and Lentulus (That would be Publius Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus, and Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus)
Caesar Augustus introduced two of the lex Julia, the Lex Iulia de Ambitu which punished bribery when acquiring political office and the Lex Iulia de Maritandis Ordinibus which restricted marriage between differing social classes
Juba II was King of Mauretania and Lugaid Riab nDerg was High King of Ireland
18 CE was the Year of the Consulship of Augustus and Caesar
The Roman poet Ovid died

On this day in:
1535 - Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro founded Lima, now the capital of Peru.
1670 - Henry Morgan captured Panama
1778 - James Cook was the first known European to stumble across the Hawaiian Islands
1788 - The lead ships of the First Fleet arrived at Botany Bay carrying convicts to found a penal colony
1919 - The Paris Peace Conference opened in Versailles, France
1943 - The first uprising of Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto
1944 - The Metropolitan Opera House in New York City hosted its first a jazz concert, featuring Louis Armstrong, Benny Goodman, Lionel Hampton, Artie Shaw, Roy Eldridge and Jack Teagarden (Paydirt, Y'all)
1967 - Albert DeSalvo, the "Boston Strangler" was convicted and sentenced to life
1974 - A Disengagement of Forces agreement was signed by Israeli and Egypt
1976 - Lebanese Christian militias overran Karantina, Beirut and killed at least 1,000 despite the lack of a declared Crusade
1993 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is officially observed for the first time in all 50 states. Suck it, Racists

Born on this day in:
1689 - Montesquieu, a French lawyer and philosopher
1779 - Peter Mark Roget, an English physician, lexicographer, and theologian Wrote a thesaurus
1782 - Daniel Webster, an American lawyer and politician, the 14th United States Secretary of State. The protagonist of "The Devil and Daniel Webster", a short story by Stephen Vincent Benét
1882 - A. A. Milne, an English author, poet, and playwright
1892 - Oliver Hardy, an American actor, singer, and director who claimed descent from Sir Thomas Hardy, Admiral Nelson's Flag-Captain at Trafalgar
1905 - Joseph Bonanno, an Italian-American mob boss. The Bonanno family eventually moved to San Jose, Ca.
1911 - Danny Kaye, American actor, singer, and dancer.
1932 - Robert Anton Wilson, American psychologist, author, poet, and playwright. Wiseass, too
1933 - David Bellamy, an English botanist, author and academic
1933 - Ray Dolby, an American engineer and businessman who founded Dolby Laboratories
1941 - Bobby Goldsboro, an American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer
1941 - David Ruffin, an American singer (The Temptations)

Deaths this day in:
52 BCE - Publius Clodius Pulcher, a Roman politician. Semolina's grandfather
1425 - Edmund Mortimer, the 5th Earl of March, English politician. Shakespeare wrote about him.
1873 - Edward Bulwer-Lytton, an English author, poet, playwright, and politician. Snoopy's inspiration
1936 - Rudyard Kipling, an English short-story writer, poet, and novelist, Nobel Prize laureate
1954 - Sydney Greenstreet, an English-American actor and singer
2008 - Georgia Frontiere, an American businesswoman and Boss Ram
2011 - Sargent Shriver, an American politician and diplomat


St. Louis Blues

St. James Infirmary

La vie en rose

When The Saints Go Marching In

Basin Street Blues


Benny Goodman

St. Louis Blues

Benny Goodman Quartet - Avalon

Benny Goodman Trio (China Boy and Sheik of Araby)

Benny Goodman & Lionel Hampton Stealin Apples (with Danny Kaye as straight man)


Lionel Hampton Did vibes, piano, and drums, this is mostly vibes

Flying Home (1957)

Hamp's Boogie Woogie

GENE KRUPA & LIONEL HAMPTON "Sing,Sing,Sing" (1971)

Speaking of drums -- Lionel Hampton Tom Tom Solo


Artie Shaw

St. Louis Blues

Begin The Beguine



Roy Eldridge


All of Me

On the Sunny Side of the Street


Jack Teagarden

Basin Street Blues

Body & Soul

St. James Infirmary


Bobby Goldsboro (1968 produced a lot of good & even great music; and this)


The Temptations




So, the floor is yours compadres, whassup?

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enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

hecate's picture

are Wrong.


A Botany Bay song. Written by Bobby Sands.


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enhydra lutris's picture

later. The assertion that "fractions are wrong" can keep the mind rolling along for hours, if not days. Thanks especially for that.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

shaharazade's picture

I did not like dealing with them. They look good as ruler notches on a inch until you start trying to divide and conquer them and then they show how tricky and wrong they are. I personally don't mess with them. 3/4 is alright but .75 is wrong. Converting these wrong fractions to being right is not worth the trouble. I just eyeball them. These days I have to deal pixels which are not only wrong but incomprehensible.

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hecate's picture

are exactly right. They look really good on a ruler. Especially a wooden one. But as soon as you try to employ them, they start melting your mind.

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hecate's picture

was a stink-bomb. He famously demanded ransom for the Inca emperor Atahualpa; then, once it was delivered, Pizarro killed Atahualpa anyway. His brothers Juan, Gonzalo, and Hernando, they stunk real bad too. Hernando inspired Lope de Aguirre, an insane person, to rampage throughout what is now South America. In 1561, Aguirre became the first white invader to declare an independent state in the Americas.


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enhydra lutris's picture

he set sail or something, and I played something by elton john. All the conquistadores were serious assholes, perpetrators of much wrong as well as great wrongs. If I could accept such a thing in the real world, I would peg them as evil, but I am no manichean, mor otherwise capable of using that term. I think it was 16th century man off of the Road to Eldorado album.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

hecate's picture

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enhydra lutris's picture

0 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --