
This is Henry, he is the revolution. He created & wields political power

Retired. Registered Dem just for Bernie. Colombian ancestry big time history buff going back to before the Knights Templar. Lone wolf. I mentioned Henry in my recent diary Enough with the proclamations and ultimatums.

The revolution ......

Elizabeth Warren hides from supporters in Northampton, MA

Forty or more peaceable Bernie supporters waited for Senator Warren to appear at the WWII veterans hall in Northampton, where she was slated to talk about "income inequality". That was pretty good turnout on a Sunday, late in the afternoon, with little advanced notice . . .

Street Prophets: Sunday Brunch - A Hospital Delay and Photos

I would have put this up this morning being it is Sunday but yesterday afternoon I had a sudden seizure and ended up until 2:30 a.m. in the Emergency. They still aren't sure what happened. My arms and legs are massive purple bruises. My right side is agony. My lower lip swollen twice its size. I don't remember falling. Reid says I was unconscious on the floor and having problems breathing. I tried to push away the firefighters.

That pesky 7%

Over the course of the campaign, there has been a theme that HRC and Sanders are really not that far apart on most issues. In fact, they voted the same way 93% of the time while both were in the Senate. Why, they are almost like identical twins, right?

What does not get said is what those pesky 7% votes involved, and they make all the difference.
