
Is Anyone Else Tired of This Shit?

So this morning I got an email from Hillary Clinton's e-beggars asking me to donate to her campaign. I replied by asking in no uncertain terms why I would even bother donating to a candidate who is so blatantly against my own best interests.

Later on I got this email:

Subject Line: Trump’s disgusting history with women

You blinked and missed one of the biggest bubbles in history

China has seen some pretty dramatic bubbles in recent years, many of which have yet to pop, such as real estate.
The Chinese stock market bubble that peaked and crashed last summer comes to mind.

However, the craziness has only gotten more and more extreme. This time it was the commodities market that went bonkers.

Why is Clinton campaigning so hard in Kentucky?

I am a political junkie and watch everything that is going on regarding the overall campaigns- am I an expert no, but work to educate myself on the current events. Therefore, I have a question for you all, why is Hillary campaigning so hard in Kentucky? Last week she dropped $180,000 (I think this number is correct) on ads, all her advocates, Bill and her have been campaigning exclusively in Kentucky during the last several days- why?
