'Our Cardinals'
Submitted by Unabashed Liberal on Wed, 02/25/2015 - 10:45pmFor several years now, we've spent more time 'in the South' in order to be nearer to a couple of medical facilities. And during this time, we've seen our resident Cardinal Family grow from a pair, to 'fifteen.'
Then, this past November, as I happened out to prepare for a predusk feeding, I witnessed a feral cat carrying off either a female, or a very young Cardinal.
Shortly after that incident, I noticed that we had lost another one.
More Artic Methane Craters found
Submitted by Roger Fox on Wed, 02/25/2015 - 7:00pmIn the summer of 2013 Andrei Plekhanov, an archaeologist at the Scientific Centre of Arctic Studies in Salekhard, Russia. Plekhanov visited one of the craters and measured methane at 9.6%, normally at .000179%. A total of 7 large craters have been reported as well as many smaller craters, as many as 20-30.
The Caucus Cafe v1.3
Submitted by Cordelia Lear on Wed, 02/25/2015 - 6:00pmToday’s special: Vegetarian Peanut Noodle Salad
Welcome to another edition of The Caucus Cafe, a weekly series featuring recipes, food discussions and a place to ask for help with your own “kitchen conundrum.” Everyone has to eat. More importantly food is a great way to bring people together and that’s always a wonderful thing. Today our menu highlights a vegetarian peanut noodle salad.
Evening Blues Preview 2-25-15
Submitted by joe shikspack on Wed, 02/25/2015 - 1:48pmThis evening's music features jazz and blues pianist and bandleader Buddy Johnson.
Wednesday Open Thread 02-25-15
Submitted by Cordelia Lear on Wed, 02/25/2015 - 7:42amGood morning 99percenters!
Beehives at airports are a growing trend. Who’d a thunk it?
Chena's Corner: Gov Beshear's Lame Remarks Regarding 2014 Shellacking--Video
Submitted by Unabashed Liberal on Tue, 02/24/2015 - 3:42pmI apologize for the 'rush job.'
Hat Tip to TT for giving me the idea of posting this video [21:17 Minutes].
Sorry, but C-Span did not make the embed code available, so I had to Tweet the video in order to have a format that I could post here.
Evening Blues Preview 2-24-15
Submitted by joe shikspack on Tue, 02/24/2015 - 2:02pmThis evening's music features Mississippi Delta blues singer and member of the Mississippi Sheiks, Sam Chatmon.
Tuesday Open Thread 02-24-15
Submitted by Cordelia Lear on Tue, 02/24/2015 - 7:45amGood morning 99percenters!
I love the zoo. If I visit a city that has one, there's a good chance I'm going to check it out. The animals are great, but the best part is hearing the questions little kids ask their parents about the animals.
"Dad, if those are lions why don't they have, um, fur all over?" (Child lifts hand and and pretends to outline their face.)
Yes, kids do say the darnest things.
The Evening Blues Preview 2-23-15
Submitted by joe shikspack on Mon, 02/23/2015 - 3:30pmThis evening's music features Chicago bluesman Eddy Clearwater.