
The Weekly Watch

The Tit for Tat Trap

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The Israel/Iran war seems to operate in a tit for tat status. Israel blows up Iran's Damascus embassy, Iran floods Israel with old drones and missiles (probably to map their defenses). Israel murders the primary Hamas negotiator in Tehran the day Iran inaugurated its new president, Iran targets and hits Israeli military facilities. In response Israel mounts an aerial attack on Iran's air defense system. So now we're waiting for the response. Is there no way out of this tit for tat trap?

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Album of the Week 11-2-24

Afternoon folks!

Well, there's a real grab-bag of goodies this week. Starting off we've got an album from New Orleans blues guitarist Snooks Eaglin after that there's an early album from the Climax Chicago Blues Band and an album from J.J. Cale. Following that we've got some fancy acoustic guitar work from Tony Rice. Then we've got some rockabilly from Carl Perkins and some Zydeco from Buckwheat Zydeco. We finish off with some straight ahead rock from The Godfathers.

Enjoy the tunes and have a great weekend!

Saturday Open Thread - 11/2/24: Odds and Ends

Good morning, good people!

Well, this is The Last Saturday before the "most" important (s)election of our life times. Man, this election season has been filled with some of the most dangerous rhetoric evah. I know some crazy while folks down south, flying rebel flags, made some dangerous statements against Obama all day, every day. But, he was the main target, for want of a better term, not his supporters.

Now, half the country, more or less, is out for blood (metaphorically speaking, I hope) from the other half. The 99%ers split. Whoever is in control is thrilled. Good for them, the bastards.

Which side wins? Who do the controllers favor? Or will both sides be decimated to the controllers delight?

Friday Night Photos Travelogue Pt2 Edition

Welcome to Friday Night Photos everyone. Your once a week break from the daily madness of the crazy world we live in. Post any photos, memes, music, or whatever else you find of interest that helps you escape the madness.

One of the photo stops I made while I was in the Bay Area was at the Blackhawk Museum in Danville. When the museum opened in 1988 it was devoted exclusively to the automobile, but over the last ten years the menu has expanded to include exhibits of African art, Chinese art, the American West, and nature.
Tonight's menu item is the American West. The exhibit is split into two halves. One half is devoted to the Plains Indians and the other half to the white settlers. From a visual perspective I didn't find much of interest on the pale face half of the exhibit so all but the last photo are from the Plains Indian side, which I found to be more interesting.

Chiefs Headdress

Open Thread - 11-01-24 - More Cowbell

"I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell".

~ Bruce Dickinson aka Christopher Walken

Four more days. Four more days of the overtly loud and incessant drone of cowbell in our ears.

Imagine, if you will:

An overweight American media, gut hanging out over a strained belt line, with disregard for the consequences of their ululations and stomach jiggling gyrations, calls out in multi point harmony for a more divergent version of a well known sound track. A track about "The Reaper", replete with fear of "the other", and with overtones of cataclysmic repercussions of a miscast vote in the most important election of all time, immemorial.

A "fevered" uniparty studio producer driven by an expedient need to subvert the arrangement of a score laid down long ago, from a different time and a different place, proclaims with a wink and a nod to the duopoly: "Don't be burdened by what has been, let us make cowbell great again" as his lips flutter and twist while talking from both sides of his mouth. His job, besides his bank account's bottom line, is choreographing your thoughts into a leitmotif of fascist and nazi symbolism. Like a conductor he points his baton to the left and then to the right which results in a discordant cacophony of noise that rises above the signal as it crescendos into a chorus of hatred towards one another.

The American polity, divided by a classic standard gone awry, are split into camps that want to leave the song as they remember it and those that want to embellish its rhythmic aspects, in an oppositional dichotomy of status quo versus change. The cowbell represents a new normal, an instrument of change. It's a producer's tool. Its purpose is not so much to change the song as it is to bend the will of the listener. And to keep the listeners divided, like a two channel stereo output, ultimately, combined into a singular monophonic output source.

And the cowbell drones on.

Tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink.


Open Thread - Thurs 31 Oct 2024 - Halloween!


It's Thursday and Halloween! Halloween, as celebrated in the USA, is my favorite holiday for several reasons: 1. pumpkins and haunted houses 2. costumes and decorations 3. parties and/or trick or treat and candy! 4. It's often a great time of the year, season-wise, not too cold, not hot, colorful...

Yep, Halloween!
