BREAKING -- Jill Stein has invited Bernie


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MsGrin's picture

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

The message needs to get in social media and all organizations not to follow the lesser of two evils theory promoted by DNC and Clinton's. HRC is the incompetent and dangerous candidate on all fronts; national security, foreign policy and domestic policy.

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not to run third party.
Don't think it's fair to put pressure on him now. He and his campaign know about this.

I trust Bernie Sanders to know what's best for him to do. Don't expect it will be Green Party.

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Alphalop's picture

Would go full on crook mode and steal the election via fraud too.

I am sure he expected an uneven playing field but their actions to date have completely released him from that pledge in my opinion and I would not hold it against him in the slightest for no longer honoring it.

Pledges only are obligations until one party breaks faith.

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

snoopydawg's picture

asked him if Hillary won the election fair and square and he said yes. So I don't think he's going to talk about how the DNC and DWS screwed him.
It might have been on truth dig and people in the comments were saying that his job was to be sheep dog and get people back in the Democratic Party.
That's not going to work though because most people are independents.
Warren is squeaking about the TPP again today, just like she has been squeaking about Wall Street.
Sorry, that dog don't hunt for me because if she was serious about these issues then she would have endorsed Bernie, not the person who is in the pockets of the banks and had been pushing for the TPP for 4 years.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

CaptainPoptart's picture

I don't think he's going to talk about how the DNC and DWS screwed him.

With all due respect to Bernie, the DNC and DWS screwed US. He doesn't owe a thing to the Dems, as all debts were canceled when they stole the election. He does owe those of us who gave so much money and time to his "revolution", and especially to the millennials and independents who came out for him because they finally believed that politics had meaning in their lives. An endorsement of her heinous will be a betrayal of all of us, and we'll be set back a generation politically if he does so. I don't give a damn what he says about the Drumpf, because we won't be any worse off with him. So Bernie needs to take up Jill's offer and to hell with his promise not to run third party. #NeverHillary.

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I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings

I just don't see any harm in making it known that Bernie has another option and we would like for him to consider that option.

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about this option.

What is the purpose of "making it known" any more than it already is, unless to try to "pressure" Bernie Sanders to take up the option.

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It gives Bernie the leverage of a third party threat without making that threat himself. He is a pretty nice guy, but I'm an asshole, so I don't mind doing that.

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Seriously, can you imagine Bernie Sanders "making threats"- also, it's not much leverage

Green party is known to be VERY disorganized - Bernie would do MUCH MUCH better to start fresh, if he's going to even do that...

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Alphalop's picture

I think one of the things that has hindered us in the fight is the fact that we are all so fixed on always taking the high road.

Well from now on all I can say is, "Fuck That!".

I am done holding the moral high ground as sacred. I think we need to start being willing to get in the muck and fight with these asshats and screw being the nice guy.

Call them liars when they lie, call them cheaters when they cheat and call them douchebags when they engage in douchebaggary....

Being the nice guy has gotten me exactly nowhere in damn near 50 years. I doubt it has gotten too many of my fellow C99P peeps particularly far either...

Now I am ready to be, "The guy that is a nice guy if he is on your side..." kind of guy...

I don't care if my opponents think I am a prick anymore, shit has gotten way too serious for us to keep being kind and indulging them in their corruption, ignorance or greed.

They have mistaken my kindness for weakness for far too long.

Like many others in this nation I don't have very much left to lose anyway and their opinion of me isn't one of the things I am concerned about.

Sorry if that was a bit rantish, I am just a tad pissed at pretty much everything our nation has become right now. Smile

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

He just isn't.

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Orwell was an optimist

Sandino's picture

Unless things in Philly go seriously south. I believe that by making this offer Dr. Stein helps both Bernie, in giving him leverage, and helps raise the Greens profile. Win win.

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lunachickie's picture

anyone thinks they can trust Hillary Clinton after what she and DWS and the DNC have pulled this year in these primaries. I admire Sanders integrity, but I will never believe she respects him enough to honor her word.

If I was him--which I'm not--I'd keep all my options open. I'd like to think him smart enough to do so, so I will give him benefit of the doubt for now.

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Blasphemy101's picture

If you give the Left wing of the electorate a place to land, we will take it. We know we are not wanted by the DNC anymore. I hope Bernie takes it, and announces it in his speech at the convention. The Schadenfreude would be delish.

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War, War Never Changes - Fallout Series

Alphalop's picture

If you give the Left wing of the electorate a place to land, we will take it. We know we are not wanted by the DNC anymore.

That pretty much sums up the entire state of things in two short sentences that I couldn't agree more with.

P.S. Love the Sigline, replaying Wasteland II and Fallout 3 currently. Smile

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Bernie made a "pledge" designed to gain him some credibility in the "Democratic" Party after decades of being an Independent/Socialist and criticizing the Democratic Party. Understandable, but in retrospect, not the best long range thinking. They used the "Bernie is no Democrat charge" regardless. In retrospect, it would have been better to keep the fuckers guessing just as Trump did with the Rs.

What matters is what benefits us the people, not some poorly thought out pledge to a pack of liars and thieves.

If Bernie would take the top of the Green ticket, it would do as much or more to further Leftist electoral politics in this country as his campaign for the "Democratic" Party nomination. While TPTB will do everything they can to prevent it, and HRC would refuse to debate at all to prevent it, Bernie's presence at the top of the Green ticket would make attaining the 15% level a realistic possibility. Bernie on a stage with The Carnival Barker and The Double Talker, explaining how the 99% have been screwed by this system, with an audience many times larger than any for a "Democratic" Party debate, would be amazing.

Is that worth throwing away for a "united against Trump" merit badge when Trump is not a serious candidate and when, if elected, he would be able to do absolutely nothing?

C'mon Bernie. You know what's right here. Stand with the people and the future.

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earthling1's picture

A Sanders\Stein ticket would doom Clintons run. President Trump would be a reality. Why establishment Dems aren't kissing his ass is simply beyond me.
Is Trump lying about his opposition to TPP? Is Clinton lying about her opposition to TPP? Does Trump really want to bring jobs back to America? Has Hillary ever mentioned bringing jobs back?
The Billionaires have already paid (donated) Clinton to do their bidding. If Trump is elected, the Billionaires will have to buy him off. Trust me, when The Donald smells money, he will work them over good.
Outstanding. If TPTB want to buy an election, let's make the fuckers pay double.
Just my two cents.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

Especially in a 4 way race where Johnson is pulling numbers away from Trump. I also think Stein at the top of the ticket has a much better chance to win a 4 way race than people are assuming.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

He's only officially been in the Democratic party for about a year. He was an independent and 3rd party candidate before that.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

earthling1's picture

The Clinton machine has done everything possible to derail Bernies campaign.
But he can run the Clintons out of DC forever.
A third party run would destroy the Clinton Machine. Whether Bernie wins or loses, Clinton is history.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

Alphalop's picture

The Clintons are a Cancer on the body politic....

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me