
Big Win for Whistleblowers in U.S. Court Of Appeals for The Fourth Circuit

From my inbox- good news is worth sharing:

Washington, D. C. May 24, 2016. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit ruled in favor of a corporate whistleblower in a May 20, 2016 decision. The case, filed under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act by Mrs. Dinah R. Gunther, alleged that the Virginia-based software provider, Deltek, Inc. fired her after she raised accounting concerns to the company’s General Counsel, Audit Committee and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

The March on DNC is real, and here's an Early Primer on What they have Planned for the Democratic Convention

The March on DNC is being organized by four groups who support Bernie Sanders, but more importantly support the values and principles upon which he has based his political career and upon which he has campaigned.

The four main groups who have done the heavy lifting to bring this about are:

A little afternoon levity

A short little (maybe occasional) game show...

And what is our Jeopardy category Alex?

Today's category is: Last movie lines
(No you don't get "a beautiful friendship" or "tomorrow's another day"...too easy)

Last movie lines for 200 Alex
The answer is: "Mein Führer...! I can walk!!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9ihKq34Ozc (at 2:54)

Buffalo County (NE) Convention

          I am committed to the notion of participatory democracy. That's why, yesterday, the day after driving back from the Left Coast, I (and my wife) attended the Buffalo County Convention. If you do not know: The county conventions in Nebraska are used to consolidate the caucus results that then determine the county delegate representation to the state convention. This step is important because that mix of delegates determines the actual Nebraska vote at the national convention.
