Nope - Bernie did NOT definitively say he'd endorse to my ears
It was claimed that Bernie said definitively that he would endorse on the Charlie Rose show (where Al Hunt is sitting in). I don't hear it that way - listen for yourself - the endorsement conversation is at the beginning:
Imperfect transcription:
Al Hunt
Will he endorse Clinton? How enthusiastically? What are the important elements in Democratic the platform and any rules changes... we are pleased to welcome Senator Sanders...Let's start with the question everyone is asking: When are you going to endorse Hillary?
Well, our campaigns are working together, as you know. From day one, I said I would endorse the winner of the Democratic primary - I had hoped it would be me, it appears that it will not be. And that endorsement will come.Al Hunt
There are reports that it could come as early as next Tuesday or maybe in New Hampshire...Bernie
We are just working together to see how we can be most effective in terms of coming together on issues and in running the kind of campaign that needs to be run to make sure that someone like Donald Trump does not become president.Al Hunt
Are there any other questions that have to be resolved before...Bernie
Well, we're working together. I think at the end of the day, I think that we will be united and do everything we can to make sure that Donald Trump does not become president.Al Hunt
Final question on that, will you endorse her before the Republican convention begins?Bernie
Right now we are working to make sure that we can be most effective - most effective in making sure that somebody who would be a disaster for this country, Mr. Donald Trump, does not become president.Al Hunt
Can I get it out of you before the Republican convention?Bernie
No, that's not what the important issue is. The important issue is how we work together, how we rally the American people, how we address the major crises that we face and how we go on to transform America.
At about minute 3:00, Bernie does say this, however:
My own view is that we have to do everything we can to defeat Donald Trump, uh, and elect Hillary Clinton.
Is that an endorsement? I still hear it as conditional. I realize the press is constantly grabbing at gotchas, but he had a very clear opportunity to say that he IS endorsing her, and he deflected.

The endorsement is implied but not concretely. That may be as strong a statement that he may ever make on the matter. A 'bad taste in mouth' endorsement.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I think there is a bounty for the interviewer
Who can maneuver him the closest to the word endorse in conjunction with Clinton. Even when they fail, spin and headlines can be produced to demoralize the movement.
It's all about demoralizing at this point
the hair-on-fire pieces in response have to stop.
Yep. Sounded like it to me.
Well, our campaigns are working together, as you know. From day one, I said I would endorse the winner of the Democratic primary - I had hoped it would be me, it appears that it will not be. And that endorsement will come.
And from your own post:
My own view is that we have to do everything we can to defeat Donald Trump, uh, and elect Hillary Clinton.
That's pretty plain to me. HAVING SAID THAT, I hope these two new investigations into the Clinton creature's perjury while testifying during a Congressional hearing makes him slow down and think about it some more. These are two more charges this crazy horrific woman is up on, and that she's guilty is evident and is on tape all over this country. They have her testimony in front of Congress, they have James Comey admitting (multiple times on different occasions) that she lied. About many things. More than once. Now there's some intent right there. Intent to deceive.
Sanders whole point in running, or so I thought, was to take back our government from crooked, opportunistic, dangerous, money-grubbing shits for which the Clinton's (the whole bunch*) are the 'Poster Boy/Girls'.
*The apple sure didn't fall far from the tree with Chelsey. She's been caught lying more than once. And she's a possible tax dodger.
Revenue from speeches was one of the delicate errors. Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton all gave speeches in 2010, 2011, and 2012. The money was reported as charitable contributions in the original filings. Actually, of course, the speech fees were payments for services. The Foundation notes that correction in its press statements.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I am only aware of one new criminal investigation into HRC
The new one is the Perjury, lying to Congress case, just initiated by the House. The old one is the Clinton Foundation government corruption case, even though it is not yet completed. Medusa's upcoming testimony fore Judge Sullivan's FOIA-related investigation is probably considered civil litigation, and although new (at least concerning her direct testimony) would not be considered a criminal investigation.
Two questions arise:
What is the other NEW criminal investigation?
What the Hell does it take to get HRC out of the race?