Dominica's reaction to Rev. Barber's Speech
I have a huge amount of raw information on my FB timeline, which I posted in real time. Its public so anyone can get the raw videos being posted from the revolution delegates from the convention floor last night.
Staree Old Pirate FB Public Raw Data
Since I have a lot of other things to do today, I may not get around to writing a full essay right away (sorry). But I did want to post the best speech of the convention. This speech is causing a wave of appreciation in Dominica, which you may know has about 91% Afro-Caribbean people. In fact, my neighbors are raving about the speech, including the evangelicals and the more revolutionary folks. That is the speech by Rev. William Barber. It was the one and only speech that got 99% sincere applause from everyone (well there was a white lady shaking her head, but she can always support both Clinton and the devil).
There is one mention of Clinton, but listen carefully to Rev. Barber's subsequent words and who he is holding morally responsible. This morning, my neighbors were all making sure I had listened to the speech, especially the two mentions of Palestine which actually brought me to tears. Someone on the podium finally cared.
My neighbors mostly have never heard a Sanders speech so this morning, after playing Rev. Barber's speech last night I showed them the Sander's speech mashuo from Liberty U:
And lo and behold, they had tears in their eyes and wonder how they missed it.
The Democrats should have ended the convention right there after Rev. Barber's speech, but instead they bring on this fucking pud whacking war mongering chunk of diarreah diaper of a general who shouted at us for fifteen minutes of bomb black and brown people back to the stone age. kill and maim the children and rip off our resources scream-festing.
Sorry, by the time I get time to write an essay about day 3 and 4 it will be old news.

what a speech/Sermon to give at $hills coronation! Call to arms?
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
I attended NN14 in Detroit
Rev. Barber was there and spoke. He's a charismatic man with a great message. Bernie's speech at Liberty U was fantastic. Fuck Hillary.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Call to Arms, Yes
Yes, listening carefully with my neighbors, this was a clear call to the revolutionaries and Christians to continue fight for economic and social justice and an end to perpetual war.
From the Light House.
Rev. Barber writes regularly at THE NATION.
A Moral Movement to Hold All Candidates Accountable -- Whether it’s Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, only a moral movement bound by fusion politics can hold the next president accountable to the people.
By Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
From the Light House.
The Misdiagnosis of Terrorism -- "Niggerization"
The Misdiagnosis of Terrorism -- The real violence threatening America is that of our immoral public policy choices, at home and abroad.
By Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II
Another articl by Rev. Barber.
From the Light House.
Thank You
I did not watch much of the convention. This speech was definitely the best one I saw, and I can't imagine any one else gave a better speech. Certainly no one gave a more sincere speech.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Insincerity. It's how they roll.
Truly one area where both sides do it.
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